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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53886392 No.53886392 [Reply] [Original]

It's over
I will no longer support or defense her

>> No.53886467

what the fuck this traitor bitch

>> No.53886527

she knows what love is, much more than you will ever know. You'll be lucky to know what even 0.5% of that love feels like in your life.

>> No.53886571

You never did, dramanigger.

>> No.53886586

>pandering to chinks in 2023
wow, is she that hungry for money?

>> No.53886592

>defense her

>> No.53886610

The good news is VShojo is now 0% likely at this point.
The bad news is now I'm worried Mikeneko will follow suit.

>> No.53886645

if you followed her you know she's alive because of her fans, all of them. doesn't matter who they are or where they're from. it's all over her twitter. beat it fake fan.

>> No.53886712

"love" lol. empathy won't fix a broken whore.

>> No.53886750

This. I believe she already has some chink fans even before she get her current model.

This is not about Rushia.

>> No.53886765

you mean the same chinese fans that were sending death threats to her former co-workers? get off your high horse bugman.

>> No.53886810

>he doesn't know

>> No.53887036

You never supported her and you're just trying to create drama where there isn't any
The original saviorfags were mostly chinks and the first people that joined her Fanbox were.chinks
And during her depression arc chinks were the most supportive fans, they send her cards, draw fanart (like the panties gacha) and one of them buy her a star from one of those scam websites

>> No.53887053

>Chinese have expendable income to throw at JP vtubers
lmao even

>> No.53887190

>this traitor bitch
She wasn't involved in the yab, and it's not like she has any reason to have any loyalty to a company that did nothing to defend her from the bullies.
That being said, chinks are the worst. I hope this doesn't backfire on her.

>> No.53887203

Her mods are Chinese bugmens. They will attack her when she collabs with Json or joins Vahojo. She has no option left.

>> No.53887262

There's always an option. It's just a matter of not letting greed and ego get in the way.

>> No.53887266
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Here OP
You should know how to read japanese since you were a fan of hers for years

>> No.53887339

kek if this backfires it would be truly over for her

>> No.53887431

Chinese saviorfags save her so it's understandable to favor to them thou.

>> No.53887437
File: 88 KB, 1079x1430, 338581d6912397dd53e5fc341f82b2b7d1a287a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mea and aqua fan pfps

She should be fine. Looking at the replies below, majority are the leftover mainland holofans.

>> No.53887443


What the fuck does she owe to you? For the 'pleasure' of working for a black company for less than two weeks before getting fired for the crime of being hired in the first place?

>> No.53887460

Trump lost

>> No.53887526

She was never terminated, just decided to quit before debut. One of the most retarded decisions I've ever seen.

>> No.53887539

>implying anyone in /vt/ knows japanese

>> No.53887606

wow i hate the CCP even more now

>> No.53887616

>defense her
Holy ESL stirring shit.

>> No.53887650

>needs to cater to Chinese because the Japanese hate her so much

>> No.53887675

>she wasnt terminated
>she quit on her own terms
Yes, clearly she wasnt chased out by managment, it was a friendly onboarding suspension. And anyway, the model she never got to use was cute so clearly she got real value out of it. As long as the products good, the workers are happy.

>> No.53887702

>the Japanese hate her so much
She hasn't been attacked by schizos from there in years anon
Delu is just double dipping

>> No.53887723

>retarded decisions
How many times do we have to tell you fags this?
She was ready to come back but she decided to quit because antis keep stalking her IRL and calling at her home causing her alcoholic stepfather to burst into her room and punch a hole in her wall while screaming at her (and possibly physically abusing her and not in the lewd way )

>> No.53887734

Mikeneko was right

>> No.53887740

What happened to her reddit defense force?

>> No.53887742

They're attacking her by not sending her more money

>> No.53887787

they did what reddit always does and went to chase the newer shiny vtubers

>> No.53887796

She's next, actually. /rumina/ may actually melt down too.

>> No.53887806

Did you even watch her last stream? Of course not you're just a kid shitting up the board with your retarded fanfics

>> No.53887831

she didn't, she just feels pity for the chinese fans that don't have access to youtube because the chinese government is being an absolute asshole, DEATH TO THE CCP

>> No.53887863

>ever being right
Now, now, let us not resort to foolish talk.

>> No.53887877

>They will attack her when she collabs with Json or joins Vahojo.
Sometimes chinks are alright

>> No.53887882

No one's entitled to do that, chud

>> No.53887936

I'm happy for her. Anyone saying this in a negative light is a discordnigger falseflagging as a nijifag falseflagging as a holofag or, all in all, a falseflagging nigger. Don't fall for their console-war trickery.

