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5411128 No.5411128 [Reply] [Original]

During Kiara's Holotalk, this exchange occured:
Which when translated, basically means:
>Kiara: "Did you pay off all of your debts?"
>Coco: "It might be because I paid them all off that I'm being made to - that I'm graduating!"
させる = to be forced to do something
する = to do something normally
Coco almost said the former, then she corrected herself. Proof is here:

>> No.5411643


>> No.5411649

Cover shills will defend this.

>> No.5411860

go see the coco debud, newfag

>> No.5411924

How new?

>> No.5412000

Obviously the debt shit is part of her lore, but the forced to graduate part isn't, hence why she corrected herself.

>> No.5412005

The translation is there. Do the math, shill

>> No.5412127

Yeah, yeah.
Find new material Schizo, only other retards like you buy your shit.

>> No.5412250


Coco could have stayed till the end of times in hololive and would have been cherished by Yagoo

>> No.5412357

>させる = to be forced to do something
no retard

>> No.5412397

literally just watch the clip and listen for yourself, you did do your reps right?

>> No.5412605

So? What difference does it make? Coco is going to graduate anyway.

>> No.5412735

It means Coco doesn't really want to graduate if she's being forced

>> No.5412761

One narrative makes Cover look significantly worse than the other.

>> No.5412816

Good try OP. させる is also how you would convey being allowed to do something. This is more consistent with her lore. She was being made to stream to pay off her debts, and now she is being allowed to graduate since they have been paid off. Of course, she likely knew how wording it that way would sound to her EOP and schizo fans, so she tried to correct herself.

>> No.5412924

wow I didn't notice that subtle slip anon. Although it could be due to Coco not being good at grammar and noticing later that she used the wrong verb.

>> No.5413031

She said it herself few times.

>> No.5413106

Literally no reason to correct herself if she meant it in the sense of to be allowed to graduate rather than to be made to graduate

>> No.5413389

Translation is trash, as >>5412816 says させる is also used to press being allowed to graduate.
する is volitional - it expresses that it was a decision she made on her own.

>> No.5413462

Forced to do X thing would be させられ

>> No.5413491

This is your brain when your parents buy you everything and you have no concept of how money works.

>> No.5413493

>する is volitional - it expresses that it was a decision she made on her own
That's what she corrected herself with, yes, obviously to not stir up shit

>> No.5413561

give up

>> No.5413625

What did I say that was incorrect

>> No.5413629

Everyone knows Coco quit because she's busy with schoolwork. Only schizos would think she quit because of anything Cover did to her.

>> No.5413678

Neither the original nor the correction imply that she was made to graduate, but it is reasonable that she would correct herself.

>> No.5413783

Coco said in a member stream that she can't say the real reason cause of NDA
>sharing member content
fuck Cover

>> No.5414091

I hope coco bring all (you) schizos with her

>> No.5414099

She ended at the させr... so there's no real reason she necessarily would've said させる in the first place as retard OP implies and not させられ. Either way this slipup makes Cover look bad.

>> No.5414112

>can't say the real reason cause of NDA
What... what are they gonna do? Double fire her?

>> No.5414278

Take her to court.

>> No.5414285

sue her for breaking NDA

>> No.5414410

legal document, she could get sued.

>> No.5414602

yeahhh fuck this, cover is fucking garbage, i'm taking the indiepill

>> No.5414841

させられ~ is much more of a stretch to mistake - it makes perfect sense for her to have originally have meant させる and changed to する. Cover hardly looks bad when only a schizo would even have noticed this in the first place.

>> No.5415039

Were people still under the delusion that she was graduating of her own volition or?

>> No.5415117

how is this even schizo it's completely plausible and not some insane headcanon

>> No.5415135
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I still believe in Fubuki

>> No.5415171

don't bother, only complete coprorate zombies haven't figured it out by now

>> No.5415210

People only care about the brand and naturally believe whatever makes it look good if they know it's not true

>> No.5415250

The other supposed slipups are unironically more plausible than this JSL crap.

