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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54231647 No.54231647 [Reply] [Original]

We will try again despite the announcement being like in 5 minutes - edition

>What is /kayfabe/?
Kayfabe is a thread for viewers to find streamers devoted to playing characters, who care about their lore/ world building and integrate it into their streams, the discussion of vtuber ARGs, and meta /vt/ conspiracy theories/lore/ larping/ ARGs. Vtubers who do offline content are also welcome.

>Why /kayfabe/?
Because we must prove Hana Machia wrong. Lets move beyond ethots with anime avatars. We must become.

>Do Ai vtubers count as doing kayfabe?
Well yes and no. It's complicated. Can they keep up with their own lore? Are they just being themselves? These are the questions that keep us awake at night.
In any case feel free to post them, specially if they make args.

>Are made up vtubers welcome too?
We must first believe the lies, for how else they can become truth?

>Some kayfabe vtubers (we will be rotating these for the SACRED 5 PENTAGRAM, 5 last chuubas mentioned by the thread before it dies get to be in the op )
1- Debidebi Debiru: cute devil now graduated
2- Shirakami Fubuki: Everyone's friend
3- Sena Bonbon with the vampire energy schizostreams
4- Koragi going full schizo talking to herself while a cting a character pretending to be another character
5- tsugu

Some male kayfabis too: (3 last males for the Holy trinity)
1- vedal: He pretends a Gpt chat he himself programmed is his daughter (may not be kayfabe, he might just have lost it)
2 - Power Nelson: (Sometimes) pretends to be the free domain superhero, it\s a cool gimmick
3 - Mayuzumi Kai: we did him wrong last op

>Some vtubers who make args
Neuro sama: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987 (embed)
ARG: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qm6GSRlstTmjbyOFCuH1OhSmPK4pi4Aahttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qm6GSRlstTmjbyOFCuH1OhSmPK4pi4Aa
Onolumi: https://www.youtube.com/@Onolumi
ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv
Nemu: https://www.twitch.tv/nemu (embed)
(warning, this ARG might be pure bullshit)

>Some /vt/ conspiracies (WIP)
- HoloX - Demons of Solomon connection: https://files.catbox.moe/e23xq7.pdf
- The /meat/ meme magic: (The power that is)
- Orcschizo is now a Holo: >>3525239 (Might also be an early niji)
- Every chuuba is /here/ (true)
- Anyaposting illuminati (The great global garden project)

>Oh I am a male vtuber and have this fantastic ARG idea I will start mystery posting right now cryptic shit right now...
You lack esoteric knowledge. Others attempted this and failed. Why would be different in your case? You are free to try however. Remember people have to care about you first before they start bothering to solve your puzzles. Check /asp/ archives for inspiration. Yes, you. The one trying the ARG. I am speaking to you aspie directly. I can do that here.

>Are you severely mentally ill?
I'm just pretending. Lets play a game of pretend, anon.

>What is the curse of the 25th?
Years ago, Sora's become god's chosen one on a Christmas eve, when all the big 4 streams died but hers. In return, a curse was born: on the 25th of every month something terrible happens to the vtubing scene. Every hlgg thread split carries the curse with them, but only a few originals remember. Some of them however worship the curse. They believe it is but the continuation of the miracle but in disguise, since every time Holo falls they come back up stronger. They chose to act on their schemes exactly in the 25th, becoming the embodiment of said curse. You should check in what date your general was born, you might find the curse was within you all along.

>Bird of hermes
https://www.twitch.tv/alveussanctuary (embed) (embed)

>Check some of their relevant dates, find the pattern

>>>/boros and friend/
>>>/vt/Himemori luna/

>> No.54231902

betting odds on one of EN3 going hard on kayfabe?

>> No.54231999

I would say not very high

>> No.54232958

beep boop motherfucker

>> No.54233220

That's just some random scribbles. Android is gaslighting us

>> No.54233354


>> No.54233433

Lumi provide a clue

>> No.54233559

are you asking or she did

>> No.54235512

isn't she /here/?

>> No.54237114


>> No.54240318

but it was a 3k milestone post though...

>> No.54240330

well get to solving then, any clues?

>> No.54243015

6 screens, 2 with codes, 4 with scribbles...
the scribbles look too random to be meaningful

>> No.54247268

all the lore stuff they shove into the en girls are kinda cringe though

>> No.54247985

>lore thread
>doesn't like lore

>> No.54248159

its in topic
this board hates vtubers just like vg hates videogames

>> No.54248413

Huh, you might be onto something.

>> No.54248475

they pushed all kinds of chuuni lore into the myth and council chubas.
but none of the chubas care about the kayfabe at all.
that's why it's cringe.

>> No.54248671

there is nothing wrong with lore but the chuubas have to care for it at least

>> No.54249088

Some do to varying degrees. Mori, Kiara, Ame, Sana work(ed) it into streams kinda regularly. Fauna and Ina too occasionally.

