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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54163335 No.54163335 [Reply] [Original]

I'm constantly suprised people on this board seethe more over improve yourself compared to fucking amegeddon. What makes one worse than the other?

>> No.54163431

why do you care

>> No.54163515

Newfags weren't around for Amegeddon. Simple as.

>> No.54163628

Amegeddon is from the /jp/ days.
Most people here are newfags who don't even know her bc.

>> No.54163711

Amelia "passing grade" watson is in no position to talk.

>> No.54163952

But she's richer and more successful than you?

>> No.54164077

In regards to me, there is nothing to improve.
You cannot cultivate barren land.
I was born barren without seed.
This is why I watch VTuber.
I am not stupid on this. I know it is fantasy. But they are the only positivity I have ever held in this life
Saying "improve yourself" to one such as me is too hurtful
Like saying "why can't you just be normal"
I don't know
We do not live the lives we choose. Only the lives we have.
That is exactly right.

>> No.54164174

Anons are thin skinned faggots. We've known this for years

>> No.54164184




>> No.54164268

we can talk about Fauna and friendship if you'd prefer

>> No.54164287

These people can never move on, anon.

>> No.54164369

OK Teakek

>> No.54164650

Amegeddon forever tainted her reputation. Also the loserbait discord shit.
Improve yourself is just icing on the cake, anyone could expect her saying this.

>> No.54164809

>Amegeddon forever tainted her reputation. Also the loserbait discord shit.
Fucking newfag.

>> No.54164959

Improving yourself serves to being a asshole as well, nobody cares if you're successful and just spite on people

>> No.54164965

Bro they just announced EN3, you can pick up a new oshi instead of seething about Ame for the 400th day in a row, come on... You gotta let go of this...

>> No.54165095

Was there more shit before Amegeddon? I was on /jp/ too late at the time to see all the dox. Had to research everything myself, might've missed some

>> No.54165139

cause ame genuinely has no yabs and they want to hate her so badly
like theres so many other members to hate on, i dont know why theyre stuck to ame.

>> No.54165246
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>> No.54165375

One involves doxfaggotry while the other was said by Ame on stream. The blue homo duet is what made me drop her, the "improve yourself" comment is just an easy reminder of all the shit she did.

>> No.54165466

neck yourself doxfag

>> No.54165635

Better catch up

>> No.54165764

Oh? What's the current number?

>> No.54165797
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>> No.54166125

"Improve yourself" was incredibly condescending and ignorant of the fact that a lot of teamates were using Ame as motivation to improve themselves and for Ame to tell them to watch her less was extremely alienating. It was also hypocritical because she can't improve herself worth shit. Nobody needs to be lectured by some stinky dumbass who has a crippling bread allergy but literally refuses to stop eating it.

>> No.54166216 [DELETED] 

I mean you should catch up with her, she's got you beat by 2

>> No.54166255

can’t eat bread though, so who’s the real winner here? not Ame that’s for sure

>> No.54166329

She's also a fat woman. Fanbase reflects the streamer.
No improvement in the most important areas.

>> No.54166482

You know she's done multiple streams where she's walked and danced for hours throughout, right? She bought a treadmill and a rock climbing machine for fun, and now she's working out with dumbbells.

>> No.54166510

Can you help me with that? I only did once and it was awful.

>> No.54166556

>Ame to tell them to watch her less
She never said this.
The collective rrats rotted /vt/'s brain.

>> No.54166608 [DELETED] 

Check her side Twitter. Her arms are fucking bloated.

>> No.54166683

>I'm going to collab with Tempus all i want. if you don't like it, don't watch it.
There you go. Watch less.

>> No.54166759

Look for me at Comiket, I'll be the obvious gaijin in Kurokami crossplay

>> No.54166794

you're actually retarded, aren't you

>> No.54166804

It's so easy to spot threadreaders man. Specially with the improve yourself thing. She said that numerous times before the detectives diaries stream and people here keep repeating that like some kind of retarded mantra kek

>> No.54166824

>he didnt get enough replies in the general

>> No.54166916

Which comiket?

>> No.54166952

WTF is it and why does it have a badass name?

>> No.54166965

none of these catalogniggers actually watch ame, anon

>> No.54166996

>She never said that
>Yeah she did, she said [another thing she never said]
Good job retard

She said that you need to go get a hobby instead of complaining about collabs. So then the genius comedians at /vt/ decided that their hobby to improve themselves is "Not watching Ame". And now the threadreaders here are convinced she actually said "Improve yourself by watching less vtubers", something she never said

>> No.54167011

Same, even the collabs themselves I didn't like the idea of but it wasn't enough to drop her
But the surprise homo love song duet made it clear she has a lot of spite towards her viewers and it hurt pretty bad considering I never really asked much of her except the typical "try your best"
I don't want to watch someone who can't afford a baseline level of respect to her viewers
Even the prime homo collabers don't pull shit like that

>> No.54167088

I don't get this thread. This isn't even an anti ame thread
You're all being too sensitive

>> No.54167106

Newfags don't know anything about Amegeddon unless they were there on that day, and will never know unless someone spoonfeeds them. Meanwhile, "Improve Yourself" has been clipped on YouTube and spread by dramashitters, allowing ease of access for any newfags that want to be informed about Ame.

>> No.54167167

what makes the homo duet more disrespectful than a duet with any of the other ENs?

>> No.54167253

>Meanwhile, "Improve Yourself" has been clipped on YouTube and spread by dramashitters

>> No.54167413

>everyone cries over this
> Kaelas catchphrase is literally " GetSomeHelp" aka fuck off you're mentally ill
> kaela collabs with males
> kaela and suisei scorn leads
>mel collabs with males

It's literally only bad when EN does it. Why do westerners hate their own viewers sobad

>> No.54167458
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Would you watch your idol sing a romantic song with her male coworker?

>> No.54167491

Same reason why the JP fanbase hates Holos who collab with males but can laugh about it when EN or ID does it.

>> No.54167521
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>> No.54167557

So this is literally because you feel threatened by a male but not when she does it with a female?

>> No.54167627

Like IDGAF about homos, but who the fuck is this whore to tell me to improve myself?

>> No.54167655

You, but successful and rich.

>> No.54167688

Why would anyone feel threatened by another female?

>> No.54167700

i can't believe ame is brown

>> No.54167731

That says a lot about you as a person, yeah.

