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54127044 No.54127044 [Reply] [Original]

>We want EN3!
>Part of the vetting process by EN management is asking everyone during their interview "are you willing to collab with Tempus?"

>> No.54127276
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>the interviewer

>> No.54127378

>"You're hired."

>> No.54127401

I could unironically imagine that. It'd aid them in trying to create a "unity" feeling in EN and pushing their guys better

>> No.54127416


>> No.54127588

Unlikely, management so far has shown to try very hard to boost the dudes even to the detriment of the girls

>> No.54127700

It would be a consequence of Hololive EN and the stars having the same management and staff, unlike the JPs.
I can definitely see the bastards in EN management only caring about saving their failing homos by hiring girls that are willing to collab with them.

>> No.54128290
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Trust in the Jap to save HoloEN.

>> No.54129762

This is basically my nightmare scenario.

>> No.54131025

Some of them obviously will collab with the homos, but if all of them collabs then this gen arrived dead

>> No.54131170

They need to emulate JP Gen 3 and be the cutoff point where they go "No, we hate men."

>> No.54131330

I'm willing to bet that at least 3 of them will be regularly interacting with tempiss

>> No.54131544

I can guarantee that all 5 if them will actively be Tempiss cock sleeves who actively push shipping.

>> No.54131688

You niggers act just like twittards who meet someone and the first thing they do is dig through their post history to see if they've said any slurs in the past

>> No.54131792

None of them will collab with Tempus. Cover let the EN branch have too much autonomy to make bad decisions, mistakes were made, and now they're on a much tighter leash.

>> No.54132207

When half of the branch is bitches I think it's fair to be skeptical, nobody will be that skeptical with a JP gen because the worst case scenario is having one shit member

>> No.54132857

You're a fucking mental midget, anon. That's nothing like what is being said in this thread.
People have been worried about EN management's mistreatment of the girls in favor of Tempus for almost a year now.
Since EN Hololive management is the same staff that manages the EN Holostars, they have a vested interest in making sure the homos succeed. So if they believe that collabs with the girls would help Tempus grow like everything seems to indicate they do, then it's reasonable to assume that that influenced who they hired, you retarded braindead chimp.

>> No.54138059


>> No.54140373

That's how it should be.

>> No.54140564

Glad someone understands it.

>> No.54141235

Why are you obsessed with holostars?

>> No.54143346

What gave you that impression? I don't want to see scat porn either. Does that make me obsessed with it?
Fucking retard.

>> No.54143398

but no one is watching the homos


>> No.54143451

This, the fucking concerted effort to push all of Tempus was disgusting.

>> No.54143486
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Why do you guys spend all day making up scenarios in your head to get mad at?

>> No.54143528


>> No.54147875


>> No.54148196 [SPOILER] 
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Cause my oshi does not stream

>> No.54150966

I wish

>> No.54151097

Temper expectations I guess

>> No.54152894

Will probably be able to tell based on follows.

>> No.54153622

None of you deserve a new gen if your already going to treat them like your fucking property

>> No.54153668

first day on 4chan?

>> No.54153740

Jesus christ you all are obsessed with men

>> No.54156005

they're coworkers, calm down.

>> No.54158755

>to get mad at
That's just a shitposter out of shitposting material, hence the hypothetical scenario

>> No.54159662

That's not even close to what anyone here said, faggot.
Kill yourself.

>> No.54159736



>> No.54161282

Homobeggars line up against the wall.

>> No.54168183

>ID grows stronger

>> No.54169159

>all of them raiding a dungeon
>clear JRPG inspiration
>collab ban is over
>first collab is with tempus
>all of them join the homo collab side
>kiara, gura, mumei, ina, and fauna are left isolated from future group collabs
>slowly they all start to collab with homos
>backlash happens
>HoloPro tweets in support of the girls freedom to collab with men if they want
>idol average CCV rises by 1k

>> No.54169718

I'm going to turn this into a soundpost, thanks

>> No.54169745

Bull shit

1. There is literally nothing wrong with pushing your product on a premade audience, especially one thought to be more accepting than the jp audience when it came to be males. They really wanted the homos to appeal to both males and females

2. The girls have been very well taken care of and just got their own fucking concert in the US, there was like 3 voluntary collabs that included the homos yet you fuckers act like it was the holocaust. Since then the collabs completely cooled off and everyone has been keeping to their own lanes, not like they weren't doing that already before the worms tournament. The only "loss" was kronii telling unicorns to fuck off which is 100% her right. You see a homo on the official twitter then cry about how mistreated the girls are while the girls can't be bothered to stream unless their name is Mori. The only mistreatment going on is the fans harrasing kronii over the homos and harrassing the boys themselves.

3. The worse thing that happened in this experiment was debuting a second tempus gen 6 months in while no girl debuts in over a year. A very big miscalculation that enraged the fan base. Again tone death but nothing wrong. They don't owe you new girls, they don't owe us new boys, if they want our money they need to put out a product that people like yes. They wanted to gacha again on the boys and it was a break even bet.

>> No.54170746
File: 3.32 MB, 1280x720, korone seppuku NOW[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fww6jl7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

