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54347937 No.54347937 [Reply] [Original]

Gura wants to play GTAV VCR Server with Tempus.
Hololive... only grows stronger >:3

>> No.54348010


>> No.54348040

A double date with Gura, Botan, Axel, and rpr would be pretty hilarious. Make it happen.

>> No.54348046

Can you give me the part where she said she will kneel to miko

>> No.54348057

You seem nervous OP, worried about possible terminations?

>> No.54348062


>> No.54348107

She said if Miko open a server its the same server of tempus?

>> No.54348189

Great thread sister

>> No.54348257
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If I choose to enter a shop, and there happens to be a faggot in there, that does not mean I would like to talk to them or be friends with them. But you're suffering from cognitive impairment and are unable to understand this simple logic. It's alright.

>> No.54348394

Now this is desperate

>> No.54348454

I wish shitposting and filling a catalog with countless spam and bait was an actual paid thing but after learning there's actual people who do it for literally over a decate for free is quite depressing.

>> No.54348617
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>> No.54348754

You cut out the part where she called the VCR server itself "cringe"

>> No.54348820

Homobeggar really desperate huhh, lol

>> No.54348874

one, she didnt know what it was or how it works, two, she never said anything about tempus. You are a shitposter.

>> No.54348973

Are these shitposts intentionally bad? Are they perhaps made by a Gura fan to make her antis look incredibly retarded? Am I schizo?

>> No.54349026

A shitposter looking to ragebait.

Why can't we just masterbait instead.

>> No.54349111

Ngl, my first reaction was "based". But I did realize...it was ragebait for THEM. Just bait so that THEY could call saner chuuba fans all kinda shit like sister, faggot and the list goes on.

>> No.54349121

out of context screenshot. she said she'd do it if miggers did one of those servers

>> No.54349568

How’s your transition going? Keep it up, maybe it’ll bring Vesper and Magni back!

>> No.54349614

>Wants to collab with males
>Doesn't even greet her new branchmates
Chumbugs, your oshi...

>> No.54349619

kinda disrespectful, hope no JP schizos clip it

>> No.54349940

Now THIS is damage control

>> No.54349996

lmaooo what the fuck is this mental gymnastics

>> No.54350021

No she didn't. She said the opposite.
She said she would only do it if Miko made a server for the Hololive girls only.

>> No.54350085
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>> No.54350094

there are males and e-celebs in VCR, do you really think she wants to do that without pissing you guys off?

>> No.54350167
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>damage control for...zero damage

Now THIS is mental retardation.

The OP? Yeah, quite the mental gymnastics.

>> No.54350208

have any power mad admins made an appearance yet? they're an inevitable part of any rp server

>> No.54350218

When someone asked when she's going to join VCR, her first question was literally "is that hololive?" before realizing it was full of males and shooting it down.
She wants nothing to do with random male ecelebs.

>> No.54350227
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based chumbud stream watcher shutting down nijiseethe bait threads. I kneel.

>> No.54350242

What damage? Gura's not a nijichuba, with their endless yabs.

>> No.54350259

you're right but my question is.. would it be interesting or will mori and ame throw another fit? I'll leave that to you.

>> No.54350285

Disingenuous OP as always

>> No.54350297
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Not even a good attempt, nijifaggots.

>> No.54350344

I've noticed a lot of translated clips of it. Isn't it a JP only thing? Gura would be lost.

>> No.54350410

not only that but without Towa or Botan to guide her she'll literally be talking to males if they spot her which ideally would end up in a struggle with both of their fanbases possibly leading to a dangerous yab.

>> No.54350414

How did they even get permission to do GTA RP in the first place

I thought mods were banned in Japan

>> No.54350421

Based stream watcher, i can't believe the faggot op doesn't have the ball to even link it. Probably knowing his rrat die in a second.

>> No.54350455

The Stars are there with some other English Speakers

>> No.54350471

The sad part is... despite being BTFO in this very thread, OP will use the same bait 3-6 more times after this one dies and someone will always inevitably bit into it.

>> No.54350481

Vaultroom and Crazy Raccoon have their connections. It's also in a platform called FiveM which is out of their jurisdiction.

>> No.54350506

Yes. Unless Gura speaks JP she won't be able to interact with most of the players anyway even if she was invited and joined as they mostly invited the JP FPS crowd streamers/players and friends.

>> No.54350514

seethe more homobeggar >:3

>> No.54350605

i wonder if VCR will have perms for a minecraft pixelmon.. imagine the kino

>> No.54350701

She knows Tempus won't exist by the time the server is created

>> No.54350823
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wow its a good that new greener pastures just arrived

>> No.54350899

nigga nintendo will murder them.

>> No.54350916

why did you lie? what is the purpose

>> No.54351048

OP had to put in the effort of taking screenshots of multiple frames from a clip and stitch together the sentences to fit his narrative just for something that can be disproven with a link. You don't have to try and understand how schizos think

>> No.54351052

Dude, have you SEEN the pixelmon discord and private server communities? And you want those fucks to swarm the vtuber fanbases as well?

>> No.54351189

We just fucking lying to each others metaphorical faces now I see.

>> No.54352343

GTA is not like Rust, it needs a far larger player base to work. Some of the biggest gangs in VCR server had streamers keeping it active for 20+ hours at a time. Unless you convince every single girl to join the server and force them to stream at least 8 hours a day, it wont be enough to keep the server from dying.

Yes, otherwise Selen would be playing in it. The worst JP speaker in that server is RPR and he's doing his reps a lot.

>> No.54352678

Gotta try to manufacture as much drama as possible to get their (You)pamine before it dries up.

>> No.54352808

Homobeggar desperation sets in.
She literally said she wants a Hololive ONLY server.
Not one with males ready to fuck her

>> No.54353054

yeah nintendo's no fun anymore

>> No.54353133

She better hurry up. VCR GTA ends this weekend.

>> No.54353137

Get better material.

>> No.54353557

I could say that VCR streams are really fun and entertaining but I know that shit doesn't matter to unicorns. Also, at the end of the day, unicorns have the deeper pockets, so it's absolutely understandable for vtubers to cater to them. You can't even be mad at that.

>> No.54353612

I mean good luck trying to get FiveM perms. Though now that Horizontal exists maybe it's possible and they can finally leave Minecraft behind because fuck Minecraft. I hate it.

>> No.54353756

VCR is pretty popular in Japan. They logged at 120k CCV.

>> No.54353904

Since Laplus, Towa and Botan played on the VCR server, I'd think that they got permissions for that, at least the JP side of things.

>> No.54353949

VCR GTA is only a few weeks long, but once you break a unicorn's trust it takes years to rebuild your fanbase. The temporary boost in popularity is not worth it.

>> No.54353982

It's Holizontal.
And yes, I know...

>> No.54354032

10+ Days but yeah. It isn't profitable for unicorn-friendly Holos. Though it's different when it comes to VSPO, NijiJP, Neo-Porte and Holostars.

>> No.54354108

It actually ends this Saturday.

>> No.54354157

please let it be kino
>please let it be kino
please let it be kino
>please let it be kino
please let it be kino
>please let it be kino

>> No.54354244

why'd they call it that? Holizontal lol

>> No.54354273

>OP literally making up fake shit to try and bait more retards

>> No.54354311

See what you want to see, hear what you want to hear sister, you still can't manifest success for the homos.

>> No.54354338

With how buggy it was yesterday? My expectations are low.

>> No.54354387
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chumbuds actually watch streams unlike homobeggars, this isn't gonna work pal
