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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54199676 No.54199676 [Reply] [Original]

Non Schizo Edition

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>54025737

>> No.54200058
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My dream model

>> No.54200477

Thats just Lucy Pyre

>> No.54201430
File: 6 KB, 240x170, catface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this again! It's choosday innit.

/aspies/ streaming today:

Alva is streaming Darksiders at 7 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/alva_the_lordling
Kankuroking is streaming Minecraft then Dark Souls at 8 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/kankurokingch
Gclef is streaming Dark Cloud at 9:30 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/gclefcannon

If you're streaming please reply!

>> No.54201751


>> No.54201894

I'd say yuros are to blame but they wouldn't even show up to be scolded.

>> No.54202045

What is Euro primetime anyways?
Can someone give a rundown on what time is EST/CST would be best to get some Euro viewers?

>> No.54202085

How do you connect with a bigger vtuber/streamer for collaboration and potentially friendship?

>> No.54202151

Do I give up on Hololive watching my video... it's been over a month...

>> No.54202182

About 1pm to 7pm EST.

>> No.54202244

4 or 5 PM EST for evening yuros (9 or 10 PM), though I also watch people during the day, so morning EST works too

>> No.54202349


Thanks, I might start earlier on the weekends.
Euro-friendly times are smack-dab in wagie hours for Muricans, but I think the West Coasters could manage these hours.

>> No.54202360

Just talk to them

>> No.54202458

Have something in common, typically in your content (audience, style, timezone) but more rarely in.uour worldview or """lore""". Some are fine with being approached directly, some don't want your grubby paws on their DMs. Find ways to associate with them that aren't collating first. Talk in their chat, raid into theirs, etc. If they lurk one of the chuubacords chat them up about something you have in common interest, if they're on Twitter engage with their posts. Always be genuine and try not to give off the impression that you're hunting a marketing angle.

>> No.54202847

lol, lmao even

>> No.54202888
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>Anti Herahera-chan thread
>Look inside

>> No.54202976

To avoid hurting your feelings, treat Vtuber friendships like work friendships.

Unless you are 100% sure you can open up to them, don't share any sensitive or doxxable info.
Trust is hard to build and easy to destroy, if you don't instantly click it'll take a lot of time for them to be comfortable around you.

>> No.54203501

ESL >m*le chuuba here.
What can I do to make my spoken English better?
I'm good with written English but fumble a lot while talking in English.

>> No.54203868

Speaking is the hardest part of learning a language IMO. Copy native speakers and just talk more I guess

>> No.54203915

The answer is reps, as always.
Hop in voice chats to talk shit about nothing in particular. Try to emulate actors, TV show hosts or even youtubers you like. Hell, even imaginary conversations with yourself can work if you're schizo enough.

>> No.54203964

Start by never saying "m*le"

>> No.54204055

Will prolly stream around 12am CST/6PM Est again. Still trying to figure out whether I wanna push for a finish in the upturned or play golden light instead : /

>> No.54204232

there is so much drama I see around Vtuber stuff on the tweeter, it is kinda lame : ( I initially got into this because I wanted to get new friends and shit, so having to walk on friendships, being paranoid whether someone actually likes or just wants my clout etc is a little bit lame...

At least I found 2 peeps from the same mama who debut alongside me and we kinda managed to hit it off I'd say. Don't have to be afraid they are gonna steal viewers as well since we are all pretty newish and have a blank slate.

>> No.54204443

>don't share any sensitive or doxxable info
I've made that mistake before, I told a (former) friend about my bf and now he vagueposts about it because we did not part amicably, he's pissy because he feels like I did him wrong about something
Remember that friendship does not last forever when you're chatting with someone and that everything you say may be used against you

>> No.54204933

Think of yourselves as owners of shops in a busy district, and viewers as patrons.
Unless you guys are literally overlapping all the time, which I think is kind of weird if you want to network and check their streams - the viewers will be shared amongst all of you.

Try to grow the userbase amongst yourselves.
As long as you aren't cultivating some weird GFE/BFE mouthbreathing simp squad, most normal viewers like chuubas to have friendships amongst each other.

>> No.54205052

It depends on your content and the audience you want. Normies have a different time slot than neets for example.