>> No.54167760

Straight women have more game with other women then you anon.

>> No.54167761

>No argument

>> No.54167775

She's Myth's tech support, it all makes sense.

>> No.54167840

Ame is straight

>> No.54167848

I heard a guy actually killed himself over Amegeddon back when that was new

>> No.54167869

And she still pulls more bitches than you, Anon.

>> No.54167924

Because it wasn't a wholesome message telling people to better themselves. She was saying "if you don't like tempus then improve yourself" she was telling people to fuck off.

>> No.54167956

So true sister! You tell him!

>> No.54167990

See, it's funny because you seem to think that only women can feel disdain toward pathetic men like you.

>> No.54168042

Woman detected. Fuck off to crystal cafe or someting.

>> No.54168058


>> No.54168113

Ame is a soon to be 3view who cares

>> No.54168123

Part of it is that this board is full of newfags who weren’t in /jp/, part of it was that it was also clearly in the past and not relevant to her current situation.

>> No.54168164

This year for sure.

>> No.54168200

>Gura doesn't even hug her
>Matsuri only kiss her in the cheeks rather than the lips like the other girls.
Ame has no game with females

>> No.54168320

Gura was torn between Ame and Kiara for best hug, and Kiara is way more accustomed to hugging others

Matsuri only kissed Kiara and JP girls on the lips, and for Kiara it was through a mask, not to mention it was the second time meeting offline and Matsuri also has a good judge of how much she's allowed to get in someone's private space considering she hasn't been fired or arrested or sued yet.

>> No.54168345
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>> No.54168396

I doubt that, Amegeddon happened quickly at debut era.
None of Ame's simps/gachis had time to develop enough feelings for her to make this extreme choice. They just left in disgust.

>> No.54168436

Ame had said the "Improve yourself" thing years before and nobody gave a shit but because it happened during the Tempus era dramafags latched onto it, that's it.
It's just tourism, it's the same people that think Ame "betrayed" her fans when she always shilled the Stars at every opportunity possible since debut.
Ame's biggest "sin" is being a saviorfag and getting flak because of it.

>> No.54168444
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>> No.54168548
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>> No.54168656

OP you don't actually care so why ask

>> No.54168709

You're in /vt/, you stupid nigger, EVERYONE malds here because impotent rage is the only emotion most fags here can ever feel.

>> No.54168731
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>> No.54168756

How did the love song duet with Altare help him? It just got him more schizos.

>> No.54168969

I know the 'improve yourself' hates are all gray names. because a year before "improve yourself" Ame made a members post telling everyone who doesn't know how she does things to unmember and spend their $5 somewhere else.

>> No.54169067
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Armageddon had a better song.

>> No.54169083

I never implied that Ame was super smart, that was just a dumb thing to do.

>> No.54169095 [DELETED] 

most of them aren't even hololive viewers, anon, they're nijiniggers and other small corpo fans who just shitpost anything about hololive

>> No.54169141

Not only that, in her money celebration in 2020 she was pushing people to improve their lives. That's the first improve yourself I remember

>> No.54169289

Listen man there are schizos here that are still mad that nyanners called pedos bad and that was a decade ago, some people just can't move on

>> No.54169299

Of course it's going to have more of an effect when she actually acts on it and organizes multiple collabs and a karaoke duet with homos. Twitter mentions are a lot easier to ignore

>> No.54169513

Why doesn't it matter when she sings romantic duets with girls and organizes collabs with them?

>> No.54169654

Because she's straight and women can't impregnate her. It's not that hard to understand, sister

>> No.54169746

I mean they were all big group collabs. And the worms collab only happened with homos because none of the girls except Reine wanted to be in it.

>> No.54169806

It's easy to understand that it's your stupid chimp brain freaking out. It's easy to understand that you demand that you she not betray your trust when you don't trust her at all.

>> No.54169867

Ame advertised that worms collab as a mixed collab.
Obviously no girl would join other than the usual suspects.

>> No.54169891

retards you mean

>> No.54169924

I persoanlly find it more surprising how many betacucks continue to watch Ame

>> No.54169952

It didn't help anyone.
Sometime people do dumb shit by mistake.
Attributing everything to malice is just fucking stupid.

>> No.54169984

You know freaks like you are the minority even in this hobby, right? You will never be accepted or welcome anywhere, you unpleasant creep.

>> No.54170071

People who insult their fans are shitty retards no matter the context. It's like a homeless man insulting the passerby tossing them change.

>> No.54170074

You are all mentally ill, yes, every single one of you ITT.

>> No.54170075

at least you're willing to admit it was done out of spite and not le heckin wholesomerino

>> No.54170093

Ame, how are you doing a karaoke and typing here at the same time?

>> No.54170162

>everyone who thinks I'm beneath them is a woman and therefore I'm actually above them
lol, it's sad that you posture yourself this way when you know exactly what a pathetic lowlife you are

>> No.54170187

It's a misguided saviorfag, because ironically it didn't help anyone and seemingly did the reverse.
Personally I think Ame is alright, but I can't support any acts towards branch mixing no matter how noble their intentions are because of all the conflict and fighting it causes. Gura's method has always been the correct one and the "casualty" number would be exponentially be lower if everyone followed her lead. The fanbase is what it is and the only way to prevent chaos is through the actions of the talents themselves.

>> No.54170236

This board seethed over literally everything it's exhausting

>> No.54170254

t. woman

>> No.54170278

can someone just tell me what armageddon is already

>> No.54170281

Not everything you don't like was done to spite you specifically.
Why is emotional intelligence and empathy completely fucking lacking. Are you just a low IQ retard who can't construct other people's thought processes in your head?

>> No.54170286

For them, maybe.
I'm pretty entertained

>> No.54170333

Women aren't known for being mentally stable

>> No.54170365 [DELETED] 

>the cuckold cries out
yawn. maybe watch the karaoke instead of coming into these threads endlessly seething, cuckie

>> No.54170380

he's projecting because he's an evil, spiteful person and can't imagine someone doing something that hurt him to not be motivated by what drives him

>> No.54170470

you will never grow up. you will grow old but you'll stay an immature loser forever.

>> No.54170483

Ame was always a pro branch mixer. Once told she gets that the separation exists but doesn't get it.
Ame is basically a nijigirl like Ollie but she got into the wrong company.