>> No.54251843

maybe the real kayfabe was the enemies we made along the way

>> No.54254035

chuubas are literally warlords in how they're able to rally armies of simps behind them to fight their wars

>> No.54254894

Any hopes in EN3? I feel like all of them have high degrees of kayfabe.

>> No.54256021

the twins might plays characters

>> No.54256049

they'll discard all of it after a month

>> No.54258335

Actually, that one second video with retro bots she uploaded 'by mistake' was a hint

>> No.54259170


>> No.54259238

but she said in chat she just accidentally clicked the wrong file

>> No.54259767

>dont believe her lies

>> No.54261098

What do we know about the twins? did they had any kayfabe in their past lives?

>> No.54261797

>Posting here because log died

Speaking of gods, I have four. (Including the big bad)

Covernius is the leader and is the one that came to King Covigo(Yagoo) in his sleep and told him to form the Iridescent Guardians.

Auroia is the second in command. She is the one responsible for releasing Auroras into the mortal skies of Aurorai

Nijongis is the one responsible for the act of talking and all languages' origins are credited to him.

Rojoris is the judge of the four. He is the arbiter between right and wrong.

>> No.54262060

I gotta be honest I dont think this thread is going to make it either through the en 3 storm

>> No.54262144

that was a 30 minute page 11, in the middle of the night, too...

>> No.54262437

Middle of the day here from THAT region.

>> No.54263311

but do we have people from there?

>> No.54263424

I am proof.

>> No.54265519
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We'll see about that. If just one of them cares to keep up her kayfabe consistently, that's a win in my book.

>> No.54266997

given their track record i'm gonna need more hopium

>> No.54267228

>The gods, fearful of her beautiful voice
>Her powerful love turned into a deadly(?) power that inhabited her singing(?) giving her music the potential to drive the entire world mad

Seems like she's gonna be Laplus lite in power. And possibly connected to the ancient ones.

We'll see when they debut but I'm in good spirits.

>> No.54267866

if the twins are who people think they are then they will absolutely play into their kayfabe. their pl were pretty much always in character to a point where people on this board still think their lore is reality.

>> No.54269406


>> No.54270889
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>> No.54272466

Maybe rockgirl will be EN Luna.

>> No.54272493

>corpo writes elaborate lore
>chuuba feels pressured to play along
>drops it after a few weeks
it doesn't work very well if they don't let things develop naturally

>> No.54273267

>corpo writes elaborate lore
2 paragraphs isn't elaborate lore
>chuuba feels pressured to play along
it's literally their job
>drops it after a few weeks
nobody in hololive has completely dropped their kayfabe
>it doesn't work very well if they don't let things develop naturally
They have some room to shape their lore over time, although I do feel they should have some input into their starting lore too, if they don't have that already. Looking at Sana's debut they likely have.

>> No.54273644
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>2 paragraphs isn't elaborate lore

>> No.54273903

It isn't. Even IRyS and Mumei's lore in this description is still fairly bare-bones.

>> No.54274037

do you have these for Myth?

>> No.54274156
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A disturbing lack of Luna both in the OP and the thread itself.

Reminder she's still the undethroned queen of kayfabe.

>> No.54274204
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they didn't go full stupid yet with myth. they were all brief and simple, leaving lots of room for the girls to make up their own lore on the fly (like ame's time travelling thing)

>> No.54275263

I see it as an improvement. They still have lots of room to make their lore their own.

>> No.54276641

luna my princess

>> No.54278014

i want a lisp

>> No.54279170


>> No.54280351

everyone is /here/

>> No.54281797

who made this gif?

>> No.54282133

>but none of the chubas care about the kayfabe at all.
Which ones don't? Only one I can think of is Bae not caring that much about it but everyone else seems to enjoy having and developing their lore.

>> No.54282267

Literally just Bae. Everybody else has a passing grade in kayfabe from me. Mumei was a bit weak when she started but became much more comfortable with it by now.

>> No.54282413

I mean, to be fair she got something kinda hard to work with. "Chaos" is a very abstract and philosophical concept compared to stuff like Time, Space, Nature, Civilization.

>> No.54282531

She doesn't even try most of the time is the problem. I know she has the ability to do it if she wanted to.

>> No.54283005
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The current process is that we select 5 vtubers whose images were posted in the thread at random to be in the op.

The more you post, the more chances you have for your chuba to be in the op! We are not doing this because we are desperate for bumps we swear!

Please come play the kayfabe gacha!


>> No.54284039

Have you *seen* Koragi interacting with her split personalities?

>> No.54284295
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Nta but

>> No.54284569

she looks nice. qrd? any yabs?

>> No.54285082

Corgi dog who loves camping.
Zero yabs, keeps things seiso aside from occasional brattiness. Sings while playing guitar, does high-effort skits, and always brings the atmosphere of a chill slice-of-life anime, even in times or places where she could get away with shitting on others easily. IIRC she's the oshi of both Walfie and the VTube Studio guy, and has done commissions for Kaela. People say the only reason she hasn't hit Twitch Partner is because her viewers keep getting inspired by her example, turning chuuba themselves and splitting her audience.

