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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53791536 No.53791536 [Reply] [Original]

In both hololive and hololive's community, calling the girls gay is an accepted meme... but Reine's actually a fucking flaming giga-faggot, isn't she? Not even RuPaul is Reine gay.

>> No.53792805

What are you talking about?

>> No.53793805

Go to sleep SEAnon

>> No.53794913

homosexual is HARAM and reine would be EXECUTED for being gay

>> No.53795287

Unless she became a vtuber

>> No.53795385

Not for someone with her connections
Your IP address has been cataloged
Reine's hit squad is on the way.
If you have loved ones, tell them you love them

>> No.53795634

I love you, anon.

>> No.53795782

laws don't apply to rich people anon

>> No.53795848

So are multiple apparently, Kronii, Sana(F), Polka, LaPlus, Miko, Aqua, Flare, Noel, Okayu, Korone became gay for what I've been reading and more i can't recall, this is not "business Yuri" anymore but "lesbo otaku central", sad, women should get a husband, have babies and work thorougher with their male partner to live a happy live facing any obstacle they get thrown at

>> No.53795967

This but also the laws against homosexuality are really more about sodomites, carpetmunching is more like foreplay than sex.

>> No.53796163
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>> No.53796221

Fuck wrong image. Ok, pretend this is the one where the guy says "lesbianism isn't an issue"
I thought I saved it but I can't find it.

>> No.53796290

It makes my dick at least 30% harder knowing the girl I'm raping is a lesbian.

>> No.53796445

Anon, only one person on that list has explicitly referenced being a lesbian, the rest are just what people /here/ claim. Could they be lesbians? Sure, but it's circumstantial evidence at best. Don't believe everything you read here.

>> No.53796531


>> No.53796724

Pretty sure Miko is the only one on that list that has never publicly revealed interest in men at some point.
I wouldn't even call everything business yuri. I feel like a lot of the time, women being women just gets interpreted as gay and they let it fly more for fun than anything. NoeFure both have public statements on their preferences in men for example

>> No.53797073

It's rumored that her roommate was caught writing lesbian fanfic on reddit or another site like it, though it's all deleted now. But I definitely believe it. Watching her with Kiara it's a bit hard to believe it's just kayfabe. She's either really into the lesbian meme or maybe she just wants Kiara's clam.

>> No.53797124

Comments like these are just doxxbegging desu

>> No.53797316

Yeah. Obviously it's up to you whether you believe it or not, but she's the only one to straight up say she's only been with women. For everyone else, it's just people guessing based on their actions or things they've said since they themselves have never clarified one way or another (which is expected, to be honest, as they have no real reason to)

>> No.53797798

allah forgives faggots if they are women anon

>> No.53799128

Of that list, only Miko has said she's not interested in men.
Laplus seems to bi with a preference for women.
Polka has never talked about what she feels about men, but dox shit does reveal she's gay.
The rest are either straight or bi, most are straight.
You could add Kanata there though, I don't know why people keep forgetting about her when she's by far the most homo of them all.

>> No.53799258

>only Miko has said she's not interested in men.
You have a link to where she said that, by chance?

>> No.53799281


>> No.53799321

My BWC can set her straight.

>> No.53799354
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>> No.53799398


>> No.53799628

How many newfags are here?

>> No.53801492


>> No.53801638
File: 184 KB, 778x1100, FzbhURkaYAE8u-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo she has to outright say she hates men to be gay
have sex

>> No.53802482

I had plenty, but thanks. And I'm not claiming they have to say it outright, but the ways someone can "confirm" someone is gay is a pretty short list. Between yuribaiting, kayfab, and bisexuaity existing, you'd have to be an idiot to believe every holo that mentions an interest in a girl is a straight up dyke.

>> No.53803518

I mean that's wrong, but whatever you want to cope with I guess.

>> No.53803588

Kronii and Sana aren't bi, not even close.

>> No.53803680

Stoning when

>> No.53804785

Lesbians are hot and socially acceptable. Faggots are disgusting sub-humans deserving of public execution. This is known.

>> No.53805014

>homosexual is HARAM and reine would be EXECUTED for being gay
Same sex relations are legal everywhere in Indonesia except Aceh province. Even there you cannot be executed for gay sex.

>> No.53805127

Reine's also not Muslim. I think the only one who is is Iofi.

>> No.53805184

>Not even RuPaul is Reine gay.
I'm not familiar with that vtuber

>> No.53805406


>> No.53805650

you shouldn't discriminate people just because they can't speak your language well enough

>> No.53805729

Shiraken more like Dykes' Den

>> No.53805905

I think there was a pic of gorilla's PL where she's kissing some chick. Dunno if it got deleted or not. Idk check the usual places.

>> No.53806299

Add unicorns to that list.

>> No.53808836

What pic?