>> No.54170517

Nice projection, cuckie. Keep the delicious seethe coming.

>> No.54170612


>> No.54170636

so why did she insult her fans?

>> No.54170649

Schizo is already on the retarded endless buzzword phase, mindbroken
She never said that

>> No.54170723

why do you see it as an insult?

>> No.54170736

>cuck call others for projecting
No vtubers are fucking each other outside of your fantasies.
If you fantasies involve you oshi getting banged by other guys there is nothing we can do about that

>> No.54170752

>"I get that there are separation between Stars and stuff, but i don't know... I just see them as people"
Her actual words.

>> No.54170813

>She says she gets it
>"She didn't get it!"
Are you perhaps retarded?

>> No.54170846

because it objectively is?

>> No.54170894


>> No.54170905

That "but" is the most important part. She wishes Hololive was different.

>> No.54170925

This was part of a bigger sentence, retardchama

>> No.54171006

Who says she wishes Hololive was different? Do you think she's trying to change Hololive by acknowledging her male coworkers, as if she's the first to do it?

>> No.54171038

>No vtubers are fucking each other outside of your fantasies.
>If you fantasies involve you oshi getting banged by other guys there is nothing we can do about that
More projection from beta bitch cuckie.

>> No.54171084

It's so funny seeing a cuck project his NTR fantasies so desperately.

>> No.54171143

Projecting what?
Do you even know what any of those words even mean?
Are you just an AI chatbot trained on /vt/ posts?

>> No.54171149

People might like to goof around a little here but no one seriously expects a mid-twenties american woman to be a virgin

>> No.54171150

>No proof, more projection.
Concession accepted, cuck.

>> No.54171167

>"I just see them as people"
Idk how you managed to get "wishing Hololive was different" from that

>> No.54171178

Why don't you produce proof, cuckie?

>> No.54171193
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I think both are nothingburgers and you ever plan on making it you have to stop relying on virtual women to fullfil your emotional and romantic needs.
Go out there and fucking talk to a woman even if it's about pokemon go. Every little bit counts in shedding your autism and growing as a person.
Learn to control yourself and guide your life to a better; rather than bitter end.

>> No.54171211

I'm sorry English is hard for you, shitskin. What part of that was confusing to you?

>> No.54171228

Yes, very few Holos ever interact with the Stars dudes. Both parties understand it too because it's part of the Hololive appeal.
Girls like Ollie are known to have actually said that they want to change Hololive. Ame falls in this category with all the mixed organized collabs she did.

>> No.54171237

You want him to prove a negative?
Why don't you provide some proof since you're making the claim.
Please give me even a shred of proof anyone in stars is banging anyone in EN

>> No.54171273

Who said anything about me specifically? I can recognize when someone is motivated by spite regardless of who it's directed to. It's just extra gross when people claim it wasn't spite and was instead actually just genuine advice and people are being mean :c but feel free to keep lashing out because people can see through it
kinda funny you say this to the guy dishing out the personal attacks but I guess teamates don't do irony.

>> No.54171285 [DELETED] 

You made the claim, cuck. The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.54171303

So everyone on the JP side to have collabed with a Holo is trying to change Hololive?

>> No.54171311

The part where you quoted
>If you fantasies involve you oshi getting banged by other guys there is nothing we can do about that
And then said that was projection.
What is that projecting exactly?

>> No.54171383

> guy dishing out the personal attacks
Are you fucking for real?
That's literally all you do in this thread you fucking pot

>> No.54171385 [DELETED] 

That's the part that gets me the most.
How do people here actually expect of Ame to never have fucked dudes before? How clueless can they be?

>> No.54171393

Aren't you the one going around calling people cucks in the first place, cuckie? Are you just projecting your cuck betaness for no reason or what?

>> No.54171453

They don't push it like Ame and Ollie does

>> No.54171459

>kinda funny you say this to the guy dishing out the personal attacks but I guess teamates don't do irony.
lol, lmao
speaking of irony holy fucking shit

>> No.54171534
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>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
>posts every minute on the minute
yeah have fun with your friend schizofriend

>> No.54171547

yeah man they don't push it like ame and ollie do, they pushed the boundaries of what it means to have hololive and stars unity. nothing that jp has done compares to that romantic duet between ame and altare.

>> No.54171592

I'm sorry a different interpretation of events is a personal attack to you, maybe you're too attached?
>no u
amazing argument, truly convinced me.
both of you feel free to point out any personal attack I've made.

>> No.54171638

>Because it wasn't a wholesome message telling people to better themselves. She was saying "if you don't like tempus then improve yourself" she was telling people to fuck off.

>> No.54171664
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This is sad

>> No.54171704

Are you new to Ame bait threads?

>> No.54171730

Because Amegeddon happened when we were all still in a single thread on a slow board that was far easier to moderate. Anything of substance posted about it after that day was instantly met with a vacation.

If something like that happened again with another EN holo, mods here would try to stop it again but would eventually be forced to leave at least one thread up about it as a pressure valve.

>> No.54171790

its almost a game now to see how amelia bait threads and it always its some scorned ass teamate arguing with current teamates everytime neither budging until bump limit or one gets bored then the thread dies.

>> No.54171802

how many pippa threads do you see?

>> No.54171819

Anon I'm talking about your attacks on Ame, which is the entire purpose of you being in this thread.
That and call other people cucks because they don't share your cuck fantasies, which is to be honest, real fucking weird.

Either way, pretending you have the high ground is just sad.

>> No.54171827

That's not a personal attack, that's literally what happened. It wasn't an umprompted "improve yourself!!" she told people to improve themselves if they don't like tempus collabs. I.e. if you don't like tempus collabs then something is wrong with you.

>> No.54171875

post a clip

>> No.54171943

yeah tbat's what i thought you stupid fucking bitch, don't ever pretend you know anything about JP holos ever again you retarded motherfucker

>> No.54172022

It's funny how the crowd that allegedly "improved themselves" goes to every Ame bait thread to say that they've improved. Like a salty ex trying to justify leaving but clearly hasn't moved on.

>> No.54172103

She told them to improve themselves if they continue to pester her about abandoning tempus, something she said she wont be doing.
i.e. if you keep harassing a streamer about the kind of content they make you need to go touch some fucking grass instead.

