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53975743 No.53975743 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the kayfabe masters of JP?

>> No.53975783

>my-image (1).png

>> No.53975826

i love it when people who don't watch streams make tierlists

>> No.53976234

She constantly pretends she wasn't raped by Miko.

>> No.53976304

thats why Gura a master, she is so good at pretending she didn't make out with my asshole

>> No.53976367

Anon. Did you get btfo so hard that you had to make another thread in an attempt to save face?

>> No.53977990
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Damn, makes you think who's behind those threads

>> No.53978054

Mumei is the only that should be on top.
Fauna, down with the other 4, IRyS and Kiara are okay.
Add Gura alongside Ame.

>> No.53978123

You must've been mindbroken by Ame pretty hard.

>> No.53978271

she does act like a detective sometimes, though.

>> No.53978514

>Mori, Ina, Ame that low
>Gura and Mumei that high
This is REALLY good bait desu

>> No.53978594
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She keeps it so well and for so long, I'm pretty sure she uses the baby voice even while fucking.

>> No.53978667

>Master of Illusion
Makes sense
>Now you see me, now you don't.... for a whole month!

>> No.53978709

>gura master of keyfabe
>don't even say "shaaarku" anymore

>> No.53978786
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>> No.53978891

So what, exactly, is the qualification for "acting an anime character" anon?

>> No.53978977

Being cute and knowing the tropes of anime girls like tsundere and shit like that so they act likeit.

>> No.53979376

>I'm pretty sure she uses the baby voice even while fucking.
She does. Trust me, I've done the research.

>> No.53979428
File: 2.01 MB, 1191x1684, Ft2iRetacAAegdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love PolLuna collabs because Polka always manages to make her break character a bit.

>> No.53979536

So none of them, even Kronii keeps more the "anime character" after all the shit that she went through for being like that in the first place. Since when the main focus of an girl anime character is being cute, just kys already, you get btfo in every thread. The only one actually adding more "fictional" things into her streams is Ame, she has a complete fucking universe out of her character. Unironically even Mori is more of a character now after she gave up on being "the super real calliope mori". Kiara just keeps the calling the fans chickens and being too affectionate, for the rest she's breaking """"kayfabe""" 24/7. Ina adds things to her "character" too. Rope now

>> No.53979537

None of these girls are good at maintaining kayfabe. Gura was pretty good in the beginning for a short while and actually seemed like a cute and innocent girl until I found out who she was. Even then, she was still pretty good until she started making more and more lewd and crass jokes and swearing more frequently. I don't mind her swearing but she used to actively not swear at all and on the rare occasion she did, she would cut herself short or apologize, but she threw that all out the window and behaves as raunchy as she wants now and swears whenever. Broke the cute shark loli illusion for me.

>> No.53979586

>kayfabe means you have to act like a shallow, stereotypical tsundere
wtf I hate kayfabe now, this sucks

>> No.53979760

you can tell these are EOP threads, since JPs don't generally act like this.

>> No.53979888

>Doesn’t watch JP

>> No.53980103

I know you don't, that's what I said.

>> No.53980202

Nobody has ever gone further to keep up their Kayfabe than Fauna maintaining a vegan lifestyle.

>> No.53980261
File: 203 KB, 493x492, 7dbbbf8bd1badb61ac2dfd3b48a3d7786a0b4c7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are the kayfabe masters of JP?
Anyone that doesn't answer Luna is fucking retarded. She stays character no matter what.
Including while injuring herself or when shitfaced drunk.

>> No.53980677

There are 33 JPs and of that 33 only one of them has stayed in character since debut and that's Luna

>> No.53980736

>Since when the main focus of an girl anime character is being cute
Since this board was founded by ironic weebs who've never watched even the most mainstream of anime

>> No.53980843

Kronii and Ame in different tiers

>> No.53981000

>giving a shit about file names
toggling random timestamps in 4chx won't change anything

>> No.53981052

did you respond to the right post? I basically agreed with you.

>> No.53981311
File: 58 KB, 642x631, EiiiXyfVgAAc6mL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally none of the EN Holos do serious kayfabe beyond Kiara's chimkin voice. If anything Ame is one of the most kayfabe-heavy ones with all her Smol Ame and dimension-hopping lore shitpost videos.

>> No.53982058

Kronii, and Mori are decent at least. All of them break kayfabe at times.

>> No.53982448

Calli actually does the most Keyfabe. Gura maybe mentions Atlantis every few streams.

>> No.53982541

when most JPs do it, it's usually a self-aware joke that acknowledges they're not really like that, since they're basically just regular streamers with an avatar (there are exceptions that go harder on the character, of course). only Western ones have this idea that they need to act "anime".

>> No.53982698

Kronii tries a character sometimes. Arrogant and narcissistic bitch that we can't tell if it's a character or real.
Watson has no personality other than being boring.

>> No.53982904

>Arrogant and narcissistic bitch that we can't tell if it's a character or real.
This is just her being sober