>> No.54205651

We know Coco

>> No.54205994

Is there a point where things get too lewd?
Looking at this art just makes me uncomfortable, a stream with someone voicing this chick would not be something I'd watch.

I'm not a fan of lewd designs in general.

>> No.54206190

why are you gay?
But more seriously, there's an audience for something somewhere, the question is how big, and comers are a pretty safe choice, all things considered

>> No.54207283

You described the exact line.

>> No.54207720

>Wake up
>Breakfast yeah
>Coco's working the stove
>Scrambled eggs yeah
>Stop and take a look at her
>Carefully observe the CURVATURE of this woman
>Naked apron YEAH
>Resist the urge to PLAP her right then and there
>Can't scramble her demon hag eggs properly on an empty stomach haha
>Partake of the eggs and some toast
>Get the most important meal of the day down the hatch
>All smiles
>Proceed to pound her on the kitchen table
>Get hit with a leg lock just as I make a move to pull out and cover her
>Part of the brain governing primal breeding impulses goes haywire
>Blast a lifespan-shortening nut into her
>Pass out
>Dream about that half-demon soccer team that we'll surely have

>> No.54208025

Much better effort bro

>> No.54208939
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>> No.54209158

>Maybe its your oshi this week?

>> No.54209430

What if it was a stylistic choice because he didn't want an apostrophe breaking the flow of his schedule?

>> No.54209623

Original skin is better

>> No.54209636

Let's go with that because it sounds better than "made in a rush"

>> No.54210248
File: 404 KB, 901x851, BOTTOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His model, his voice, his energy, everything about him is designed for the sole purpose of pleasuring men.
He'd probably suck off every male /asp/ie and /wvt/ie in a row, and not even for networking purposes, just for pleasure.
He's the biggest slut. He likes to tease, and he knows what he is doing. His eyes are just begging for cock.
He is the type of fag everyone would go gay for, even the most straight man ever, just for one night.
Imagine him moaning your name with his femenine, yet vaguely european accent. Your dick becomes hard like diamonds.

>> No.54210313

>Eventual /asp/ie Dokapon Kingdom Collab
>Wave of Twittlonger apologies resulting from the mass use of slurs and other hurtful language used during the collab

>> No.54210766

I was told not to come here by my co-workers but since you guys are the only place thats very frank. Im about to debut soon in a small group you have any good advice?

>> No.54210804

I mean they survived Pico Park

>> No.54210838

Listen to your friend

>> No.54210875

>small group
get out before the blackness becomes too apparent and everything implodes
outside of doomposting there's not a whole lot of broad,sweeping advice that isn't bog standard "bee urself, don't get doxxed" shit you'd find on any advice article. I guess check the resources in the OP for some examples.

>> No.54210882

We get it, you have a Megamind fetish

>> No.54210901

You gave me nothing to advise you on so no. I have no generic advice for you.

>> No.54210903

You know everyone is gonna assume EN3

>> No.54210957

If you're EN3 baiting, all the girls are /Here/ or know about this place.
Stop the larp anon.

>> No.54211023

Standard advice.
>don't be a retard
>don't get oneguy'd
>test shit before stream
>for the love of god, keep separate accounts
>plausible deniability is your friend
Also, never come back to this hellhole, it will show on your streams.

>> No.54211047

Oh hey its this post again

>> No.54211113

If this really isn't bait, then don't fucking come here ever again. This is sincere advice.

>> No.54211263

Should I try and politely state that I don't want to interact with male vtubers or should I just quietly ignore any replies/dms from them? I am too autistic to interact with men without being really nervous about it and also I don't care about men I only watch other girls anyways.

>> No.54211295

Stay out of this place for your own good. It's full of toxic people and schizos who do nothing but bring others down.

>> No.54211484

Consider therapy

>> No.54211538

You should off yourself because how is your ass functioning in society? You're no better than a robot

>> No.54211563

send me a DM, I'll teach you how to interact with men :D

>> No.54211623

Cool larp

>> No.54211685

if it's a serious hangup then being honest about it while actually trying to work past it is probably the best path. I know at least one or two other chuubas that can be the same way and they've managed to come out of their shell a bit over time

>> No.54211779

The fact that I actually believed that might have been a real person for a moment is shocking
What's with vtubing specifically and actual misandry?