>> No.54172482

>She told them to improve themselves if they continue to pester her about abandoning tempus, something she said she wont be doing.
And then she virtually stopped doing Tempus collabs because she realized the unicorns were right all along kek

>> No.54172496

>That and call other people cucks
That's some other anon, not everyone who criticizes her is the same person.

>> No.54172676

>If you're getting so angry because I'm talking to my male coworkers you should use that energy to do something else and improve yourselves
This is spiteful to you?

>> No.54172816

>She told them to improve themselves if they continue to pester her about abandoning tempus
Which isn't a genuine desire to see someone improve, it's telling them to stop bothering you. Which is what I've been saying this whole time but you guys get upset and start throwing out insults
Yes, again, it's not a genuine desire to see someone improve, you're telling them to stop bothering you *and* implying they're deficient in some way.

>> No.54172821

Not everyone, but Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa and Suisei definitely are. Holoen has a lot fewer members though, so the impact of Ame and Kronii becoming homowhores is a lot bigger on their branch

>> No.54172857

Is that supposed to be some big gotcha? Like Ame constantly collabs otherwise?
She had some ideas for group collabs and she went for it and told the haters to go fuck themselves when they said she can't.
Which really ticks off unicucks because they think they own chuubas since they give them views and some loose change.
If she thinks of another good collab idea she will do it. Because she does it to make good content. Not "out of spite" like you fuckers keep parroting.

>> No.54172864

In your dreams, Ame shills her boys every week

>> No.54172903

>Yes, again, it's not a genuine desire to see someone improve, you're telling them to stop bothering you *and* implying they're deficient in some way.
No, this is you projecting. Ame has told her audience to improve themselves and to find happiness for themselves instead of just relying on her from day 1. You see spite because you personally got offended by the "implication" of you being deficient.

>> No.54173003

163 / 12 / 47 / 1
oof. is there ever going to be one of these failed threads that won't just be the same discord troons samefagging?

>> No.54173032

> it's telling them to stop bothering you
Where we ever arguing otherwise?
She doesn't attack her fans, or even people who don't want tempus collabs.
She specifically wants the unicuck beggars to fuck off.

>> No.54173061

No it's basic logic; if a then b.
>Oh you're hungry? Why don't you just leave then
would you say this is just a genuine desire to see someone go get food for themselves? Keep going with the ad homs though, they really make teamates look good.

>> No.54173079

amelia for months stopped basically all collabs I dont think she had a single collab on her own channel that wasnt basically opprotunistic offcollab while travelling from November 2022 til April 2023 when i stopped watching her.

>> No.54173206

The whole premise of the thread is that it was an innocuous statement said out of kindness. Your other teammate buddy seems to think the same thing; >>54172903
There's also numerous, genuine, non-unicorn reasons to not want male collabs. But good, if you agree it was said out of spite (towards "unicorns") then we don't have a disagreement :)

>> No.54173221

>Oh you're hungry? Why don't you just leave then
This is not the same as
>You know, if you're hungry, you should use that as drive to get some food for yourself.
You know Ame is not afraid to tell people to just leave if that's what she wants, right? She did exactly that later on, so it's funny that you're sticking to this.

>> No.54173268

Revisionism, she invited the girls first only, tried to make it happen before Tempus was a thing for months, literally never gathered enough girls to do it. Tempus debuted, she threw the invitation in the Holopro channel, and the homos went in, and that was enough to pull the rest of ID + Mori/Kronii/Bae etc.

>> No.54173282

>There's also numerous, genuine, non-unicorn reasons to not want male collabs
lol, lmao, holy shit

>> No.54173329

>48 IPs
>172 replies

Mental illness

>> No.54173337

Are you going to nitpick one off the cuff sentence for semantics?
He's right >>54172903 Ame has ben talking about self-improvement as well as advocating, and celebrating, improvements from chat, when they tell her about it.
She's been doing this for years now.
But you wouldn't know since you don't watch Ame do you?

>> No.54173414

Explain how she got all the EN girls together for a pico park collab a day later after the Worms tournament.
Why did they join pico so fast while refused Worms?

>> No.54173465

pico park is free

>> No.54173519

multi-day tournament vs. 1 day collab ?

>> No.54173522

It's still not a genuine desire to see someone feed themselves, it's just telling them to leave you alone. Another example of being spiteful doesn't really help your case either.
>if I laugh people will think I have an argument

>> No.54173544


>> No.54173561

Wasn't the best line of the amegeddon something like
>he isn't that tall, just 6'4"
It was something over 6' and put him in the 90th percentile of male height because women are fucking retarded and think 6 foot is average male height

>> No.54173574

what the fuck do you expect, for ame to drive to your home and give you food because you can't feed yourself? for her to teach you exactly how to find food and feed yourself like she's your mother?

>> No.54173575

Kiara refused the worms collab, Gura played it before, Mumei told she likes the game...
It was always supposed to be a mixed collab, which is why most girls refused.

>> No.54173657

t. Manlet

>> No.54173676

I mean in this scenario she'd be the chef, so yes I would expect food. A viewer asking for her content not to drastically change is equivalent (and not really deserving of a shitty response)

>> No.54173709

the niggas hurt by it were already leaning on her for heavy emotional support as a surrogate girlfriend.

>> No.54173735
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>> No.54173738

she's a chef on TV, you will never be able to feed yourself just because she cooks something on TV and you get to see the end results of her cooking, you just forget that you're hungry for a bit, but it's not actually food you can eat.

>> No.54173736

The fact that Kiara refused the collab but she was interested at the beginning tells you that it wasn't a mixed collab at first you dumb faggot. This was all said on stream.

>> No.54173739

Thank you Kiara.
Based as always.

>> No.54173869

No in this scenario you are in a steakhouse screaming about how there is no sushi and sushi is the best and why is everyone eating this fucking beef.

>> No.54173950

No she's a streamer on a screen providing a product (entertainment). For the analogy to work she'd be a chef providing a product (food) and then telling people to improve their tastebuds for asking for the old recipe they liked.

>> No.54173957

Did no one want to play astroneer as well? It's obvious that she was/is on a homoshill crusade and you're coping

>> No.54173992

and she told you from the start that you should seek your own happiness. when some containment breaking idiot asked her what her favorite ryan gosling movie was she answered "lars and the real girl" which is a movie about ryan gosling using a fake relationship with a doll as a social crutch until he loses her and graduates to become a real functioning person in society with (maybe) a real relationship.

