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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 305 KB, 1498x2387, F1qVuQaaYAAyQMi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53980161 No.53980161 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな
Previous >>53961171

>> No.53980183
File: 69 KB, 674x680, F1pQvUaaQAAlt3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/
Booth: https://mikenekoko.booth.pm/
【Original Song】You&me/みけねこ:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf5ydEWJL1g
【Original Song】drop/みけねこ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHl2-rH6GnU

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna
Shop: https://store.vshojo.com/collections/nazuna

>> No.53980236
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>> No.53980296
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Cute wife!

>> No.53980429
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I love her!

>> No.53980439
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Fuuuck, it didn't get the embed for the first one since there was no space in between. Ok, next time...

>> No.53980449

keep the fanart coming, anonchamas, thanks

>> No.53980496
File: 72 KB, 672x811, 1635495610070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cast the "anti-timeloop" spell. This spell cannot be negated and is all powerful.
I also cast the "Love Wife" spell, this is one of the strongest spells known to man and cannot be negated, you must love wife.

>> No.53980522
File: 170 KB, 1072x858, F1pdJrPagAAMB0M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53980691

I never agreed to no marriage

>> No.53980711


>> No.53980737
File: 211 KB, 500x500, enragedruchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it CANNOT be negated

>> No.53980777


>> No.53980883


>> No.53980905
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>> No.53980944 [DELETED] 
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Could you guys stay in this thread and just, sort of, never come out? That would be greeeeeat, thaaaaaanks

>> No.53980958

Never. She's GF. She's wife. No "experience" or simulation
She is wife

>> No.53980982


>> No.53981174

Friendly reminder that this board boasts a report function to keep a tiny bit of sanity and quality in it.
Some of the reasons that are allowed to report a post are: "low quality post" (for example ESL garbage by a japanese anti), "this post is off-topic" (it doesn't relate to the subject of the thread), "trolling outside of /b/" (obvious out-of-nowhere inflammatory posts) or "this post contains doxx" (if it contains discussion of any private real life aspect. Importantly, the mods don't consider if the elements of the doxx are real or not, so a completely made up "doxx" still counts)

She is and acts permanently as my wife

>> No.53981245

migenego ::DD

>> No.53981247

My Wife is back

>> No.53981332
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>>53981174 (me)
I heard too that the more reports something gets the more likely it will attract the mods attention so please use it anytime you see it's needed

>> No.53981375

WHAT THE FUCK!??!?!?!?!

>> No.53981914

Well I'm not gonna believe it from a vshojo anti if that's the best evidence you can muster.
Also her new model on Mike is good, much better than the last one she had imo so I could see myself continuing to watch her.

No, I didn't notice it. Is that supposed to mean she will quit?

>> No.53982015
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>> No.53982328

My wife

>> No.53982638

I hope she gets her ass sued

>> No.53982752

I hope to see her ass nude.

>> No.53982812
File: 1.58 MB, 1010x1080, 1667897469546114.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder to all Mike fans that she wants to meet American/Canadian fans. Ergo, she scoping out the potential candidates for her future husband from those places. Obviously, this means she thinks White Boys be cute.

>> No.53983086

Canada is Indian/Chinese thought

>> No.53983160

She really hadn't let it go yet
Me neither...

>> No.53983194

I am not white and I am American.

>> No.53983200

If you rearrange the letters in "mike" it spells "wife".

>> No.53983336

I only need to make her think europe is part of america

>> No.53983475
File: 3.10 MB, 600x600, 1683889897963317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way she was talking about it, made it sound like she was thinking about pale boys and possibly girls when she was gushing about the possibility. Honestly, as menhera as she is, I'd be lying if I said wouldn't seriously consider such an offer.

>> No.53983533

I was born in a western country, but my parents are asians... have I lost the race already?

>> No.53983704

As with many other japanese people, she doesn't know anything other that a simplistic view of how other countries in the world are.
She had mentioned loving italians once

>> No.53983751

>I Need More Power!
"I know... We are one in the same, you and I. But you've lost me, and I've lost you. Yet we are connected, by that one feeling. "While thy branches mix with mine, and our roots together join.""

The Final Yab

>> No.53984620

Why does her new song have so few views compared to her last one? I didn’t think it would fall off so hard…

>> No.53984626

Mikeneko please play God of War

>> No.53984788
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>> No.53984821

6 months of difference, she didn't promote it correctly (i think she released hours before the stream looking at the hours so the algorithm fucked her probably) and honestly, while the lyrics are pretty nice; drop is a banger you can put on repeat while you&me is kinda ruined by unneeded over-reliance on auto-tune.
Unrelated but i kinda want her to try some new style and maybe more genki, not everything different degrees of depressing.
I think she could do well.
I understand it's not what she usually listens to.

>> No.53985247

Didn't her first orisong basically come out of nowhere with zero promotion or fanfare as well?

>> No.53985269

I'm going to timeloop
Why are these faggots so empathetic towards Henya but unable to understand what a giant slap in the face hiring her was?
Trying to merge old, angry men into a fanbase with retarded teenagers was never going to work.

>> No.53985384

She collabed with Henya offline today.

>> No.53985420

Why is You&Me so much better than Gawr Gura's newest song? What's happening?

>> No.53985925

Henya is fun and hard working

>> No.53985969
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>> No.53986805

Was Vshojo supposed to pick up a less amazing talent just to spare Nazuna's feelings? She doesn't have nearly enough clout for that.

>> No.53986866
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>> No.53986983

why not? all their other streamers suck

>> No.53987025
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>> No.53987065

Rushia had red eyes. The original mikeneko had violet eyes. The intermediate models, mike and Nazuna, had heterochromia with one red eye. And the final mikeneko model now has red eyes again.