>> No.54211782

Find a group that does the same thing you do, for example, lance has his tcg crew so if you are into that you can reach out and network with all those people.

>> No.54211802

mention in stream / put on profile
"I hope to collab with a lot of cute girls!"

>> No.54211903

Be a professional stop leading people on.
Just be open in saying you only want to collab/stream with gals.
This wishy washy nonsense is going to get you hate from both sides.

>> No.54211915

Majority male viewerbase

>> No.54212434

That's ultimately a cooperative game, you want your teammates to do well even if they're fucking up eternally. Dokapon Kingdom is a game that stands above Mario Party in its ability to shatter friendships. Like, "fistfight your friends"-type shit.

>> No.54212467

Well, think about it this way, anon: Why do people come to vtubers specifically? What kind of content are they looking for that other streamers don't provide? Once you start to explore this question, you'll start to understand the male vtuber dilemma.

>> No.54212489

Nah, Uno is still king for that

>> No.54212641

You didn't even read the post you replied to lol

>> No.54212685

I'm trying to help him see where the misandry comes from, simple as

>> No.54213269

Less question about being a vtuber and more getting work done for a model, but between the two pngtuber software noted in the op pastebin, which one would you guys say is better for someone totally new to this?

>> No.54213478

For PNGtubing
>If you have a 4 Frame Animation/Gif = Veadotube
>If you just have a Static PNG = FugiTech

>> No.54213651

Cool, thank you.

>> No.54213673

Vtubing is kind of the holy grail for attracting trannies. Anime and small streaming communities both are well known tranny hot spots, and the idea that you can choose how you look as your avatar has, I would think, obvious appeal to the tranny. The misandry common among trannies comes largely from their own self loathing which mostly comes from the hatred of their maleness which is usually also focused outward onto all other males. For many trannies even being exposed to any amount of maleness triggers an intense negative emotion as the fantasy bubble that they live in is forcibly popped.

>> No.54214587

Would watch, debut when

>> No.54214597

Its so over

>> No.54215233

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.54215368

All of the girls have boyfriends. Some have husbands

>> No.54215423

Is there anything more pathetic than a female vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Guys are cool, guys are entertaining, we want to hang out with guys. If you're a female reading this I suggest you graduate.

>> No.54215654

9/10 chickened out on the ending

>> No.54216107

Yeah, me.

>> No.54216956

All you need is to choke on a good cock.

>> No.54218113

Real yuro hours

>> No.54218491

Why do people subscribe to twitch channels?

>> No.54218625

Emotes, discord access. To out money in the pocket of the streamer, to make the "number of months subscribed" couner go up to show their support for said chuuba

>> No.54218661
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To collect wigglies

>> No.54218766

wigglies are just reddit snus for 4chan vtubers

>> No.54218870

You take that back, redditor

>> No.54219094

prove me wrong

>> No.54219170
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 16903184824706817258472576289569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous Hera meltdown: >>54158624

>> No.54219240

please read the veadotube terms and conditions and make an informed choice.

>> No.54219635

Why do you know that word, anon.

>> No.54219720

seems that makes two of us, anon.

>> No.54220616

I don't like what you're implying.

>> No.54220778

Dunno if anyone’s interested, but here’s another microcorpo that popped up. They just opened auditions today.

>> No.54220943

this graphic design is straight fucking aids

>> No.54220985

wigglies are not cute :(

>> No.54221073

Seconding this, big time.

>> No.54221512

jfc, i just read them and it makes me really not want to use it

>> No.54221678

>days since a schizo meltdown

>> No.54221933

no info about who they are or country location
domain name registered this month, nothing on site

sounds legit, lemme audtion

>> No.54222043

This makes no sense. Lazy post. If it were just trannies that doesn't make up for the huge differences in CCV. If it were trannies we'd see more trans viewers. You're just completely wrong. Truth is Vtubing was literally made for girls. Watching a guy act ditzy behind a cartoon character is too weird for l most people. Its not even about sex appeal. Its more about western gender roles and what actions are ok for a man vs. A woman. A man approaching his 30s should have life more figured out. They shouldn't be acting like a kid behind a cartoon character playing games for children. That's not my personal belief, I'm not a male anti, but that's how most people think on a subconscious level. Watching a guy goof off feels discordant and almost voyeuristic. A girl goofing off and giggling to herself feels more natural and pleasing.

