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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.63 MB, 2875x1637, gawr gura 1 million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53812477 No.53812477 [Reply] [Original]

I only got to know vtubers this year. So I have no idea how this sub reacted to it at that time.

The race was close between Korone and Fubuki.

Then Gura Gawr without much effort and in a few weeks stole the 1st place.

I wonder how Korone and Fubuki fans felt when this happened.

>> No.53812641

Look. She clearly didnt earn it. Hence you get to deal with a shitty person behind the avatar.

>> No.53812703

Well it certainly didn't help that Chumbuds went into Fubuki's stream to gloat about it to the point that Fubuki had to address it and asked people not to 'numberfag' and that they were all friends.

>> No.53812886

Like half of Korone's subs were EOPs anyway

>> No.53813054

For a few brief months, Korone was the queen of Hololive at the peak of Covid Summer, nestling in between Coco's and Pekora's reigns

>> No.53813202


>> No.53813563

I don't know anything about how Japanese fans felt, but I do know that people went to Fubuki's chat to talk shit about how Gura got there first. As someone who can actually speak English, I'm still curious as to what particular aspect of Gura it is that people liked enough to get her to so many subs so incredibly fast.

Lolicons? THAT many?
Family-wide appeal?
Cute enough to be that charming?

>> No.53813618

And her senpai Chris is never showcased in these charts. Talk about disrespect for the OG terminated girl.

>> No.53813757

Korone and Fubuki were once the top holoJP. Lmao.

Marine is much better than both.

>> No.53813795

>this sub
Kill yourself

>> No.53813862

Most of them weren't or do not do not care since they're part of the same company as their oshi.
Back then, the ones I mostly see butthurt are EOPs here and reddit, complaining about how she got there without much effort.

Well life isn't fair, so deal with it.

>> No.53814277

JP viewers do not care about EN.
They don't even compare the two, since the number of viewers in the language is different in the first place.

>> No.53814344
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You know we have actual records of this which show Korone was never the most popular Holo streamer, she was a meme whose channel was boosted because her name is similar to Corona that retarded tourists from South America subscribed to and never watched because she said "eekum bokum" and then a bunch of equally retarded Americans subscribed to tell her to go to sleep on hour 30 of her 45 hour grind of a game that should take 10 hours at most
Coco was popular for like 3 months, but at least they were an important 3 months

>> No.53814383

>How asshurt were the japaneses when Gura reached 1 million first?
Kizuna Ai reached 1 million first Anon.

>> No.53814413

I guess some dogfuckers didn't get the memo. The year is 2023 and we hate all homoshill sluts here. Just because its Fubuki doesn't mean i have to be nice to her. Stop using her as a meat shield as my oshi doesn't owe this b*tch anything. Marine? Pekora? yeah i would be nice to them, but why should i care about Fubuki?

>> No.53814532
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Don't you have a numberfag general? No normal fan gives a shit about your need for false validation by being a part of "the winning team" like some sportsnigger ape

>> No.53814554

>I only got to know vtubers this year
>this sub
Fuck off, there’s no karma to farm. Lurk 1000 years

>> No.53814680

No one was mad. Gura literally inclined the entire company. Gura did what Kobo did for the ID branch, just on a bigger scale. It's no coincidence the entire EN branches sub growth also declined as Gura steamed lesser and less. Gura put EN on the map and helped JP gain more subs.

>> No.53814809

that's hilarious

>> No.53814950

The hell is this even supposed to be ranking?

>> No.53815054


>> No.53815396

it's best visualized to see the pace before gura with people falling off or surging up fast from something semi viral

>> No.53815492

That chart ranks views per month, not subs, you smooth-brained retard.

>> No.53815586

I never knew that there was a time where Nijisanji dominated the vtuber scene.

>> No.53817245
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I generally been trying to figure this out myself OP as I started watching in February. If v-tubering is even partly like real world idoling/modeling than it is highly completive and there are v-idols who do keep track behind the scenes. Holo-girls might handle this better than other places but some things leak out: like Bae being depressed about not get a million subs; AkiRose depression partly being tied to her sub growth (which was still impressive at the time); Kobo not expecting her growth, etc.

With Gura hitting a million the only things I know is that Gura felt a lot of guilt and avoided cerebrating for a long time; the fans cerebrated way more than the company did. With Cover it feels like a wired mix of acknowledging and refusing to acknowledge (for example Gura still hasn't met Yagoo and she been where she is for years now). As for idols I'm not sure: Fubuki's been cool to Gura; can't tell with Korone as she dodges meet ups; Kiara and Matsuri has acknowledged latter milestones and think Gura should let herself be proud; Mori's was with Gura when the million happened and also might have experience the same hesitation like Gura when she hit two million and suddenly decided to dial back the celebration. Don't know about the JP fans but with many of JP Holo idols if there was resentment it got lost on meeting or getting to know Gura. Whoever is left and number counts behind the scenes likely feel differently about Gura though.

>> No.53817653

oh wow a redditoid who is both a new fag and to lazy to do archive reps what a surprise

>> No.53818274

Rent free

>> No.53821373

they got so pissed, they made her a tourism ambassador!

>> No.53822243

When this happened, "fans" went to Fubuki's stream to tell her that Gura hit 1 million first. It was just one of several embarassments that these "fans" have done in the name of Gura, like bashing Iofi for not translating everything in a JP/EN/ID Among Us collab where Gura lost big time. I think the only good that came from this was how bad Brittany Venti got trashed when she claimed people only like Gura because they are pedos. She still has not recovered.