>> No.54174011

>Go to steakhouse
>order same steak every week
>suddenly there's green onions ontop of it
>uhm could I get it the way I always did?
>uhm if you don't like it, improve your tastebuds

>> No.54174021

>dox still up
clean it up janny

>> No.54174104
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Why didn't she join this one as well then, or any EN girl for that matter?

>> No.54174123

I will never forget how Kiara threw all of myth under the buss during her niji collab about not being prepared on time for shit and then in the next myth collab she hosted fucked it up spectacularly.

>> No.54174165

cuz they prided themselves on not caring about off-stream stuff but then it turned out that girls who do that off-stream stuff can't help but bring it on-stream.

>> No.54174272

No, nigga, what you want isn't entertainment, it's a fucking social crutch, and you're complaining because she's making you take an extra step to get what you want, but you're too much of a fat fuck to take that extra step.

>> No.54174343

Once again resorting to insults because you've ran out of arguments. I guess spite isn't just limited to the streamer

>> No.54174365 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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nevar 4get

>> No.54174380

It's a very appropriate analogy, lmao

>> No.54174402

>just take them off
>no I hate it!
>it wasn't even cooked with them, it's just garnish. You can just remove them
>Okay well we are cooking it this way now, maybe you can go somewhere else?

>> No.54174476

You can't remove Tempus from the streams.

>> No.54174516

you can just not watch tempus collabs

>> No.54174545

Pickle posting is the only acceptable food analogy for arguments about homos

>> No.54174553

what the fuck is an amegeddon then?

>> No.54174596

This poor guy... I hope he got out of this shitty cuck hobby.

>> No.54174610

There is no acceptable food analogy you faggot.
Go eat your Cheerios and be quiet.

>> No.54174639

hey man i was just saying what was up with most the people who seethe about her here is. I mostly come to read these threads in dead hours these days to see if talking points ever change.

>> No.54174667

Which means that steak is ruined and can't be eaten.
No meal today.

>> No.54174669

sorry recipe has changed, you are free to leave.

>> No.54174777

you know it's just an extra step on the staircase, fatasses. maybe you should improve yourselves.

>> No.54174815

it's not really an analogy, it's just your fanfiction to try and discredit someone without refuting their points.
>have to portray the other side as a manchild to try and discredit them
man, it must be a teamate thing to be this bad faith. and fyi it *would* fuck with the flavour but immediately treating the customer/viewer as a child is very on brand for teammates I guess.

>> No.54174829
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My recipe changed motherfucker.
Go find another restaurant.

>> No.54174863

If I go to a restaurant as a regular, but every fourth dish is just a pile of shit and occasionally there's some sprinkled on the other dishes, I'm choosing to go to a different place

>> No.54174903

>not spiteful btw

>> No.54174910

K bye

>> No.54174953

loooool you KNOW it's not strictly about entertainment. you're upset because it ruins your girlfriend fantasies.

>> No.54174975
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I just think she's neat

>> No.54174986
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When the different coloured foods touch I DON'T LIKE IT ANYMORE MAKE IT LIKE YOU USED TO DO WHORE

>> No.54175043

Yeah I used to go that restaurant
First they put veggies on the steak and then started playing the gayest kpop music
So I just went and found a new restaurant, don't go there tho, its pretty shit and the customers are all gay

>> No.54175072

Seething nijisisters are all that is left of ame’s fanbase.

>> No.54175075
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>pretend online communal girlfriend tells you to get a life
>throw a tantrum and bee-line to the next readily available pretend online communal girlfriend (IRyS, Fauna and Mumei)
You retards never learn.

I'd say your level of social darwinism is parallel to /r9k/'s but on the other end of the spectrum, you're moving sideways like a crab.
Even /fit/ has it going on better and those guys are even bigger retards.

>> No.54175077

>I'm gonna ignore every post that pointed out how Ame wanted her fans to improve outside of the one moment that offended my fragile ego btw

>> No.54175104

It doesn't matter how often you repeat it, how many "definitely not mad" laughs you add or bad you want it to be true so you can "win", it's still not true. My only point is that it wasn't some wholesome message to better yourself, you guys keep wanting it to be deeper than that.

>> No.54175121

Hopefully she can pick up the rest when the others inevitability immigrate back here when nijien burns down

>> No.54175160


>> No.54175166

Funny how she said
>I mostly do solo content, and that won't change
And it, if fact, didn't change

>> No.54175174

It's shocking how Ame and Enna are so similar.

>> No.54175186

227 posts, 57 IPs, same fagging since 3 hours ago. Not even your parents gave that much attention to you

>> No.54175191

>outside of the one moment that offended my fragile ego btw
Kinda sad that this is all you've got left.

>> No.54175200

There is no "portraying".
Unicucks are manchildren. At least the ones still posting in fucking bait threads

>> No.54175214

isn't that all you had from the beginning?

>> No.54175279

>bee-line to the next readily available pretend online communal girlfriend
would be nice if true, but the morons aren't even capable of that seeing as these one of these threads made everyday.

>> No.54175286


>> No.54175301


>> No.54175328

"Improve Yourself" struck a nerve among """people""" who couldn't do such a thing if they tried, so they instead piss and shit everywhere since it's the only thing they can do in their lives.

>> No.54175363

Not a unicorn but again nice attempt to discredit with ad homs without refuting anything.
Nope, I've made a pretty clear case why the moment mentioned in the OP wasn't le wholesomerino self-improvement message when all you guys have is ad homs.

>> No.54175392


>> No.54175501

>thread is about the "improve yourself" comment
>why aren't you talking about these other moments?
cause it's not the topic? Again, my issue is with the historical revisionism you teammates engage in to try and say that it was just a wholesome message. Now hit me with the next ad hom, don't think you've called me an incel yet? or a chud. get creative.

>> No.54175578

>No her past behavior doesn't matter, I can just FEEL that she made that comment out of spite!

>> No.54175590
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Improve yourself /vt/
Ame is not your girlfriend nor an idol. Stop treating her as such.