>> No.5415265

You haven't noticed yet that Coco will use any moment to throw Cover under the bus? A Corporation doesn't know shit about their workers debt.

>> No.5415374

Court, anon. They can fire her and she cannot tell us. So who knows.

>> No.5415412

>させられ~ is much more of a stretch
Not really. Both are equally as likely when all we got was that "r" sound to go on. If anything I'd say させる is less likely as, like you said, people would've interpreted that as her just being relieved of her debt towards Cover and there'd have been no reason for her to correct herself in the first place. In the end how you see this comes down to how much you trust Cover or not, and I don't have very much faith in that company at all.

>> No.5415512

Because of happy delusion bubble created by YT/reddit. Only funny, positive stuff allowed.

>> No.5415532

It's not crap if both possible explanations are grammatically correct.

>> No.5415621

This is a pretty plausible explanation as to why Coco isn't getting the Unperson treatment. Cover lets her go out in a blaze of glory and she agrees to keep her mouth shut by signing an NDA. Possibly a non-compete too (assuming those are a thing in Japan?). Don't be surprised if she doesn't reincarnate with a new avatar.

>> No.5415737

Except more of this after she actually graduates. Two weeks ago you would be called a zhang for saying anything like this but now she's a free target.

>> No.5415742

try harder filthy chink

>> No.5415827

I mean, they all sign NDAs before day 1. Speaking about backstage management decisions got other vtubers fired and possibly blacklisted.

>> No.5415913

>Defending a woman harassed by the Chinks makes you a Chink

>> No.5416239

It's more that Zhangs have been desperatly trying to shift the narrative in such a way that this is their doing when in reality Coco is sick of not being able to create the content she wants. And I can see why. Some of her early stuff would fit right in in Vshojo. Not a complaint, just an observation

>> No.5416311

There is no chance she would agree to a non-compete, the NDA is all they got and they had to give her a lot to even get that

>> No.5416401

>Everyone knows Coco quit because she's busy with schoolwork
The sad part is that this is how Haatons are coping right now.

>> No.5416420

>Coco belongs with westerner whores!
>I never liked reddit meme review in the first place or Asacoco
Amazing how fast you niggers change opinion.

>> No.5416442

We will never really know, because even if Yagoo himself is sacrificing her at the altar of Winnie the Pooh she wouldn't damage Hololive by announcing it because that would hurt her friends that are still streaming there.

>> No.5416447

you are not defending shit when she´s already leaving you just want to bring drama taking advantage of her situation and cause of that you are piece of shit who deserves the rope

>> No.5416449

>Cover was treating Coco like shit all along
are the changs somehow good for making her indirectly leave? Otherwise Coco would be suffering in a restrictive workplace.

>> No.5416554

Not what I said faglord. I'm saying that the content Coco wants to make doesn't fit with where Cover wants to take the brand. She can continue being frustrated, or she can leave (and give up A LOT). I respect that.

>> No.5416600

>are the changs somehow good
You're LARPing too hard

>> No.5416644


>> No.5416721

I mean, I hate them but indirectly Coco might be more happy now.

>> No.5416858

"It might be because I paid them all off that I'm being made to graduate" is not a plausible sentence given the parts that we have and the context of the sentence, whereas "It might be because I paid them all off that I'm being allowed to graduate" is perfectly reasonable without the correction.

The correction aside, it doesn't make sense as a sentence someone would start saying here. The fact that it would be grammatically correct doesn't change this. A more plausible rrat would be that got sick of working for cover, and only stayed until she felt she had paid of her debts.

>> No.5416859

Coco said already that one of the reasons for why she is leaving is the taiwan incident too, it's not just because of "creative differences", that's just sugar coating.

>> No.5416937

Am I the only one who hopes that she IS being forced to graduate? If she's leaving voluntarily, it almost certainly means there's some greater issue she has with Hololive's creative culture, whereas if she's being forced out, it's probably a result of a—RELATIVELY superficial—issue with the bureaucratic culture.