>> No.53887971

A variation of the case with Koinoya Mai is waiting to happen.

>> No.53888010
File: 538 KB, 700x1495, nijinig didn't happen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijinigger and their easily manipulated memories
How classic

>> No.53888122

I doubt Mike could understand all terms and conditions for bilibili
Well even a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.53888138

Nah, we wouldn't mind even if it would be a pretty dumb decision, probably not happening since her Taiwan fans heraru'd over it though (hard emphasis on probably)

>> No.53888142
File: 379 KB, 1080x1474, IMG_20230720_224856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is for you retards that can't read japanese or are too fucking stupid to use Google Translate
>china blocks YT so most of her chinese fans can't watch her streams
>bilibili account will mainly be used to reupload her YT streams
>sometimes she'll stream in bilibili

>> No.53888174

so cute

>> No.53888289

There are 1+ billion of zhang. The chances that the ones going full Wolf Warriors and the ones supporting Delta are not the samenones are very high.

>> No.53888467

>> Artia faggots who spamming Coco are Deluta fans now.

Anon... I have a bad news for you.
They spammed Coco and Fubuki.
They even helped Deluta because they hate Hololive and call like " traitor black company". They admit and even pround about this in their lair.

>> No.53888532

I remember they even go against to Aqua

>> No.53888581

You don't know shit, most of the Chinese don't actually harassed anyone and keep watching Hololive with Taiwanese vpns to this day.
The wolf warriors, are just a deranged minority just like most of the antis/schizos of this board.

>> No.53888648

They demanded Aquafags in China spam Aqua because Aqua said "Kondragon" to Coco in Minecraft stream. But some sane Aquafags banished and kicked them out and treate Aqua like before.

>> No.53888649

We wouldn't care outside of it being a pointless effort with no payoff for her. Her awful Taiwanese fans would shit themselves though.

>> No.53888713

Yet another great thread filled with "fans" who totally "watched" her but now are feeling "betrayed" and are going to "drop" her

>> No.53888720

Her viewership was getting really shit, so it's understandable. Yet that's not the way, sooner or later she will say or do something to piss bugs off and gets harassed out of bili.

>> No.53888729

>Nijikek memoryhole their tactic of doxxing and stalking her home just like they did to mito and lulu.
Never forget.

>> No.53888731

What is your point?
We don't talking about majority or not.
We are talking about minority's power that can affect Deluta and Vtubers's life.

Number is nothing
We are talking about " power"

>> No.53888745

Nice history revisionism

>> No.53888778

They also did it to zaion and she said it on stream. Why do they always blame other when their own liver even said it's them.

>> No.53888786

Well, chinks are kinda famous for that.

>> No.53888798


>> No.53888870

They even hate Haachama for that.
It's never be the same for her.

>> No.53889507
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Stay mad

>> No.53889608

Not mad, just concerned. Pandering to chinks always ends up badly, and I don't think she needs another drama

>> No.53889630
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Lmao nice timing

>> No.53889939
File: 226 KB, 1080x956, IMG_20230720_234153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's currently on a date with Nene

>> No.53890055 [DELETED] 

Let me guess, it was also the nijis who tracked down rushia and her boyfriend?

>> No.53890554

Nah she hate nene

>> No.53890677


>> No.53890710

If that's true then why do they follow each other on their private accounts?

>> No.53890796

Because menhera duh, is the same with Nozomi and nobody likes Nozomi

>> No.53890987

it’s over delubros she went to china

>> No.53891186

Delutaya = ultra cute and for marriage and baby-making.

>> No.53891245

what happened between her and rushia?

>> No.53891656

Fuck off

>> No.53891914

>VTuber panders to Chinks
>Vtuber panders to reddit/trannies/twitterfags
>"uhhhh... based?
How far has /vt/ fall lmao

>> No.53892782

>Delutaya now has a Bilibili account

>> No.53892859

Shut up and eat your bat soup Zhang

>> No.53892889

Why would she be loyal to Cover?
She spent a tiny amount of time working for them and that was ages ago.

>> No.53892943

>Kson basically saved her life
>proceeds to stab her in the back
This is just scummy

>> No.53893921
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will no longer support or defense her
She speaks English better than (You) do.