>> No.54175643
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Ame is an idol though

>> No.54175650

>Why won't you argue with me only on MY terms, ignoring everything else?
Goddamn nigger you're the dumbest fuck I've seen on this goddamn site in a coon's age. Like fuckin' jesus christ this would be too goddamn dumb for /bant/

>> No.54175670

You're just wrong. A lot of evidence was provided, and examples from similar situations. How do you expect to get treated? It's just painfully obvious that you don't watch her
Now you're just throwing fallacies names

>> No.54175698

You don't need to "feel" anything. What prompted her to tell people to improve themselves? Asking her not to collab with males. She didn't just randomly say "Oh hey guys improve yourselves!" or start a new topic, it was the same breath.

>> No.54175719

Ame is an idol.

>> No.54175730

Question mark

>> No.54175800

>more insults instead of arguments
wouldn't need to if you guys would actually provide an argument that wasn't just insults.

>> No.54175823

>What prompted her to tell people to improve themselves?
People showing signs of being unhealthily reliant on her as an emotional crutch by displaying open jealousy toward what should be a normal interaction between coworkers.

>> No.54175828

Idols don't suck male coworkers dicks.
Wait, who am i kidding? Of course they do.

>> No.54175950

>can't read

>> No.54175954
File: 1.13 MB, 636x360, read[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fi4qytw.mp3] copy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? It was provided, you're just not reading or shitposting at this point. Now keep replying to the occasional post insulting you and ignore all the previous points
>inb4 where was it provided
read, nigga, read

>> No.54176038

Which is an assumption based on a pretty poor view of her fanbase. They might be idol purists, they might not want to disrupt the formula that's worked so far for hololive, or put pressure on the JP girls to adopt a similar approach, or introduce annoying dynamics both between the streamers and the fanbases (which has happened, stars fans used to not be harassed, there were no unironic hetshippers, anti's that use hetshipping as bait would get laughed off the board etc...). There are a ton of legitimate, non-unicorn, non-schizo reasons to be wary or against it but if the assumption is just "oh they're just jealous pathetic losers that don't have girlfriends" then you're just making her look like a real asshole.

>> No.54176044

Very progressive trans inclusion anon.

>> No.54176065

Improve yourself wasn't out of spite, but it was more of a deflection than the normal positively framed Ame self improvement talks usually apropos of nothing or picking up on something someone said in a supa.
She wasn't trying to hurt anyone but it was still wasn't coming from the same place as it normally did.

>> No.54176080

it's an AI, don't bother

>> No.54176106

>another ad hom
lmao. if you don't want to provide proof, that's fine, just don't be so spiteful :)

>> No.54176125

literally every reason you just listed is schizo or has to do with schizo fans

>> No.54176135

Stating a fact isn't an ad hom.

>> No.54176158

>everything I don't like is schizo, a lesson in ad homs

>> No.54176177


>> No.54176185

>Ame shills her boys every week
Ame went hard with Tempus collabs and then she abruptly backed off. It's obvious she realized she fucked up. She probably still shills them just because she's too full of pride and spite to admit the collab arc was a terrible mistake.

>> No.54176200

None of those are legitimate.

>> No.54176203

Because "if you don't like male collabs you need to improve yourself" is just a slightly nicer way to say "I'm doing male collabs and if you don't like it you can fuck off."

>> No.54176276

There was no fact, just another sad attempt to discredit by claiming I can't read (which is obviously untrue). Such bad faith, you should really work on that.

>> No.54176325

You can tell how much she held back though by her voice.
If it was real Ame saying it she would be whole lot more vocal.

>> No.54176375

According to you, maybe. A couple actually came to pass so saying that just looks silly.

>> No.54176390

And what is wrong with saying that?
She could have said a lot meaner and still could have been in the right

>> No.54176469

woman thread
post tits

>> No.54176498

>they might, they might
That wasn't what people were saying tho. It just proves that you weren't there, and you're reacting to a clip. On top of that those are not legitimate reasons.
Many times throughout the years Ame talked about self-improvement, and even parasocial relationships. That's the proof people are referring to and you refuse to acknowledge.

>> No.54176560

What's wrong is that teamates pretend that she was handing out sage advice from a place of caring when she was just telling her long-time viewers to fuck off like a harpy.

>> No.54176566

You start

>> No.54176576

Try schizos making it impossible to discuss Mumei outside of /who/, which they’d constantly raid, for two months straight. Admittedly, those were Nijifags trying to turn it into an Aloe situation, but the point is that it’s not a hypothetical, it’s already happened.

>> No.54176617

Keep parroting the same baseless thing, catalogchama

>> No.54176631

>That wasn't what people were saying tho. It just proves that you weren't there, and you're reacting to a clip. On top of that those are not legitimate reasons.
I was there and the point is that neither you nor Ame nor I know for a fact why people were against it, so to assume it's the worst possible reason is just spiteful.
>Many times throughout the years Ame talked about self-improvement, and even parasocial relationships. That's the proof people are referring to and you refuse to acknowledge.
I'm not saying she's an irredeemable asshole, I'm literally just talking about the "improve yourself" statement in isolation but you guys are in too deep to let a single slightly negative thing be said about her.

>> No.54176647

Her dox is wild and funny, can't blame people for wanting to talk and laugh about it.

>> No.54176650

>telling her long-time viewers to fuck off like a harpy
And you lost me

>> No.54176676

Everyone talks about improve yourself as being disingenuous (and it was) but for me it was when she said something along the lines of
>I collab with 7000 men every day and nobody complains it's the same thing teehee
That whole stream after the first answer was her trying to further justify something she knew pretty much nobody in her audience asked for or wanted but she had made her mind up on.

If she had left it at the first answer it would have been far better, it was to the point - gave the outlines of what she was going to do and didn't try to shift any of the unhappiness with her decision down to the personal faults of her audience.

>> No.54176794

I remember that one. Improve yourself stuck around though since it's a catchphrase.
The "i collab with 7000 men every day" goes to show how little she cares about her fans.

>> No.54176807

She should've just told them to skip those streams since they're not for everyone. Instead she said they were troglodytes who should come back when they're more enlightened and agree with her.

>> No.54176842

Also how little she understands the corporation she's in.

>> No.54176843

>(which is obviously untrue)
When you claim there's no argument when there is one, it's proof that you're unable to parse information from the written word.

>> No.54176915

Believe it or not, we don’t care about doxx shit especially if it’s before Hololive or not on Hololive stream/accounts

>> No.54177003

a bad faith misinterpretation of my argument then a rant insulting someone isn't an argument. but fine I'll engage your "argument".
I presented a claim, of course the argument is on "my terms" because noone has bothered to refute it other than personal attacks. Why would I move on to *your* argument when you won't even bother engaging mine?