>> No.5416995

>"It might be because I paid them all off that I'm being made to graduate" is not a plausible sentence given the parts that we have and the context of the sentence
But it is. It quite literally is. It was an obvious slip-up, but it's perfectly relevant contextually.
>The fact that it would be grammatically correct doesn't change this
Now you're just coping.

>> No.5417194

fuck cover
all my homies hate cover

>> No.5417379

Cover also paid her. She's done way more than keep her mouth shut.

>> No.5417418

>8 members of hololive have cried on separate occasions about being denied permission to do multiple things they wanted
>two of these members are on indefinite hiatus
everything is fine lol

>> No.5417744

The real reason coco graduate is the weight of guilt she feel since the incident. Ofc it's by no means her fault but considering her personality, she must lowkey reflect on it a lot and felt regret for what happened.
Imagine in doing something you thought was right (shielding haato) you accidently causing a bigger flame. Then you have people who recieve most damaged keep comforting and support you. I'd break down from the weight of those affections.
This proven more when flare comfort her on their collab to not worry about member only chat. You can hear in coco's voice how painfully she tried to hold her tears.
Just let her go anons.. it's no ones fault and this is for the best

>> No.5417956

unstable people will cry about everything and they never said what they wanted to do. The only side you see is their fake tears.

>> No.5418483

I mean raging shit on /vt/ is the least you can do?
>go buy a one way ticket to Japan.
>go to their office.
>do the chad move with that jar of gasoline.
don't have the balls?
Zhang intruder spotted

>> No.5418604

meds. now.

>> No.5418639

shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.5418698

yeah, you need your meds

>> No.5418747

>you can't criticize cover if you don't want to pull a kyoani

>> No.5418795

KyoAni Chad>You

>> No.5419632

>it's no ones fault

Yeah no. No matter the outcome, people will NEVER forget what the bugmen did and they will never stop holding them responsible. Their reputation has been poisoned to an irrevocable degree.

>> No.5419897

Do your archive reps. Holos used to have far more leeway before West Taiwan and the Crapcom lawsuit. External pressure on Cover is the worst thing that can happen to their talents, which is probably why Coco is trying so hard to not let people pin her graduation on Cover where her friends are still streaming.

>> No.5420087

Fuck that, its the fucking chinks fault and its fucking cover's fault for kneeling to them.
Over restriction just kills creativity and will hurt Hololive in the long run.

>> No.5420249

It's the chinks. 1/7 is the day CCP was created

>> No.5420967

I've always been willing to attribute shit that Cover does to retardation/inexperience, but the 7/1 graduation date was the dynamite that broke the dam. Cover 100% sacrificed Coco to the chinks, and bullied her into accepting the blame.

>> No.5421067

1/7 is also Canada Day. Day of the rake when???

>> No.5421074

Fuck Cover, no Coco no watch.

>> No.5421861

we can still hold her word for it, right?

>> No.5421895

>People still in denial and anger stage
Whatever happened Coco quitting is good for her since she's free from all the drama. Best course of action is to support her roommate

>> No.5421991
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white people simply cannot learn this language. probably because they spend all their time learning simple kanji like 卒業

>> No.5422122

>people are actually retarded enough to think she walked away from a gig that made her over a million dollars in a couple of years
you guys are seriously fucking retarded, she was fired

>> No.5422377

Okay dramafag, nevermind mental health

>> No.5422425

she'd take a month off, not quit dumbo

>> No.5422451

Just like Haato

>> No.5422765

>a gig that made her over a million dollars in a couple of years
I will never understand why some of them insist on going to school or maintaining regular jobs. Hololive is a bigger gravy train than any other shit that ~20 year old has going on, and could realistically generate a big enough nest egg for retirement in a year or two.

>> No.5422984

>Cover was treating Coco like shit
>Is it somehow good that another group ALSO treated her like shit?
You fucking retard...