>> No.54222183

Explain the top 50 of Twitch sans corporation and tournament event channels

>> No.54222222

What is this gibberish

>> No.54222251


>> No.54222368

Retard take. Most guys prefer watching girls and some will indeed quietly stop watching them if they interact with females. But the ones who ritual post daily on image boards like actual schizos are all mentally ill trannies.

>> No.54222833

>it came to me in a dream

>> No.54222845
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Hey hey! Guess who just got off work and now has better things to do than bump a thread out of spite? I realize now that this is how you crab fucks are born, you try your best and just get shit on by this our fellow rejects in this horrible place that feeds on the hopeful.
My offer still stands though! If anyone is brave enough to eschew anonymity and tell me in detail why they hate me and why I should fuck off, I'll leave.

>> No.54223043

This post is precisely why nobody likes you. Hope that helps.

>> No.54223298

We literally know who one of these schizos is. A fucking tranny.

>> No.54223483

Different content. They discuss politics and world events constantly. Many do the whole internet macho thing. Also they don't use avatars but their real identity which is more masculine.
My thoughts. Uta not gibberish and I'm not trying to discourage. I'm a male /asp/ myself
This isn't relevant at all though we aren't discussing those people

>> No.54223712

Oh I'm keenly aware nobody likes me, but I'm also under the belief that nobody who matters hates me. It's all you faceless crabs who think I should be one of you. You're mad I refuse to join you. Instead of despairing over how difficult or expensive it is to get off the ground, I went ahead and did it instead of moping around and trying to pull everyone better than me down to my level, and that's why you can't stand the thought of me. I'm everything you crabs aren't. I don't sincerely hate the people around me and I'm not afraid of failure. I keep rushing headfirst into it, so it's silly to think I would be. Perhaps, if you tried again, you could get somewhere. Become a cool vtuber and have fun streaming instead of simply killing time getting angry at people doing what you wish you could. If that time ever comes I'll welcome it and (You) with open arms, not because I don't know you were a crab, but because I forgive you.

>> No.54223752

>They shouldn't be acting like a kid behind a cartoon character playing games for children
Alva don't look...

>> No.54224178

You should tell your viewers about it.

>> No.54224190

I fucking hate women

>> No.54224346

Why are EN so much worse than anyone else? Part of the reason I watch vtuber over others is to avoid politics and world events and yucky sex stories and similar nonsense.
But ENs just can't help it
They have some entitled idea that their individual view simply must be shared. They just can't get over themselves and be more humble

>> No.54224448

OK, I will

>> No.54224606

is 3 hours a good amount of time to stream or should I go longer?

>> No.54224675

Go for however long you feel is good, but I do believe highlights have a limit around 3 hours if you want to store your streams that way

>> No.54224716

Could I trouble somebody to give me the QRD on who this guy is and why he's doing what he's doing? I don't want to dedicate too much brainpower to figuring this out and I know someone here's been taking notes.

>> No.54224788

3 hours is good if the quality is high
Truthfully barely anyone likes watching an 8 hour stream but it helps with growth

>> No.54224817

Pedophile schizo from ff14 general wanted to become vtuber and has been having a multi-month long schizo meltdown for not being invited to a discord that doesn't exist

>> No.54224885

Do not engage.

>> No.54224923

it's the perfect amount of time, longer than that you will have a few issues
>viewers might get tired
>the streamer might get tired and as a result more boring
>it's hard to keep interacting for multiple hours if you are not used to
>other more popular streamers might start streaming allowing your viewers to watch someone with more energy that is just starting
>some viewers are not going to be as interested in starting to watch a stream that is already 4 hours in specially if the main content is a single player game with lot's of lore or if they feel the missed the best part of the stream already
But do what you want, if you are enjoying your time the viewers are more likely to stick around and watch you until the end

>> No.54224925

Back when I actually streamed my viewership always used to pick up around the 2 hour mark, so 3-4 seems to be the sweet spot between manageable length and getting numbers.