Meanwhile Nezumi is a himedere who's secretly poor, and Nekoragi is a kuudere with social anxiety. And she never breaks kayfabe on them being separate people, even at times you'd expect her to.

>> No.54285457

Also does good art, and made and rigged her own models before the current one. Has recently been experimenting with 3D streams, as well as an AI replica of her voice (it has its own model, and they take turns doing karaoke if her voice is tired).
Is good about always archiving her streams on YT, and has also done some pre-recorded Let's Plays there.

Has autistic levels of lore for the setting that all her characters live in, but doesn't bring it up much unprovoked.

>> No.54286200
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>People say the only reason she hasn't hit Twitch Partner is because her viewers keep getting inspired by her example, turning chuuba themselves and splitting her audience.
Koragi is one of those types who's so attached to her character and/or community that she could receive an invite to Hololive and turn it down.

>> No.54286321
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>any yabs
become chuuba
wear the programmer socks

>> No.54287106

Oh right, people say that the decline of threads like /wvt/ is because all the people who actually comment on streams have been replaced by 1views shilling their own. And that the biggest reason for this is that any non-schizo who stays on /wvt/ long enough will get lured into watching a Koragi stream where she'll brainwash them into committing chuuba.

>> No.54287871

>Omega and its consequences

>> No.54288405

Takahata tries hard for the brotuber angle and acts out a lot things during his many skits. Makes sense considering what he did before.
Somehow he gets all the twitchtubers to kayfabe with him.

>> No.54289283

i forgot who was him in dbz abridged
I think he was alucard in hellsing abridged right?

>> No.54289501
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We're so back

>> No.54290065

I like that Takahata just plays the role of a relatively normal guy and encourages his collab partners kayfabe.

>> No.54291194

until the next en storm...

>> No.54291641
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bump for nanola gacha then

>> No.54292088

tsugu posters are always going to win because they come in just to drop a thousand images of their girl and never watch anyone else

>> No.54292792
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One Mori made another Mori's face melt
What chuubas have schizophrenic conflicts between their alternate personas? Haachama is one I can think of.

>> No.54293670

as it should be
fubuki and kuro have an abusive relationship

>> No.54293798
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Hatoba Tsugu

>> No.54295068
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He also did Nightmare Penguin/Crump in YGOTAS

>> No.54295869

Projekt Melody has her split personality Melware and Zentreya has that weird gecko model version

>> No.54296173

does she act lewder?

>> No.54298925

Is this Lego study mentioned just faked?
I cannot find the original post and discussioin across mtiple archives for proof.

>> No.54298975

I don't think that's possible considering her line of work, more that she's more...dominant?

>> No.54299685

no idea
i think it is from tv
in any case its all kayfabe anyway

>> No.54299783

this reminds me i saw years ago nappa ghost playing videa

>> No.54300386

>dbz abridged vtubing

that was the vtubing with kayfabe the world needed and we rejected their message...

>> No.54303152

what could had been...

>> No.54304439

>dragon ball abridged started in 2007
they could had been the first vtubers

>> No.54304531
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One thing that AI vtubers are really good in is trying completely new kayfabe.

>> No.54305026

oh right vedal can just imput: [talk like a pirate] and perfect kayfabe

>> No.54305412

I wouldn't say it's perfect but Neuro is still better than average.

>> No.54305686

machines once again surpassing humans
its over for our species

>> No.54309551

>who made this gif?
the first frame is from an image I threw together to explain how the two screens with letters easily form Gb to someone who didn't think it was obvious while I was trying to make sense of the waves back in march.

>> No.54309635

ah well I mean the gif, the image is obviously not mine
I will try to figure that one out

>> No.54309920

Yeah, wasn't complaining or anything(more like the opposite), just thought that adding some context made a decent excuse to bump the thread.

>> No.54313113

good choice but dont stop bumping

>> No.54315497
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rolling luna gacha!
captcha: drama

>> No.54316683
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I kinda wish the schizo chama arc was a bit more developed and that haachama was aware of the concept of an arg, she definitely put lots of effort into it and it was pretty engaging despite its simplicity. Its a good example of kayfabe and of using/making lore from her character.
Get well soon chama

>> No.54316890

I watched a few of their streams just because i liked listening to their voices and believed it until I saw people here saying it wasn't true...

>> No.54317143

i wish youtube didnt kill her murder of haacham video

>> No.54320545


>> No.54320553


>> No.54321693
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She's letting both of them out this week

>> No.54322367

AI completely bypasses tracking issues, audio issues, and performance anxiety issues.
They are naturally closer to 2d.

>> No.54323303

koragi is losing it

>> No.54325463

>look at all that kayfabe