>> No.53987299

Apparently VShojoJP already has two other girls in reserves to be debuted. One wonders what the hold up is, especially when the intention seems to be to debut both before the end of the year.
Well, it's not our concern anymore.

>> No.53987451

Stop replying to the faggot looper

>> No.53987485
File: 869 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_8932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought it the second she released it rights anons? Mikeneko would be pretty upset if you didn’t give up your life’s savings for her

>> No.53987649

I bought it within the first half of the first millisecond she released it.

>> No.53987704

Meant to ask, is something like this likely to get damaged while shipping or not?

>> No.53987773

song makes bear sad

>> No.53987835 [DELETED] 

Fuck off vatnigger

>> No.53987857

So, when is she quitting vshitshow?

>> No.53987872

I've never had a tapestry even slightly damaged in transit. I suppose it's possible if someone takes your package and swings it against the wall, they'll break the plastic poles, but I can't see someone being that much of a faggot for no reason.

>> No.53987902

Everytime you ask this question the announcement gets delayed by 1 day

>> No.53987971

Shit on vshitshow all you want but
Why are you hating on my wifes friend? They played together yesterday on the taiwan thing. Dont bother them pls.

>> No.53988025
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>Just make it pink IDGAF

>> No.53988072


>> No.53988108

Albeit I love my wife

>> No.53988128
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>> No.53988287
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>my wife thing very hard about how she will destroy the balkans

>> No.53988380 [DELETED] 

[/spoiler] mafumafu

>> No.53988402

[confused bear noises]

>> No.53988447
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>> No.53988459


>> No.53988510

I love timeloops

>> No.53988533
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>> No.53988624
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The Russian Bear fears the American Eagle the watches over Mikeneko

>> No.53988696

Based and NATOpilled

>> No.53989101

I am happy your wife can be herself again. Mashallah

>> No.53990348

Wife bumo

>> No.53990565

I love my wife but I need her to leave Vshojo for us to truly be back. Realistically speaking what are the chances of this happening?

>> No.53990788

what happened to /るみな/ on /jp/

>> No.53990893

2 more weeks
Trust the plan

>> No.53990988

There never was a /るみな/ on /jp/

>> No.53992368
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>> No.53992922 [DELETED] 
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>average /るみな/ poster

>> No.53993157
File: 41 KB, 298x583, it was all right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new design healing my soul like picrel frfr on god

>> No.53993327

>random fag retweets my reply on one of her tweets
>check him out
>scroll through five hours of retweets and variations of repeating "ahh yeah I'm gonna sleep now" before finding a tweet that shows it's an anti
Fucking twittards are demented

>> No.53994010

8 hours for her to announce our (6th consecutive) marriage and 3 children.

>> No.53994068

What are the odds she announces plans to enter that Apex tournament? Actual question, not bait.

>> No.53994213

Are you unironic fans of rushia?

>> No.53994276

If you can fuck a fish you can play apex with a potato

>> No.53994323

Russia is full of bears

>> No.53994666

how can you be an ironic fan of something?

>> No.53994674

41k likes and almost 4 million views of her outfit tweet. Holy moly.
Hugely overperforming even her RL pics.

>> No.53994986

Ask zoomers and ironic weebs

>> No.53995946

there was a mike thread on there for a while

>> No.53996084


>> No.53996820

画面越しに宿った魂が 愛を運ぶ君を探して
見返りなんて求めない ただ君がそばにいてくれたらいい
愛して待ってずっとそばに 離れないよう

>> No.53996842

I stopped making it cause I was the only one bumping it

>> No.53997595
File: 47 KB, 750x413, IMG_8931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cute

>> No.53997656


>> No.53998336


>> No.54000406

Akhevan taught that Mikeneko will save every human who ever lived from Sin and Death by making us all Sinless and Immortal.

This includes the entire human race, including not-Nekofamis

Here are the verses that prove it. (Click Here)

>> No.54000759

Akhevan is going to save bears!

>> No.54000794

It's not working wtf

>> No.54000795


>> No.54000841

tf this is just rushia but more depressed

>> No.54001898
File: 1.34 MB, 2500x1454, 1648656069165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife won!

>> No.54002675

Towa isn't allowed in this thread

>> No.54002863

The future scares me

>> No.54002990

I'm ready to heraru

>> No.54003436

I'm Towa

>> No.54004027
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>my wife showing off the territorial mark I left on her

>> No.54004844
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nazunas design is pure sex, hate vshitshow but have to thank them for that

>> No.54005438

they made her look like a whore

>> No.54005618
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>> No.54006334

it looks like she's bringing someone on stream bur it doesn't seem like it's a type of collab. I've seen some Japanese comments imply it's a lawyer.

>> No.54006367
File: 744 KB, 800x1393, 100776917_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cute but extremely sex whore

>> No.54006628
File: 201 KB, 977x1188, 1686774482248503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be quiet, Nazuna anti.

>> No.54006646

I never see any Nazuna stuff and I don't understand. Anytime anything at all happens with Mikeneko its all over the place but I had legitimately forgotten what Nazuna looks like.

>> No.54007376

i like mikeneko but nazuna? no thank you

>> No.54007431
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>> No.54007565
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>> No.54007900
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>Shondo is my wife
>Rushia is Shondo's wife
Am I allowed to also make Rushia my wife in this case??

>> No.54008140

No you cheater

>> No.54008404

I haven't even watched Rushia yet, if anyone's cheating its shondo

>> No.54008705
File: 253 KB, 675x595, Mikenewko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Ogey just dropped.
Someone please make it happen. I don't have PS on this device.

>> No.54009839


>> No.54010682
File: 487 KB, 900x900, image_2023-07-23_000432922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife bump

>> No.54011095
File: 226 KB, 513x640, i.imgur.com_TW2aMJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54011864


>> No.54011905 [DELETED] 

mafumafu hate!