>> No.54177021

7000 men turned into 3000 men just like that.
Did she seriously put her fans on the level of Tempus? None of her fans can actually talk to her like Axel does.
This is not true right?

>> No.54177052

Yes we know. The comments were there, and the supas too.
>I'm literally just talking about the "improve yourself" statement in isolation
The whole point is that it's not isolated. People are telling you that since the beginning of this thread, but you just refuse to acknowledge any of the points being made. Let me repeat it, many times throughout the years Ame talked about self-improvement, and even parasocial relationships. The "improve yourself" stream is a continuation of all of that. People that knows Ame took it for what it is, while retards like yourself saw a clip here and went nuts with it.
Now feel free to make an entire post deflecting that focusing on the word "retard"

>> No.54177102

According to anyone who has any level of sense to them. Idol purists wouldn't watch such a group as EN, given they're more likely to be crass and un-idol-like since practically their debut.
Not wanting to change up Hololive's formula would leave it dead in the water in other countries, even ones that enjoy the JP product, because they are different cultures. By launching and EN branch, they're already changing up the formula, even if they had the talents stick closer to idoldom. That's a far different sense in the west, and it would likely have doomed EN if they tried it.
The only ones putting pressure on the JPs to change are the horseshoe theory version of these people. Same with the talk about fans being/not being harrased, that's on the fans for harassing them because they can't keep their wits about them. JPs wouldn't change because of some EN slapnuts spamming them to work with whatever Homo, they already have their established shit.
Basically every argument you provided concludes in the idea that "the fans are fucking shit and probably should improve themselves", which shows that Ame was right all along.

>> No.54177134

I care. I won't oshi a taken chuuba. What's the point if supporting her as a fan if she already gets support everyday?

>> No.54177159

>The whole point is that it's not isolated.
It literally is, that's the only point I've been arguing, not a wholesale assessment of her character, just the fact that that one comment isn't the wholesome advice you teammates try and pretend it is. That's the entire argument. You can try and make it about me being upset or offended to make me look bad and make yourself feel better but it's not that deep. I just dislike the historical revisionism

>> No.54177185

Well, you really can't read

>> No.54177207

>because noone has bothered to refute it other than personal attacks
Because there's no point to refuting a pointless argument. If you argue that water is dry after being splashed in the face with it but saying "that water doesn't count!", then you have nothing to really argue back against. At that point it's time to just have fun with personal attacks, though calling them personal is a bit off the mark given I don't think you have a high enough intelligence level to count as a person.

>> No.54177228

>talk and laugh
“She’s a lying whore who should graduate and die” doesn’t sound like people talking and laughing to me.

>> No.54177268

>People that knows Ame
It's always some dumbass SEAmate with no indoor plumbing.

>> No.54177304

>According to anyone who has any level of sense to them
This is just a copout like "common sense". None of what you said is conclusive, it's pure speculation on your part. All it says about the fans is that they were worried, assuming straight away that they're "fucking shit and should improve themselves" is genuine asshole behaviour and I doubt Ame believes that, even if teammates do.

>> No.54177320

The reason why that time it caused a shitstorm was, because it was in the context of reasoning upcoming homocollabs with tempiss

>> No.54177374

I wasn't saying she doesn't care about her fans, I think her scrambling to try and justify it in such a sloppy way shows she was keenly aware of how a lot of them felt and cared about it. The fact remains though she had already made a decision she knew some people were not going to like, she should have stuck to the first thing she said and owned it and let people feel how they wanted about it without commenting further.
Yeah, no matter how you feel about this whole issue picking at your audience as being at fault if they don't want a certain type of content is unprofessional. And this was before anybody even sperged at her - this was preemptive.

>> No.54177381

>cry about other people not engaging in arguments
>refuse to engage in argument
>claim everything you say is self-evident
Damn you guys are more bad faith than I thought already. Teammates might genuinely be the worst fanbase lol

>> No.54177461

The only way to claim this as speculation is to confirm the initial arguments were speculation as well, and shitting on other talents and fans just off speculation that "it might be bad if people act like I'm acting!" is a self fulfilling prophecy, which puts the blame on the apparent pack of rabid wolves that call themselves "fans".

>> No.54177470

Saying “the cultures are different so we have to do things differently” like that is a thought-terminating cliche when it comes to companies reaching out to foreign markets. It becomes a blanket statement used to avoid looking at what attracted those foreign audiences to you in the first place, and what sort of things you should keep when you adapt your formula to better cater to them.

>> No.54177493

Well, we have your posts as proof. What proof do you have of your claims?

>> No.54177500

also if it's pointless, why have you been resisting it for the entire thread? it would have never reached bump limit if you didn't continue to claim that she actually meant it in a nice way

>> No.54177522
File: 207 KB, 517x459, 1642821068606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same fucking thread every single day
>nearly 300 posts
holy fucking shit do you guys genuinely not get tired of arguing about the exact same shit over and over and over? this is a legitimate question.

>> No.54177558

as proof of what? that you refuse to engage? you're not even making sense. my proof is in my posts which you refuse to read and then claim others can't read

>> No.54177592

It's not a blanket need, sure, but with stardom there's a huge gulf between how EN sees their stars and JP does. I don't think it'd be branch-extinction levels of failure, but it'd be a much more niche thing that never hit fire here like it did, which IIRC Niji only came over because Myth as a hit, which means funny enough if they didn't hit and Niji didn't start an EN branch, they'd be missing a big chance to open the market that Holo couldn't due to their adherence to trying to shoehorn JP ideas into an EN market.

>> No.54177636

I read them, they just have pointless conjecture and some bullshit about the fans attacking others being the ACTUAL good guys.

>> No.54177643
File: 83 KB, 165x269, 1652958201582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are just getting one more improve yourself thread in before EN3 because surely we will have better things to argue about after that.

>> No.54177686

kaela's collab was essentially her saying okay thank you goodbye

>> No.54177700

For real, anyone who expected Holo EN to behave like idols are seriously braindead. Our culture doesn't allow it, if they tried to copy the JP girls they would get hate too.
Only Gura managed to do it.

