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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54023861 No.54023861 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54024787

shark hymen will never heal

>> No.54024936
File: 76 KB, 236x272, 1677823037539074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait, Did you really think that gura is responsible for the graduation of a male vtuber from other company?

>> No.54025861

Also the average IQ of /ggg/ and chumbuds.

>> No.54026283

cunny i kneel

>> No.54026361

“It all returns to nothing, they just keep tumbling down tumbling down tumbling downnnnn”

Gura I love you…

>> No.54026577

Total male erasure… goober please just spare vesper…

>> No.54026688

I told you guys that Gura's return marked the beginning of the great cleansing. Bit by bit we will wash away all the shit until we're back to clean little shark buttholes.

>> No.54026740
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>> No.54026834

HoloEN and ID are still a thing. They unironically made vtubing worse by getting Westies involved and trying to make it "woke".

>> No.54026900

What is it about Hololive that makes all its viewers so spiteful and full of hatred?

>> No.54026916
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That was due this chic involvement way before EN and ID.

>> No.54026965

>vtubing is healing
>shitty managers and abusive talents are employed in many positions
>black company tactics are common
Whatever you say

>> No.54027057
File: 91 KB, 1362x797, naturesheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara admits that collabing with males kills numbers
>Vesper and Magni suspended
>NijiEN graduations continue
>male collaborator viewership keep doing down
>Gura is back
You love to see it

>> No.54027327

It's an entirely natural reaction to getting invaded by faggots who want to change something beautiful into garbage.

>> No.54027489

>Kiara admits that collabing with males kills numbers
Vedal won't agree with you.

>> No.54027663

Vedal's a fucking turtle who cares what he thinks?

>> No.54027671


>> No.54027736

Gura chan please stop!!!

>> No.54027746

the man who made neuro

>> No.54027864

Because great entertainers are leaving? Fucking retard.
If you weren't so insecure and actually watched some of the male vtuber you would realize how much fun you're missing.

>> No.54027989

I watched Tempus before the collabs with the girls. How entertaining they are has no bearing on me not watching them anymore.

>> No.54028013

Vtubing will never heal until it's fully rid of EOP faggotry.

>> No.54028060
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>> No.54028075
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>> No.54028169

I tried to watch Vox one time
he was full BFE, talking about his balls and cum
sorry I'm not gay

>> No.54028195

>eating dogshit is FUN
>you're really missing out on FUN by not eating this dogshit
>don't you want to have FUN?
There can be no peace until every single male vtuber is dead.

>> No.54028222

bruh who fucking cares, he made an ai vtuber girl. if he made an ai vtuber boy only 10 percent of viewers would watch. Pppl who watch female vtubers are single men desperate for a waifu. it is kind of pathetic but i do get it.

>> No.54028250

What did he say and why should I care about it?

>> No.54028334

thats literally the only way male vtubers can get popular. or be a total shithead like kenji and build a fan base of shit heads. i dunno. normal male vtubers are absolutely not succesful

you pretty much have to be a total degen to get the bottom of the barrel humans that swarm to the popular vtubers.

>> No.54028433

Sis, I actually gave the EN homos a chance at their debut. Had they stayed in their lane I would have no problem with them, but since Cover is evidently taking homo viewership as a sign that they're a replacement for EN3 I cannot in good conscience support them in any way. In fact, it would be better if they disappeared.

>> No.54028442

He didn't say anything, anon

>> No.54029657

>Kiara admits that collabing with males kills numbers

>"For [Kiara's] personal growth and mental health"
>"I think I don't need that now."

So, what I get from this is that if she collabs with a male, she stops being a lesbian.

>> No.54030135

Got in this thread to shitpost but even I think this is a reach my dude, on to the next bait thread

>> No.54030305

This is true.

>> No.54031769
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>says a member of possibly the most cancerous schizo redditor fanbase in the industry
I am glad that Niji is burning, but Hololive and it's fans need to go even more so.

>> No.54032544


>> No.54032647
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>> No.54032771


>> No.54033121
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oh nyo~~

>> No.54036547


>> No.54036687
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>> No.54038676

take your meds retard