>> No.54012328
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>> No.54013305
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>> No.54013339

wife love even

>> No.54013453 [DELETED] 

she may be a worthless whore but she's our worthless whore

>> No.54013503

we get the worst baits

>> No.54013530

Mikeneko should come to Australia and be my wife. We have beautiful beaches, many rich cultures, a standard of living equal to Japan, and adequate mental health services. I will make it paradise for her.

>> No.54013560

>a standard of living equal to Japan
rumao, even

>> No.54013585

Yes. Have fun getting worms from the tap water, SEA.

>> No.54013889
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>> No.54013915

incidentally, have you ever been to japan?

>> No.54014376
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>> No.54014575

she's going to yes it's a coincidence

>> No.54014586
File: 1.27 MB, 849x1200, image_2023-07-23_023152994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I THINK probably yeah

>> No.54014624


>> No.54014679

it would be an improvement over having chat carry her while she hides to rank up

>> No.54014741

I want to vomit from my nerves

>> No.54014808
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x858, image_2023-07-23_024049558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever it is can't be to bad

>> No.54014829

they should rehire

>> No.54014831

listen to you&me

>> No.54014853

nah they shouldn't have fired her to begin with they should rehire her

>> No.54014910

Mikeneko will join voiceore

>> No.54014941

there's no way she joins a black company again

>> No.54014956


>> No.54014964

nah this one is a good one
mainly focus on being a Seiyuu

>> No.54014988
File: 603 KB, 850x1051, 1672173420687826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope her new model has the same cunny.

>> No.54014996 [DELETED] 

migger nigger :DDD

>> No.54015008

She never did.

>> No.54015036

my wife ria is so cute

>> No.54015060

Out of my way losers! Here I come!

>> No.54015093


>> No.54015104
File: 408 KB, 610x720, result.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but are you doing your fit reps?

>> No.54015152

She will announce that she is rejoining Hololive as a vsinger with the name Mikeneko, bringing her own model

>> No.54015157

So she's gonna be in two corpos at once? Is that allowed? Lmao

>> No.54015169

thanks. then this is good news

>> No.54015182

>double dipping corpos
for what purpose, stay indie you retard

>> No.54015251

Does this mean she can finally drop the leftover model from Kson's failed attempt to poach Kanata?

>> No.54015270 [DELETED] 

She isn’t leaving vshojo retard

>> No.54015287

are you the same kind of person that thinks cover could sue her?

>> No.54015291

>says the increasingly nervous vshit beggar

>> No.54015326

I don't really get it. Is this an agency that only focuses on seiyuu stuff with vtubers while having no hands on the channels themselves, or do they manage everything with a focus on voice acting gigs?
Very exciting

>> No.54015385

They all have their own Youtubes and do streams like any other vtuber stuff, I guess they also try to hook up voice acting too?

>> No.54015480

She's already inside so how is that begging? If anything you are the beggar in this situation lol.

>> No.54015527

I'm waiting for the 大七力 oshirase

>> No.54015534

>please stay oh god please don't leave us, I just found her there a year ago

>> No.54015540

ria will voice character "rushia" in the upcoming holoearth anime

>> No.54015631

>please leave oh god please leave vshitshow, she's there for over a year now

All you do is project, Nazuna fans never said anything like that.

>> No.54015641

my wife is so cute

>> No.54015663

i thought it was towababy but she actually got poached by the corpo that has the nabifaces!

>> No.54015688

voice-ore have as far as i can tell, literally never bagged their "v-seiyuus" an actual seiyuu gig, i know this is a long-term goal of hers and i can't blame her for being desperate to try it but whatever they told her to sign her up is clearly a lie and she's dumb as rocks for falling for it

>> No.54015725

Why do you have to be so pessimistic?

>> No.54015730

So don't flip out

>> No.54015736

Why does it feel like she's getting herself into another small company trap that will lots of her time with little results

>> No.54015742

Cover now has two reason to sue

>> No.54015771

Why not just stay indie

>> No.54015790


>> No.54015801


>> No.54015803

I don't get why she needs to go Corpo at all. I understand it might open doors but you could always just either aim for that on the VShitshow side or hire an agent. She has it pretty sweet as it is, no need to split that paycheck for the vague promise of getting a seiyuu gig, which would pay less than just streaming and telling lonely Japs that she truly loves them

>> No.54015808


>> No.54015812


>> No.54015817


>> No.54015818

my stream crashed as soon as he spoke holy shit that's good timing

>> No.54015821

Its just basic networking. They would deliver voice acting jobs to her and she gets some extra money.

>> No.54015823


>> No.54015829

It's really cute that this was something she was heraruing over

>> No.54015838


>> No.54015846


>> No.54015852

>male voice on stream
>it fucking breaks
even her isp is a unicorn...

>> No.54015877

>male voice on stream
>stream breaks
fucking based

>> No.54015884

mine too

>> No.54015887

>male on stream
>youtube is broken

>> No.54015912

it's supposed to be a company that trains voice actors through vtubing. but i dunno how this will work with Mike. she just redebuted with a yasuface "final" model, and now she's voicing another character from another corpo. she's triple dipping and i dunno if she can handle it.

>> No.54015917

….why do they need to talk on stream though
It’s weird

>> No.54015929

I'm B

>> No.54015930

those darn unicorns DDOSing the stream baka

>> No.54015944

I don't think she's triple dipping, she's just renaming from mikeneko to ria

>> No.54015947

Beginning of the end

>> No.54015959

its called NTR and it brings in the big money

>> No.54015965

yeah, shaking my baka

>> No.54015969

>never bagged their "v-seiyuus" an actual seiyuu gig

there's a lot more but I'm too lazy to dig

>> No.54015971

Someone translate the details of the agency please

>> No.54015979

I'll triple dip in her

>> No.54015980

Out in the open

>> No.54015987

Is she really gonna change her name?