>> No.53894107

>chinese fans
And there's your problem right there

>> No.53894291


>> No.53894455

I was just curious, what's your problem?

>> No.53894488

>she deleted the tweets

>> No.53894834


>> No.53895499
File: 3 KB, 92x61, 20230721_122647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your browser uses a Chinese font.
If there's a tiny dash on top of the second character and not a flat line.
Pic related is how it should look like in Japanese. That's why I can't read it.

>> No.53895715


>> No.53896282
File: 71 KB, 1080x509, IMG_20230721_040055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.53896325


>> No.53897297

Mikeneko has too many Taiwanese fans to ever seriously try on Bilibili without a bunch of her biggest fan artists immediately leaving

>> No.53897789

can`t believe she is this dumb when b2 is a sinking ship, all i can say is good fucking luck

>> No.53897846

oh nyo what happened

>> No.53897891

What could have been...

>> No.53897920

>there are many voices from china
can`t wait for them to turn on her like your usual backstabbing bug, oh man if only you can look at how taffy get fucked by the chinks over a nothingburger

>> No.53898269

>Ooh look at me, I'm a poor little girl who's so afraid of pushback that I'll rather quit than come back to a job where I'll potentially face public backlash despite having a large support network
>Let me go walk into the den of bugs
Do you guys really?

>> No.53899033

based delta

>> No.53901757

>I'll keep sending out the message that

>I don't care what they say, I don't know the language, so no.
>I will take time to remove prejudice little by little and let my fans be friendly and peaceful regardless of their countries.

>> No.53901795

QRD pls

>> No.53903558

Not Taffy from exHoloCN.

>> No.53903987
File: 291 KB, 1080x1228, IMG_20230721_044419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well looks like taiwanese antis harassed her into deleting those tweets

>> No.53904821

Chinks, never ever

>> No.53905741

>defense her

>> No.53906781
File: 100 KB, 400x400, 1689953104024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why it doesn't surprise me anymore that ksongumis became the scummiest, most hypocrite shitheads of vtubing in the span of a year?

You faggots deserve to remain asshurt she chose to remain as an indie rather than to join VshojoJP and coexist with the other nuclear menhera. She's entitled to no one but herself.

>> No.53907175

this is probably the best example of "rent free" i've seen on this board

>> No.53907664

Dosent bilibili require you to give your real name / address and other private information before streaming? For someone who had a real problem of getting doxxed for years shes not being very smart. I hope nothing happens to the triangle she dosent need anymore drama in her life

>> No.53907837

seething bug lol

>> No.53908054

OP here, it says this:

"At my lowest point, people from around the world offered me many kind words, and some of the most support came from my Chinese fans!

Since VPNs are often banned in China, making it hard for people there to watch me on Youtube, I plan to upload my Youtube videos on bilibili and maybe occasionally do live streams on there.

[indecipherable Chinese bullshit with a heart at the end]"

>> No.53908646

>ESL bait thread
Kill yourself.

>> No.53908676

>she knelt
Nice oshi chinks

>> No.53908962

you bullied her which is why she jumped the first time you senseless fuck

>> No.53909032

Chill out zhang

>> No.53909710

It's ironic since Kson herself is a chink. They're just blindly defending her from her own race lmao

>> No.53910033

don't samefag your posts

>> No.53911293


>> No.53911435

>indirectly implying Taiwan is a country

>> No.53913143

So it's over? No more bilibili?

>> No.53913171

now both sides are gonna trash on her, RIP

>> No.53913204

>defense her

>> No.53914179

>coexist with the other nuclear menhera
He doesn't know

>> No.53914816

Ksonnigs being obnoxious retards, what else is new?

>> No.53914868

Taiwaniggers chimped out
Don't believe any psyops that say these faggots are in any way based

>> No.53915114

Do people actually think they're based?
In my oshi's fanbase, they're among the absolute worst fans in most ways.

>> No.53915123

China is based, American mutts can keep seething.
China will dominate the anime and vtuber market.
You will watch the Bilbibili and you with play the Genshin and you will be happy.

>> No.53915193

We enter the multipolar world. China is gonna be the world leader in ten years. Better to be on the right side of history.

>> No.53915213

Chinas infrastructure wont even last 10 years let alone the next 5

>> No.53915232

Nice cope the real next world leader is gonna be Brasil

>> No.53915296

They'll keep building more. Look at their highspeed rail. The US doesn't even have an inch of highspeed rail

>> No.53915390

Those horse fuckers?
They don't have a 100 year plan like China. They haven't eliminated absolute poverty like China. They don't have one of the largest armies in the world like the PLA. They don't follow the science of Marxism Leninism. Brazil is merely a puppet state for western capital so they can continue to have 1 dollar mcdoubles in burgerland.