>> No.54177735

So pointless you continued to argue the opposite the entire time? You can't have read them that well (or maybe it's some learning difficulty?) since I never claimed that they're the good guys, merely that assuming that they're the bad guys without considering other options is an asshole move. If you're saying that's what Ame did then I wonder if she's even your oshi.

>> No.54177921

So you're claiming what, they're the neutral guys? Telling people who are starting shit to stop it isn't an asshole move, it's necessary. I just appreciate she was abrasive against people who only wanted to actively be shitheads and smear their shit on everyone else's face.

>> No.54177930

Because Kaela doesn't say her catchphrase in a bitchy and condescending way

>> No.54177935

holy retard, it's like you weren't even here pre-Tempus

>> No.54177955

You want to isolate a moment and judge it with /vt/'s retoric. Ame's fans are telling you the way she does things and similar situations to prove it, but you just keep going back to /vt/'s retoric
>bad faith

>> No.54178012

At least you're finally admitting it was done out of spite and not out of genuine desire to see people improve themselves. Although lumping all the people wary of male collabs in with the schizos is, again, an asshole assumption. I sure hope Ame doesn't feel the same way you do.

>> No.54178115

Truth can be harsh and abrasive without being out of spite, anonchama

>> No.54178147

>muh personal attacks
If you confuse any of that with spite then you're completely in need of a new dictionary.

>> No.54178280

>You want to isolate a moment and judge it with /vt/'s retoric.
You do know what the threads about right? And of course I'm going to discuss it when teammates keep trying to rewrite history and say "uh actually she was being NICE, she just wanted everyone to improve themselves :)))"
When the prompt is disagreeing with her course of action, then it's not out of genuine concern. And it's not been established to be the truth (that they have something they need to improve on) it's just an unfounded assumption about their social status because they disagree with you/her.

>> No.54178291

I'm saying your entire spiel is negated by the fact that idolfags were perfectly comfy for the first two years of HoloEN

>> No.54178390
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1659620833519813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she didn't say this until those "fans" showed they're snakes in the grass. And even then, it still wasn't spite. If you want spite, you might want to look up this man.

>> No.54178532

>You do know what the threads about right? And of course I'm going to discuss it when teammates keep trying to rewrite history and say "uh actually she was being NICE, she just wanted everyone to improve themselves :)))"
>uh actually she was being NICE
-> >>54177955 You're not saying anything new, reread please
>When the prompt is disagreeing with her course of action, then it's not out of genuine concern. And it's not been established to be the truth (that they have something they need to improve on) it's just an unfounded assumption about their social status because they disagree with you/her.
What she said basically was
>If you're this certain type of person, you might want to redirect that energy into improving yourself
Then you went on a tangent saying all this shit >>54176038 and assuming that it was out of spite which is not the case

>> No.54178541

She actually said this before fans had any opportunity to sperg because it was before tempus had debuted. Also if you have been watching Ame since her debut you would already know she went through this with the Astel collab, fans not wanting male collabs was not some grand revelation to her. Not wrong on it not being spite though

>> No.54178598

>What makes one worse than the other?
She implied people needed to improve while never once improving herself or her content. She felt important/powerful enough to tell others off about that when she herself doesn't do a single thing to improve on her own faults. That alone is worse than her having dated some nobody faggot however long ago or whatever the fuck, who cares. Streamers are never the people that should tell others where to improve on. Their entire "career" is basically e-begging and charity, they have no right to speak of such things. Much less someone in Hololive who is literally only successful due to the brand being successful, not because of their own hard work.

>> No.54178620
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>food analogy
do amerisharts really?

>> No.54178684

Myth worked because they were close enough to what EN viewers generally thought was the Hololive formula. The JP girls can act like idols when the situation calls for it, but they also do stuff like talking about putting band-aids on their nipples or sniffing their feet. Stuff that cemented the western perception of Hololive generally didn’t involve Holostars doing anything with them, so it came across as an alien concept to that core audience.

>> No.54178804

you quoted the wrong post, mine is about your dumb claims that idolshit won't work in the west because of da culture, even though it was very successful as an all-female branch that kept within itself and holoJP

>> No.54178894

>What she said basically was
Which, again, is just lumping the people with genuine worries in with the schizos and telling them that there's something wrong with them they need to improve on when their complaints could be genuine, non-schizo, non-unicorn. Assuming everyone with a complaint is some loser incel schizo is an asshole move.

>> No.54178906

>reaching bump limit on year old seethe
Ame really is the most influential vtuber

>> No.54179255

>If you're this certain type of person, you might want to redirect that energy into improving yourself
That type of person being the ones that get jealous and angry of male collabs. For other concerns, she stated that her content won't change (mostly solo), that the collabs will only be group collabs and that there are no needs to worry. And over time all of that was true, while btw, she's still mentioning improving oneself on her streams
You're just assuming that she lumped these "jealous and angry" type let's say, with the other ones, which is simply not the case

>> No.54179412

>You're just assuming that she lumped these "jealous and angry" type let's say, with the other ones, which is simply not the case
Because she only addressed the angry and jealous ones who were a minority anyway, making it seem like those are the only types of people worried about the male collabs, which wasn't the case.

>> No.54179444

>She actually said this before fans had any opportunity to sperg because it was before tempus had debuted.
There were some sperging since even the announcement, so you could maybe say this level wasn't justified, but that angle makes it feel more like trying to cut it off at the pass.

>> No.54179478

>making it seem like those are the only types of people worried about the male collabs
That's your appreciation. I just told you that she addressed other concerns

>> No.54179516

The alarmingly high mental illness on display in each of these threads is both hilarious and concerning.

>> No.54179537

If the girls were barred from collabing with the guys they'd be inundated with people asking why, then this exact same kind of backlash from the other side, which would result in just as shit a culture being fostered.

>> No.54179712

/jp/ reps

>> No.54179853

We need to return to the days where the only response to bait was ogey rrat

>> No.54179991

Ideally also get rid of /vt/ and make /vtg/

>> No.54180016

>homobeggars will be even more annoying
lol, not much of an argument. And I think that's less likely to happen if it's made clear that the branches are completely separate and the talents themselves have shown no desire to collab, like several of them have done so

>> No.54180310

real third worlder attempt at forming an argument lmao

>> No.54180422

Jesus. While doing amegeddon reps I ran into Fauna shit I had no idea. That woman is trully a yandere demonic creature