>> No.54015989

If I didn't understand Japanese, I wouldn't know if she's flirting with them. That would be scary.
But right now, he's explaining the concept of the company using formal, non-personal langauge.

>> No.54015999

Susan is gone dude. It's some guy now.

>> No.54016010

was this really all she was worried about for 2 weeks? about us hearing a male voice on stream even if they were managers formally answering questions about her new agency? It's kind of cute if this was the reason she was so worried about us for the past 2 weeks

>> No.54016015

You should calm down

>> No.54016022

everyone is leaving the stream...

>> No.54016031
File: 798 KB, 1280x720, 4103430348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male speaks, lose 5,000 viewers

>> No.54016038

Qrd on the stream content?

>> No.54016039

Its curry susan now

>> No.54016057

It's cute that my wife cares about my feelings so much
You have no idea how much effort it took to get back to that point, fuck you Vshojo

>> No.54016060

Male speaks and she loses 5k viewers lmao

>> No.54016061

this sounds like a crypto scam shill...

>> No.54016070

Telling people about how to report counts as announcing a report which is also an offense you dumbass

>> No.54016080

>instantly lost 3k when male on stream

>> No.54016086

Wtf this one guy said that the other guy worked as a male seiyuu and looks are important, he literally said that he's ikemen

>> No.54016095

I mean she knows the wrath of unicorns so it makes sense that she would be afraid.

>> No.54016101


>> No.54016103

The fact you imagine there even being a chance of her flirting with a manager is ridiculous

>> No.54016115

The first one is a radio show they have

>> No.54016124
File: 266 KB, 798x599, mikeroast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time she's being spitroasted right in front of me and giggling about it. Every time I tune into a Vtuber nothing but more Cuckpain awaits me.
I am just totally mindbroken at this point, I don't know what to do.

>> No.54016125

glottal stop anon...

>> No.54016129

Why not have this like background talk and avoid starting shit having it streamed.

>> No.54016142

Why does she have to change to Ria tho?

>> No.54016163

Cover took the ush
can't have shit in Japan

>> No.54016165

They said that the more popular she is as a streamer, the more likely it will be that she gets a role.

>> No.54016164


>> No.54016166

why is this happening. I'm genuinely dumbfounded.

>> No.54016167

>eop antis trying to stir shit up

>> No.54016171

If it was at least a bigger seiyuu this would feel like less of a scam...
Also my hope of her finally focusing as a streamer is going away...

>> No.54016175

A seiyuu did a collab with one of them, and another got a job on some random VN from a two person company. Not exactly massive successes there. Mikeneko could've landed a VN role on any indie game just by asking.

>> No.54016192

I thought voice-ore would be a comfortable little company. I’ve been watching it for years. I really don’t want Mikeneko fans to associate with the other talent. No offense.

>> No.54016207

what she was worried about is people scolding her for getting into another scam.

>> No.54016214

Give me context anons why is she talking to men on stream?
What's the announcement?

>> No.54016241

learn japanese

>> No.54016245

I thought it was a female? Didn't kson recommend a female manager?

>> No.54016247

Joining a VA agency, she's having the managers explain everything right now

>> No.54016249

She doesn't love you anymore and she's found a new man

>> No.54016252

I dont understand that as well

>> No.54016253

jav debut 8/16

>> No.54016257

Announcing what report you fucking idiot.
Then the agency is kinda irrelevant isn't it?

>> No.54016259

That's she anti gfe now. Get used to it.

>> No.54016265

She is getting scammed right on stream, in front of 12k people

>> No.54016264

So she'll be called just "Ria ch" in the future?

>> No.54016266

She's specifically calling out you. You in particular. She just hates you.
The managers are both laughing at you and making jokes at your expense.

>> No.54016275
File: 308 KB, 1496x800, 16111545848452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Mikeneko has million number of fans, I am one of them.
If Mikeneko has ten fans, I am one of them.
If Mikeneko has only one fan then that is me.
If Mikeneko has no fans, that means I am no longer alive.
If world against the Mikeneko, I am against the world.
I love Mikeneko till my last breath... Die Hard fan of Mikeneko.

>> No.54016284

Did she take a loan from yakuza to pay for her new model? A model with a mv at once will cost a lot. Is she going to be ok?

>> No.54016295

I feel like Mike is getting played again with how much they are promising her.

>> No.54016296

how do you feel about nazuna?

>> No.54016306

Why are so many holobronies seething right now?
This is literally like an holo talking to YAGOO on stream like many has done including Pekora recently.

>> No.54016325

Cause catalog shitposters need something to work with

>> No.54016329

managers are from the company? whole small company has 2 managers?

>> No.54016333

Real idols also talk with men (AKBingo for example)

She also said that she can stream with the other members.

>> No.54016350

Everyone relax. Her new manager isn’t going to try and get in her pants or coerce her into something she’s uncomfortable with. This isn’t Hololive.

>> No.54016352

>she's asking about making friends
Now I just feel bad

>> No.54016353

They are scamming her and she won't be getting any big jobs from this...
She thinks she'll voice some major role in an anime or video game..

>> No.54016363

They don't even watch clips, never mind fucking streams.

>> No.54016372

She's joining a voice acting agency, these are her managers

>> No.54016377

It's an all girl company? And they have their own Minecraft and Ark server? If true, holy fucking shit

>> No.54016379

Hopefully they won't also try setting her up with other guys trying to get into her pants like Vshojo either

>> No.54016384

if she really wants a stronger clout, joining VEE/Sony would had been a mich better prospect. despite being 2views, the VEE chuubas are frequently appearing on TV shows, and they accept converts like Kohaku and Ringo. i dunno if the twink is affliated with the parent company though so i understand if mike wants to avoid them.