>> No.53915842

I don't want to ride a high speed train made by china

>> No.53915993


>> No.53916014

>he doesn't defense his oshi

>> No.53916107

I hope so

>> No.53916199

Theres one in Florida

>> No.53916424

>5 more years

>> No.53916696


>> No.53916721

A fan from Taiwan has made a video explaining why she shouldn't make a bilibili account

>> No.53916911

isn't the reason why USA isn't building HSR because planes are more economical for a country their size?

>> No.53917108

Ita called the Brightline, so far its in South Florida only but by 2024 to 2025 theyre gonna make it reach as far north as Jacksonville
Orlando (disney) has 3 of its own stops being built

>> No.53917357

I really dont understand what's going on. Can someone qrd the timeline? Aloe mano right? How did she even have china fans?

>> No.53917460

Oh well that's cool. I don't know they were doing anything in Florida besides shwilling beer, smoking meth, and fucking their cousins.

>> No.53917870

>defense her

>> No.53918258

Victim blaming eh? Where are you when Coco got harassed by those zhangs?

>> No.53918326

If this is real then Triangle isn't the smartest bulb in the set.

>> No.53918557

>Building train path to Didneyworl
>When Didney is falling apart financially and Iger planning to sell a lot of Didney's IPs
Isn't it better to build HSR in industial states, like Texas?

>> No.53919558

God I fucking hate the Taiwanese
Did you know that there's a huge amount of Anti-Unicorns there, and part of the reason is that they despise the idea of people "raising a fuss" or trying to "control the streamer". But as soon as the topic turns to Bilibili, they turn schizo.

>> No.53919576

>rice field!
kek retarded OCR at it's finest

>> No.53919891

Who dafuq are you, and what play you have with delutaya, and is she crazy for opening bilibili when most of her fans are mostly likely taiwanese instead of china? Because no way in hell her fans be from china. They are banned for a reason.

>> No.53920821

Your English is extremely odd. My problem with the Taiwanese is that they've attempted to kick me out of my own oshi's fandom because I have no problem being vocal with my opinions, and yet the only opinion they'll cause problems with is Bilibili. They literally care about their retarded country's retarded politics more than they care about their actual oshi.
I just find it hilarious that yet another Vtuber's fanbase is having issues related to Bilibili. Why are the Taiwanese so fucking predictable?

>> No.53921458

Disney in its self is basically a city that has more to offer than its amusement parks

>> No.53921590

They have a god complex, just like their used goods whore.

>> No.53921719


>> No.53921884

People hate Chinese shit like (You) because your kind instigates harassment, deflects blame then cries when you don't get your way.

>> No.53922048

Is your oshi a Japanese indie by any chance? I have a feeling I may know which one too btw

>> No.53922222


>> No.53922289

I'm not Chinese, my good man. The only Chinese I've seen online on Twitter are literal antis, so I don't actually like them. But I have my own reasons for disliking the Taiwanese because they're just generally annoying, organsise on Discords and potentially cyber stalk me

>> No.53922454

Why are you chinks even here if you love your shithole so much then go back to NGA or weibo or someshit stop spreading your faggotry here

>> No.53922526

It's Momo-chan (ex-Noriopro) isn't it?

>> No.53922890
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>mfw reading this fucking thread

>> No.53922921

No, different JP indie.
But now I'm really curious. Did she have an incident with Taiwanese fans causing issues too?

>> No.53923050

Nah she's just the only JP Indie I know that has a sizeable amount of TW fans. I'm curious now on who you may be referring to. I tend to follow smaller JP indies if anything. They're less likely to have people like the ones you described.

>> No.53923323

Mikeneko. She's had a decent Taiwanese following since the Taiwanese days and her two biggest fanartists are both Taiwanese

>> No.53923395

The same taiwaneae that made up shit about delutaya shittalking her that caused them to feud and had lawyers involved?

>> No.53923638

Eh, that situation is far more complicated that I'm willing to get into again and it always leads to a timeloop of arguments.
I wouldn't blame that incident on the Taiwanese

>> No.53923787

So basically /vt/?
The chinks are no different than us. You're just biased and projecting.

>> No.53924575
File: 362 KB, 680x403, 1689580922928970 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is awful