>> No.53822388

fucking kek, I love it when reddittourists reveal themselves just like that

>> No.53822468

She was right tho

>> No.53822472

It was certainly unexpected for management for sure, they actually waited until fubuki and korone got 1M subs after her to make a big congratulation

>> No.53822548

At that time Global and /hlg/ were on /jp/ as /vt/ didn't exist yet and they were basically enemies at that point. You know (or maybe you in fact, don't know) how when Tempus came about the new Tempus fans wound up using their own thread instead of the established StarsJP thread? Yeah that happened with holoEN vs holoJP as well, and holoEN doing so incredible in Fall 2020 and bringing in tons of newfags who all sat in their own thread, definitely ate away at the insecurities of the holoJP fans at the time.

Hell that gulf still exists to a fair degree today, /hlg/ is still back there on /jp/ although I feel like a lot of their ilk are in /#/ nowadays.

>> No.53822563

This is your answer: >>53814680

>> No.53822582

Right or not, she still got thrown from the Twitter towers.

>> No.53822586

This is truly the strongest timeloop.

>> No.53822652

Also I forgot to say, basically what happened was some numberfags went over to /hlg/ and gloated about Gura beating out all the JPs like nonstop rubbing it in. /hlg/ users had been hopeful Gura wouldn't get 1mil first and didn't like taking that L of course, and I think echoes of that still exist today.

>> No.53822661
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>> No.53822721

(You) are trying way the fuck too hard. I can't even figure out who's supposed to get mad at this.

>> No.53822723

It‘s kinda accurate
/vt/ is so heavily moderated and has so many newfags that it might as well be reddit

>> No.53822783

contrary to popular belief, people actually don't care that much about numbers

>> No.53822910

back in the day when nijisanji used to have all their number ones posted on their site

>> No.53823091

Literally what the fuck, anon.

>> No.53823146

False, streamers and vtubers as well definitely do care about the numbers, even if they tell they don't. Numbers are literally the metric which defines how well they are doing, and how is it gonna affect their livelihood. So, telling that "people do not care about the numbers" is baffling, when their whole existence depends on it.

>> No.53823211

Holo vs holo seeth, i never thought pippiss got triggered in # thread.

>> No.53823235


>> No.53823540

old story, now pekora is on top, gura killed her own career, korone wasted her push by doing nothing with it and fubuki acted like a white cunt and went into a war against her own audience for stupid reasons, plus korone and fubuki got the most atrocious model downgrades, they are not even watchable anymore.

>> No.53824578

she said A

>> No.53824605
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, fubuki numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53824733

When they learned her roommate already had a channel with over a million subs they were not surprised. They were cheering that their company of choice was so great that it managed to sign in a ringer.

>> No.53824787

>heavily moderated
Anon, if this board were actually "heavily moderated" there would be exactly zero posts between this time of night and five hours from now.

>> No.53824822

You copy pasted this from Reddit kek

>> No.53826539

no big deal

>> No.53826632

>get big numbers
>suddenly the fanbase is toxic
>barely streams anymore because of toxic fanbase
>reclines heavily
Sometimes success isn't all about a flash in the pan popularity

>> No.53827161

Honestly in the long run it was to the benefit of everyone that Gura got there first.
If one of the JP members got there first, there would be some mild internal seething of who deserved what that is inevitable for any streamer, but with Gura coming in and taking it, well it doesn't matter, nobody cares about number 2 if dozens of others also get to 1 million.
It must have been awful for Gura though, nobody wants to suddenly come in and be better received then their own heroes, and to have your own fans shit on them

>> No.53827301

ok deadbeats sisters
which one of your kind killed itself today.

>> No.53827433

Should be Rushia(Retarded) instead

>> No.53827449

The most dead subs haver in the world. I kneel to the shart!

>> No.53827576

>>With Gura hitting a million the only things I know is that Gura felt a lot of guilt and avoided cerebrating for a long time
>gura feels guilt for destroying Gen5 (and everyone else in the company, really)
>>With Cover it feels like a wired mix of acknowledging and refusing to acknowledge
cover is in an awkward spot wherein they have to admit that their best talent is a gaijin but at the same time they're unable to fully utilize her, still finding their footing in trying to break through the international market, somehow still unable to give gura croc merch

>> No.53827903

all her merch sellouts in a heartbeat
they are utilizing her fully

>> No.53827997

stream = 0

>> No.53828621

>cover is in an awkward spot wherein they have to admit that their best talent is a gaijin but at the same time they're unable to fully utilize her
Which seems a bit ridiculous to me cause someone like and in Gura's position would be key to reaching out to those international markets at least on the EN side. Likely it's a larger V-tuber issue.

Regardless the fact that the CEO himself acknowledge that Gura is number one in the world and Gura still has all these technical problems and couldn't even use her model properly for most of the year is a problem I've only seen in Hololive have.

>> No.53830123

>How asshurt were the japaneses
not one bit

>> No.53830160

>/vt/ is so heavily moderated

>> No.53830186

Is it possible that people looking up that kid's shark song also found her and subbed?

>> No.53830431

>60 posters genuinely replied to a troll OP where OP gave himself away by writing "this sub" in his post
Practically all of you are beyond saving.

>> No.53831861

I'm pretty sure one of the active Gura antis on this board is a Koronesuki.