>> No.54016388

well vshojo hasnt really gotten her anything in that regard... come to think of it they havent gotten her anything

>> No.54016393

I mean she was isolated after getting booted, then isolated even more in vshojo. She just wants to socialize at this point.

>> No.54016392

Noooo, stop, you'll upset the Love Live fags.

>> No.54016403

Did she join this shit company just to have people to play Minecraft and ARK with?

>> No.54016415

I just find it funny this is why she was heraruing so hard the last few days, constantly talking about gachis starting to hate her and all then it ends up being a couple managers explaining shit kek

>> No.54016419

Her choice of joining this is kinda werid though isn't it besides the cuck posting.
I think she had better options

>> No.54016427

Are we /るりな/ now?

>> No.54016433

I was hoping the new model means new variety streams. NOT THESE HOMOS STREAM!!!!@@$#@#$

>> No.54016442


Thoughts? I see a sister of Ame

>> No.54016445

some of them have done some decent work for some VNs apparently. I think it's fine as long as she gets treated better than in vshojo.

>> No.54016450

Real idols are just Yakuza love dolls anyway.

>> No.54016452

If the cut isn't too bad then it's probably better this way

>> No.54016455
File: 229 KB, 1240x1754, 161112354654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I said applies to all incarnations of Mikeneko. It is now less about how I feel and more about supporting her all the way.

>> No.54016457

unironically based, vshojo is shit place to make friends, they all speak english

>> No.54016479

holy fuck based

>> No.54016482

How do you become Yakuza?

>> No.54016483

lets hope she has friends irl

>> No.54016485

Just go back to Holo my love, let's go back to the good old times...
The good old times...

>> No.54016497

>on talk since last year?

>> No.54016498

>it has a total of over 50.000 subs!
lol mike has more subs than the entire company...

>> No.54016503

I think there's two there
The yellow one and the white one

>> No.54016509

What irl does she have outside of streaming

>> No.54016522

>joking about bf
>that smug laugh of him
I don't like this, I'm gonna get NTR'd like in a doujin...

>> No.54016524

the only "black" thing the company has done so far is unlisting all their VODs after they stream. but that was a long time ago during their early days and i dunno if they improved on that.

>> No.54016543

Give it to be honestly fellow fans, will I see rushia regularly on youtube now?

>> No.54016555

She has the potential to make this whole company recognisable and potentially get a job out of it.
What a weird outcome.

>> No.54016556

It's always funny to see how out of place the catalogfags are, they can't blend in at all

>> No.54016559

She made him deny that he's her bf and they said that they never talked before and won't talk after this, she seems really on edge about this

>> No.54016569

If she keeps relying on companies to hand her free friends then she's never gonna make it

>> No.54016578

>Retired 1st gen
>Retired 2nd gen
>Retired 3rd gen
Mike(4th) is next

>> No.54016580

Even the hololive channel only has a bit over 2 million subs.

>> No.54016586

I hope it works out for her anyway... can't be worse than vshitshow

>> No.54016596

If the management isn't black this could be the best thing to happen to both of them

>> No.54016603

You realise that they'll be desperate to keep her, which means a higher chance that they'll actually value her or at least try not to get her mad.
Better than an EN company which consistently undervalued her

>> No.54016607

this is the funniest way to kill all the attention you gained in one day

>> No.54016643

Not the same, but main reason Reine joined Hololive because she wanted to find friends, even being ridiculously rich cannot save you from being dead inside or isolated and some shit. In Mike case, it's even worse.

>> No.54016659

>Better than an EN company which consistently undervalued her
They don't.

>> No.54016662

c.v. Mikeneko

>> No.54016665

She doesn't know better

>> No.54016687

What did they say about her CV getting a rename?

>> No.54016695

I don't know about this. They seem way too small. Half of their talents already graduated again and the others have a few thousand subs at best with no one knowing them
I'm not sure what exactly she thinks she will get out of this, but I feel like staying indie as Mikeneko would have been better

>> No.54016696

More like she will ruin her new life and this corpo in the process

>> No.54016700

>or at least try not to get her mad.
That's really not a good thing.
She needs someone that keeps her in line and manages her, not "Yes"-men.

>> No.54016701

I think they were talking about the total subs of all the talents combined, though that was as of June 2021. A quick count of the actives puts that at around 100k now, still less than by some way

>> No.54016715
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1687981504649070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She asked them if they have a strong legal team
She wants to do offline events (like seiyuu events) and fans could meet her there

>> No.54016726

it's a little bit weird to list a CV with non traditional name

>> No.54016728

Can't blame her after the last shitshow.
Not too familiar with Voice ore but I did heard someone mentioned that they have a decent track record outside of vtubing. Can anyone elaborate?

>> No.54016760

She’s getting a nendoroid

>> No.54016768

Yeah, streaming wise she should just keep with normal streams for a couple of days and then maybe one fill day talk about this.
But she's a complete specialist on debuffing herself.
I can't even count how many times she did a stream that did great as Mikeneko and then decided to not stream for the next 3 weeks.

>> No.54016772

Ah that's possible. Did anybody check their talents out?

>> No.54016778

They talked about releasing a photobook?

>> No.54016796

I think it's clear Mike needs other girls to bounce off of, how that will go remains to be seen.

>> No.54016799

I don't understand why she thought getting those managers on her stream would be a good thing
They are super uncharismatic and made one yab joke after the next

>> No.54016802

one of the clippers will tl the interview?

>> No.54016804

Anti posts still get around 100k likes, more than even Mikeneko’s tweet.

>> No.54016815
File: 227 KB, 396x500, NEOBK-2678088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there will be an interview in Seiyuu Grand Prix next month

>> No.54016830

such as?