>> No.54225025

I average between 3-4 depending on my energy level and what I'm doing. Longer streams are fine if you do content that is either drawn out, suitable for joining leaving and rejoining or joining part way in. Longer streams and more stream hours correlates with discoverability so consider that, but also pace yourself. Going too many hours too long on top of whatever your IRL stuff is can mean severe burnout.

>> No.54225779

thank you all for your advice. I'll keep going at 3 hours.

>> No.54226089

Why is Alva such a brat?

>> No.54226222

3-4 hours is usually my stopping point. Only time I go much longer is when I am getting tons of tourist views when I am dominating a relatively well populated category on twitch. If you are doing that just keep on streaming as long as you can and let the free tourist views/follows roll in.

>> No.54226520

other than how it's worded in that first part, what makes it not feasible to use? at first glance, i didn't see anything striking, other than the aforementioned first part

>> No.54226783

if you use it and you break their rules they will send a hit squad to you home

>> No.54228386

talk to them

jesus christ lmfao theres a reason 1-2 aspies that actually seem to be making connections with larger creators are the most annoying ones

>> No.54228552

Kankuro here!
We're going to playing Dark Souls with Crowd Control, there's some goofy stuff you can do to mess with me during stream.

Live in 10 minutes!

>> No.54229556

I'm a streamer with no opinions, honestly I use streaming myself to drown out anything else and just be in my own space escaping from life.

>> No.54229914

one of the worst parts about streaming is seeing a regular slowly drift away because you decided to change your content

>> No.54230389

Could be worse

>> No.54230440

nah man, one regular is worth 10 lurkers. it always hurts to lose one

>> No.54230467


SF6, might be short to watch the Holo reveal, maybe we watch it on stream. Dunno lol

>> No.54230512

LA Knight?

>> No.54230548

viewership always peaks around 2 hours in, anything more than 3-4 hours has diminishing returns and might even be detrimental if you're not getting enough new viewers. you don't want to overstream or people get bored of you faster

>> No.54231236
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, [Shark-Raws] Mewkledreamy #10 (TVQ 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.18.743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on hiatus for over half a year and I'm afraid to start up again. Can't pinpoint exactly why though. The feeling of aversion just consumes me whenever I think about streaming again. What motivates you guys to keep going nowadays?

>> No.54231346

I just got done doing the same thing. Don't be a bitch, if you want to do it just do it. If you can't do it then you don't want it bad enough anyways.

>> No.54231590

I like streaming. The act of just playing video games and talking to myself/viewers is so much fun to me. Unfortunately I still have a lot of anxiety to hit the go live button, and the things surrounding streaming are also fairly difficult and demotivating. I always dread streaming for some reason, but when I do it all my cares and worries just float away.

>> No.54232202

Hera Hera did nothing wrong, he's just unstable

>> No.54233441
File: 2.90 MB, 780x802, 1625362853145.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream model

>> No.54233648

Why aren't there more non-goblin shortstack vtubers? there should be an appeal for them right?

>> No.54233989


>> No.54234308

the only thing they have i common with children it's their stature, that's like calling a normal person a granny fucker because 80yo women are the same size as a normal adult women

>> No.54237261

Normal people disgust me, sick twisted granny fuckers

>> No.54238604

Is there a good way to stream Yugioh that isnt just Master Duel? I love the game, but I'm more into things like retro formats than the Master Duel ranked grind

>> No.54238937

Play the GBA games

>> No.54239212

Are those actually good? Aside from the one known for the awful speedruns (I'm not spending an hour loading and quitting) would they be fun to play/watch?