>> No.5423044

she is going to return in 5 years after the NWO finally is the WG

>> No.5423099
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>> No.5423235

Fubuki has sold out, I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.5423322

I wish they had added some new character details instead of just deleting the china pandering stuff. Not that the character bios are all that relevant in the first place.

>> No.5423372

Are you filthy EOPs really not caught up with Narukami’s video on the incident? I’m pretty sure there’s subs so you guys have no excuse. It’s an objective fact that Coco was forced out and OP is correct that in this context the usage of させる implies being made to do with a negative connotation.

>> No.5423428

What do you think Coco’s juices taste like if licked from her perfectly shaven cunny?

>> No.5423434

This one is boring. Nene asked for a new outfit specifically because her old outfit was an obviously Chinese, and she didn't want to be associated with that shit after Coco. She also still references going back to planet "Tao Tao" when she goes away for the weekend to visit her parents or whatever.

>> No.5423520
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>> No.5426526

Redditors are for sure, or at least the ones dumb/naive enough to guzzle Cover's kool aid by the gallon. I'd think it was a combination of factors actually of both the China shit and also Coco being annoyed with management.

Considering they dissolved the CN branch, remade Nene and presumably Cover is actually banned from China now + their gov introduced a bunch of restrictive legislation that would allow them to arbitrarily ban/mess with any vtuber that isn't a direct CCP puppet (i.e any overseas ones)? They probably don't really think they could get back into China with her out. Zhangs just hate Cover period basically, see how they just went for Aqua now because she "betrayed" them etc. There's no placating them. On the other, maybe they thought Coco leaving would put an end to the spam/threats period for all chuubas and only now learned that would be a huge mistaken assumption because edgy kids aren't gonna give a shit.

The other thing is it's possible they implied they weren't even gonna oust her but otherwise soft-bully her into a corner indefinitely to try to protect the others. In Japan people often aren't fired but just placed into some irrelevant position that encourages them to quit (power harassment) and Coco probably recognized that, like maybe a plan to slide her into a more Shion or Ayame like thing where she isn't graduated but just irrelevant. I'd bet there was some kind of exchange where she went "you can't do that to me if I quit first" - and upon hearing that they seemed to have attempted to placate her but she left anyway. For Cover's own image etc they'd probably have wanted her to stay but probably intended on isolating her continuously or even more than before assuming she'd put up with it.

>> No.5426718

During the mario party collab between her, Marine, Noel and Flare there were too many bullying references out there, that was enough for me to belev Narugod's narrative

>> No.5426785
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>> No.5426850
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>> No.5427772

>>The fact that it would be grammatically correct doesn't change this
>Now you're just coping.
Tbf, the meaning of a language is more than just grammar and semantics. Google: pragmatics

>> No.5427831


>> No.5428810

The power harassment narrative makes sense to some degree but the thing that goes against it is that Coco wasn't the only talent being affected by the content restrictions and it seems Coco is under the impression the other girls will still be under restriction after she is gone (given what she said on holotalk).

My narrative is that after the Taiwan debacle, Cover had to placate the investors after losing out on the potentially massive market that is China, and make their investment safe again. This results in Cover going overboard on restricting any content that isn't 3D idol concerts or song covers (and even those seem to be a pain in the arse to get released) in order to insulate themselves against any more potential drama that could make the hololive project unsafe for investors again (they were already tightening Coco's leash before then, see asacoco 2.0, but they ramped it up even harder). This also buys time for them to shore up the wildly successful EN branch that will calm the investors' nerves and more than make up for lost income when Coco is gone.

As for if they'll ever lighten up content restrictions on the JP branch? Who knows? They still make a shitload of money on "safemode" and plenty of the talents like doing minecraft streams and anime song karaoke so there's little reason to take the risk again with unsafe content. I guess it would depend on more talents complaining and/or graduating to force a change. Coco asked them to keep fighting so we'll see what happens.

>> No.5428853

People aren't seriously following along with what was literally just a kayfabe answer, right...?

>> No.5429295
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