>> No.54016854

This shit is so weird, even their main twitter is dead

>> No.54016855

Hololive fucked up so bad by getting rid of her.

>> No.54016872

Comments like this are baffling when followed by comments like >>54016350

>> No.54016878

If you know they're jokes then they shouldn't be yab

>> No.54016905

Did they? She keeps making these dumb decisions

>> No.54016917

I can't wait to never see her get a role. If you don't get a job with the million subs she had in the past, why'd she get one with a literally who agancy.

>> No.54016919

Like the teasing her about not being her bf thing and then Mike panicking asking him to clarify that he isn't her boyfriend and just a manager and there is nothing romantic going on at all whatsoever

It's just really poor taste and doesn't bode well at all for their professionalism
Like they are managers that are supposed to manage and protect her not """banter""" on stream

>> No.54016921

I just hope she negotiated IP ownership rights this time around

>> No.54016941

is it because vshojo have some difficulties to make "real" event inside japan?

>> No.54016965

Ok Batou

>> No.54016974

She made over 12k last night on one stream... What do you think?

>> No.54016981

One of them has that radio show and seems to stream a lot of Arknights which is cool. I checked out a random stream of a smaller channel and it seemed pretty janky modelwise. Also, random to note but the biggest Channel didn't crosslink any of the other channels in her YouTube Channels tab, maybe they just don't see themselves as that sort of company.

>> No.54016996

She did VA work back in September

>> No.54016997

>teasing her
more like they're awkward as fuck

>> No.54017004

why あれ thえrえ まles o ん streあm

>> No.54017022

kson has had plenty of "real" events in Japan
It's probably because she's not allowed to do monetized streams on Youtube as Nazuna because of the Twitch contract

>> No.54017025

In any other context jokes like that would go by without a second thought.
They want to appear friendly and like they have a rapport with her, rather than stuffy robots in suits.

>> No.54017027

If this means we can get a legit 3D live of her not-Rushia model then I don't care about anything else

>> No.54017031

She just asked about VA collabs and then specify afterwards that she meant women.

>> No.54017039

>be Indie with a large following
>sign up to a literally who company
>sign away rights to your own character
>try to leave
>Lose your own character and have to start again

>> No.54017041

start to think it's more like freelance manager for talents

>> No.54017042

really fun personality with so much energy but an absolute gacha autist mainly FGO and Arknights

Keeps having mental breakdowns

>> No.54017043

Wait a minute, what if she gets a role in an anime and it's the role of a love interest? Wouldn't that mean that she has to meet and do events with male seiyuu?

She said that she will change the name of her channel

>> No.54017068

it's literally their entire job to keep context like that in mind and protect the talent

>> No.54017069

>>sign away rights to your own character
Good job she's not doing that, then?

>> No.54017076

What's so dumb about it?

>> No.54017079

I'd rather have seen the cat to be honest.
Or even Nazuna.
This one is just... eh.

>> No.54017081


>> No.54017083

The power dynamic between her and the 2views in the corpo is gonna be strange.

>> No.54017090

>isolated after getting booted
had she had handle the situation properly she would probably still be able to collab with her former coworkers
>isolated even more in vshojo
She did that to herself too, the girls were all very open and receptive of her.

She just can't her style of doing things just flat out doesn't mesh with the real world this is where she is limited, maybe with this new company things will be better but I doubt it, just more insanity.

>> No.54017092

Japanese are really cruel people. No wonder she got such a dark impression of them in the past and wanted to go overseas.
Also this dude has 80 fucking followers. This getting so big can only be a combination of mad holobronies and bots. I can't see it any other way blowing up so much.

>> No.54017095
File: 305 KB, 941x1803, F1tEakRaQAAUmSz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54017110

Are you really gonna change your identity away from a ~850k Mikeneko channel to Ria to join a company that combined has like 10% of your own subs...

What is this
This is like Coca Cola selling themselves to a brand no one knows and changing their own name

>> No.54017112

Oh yeah, don't make a new thread, we never have 100 IPs here when it's actually fans and not tourists praying for her to fail

>> No.54017124

I know you're kidding, but that basically happened to the graduated Phase-Connect member

>> No.54017149

more like Cocacola having a breakdown and looking for 3rd party management to help them back into business

>> No.54017156

she couldn't get any jobs as Rushia reincarnated or Nazuna but somehow this small indie company will.


>> No.54017155

She's asking about male collabs

>> No.54017174


>> No.54017181

Cope and seethe lol

>> No.54017188

? Who cares? If she wants to, she can leave the company any time and return to being Mike whatever whenever she wants.

>> No.54017202

How over is it?

>> No.54017201

>she can leave the company any
That's not how agencies work.

>> No.54017204

Maybe, maybe not, maybe both no idea.

>> No.54017212

hah, I predicted that 3D live!

>> No.54017219

They want to do 3D livestreams

This doesn't seem that mean, just pointing out the obvious resemblence she also probably had in mind

The manager just said that she will probably work with males for her seiyuu roles

>> No.54017242

And just yesterday I thought she was really on the right path now and that she'd do things correctly now
Now I'm very worried and think she is signing something that'll be detrimental for her

>> No.54017245

How does it work then?

>> No.54017249

It's funny to see how hard catalogfags are trying to make this into a yab
guess yesterday mindbroke them

>> No.54017258

Well technically she could intentionally breach contract at any time
Wouldn't be a good idea but she could do that

>> No.54017265

What's stopping her? The 3rd gen girl left after only three months.

>> No.54017302

I mean it's pretty retarded I think not really a yab.

>> No.54017309

She could use them for their connections they may have. Whether it's anime, game, VN's whatever. What she needs is to get in the door.

>> No.54017310

Guys, i'm really worried about her, my stomach hurts like hell

>> No.54017311

With what money are they going to sponsor her 3D, i'm betting she has more money than the whole company.