>> No.54239314

the psp games have a very different type of grind that scratch my personal itch for YGO, opening packs and finding the cards I wanted was very satisfying in those games

>> No.54239570

Like Tag Force? I keep hearing that name come up but Ive never seen it myself before

>> No.54239615

The Duel Academy one is just an accurate YGO simulator from the GX era
Reshef of Destruction and Sacred Cards are fucking something
Dungeon Dice Monsters isn't really "Yu-Gi-Oh" but it's still kino
Destiny Board Traveler is Yu-Gi-Oh monopoly

>> No.54239960

It might help if you have mutuals that are also streaming / making stuff, so if you're serious, lets connect on Twitter!
(it's FuzaKeruNah, by the way)

>> No.54239999

>>Dungeon Dice Monsters isn't really "Yu-Gi-Oh" but it's still kino
nta but I've been playing this game for the past few days for a video, and even playing against Tearlament isn't as frustrating as trying to play this

>> No.54240022
File: 830 KB, 926x727, toob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit gets their vtuber group together before /asp/
I thought you guys were good at networking.

>> No.54240060

yes, there are multiple tag force games, some better than others and they have the benefit of being somewhat modern as they came out a little over a decade, if you like one play only that one as they are all the same more or less

>> No.54240096

is this a serious question? show some old game to some random kid or your local normie and see if they even bother giving a shit about it. you'll never get viewers playing an old game unless it has a dedicated community (Runescape). even doing something mildly interesting like speedruns you'll hit a very small ceiling at some point. regardless, you should only be streaming that stuff if you REALLY wanted to

>> No.54240203

is that a daiya knock off? he looks like him but somehow even more gay

>> No.54240332

death to people who caps every word in their titles

>> No.54240486

random kids and normies are not what the average small vtuber attracts anyway

>> No.54240547

yes, that is precisely why they remain small

>> No.54240724
File: 834 KB, 926x727, nijisanji better watch out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54241417


>> No.54242358

>fuwa moco
This kills the coco

>> No.54242386
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, 20230725_215621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lance got a group together (4 aspies +1 non aspie)

>> No.54242640

How long did it take for you guys to break from the 0 viewers bottom?
Am male

>> No.54243447

probably a month really. but if I started streaming now I could probably get viewers faster using the stuff i've learned

>> No.54244181

Share some of the lessons, anon, I'd appreciate it.
I'm doing retro and I have a furry png, so I'm wondering if I debuffed myself too much.

>> No.54245521

If you're doing literally any networking and literally any production there's no reason you should have zero viewers on day 1 forward.

>> No.54245677

there have been multiple groups formed out of /asp/ or involving /asp/ies these past two years

>> No.54245915

What do you think the group you've been calling Gen 4 have been doing for the last 5 months?

>> No.54245935

Do you not have friends to fudge your numbers?

>> No.54245956

the biggest factor to a stream's success is community. what you stream and the streamers themselves literally don't even matter compared to that. if you are surrounded by people that love fun and appreciate your presence, you can make even the most boring games possible entertaining. make everything centered around community. if you don't have one then go find one (games where you are incentivized to meet new people are best for these). that's the only advice you'll really need, good luck

>> No.54246914

I admit once again to feeling nothing but stress. It's not just because of the new corpos. It's everything man

I need to improve faster. I want to become a talented strramer, while simultaneously maintaining studies and caring for my family.

Life is stress. Sleep will be few.

>> No.54246943

Random collabs are not the same thing as forming an actual group.

>> No.54247113

"An actual group" is not a group photo

>> No.54247439

Still more of a group than anything you'll ever be a part of.

>> No.54247852

Ok Hera

>> No.54249068

I'm in a community that doesn't seem to be interested in streamers, and my decision to start streaming was sudden, so I basically have zero networking, yeah.

I didn't want to beg, but I might ask the friends I'm closest to if they're interested in helping out.

Yeah, I like team games, and I even made some friends in them, but lately, there has been none I've been interested in, but I'll try to find something like that.
I've wondered about self-posting here and seeking other /asp/ies, but I'm a bit scared that my community would react negatively to it.

>> No.54250328

responding to the third one, my advice would be to think about the type of games that you REALLY love and find the biggest games of that category, while still being discoverable for you. if you like YGO for example, streaming Master Duel is definitely the best place to grow. it's not too big (unlike Valorant for example) so you can still be discoverable with the vtuber tag, and being good at it helps. and yes, sometimes you really do have to try out new things like new games and see if it works for you. also, you don't need other /asp/ies. having people who are only around because they just want you to watch them back is a waste of energy. just focus on finding people who love being around you (and conversely, focus on being the type of person people want to be around with. this part is very important too.)