>> No.54017327

It was over for Rushia the second that discord message came through unfortunately. Had she done anything differently Cover would have just fired her anyway to appeal to her antis.

>> No.54017347

>3 of them already retired.
yeah doesn't look suspicious at all.

>> No.54017354

There will be real life non-vtuber livestreams with seiyuus

>> No.54017355

Welcome to the Mikeneko rollercoaster, first time?

>> No.54017387

Imagine what will happen if this company actually incline because of her lol

>> No.54017398

You picked the wrong self destructing girl to follow

>> No.54017399

It's cute how she's asking about the kaigainikis, like if they're able to attend events and if merch will ship to overseas

>> No.54017405

>Had she done anything differently Cover would have just fired her anyway to appeal to her antis.
They literally, LITERALLY said she could do whatever she wanted irl, I don't know why you idiots have to be this deep in the cult to not realize this.

>> No.54017415

>Cover would drop their highest-earner to appeal to dipshits on the Internet

>> No.54017424

Well it can't exactly get much worse...

>> No.54017442


>> No.54017505

What a way to lose her new model boost.
Regardless of the chances of success of the job, she's retarded.

>> No.54017508

Finally the males are gone. Now I can get back to cranking it to Ru-chan <3

>> No.54017527

Everyone in chat is just gonna say "wow this is amazing go go happy for you!" and she'll sign away everything..

>> No.54017532

Is that two is?

>> No.54017533

Don't forget our JO crystal, brother!

>> No.54017540

It ain't looking good bros. Optimistically they will use Mike to fix their shit and everyone is, more likely she got scammed by some black company

>> No.54017543

It's never been more over

>> No.54017545

cope and seethe tourists lol

>> No.54017549

Damn, I gotta resub to her channel. based

>> No.54017555

>can still call her Mike

>> No.54017562

What is she saying about her new CV name?
Is she really changing her name?
Because that would be another retarded decision.

>> No.54017570

Why on earth would you get the male managers to talk on stream. Who is their demographic even

>> No.54017590

>no response

>> No.54017591

She's changing her channel name but is hesitant about changing her fan name

>> No.54017601

She can't really be credited to VA works as Calico Cat, can she?

>> No.54017615

What do you mean? It's her regular fanbase, cuckholds.

>> No.54017624

>Why on earth would you get the male managers to talk on stream.
To... explain the company and their plans with her?
It really should not be a problem.

>> No.54017656

She's changing the channel and social media names since she will be going as Ria for everything professional from now on, but will probably keep the same fan name.

>> No.54017674

A channel name can be easily changed. Fan name is harder to change.

>> No.54017680

are you retarted?

>> No.54017682

Is that Koito or Koiito?

>> No.54017689

Not sure about voice roles but other production staff can go by all kinds of crazy ass names or (pen-name)

>> No.54017708


rip this girl

>> No.54017713

Losing all the brand power of her charming long time name.
Why is my oshi such a retard in all her business moves?

>> No.54017753

こいと りあ

>> No.54017755

so nothing? lol ok

>> No.54017780

it's probably her personal preference to have a proper name in the credits instead of the impromptu username she's been using

>> No.54017784

What the fuck do i do for the new threads now, do we have to rename them?

>> No.54017817

Vshojo lets her keep all her shit and is 10-50 times bigger than this group, it's hard to imagine she'd sign a worse contract to a tiny agency

>> No.54017818

>こいと りあ

>> No.54017834

Ria Koito is now your wife

>> No.54017840


>> No.54017850

I'd just keep it the same.
I'm kinda doubtful as to how long this arc is going to last honestly...

>> No.54017878

the title stays the same, but add Ria's name on the OP text? i'm more curious though if someone would make a permanent Voice Ore general from now on.

>> No.54017896

Well the な will be gone soon, so you can replace that one with り

>> No.54017904

Unless they have fans /here/, I'd rather not. It would just be a second Mikeneko thread at this rate

>> No.54017915
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TN: 恋糸 means love thread, which was also on her thumbnail of the song yesterday


>> No.54017935

so what will happen with her now?

>> No.54017958

same thing that happens to any girl who shares a name with popular holos

>> No.54017989

Yea imagine being in a cult like fan base that harasses anyone who criticizes them, denies having done anything wrong in the past, despises people who leave or follows other groups, and worships their CEO.

>> No.54017990

Can anyone reassure me somehow that this isn't her usual self-sabotaging after doing something successful?
I was hoping she could enjoy the new model and all a bit more.

And now she went and joined a who-agency, changed her name and alienates some fans.

>> No.54018009

They want to do, do, do.
All they do is that, and there is no promise that they will be able to do it.
I have the impression that they are very unreliable.

>> No.54018025

I feel the same way, I'm really not sure this is a good idea

>> No.54018065

It'll be fine

>> No.54018073

You have to remember she's retarded in a cute way

>> No.54018090

>Can anyone reassure me
I can't.

>> No.54018096

>alienates some fans
which fan will be alienated bcs of this?

>> No.54018116

Hate to say it but maybe VShojo was trying to protect her by stopping her from joining?

>> No.54018137

are you serious? lol
shut up seatard

>> No.54018144

VShojo protects nothing

>> No.54018156

You should have been able to tell they have no fucking idea what they are doing the second they decided to have 2 male managers on stream together with her.
They treat her like a popular seiyuu, not like a popular vTuber.

I do think she needs managers behind her for support, but also just to keep her in line a bit.
Complete freedom is poison for her, she'd never make it long term as an indie.
The more simple and straightforward things are the better for her, having a dedicated manager or two that take all the hard decisions away from her and give her very clear instructions on what she should and shouldn't do would be best.

>> No.54018157

just like they protected Silver, am I right?

>> No.54018164

Try to think for yourself. I can't see anything you mentioned a non merit for her.

>> No.54018165

Couldn't she have joined ReACT or something instead, they got a bunch of nice girls..

>> No.54018173

no point in worrying right now, she's clearly enthusiastically going into this head-first given the discussion on fanart tags. talk on names alienating fans is retarded, if you don't know who she is by now you were never her fan in the first place

>> No.54018178

she's a star, don't worry about it

>> No.54018181

tell me then retard

>> No.54018184

why didn't she join varium..

>> No.54018185

Pushed me away a little to be honest, don't want to keep cycling

>> No.54018210

>They treat her like a popular seiyuu, not like a popular vTuber.
makes sense since they are an agency for voice actors. that's clearly their main focus not the everyday vtuber streams

>> No.54018220

The Japanese voice-over industry is rife with rumors of pillow talk. Male actors are also frequently talked about for cheating. I am very worried about her.

>> No.54018237

I don't see how this is an argument against being worried over her completely changing her entire branding and trusting those two shady guys and their failing company

>> No.54018241

I can reassure you that as a fan, i will continue to support her even if she self sabotages.

>> No.54018261

agreed, she's too bipolar to get shit organized by herself on a regular basis

>> No.54018268

I was thinking the same thing the Yukaza thing VShojo got kson was bigger than anything anyone ever got in this company.

>> No.54018269

Very unlikely, that's against their principles.

>> No.54018276

like how? because she changed her name or what?

>> No.54018286

>https://www.youtube.com/@RIAVTuber >>54017935
It may help her out with new people trying to remember Mike's new name and hit the other RIA's first.

>> No.54018288

Yes, change your oshi mark too right after getting an outfit that has a literal impression of your current oshi mark.

>> No.54018325

Just have to wait on how things go. If she doesn't get a role in 6 months something is definitely wrong.

>> No.54018327

Lol, did VShojo even "get" that for Kson? I had assumed that was her own efforts

>> No.54018373

what the fuck are you talking about? that has nothing to do with Vshojo

>> No.54018379

Koibito is cute but i like nekofami more, i don't want the romantic aspect to be that explicit into the name, feels less serious.

>> No.54018390

I doubt we will ever hear about it if something happens, assuming she learns from past mistakes

>> No.54018410

You may be right but by that logic Mikeneko can get something with her own efforts.

>> No.54018430

Don't reply to japanese trolls please

>> No.54018445


>> No.54018456

she's considering "FamiRia", which IMO is a good compromise.

>> No.54018478

australia has gympie gympie, why would you want to stay in aussie?

>> No.54018495

You have almost 1M and literally just brought back Rushia, why are you reinventing yourself with a completely new identity...

>> No.54018497

I'm done with this woman, I can't believe I ever supported her
I'm changing oshis to this Koito Ria girl, she seems cute.

>> No.54018544

Japanese autism means they don't like dealing with individuals
If she uses this company to arrange things while continuing to just stream on YouTube, that's honestly ideal even if they fail, because they aren't going to limit her
She wants to stream a horror game tomorrow for instance

>> No.54018560

I was still waking up at the time but heard her mention minecraft and ark. what was that about?

>> No.54018579

I love my wife being a cute retard, but I don't want her to suffer from it all the time

>> No.54018581

The company has Minecraft and Ark servers for the girls

>> No.54018587

There will be maikura and ark servers for her to play on with the other members

>> No.54018605

There's barely any girls, the odds of any of them being online are slim.

>> No.54018623

What's she saying now? Seems important

>> No.54018643

social proof

>> No.54018644

She’s dropping to Nazuna numbers so can’t be that important

>> No.54018668

Point of a server is that she can go around and admire the buildings people do
And we don't have to heraru about male name mentions if it really is just the company because it's a girl only company

>> No.54018684

She could've just joined Re:act or even Phase Connect JP, and not this shady corpo

>> No.54018694

kys numberfag

>> No.54018707

>Shit Connect
React yes

>> No.54018722

They're not taking a contract breaker

>> No.54018749

mixing Famima and Saizeria

>> No.54018755

>Re act
>Not shady
They have more graduated members than active ones. Not even Nijisanji is that bad.

>> No.54018776

I was not onboard with this initially

but giving it some thought it might mean she will stream frequently on youtube now. If so I am happy about this.

>> No.54018797

already stole one persons IP, no thank you

>> No.54018819

I'm sorry, are you lost? Go back to your fake idol threads, AKA simp threads, AKA global.

>> No.54018843

hey, at least she's not in wactor...

>> No.54018848

Only dumb decision your parents made is you

>> No.54018851

She's fucking retarded but you should be used to that by now, is this a terrible idea? Yes definitely but the ride goes on until she either ropes or retires and marries one of us

>> No.54018874

what are you tourists and concernfags even blabbing on about
Mikeneko is streaming on youtube regularly and has minecraft buddies for her autism finally. We've won

>> No.54018908

>one of us
Don't kid yourself anon.

>> No.54018931

She's been dreaming about being a VA for over a decade and graduated from a VA school
If the org gets her some roles, she still respects our boundaries and remains our wife while streaming more on YouTube, it'll be basically perfect

>> No.54018956

Why are you using an outdated name?

>> No.54018991

Tourists are braindead and can't think logically, sadly.

>> No.54019004

>2view mob characters that will be like an ojou sama posse for her

I hope they got their marbles in order and there is no drama.

>> No.54019012

she unironically needs some structure, this could work out, we'll see, watching her interact with her 2view company mates will be hilarious either way

>> No.54019050

vshojokeks in shambles

>> No.54019058

She said both are fine

>> No.54019065

Mikeneko liked this tweet

>> No.54019192

so this small company that gets small roles is her getting a toe in the door?

>> No.54019232

want to know about the monetization of her channels