>> No.54250776

Where the FUCK is the actual crack for Live2D? I do not trust chinklinks.

>> No.54251841

applied to a c*rpo and they emailed back should i be scared

>> No.54254390

Smells like casting couch?

>> No.54254552

They all have the same artist

>> No.54254917
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Thanks for the motivational words, anon. I'll take your words to heart and reflect on them.

>> No.54255107

I enjoy my viewers, I wish I could stream more. I'm not parasocial for them, but I do want to work harder. I don't think I was cut out to be a vtuber.

>> No.54255676

True, you should graduate.

>> No.54255882

I've thought about it multiple times. I keep telling myself I can come back. It's just holding on to nothing at this point

>> No.54257165


>> No.54259990
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>> No.54261580
File: 495 KB, 655x372, TagForce Promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yugioh Tag Force stream! (Yes that was me asking and ty for the recc btw) Lets duel this whole academy!

>> No.54261886

keep doing your best denpafish your viewers appreciate you

>> No.54263089

I wish I had more friends in the community but I'm weird about reaching out to people and I never want to unless I think I have a "good reason".

>> No.54263742

Are there any full-on political vtubers though? I though most of them stay away from anything that can be seen as scandalous or decisive. Not to mention that the majority are default libs

>> No.54264139

become one their habitual viewers if you enjoy their content and over time when there are good vibes between you and the other person try to strike a friendship, you lose nothing and you might get an actual friend that you can trust and help each other grow

>> No.54264384

My way of making friends if following peers on twitter and hoping they follow back. I've probably followed you on twitter if youre /asp/ adjacent.

Only a few have followed me back, but thats okay :^/
I don't really have anything to show for myself yet so it's understandable.

>> No.54264522

Just send a dick pick to get the conversation started, say a friend dared you to if the target is not being receptive

>> No.54264598

I'm going to make pixel art of Alva dressed up as a maid, should I give him wide hips or WIDE HIPS, like unnaturally large wide hips that look way out of proportions.

>> No.54264732

0 days

>> No.54264929

Regular wide hips

>> No.54265355

i never broke free

>> No.54265668

Regular wide

>> No.54266423

it's been a while since ive been around (6months or so)
anything interesting happen? any cool new /asp/ies to check out?

>> No.54266563

It's small, I think they would ghost me...

>> No.54266647

just crack it ur urself?

>> No.54266683

small is cute too, specially if locked in a cage

>> No.54268736

BASED, remember to refer to him as a dragon maid in the art, he will love that since it's his favorite deck in yugioh!

>> No.54268746 [DELETED] 
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>Zone starts roleplaying
Bros I love Tenma but I don't know if I'm strong enough to keep going

>> No.54268828

Wrong thread homie

>> No.54268873

Alva has another groomer now

>> No.54269368

He is just getting too cocky so I have to put him down

>> No.54269959

Unironically, Fuwacoco was the first thing I thought of when I saw those names.

>> No.54270204

Is there a better way to voice train than brute force practicing? I realized today that i can only hold the voice i want for my vtuber for <5 minutes before i default back to my normal voice, but every time i stream for 2-3 hours trying to keep the voice, my throat starts hurting real bad

>> No.54271037

It's even worse. Technically one of the twins is fuwawa, and he other is mococo. So not only is the combined fuwamoco extremely close to fuwacoco, their names also literally contain coco as well.

>> No.54271803

>t. American

>> No.54272018

He already has breedable hips for his tiny twink frame, no need to make it /d/ tier.

>> No.54272144

Vtubing isn't a hobby for poorfags.

>> No.54272448

Who's next? Other than Haru. He's next, but who's after that?


>> No.54272700


Asshole spergs out in a discord and then runs away from the internet. Hope he kills himself.

>> No.54272970

what did he do now? he always looked like one of the most sane and normal of the bunch

>> No.54273806

How do I actually get started trying out vtubing? Like why would anyone even bother to watch my shitty stream

>> No.54273845

Are there any video games where people actually use mics and discuss strategies and shit? I want some people to talk to during my streams but I rarely ever find anyone with a mic.

>> No.54274087

Someone told me I'm a cute streamer, so BTFO nerd. I will make it

>> No.54274337

Kuromaru had a cool TEDTalk about russian politics and Japanese society and some such, but I think it's more a case of chat conversation going into that direction than him being focused on stuff like that. He did mention he'd like to have a debate/discussion stream tho, so there might be some interest in that.

Was pretty coo as well, he is knowledgeable af

>> No.54274355

>had a nice stream yesterday
>had a bad stream today
It’s weird. Just when you think you’re finally getting the hang of it, you end up regressing back to being shit.

>> No.54274577

Apply to hololive and get a real job when you don't get picked.

>> No.54274674

Just following doesn't really do much desu, you gotta interact with their posts, occasionally jump into their streams and actually be active, maybe join their discord and eventually DM them. Feel like that's the best way to make someone a "friend"

>> No.54274738

OH, ME ME!!!! Otherwise we got a couple of newbies (please watch me) and getting a couple of more early august... Dunno what else is noteworthy desu

>> No.54274740

Does /asp/ have an /asp/ie grooming guide yet?

>> No.54274800

I do have a real job though.

>> No.54274826

Seems like thread got a dedicated clipper. That's always neat

>> No.54274868

I dunno, I've just been thinking about how you'd be able to groom me most likely plus how I was able to groom others. It's really just showing genuine interest and being there for the streamer to notice you.

Oh yeah, I should Prolly mention these steps are most effective if you actually want a friendship and are not obviously trying to get clout or something like that. If you are a dickhead like that, the streamer will notice it and fuck you up

>> No.54274884

Qrd? I thought he's one of the most chill aspies

>> No.54275060

ive considered debuting as a race science vtuber (i am a statistical geneticist with expertise in cognitive ability and intelligence)

>> No.54275218

OH OH, I LOVE RACING!!! what's your focus, formula 1 or nascar??

>> No.54275223

If you can't hold it without hurting or discomfort, chances are that voice is not for you. Sure you can brute force your reps, but you can screw your voice bad if you're not careful

>> No.54276553


>> No.54277554

what is a tactful, non-bitchy way for a vtuber to be like "irl i'm married, but online i'm 100% okay with flirty chat and lewding because my character is not married and my spouse literally could not care less because he loves vtubers"? like how do you be upfront about it so you're not doxxed later on but without making it a big deal or seeming like youre just cucking both your spouse and audience?

>> No.54277924

Just don't talk about your spouse ever? Why would you do that and ruin the illusion

>> No.54278964

It's called a rrat nigga, whoever linked the tweet is trying to start shit.

>> No.54279533

You just never acknowledge it.
If you want to tell a story that involves your spouse, you just say "my friend and I".

Or you just don't care and talk about your husband while also acting flirty. At the end of the day, it probably doesn't matter.

>> No.54280054
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>> No.54280260

I've been doing general streaming (no facecam but I can speak just fine without any real anxiety/stuttering) for a while but never tried the Vtuber thing. Is there a difference between the two? Been wondering if there's ever been an uncanny valley when it comes to Vtubing.

>> No.54280738
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Was gonna wait until new thread but never mind, it is Wednesday my dudes

/aspies/ streaming today:

Olga is streaming Martyr at 2 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/olgaokami
Cats is streaming Minecraft at 5 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/catsreturn
Kuromaru is collabing with Fuza playing Halo at 8 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/kuromaruoniisan https://twitch.tv/fuzakerunah
Dante is streaming Minecraft at 8 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/dantedaedalusch
Kankuro is streaming Minecraft then SF6 at 9 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/kankurokingch
GClef is streaming karaoke then Outer Wilds at 10 PM EST: https://twitch.tv/gclefcannon

Busy busy! If you're also streaming please reply

>> No.54280947

get a free model from somewhere open a vtubing program and try it out. you can see the model mimicking your movements and you can decide if it's for you or not

>> No.54281034

>Was gonna wait until new thread but
May just have to repost it. Most of those are definitely in next thread territory.

>> No.54281743

What kind of stream do you want to watch?
Do that
