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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53716009 No.53716009 [Reply] [Original]

The true Hololive vtuber list, if you don't like support any of the girls on top tier then get out of my board because you are everything wrong with the fanbase.

>> No.53716100

>le epic tier list
fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.53716181

What did Polka do

>> No.53716499

Follow some males and interact with some on Twitter, also worked with one as a VA in a toku show.

>> No.53716628

>Can be salvaged
What is this copium from you OP?

>> No.53716673

Multiple JPs in that top tier have unapologetically collabed with males within just the past year.

>> No.53716711

It’s okay when JPs do it: the tier list

>> No.53716756

>Gura on true idol
stay in your containment chamber, chumbud

>> No.53716872

Kaela have collabed with fleshtubers are you sure about this list OP?

>> No.53716932

You should base this list from Sora and then rate everyone based on her since she is literally the founder of the Holo Idol Spirit...

>> No.53717046

>it's a male interactions tier list
Ok so what the fuck are half the ones above her doing there?

>> No.53717116

oh no, one hour long sponsored stream..I can't believe it, how could she

>> No.53717263

Anon I know you hate EN but try to view reality outside the catalog echo hug box once in a while.

>> No.53717321

Most of EN and ID are at the bottom, really makes you think...

>> No.53717347

>"true idol spirit" tier
>5 either don't stream or do the absolute bare minimum while raking up in money for "being cutre"
>1 has been completely missing for almost 5 months
>1 has a very lucrative side-job in the (kinda) porn industry
>1 "I'm not your friend" woman
>1 shameless male collaber
>1 that already did a ton of hours of male collabing recently and could become another one
>1 "i have to diversify my content by doing valorant collabs" woman
>2 that would sell their mother and eat shit just to get the numbers despite being the most popular and rich already.

Accept it, "idol" in hololive is just a marketing gimnick.

>> No.53717417

>long periods without streaming
>ghosts fans
>avoided collabs

>> No.53717454

>vtuberfags still pulling the """""idol"""""larp in 2023

>> No.53717456

to embody the idol spirit, first of all you need to do idol activities to begin with.
Tweeting is not. Vtweeters are not idols.
Gura is not an idol. She's just a parasite.

>> No.53717605


>> No.53717721

You're allowed to say just you don't understand what an Idol is anon, no need to make this elaborate list to prove it.

>> No.53717742

You have to understand, OP only watches EN and gets the rest of his info from browsing the catalog. He can't know better.

>> No.53717901

Schizo list.

>> No.53717902

why are people talking to OP as if he's not just a bot remaking old threads?

>> No.53718030


>> No.53718271


>> No.53718689

>Haachama, Noel
>True idols

>> No.53718841
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>> No.53718881

Actual GFE is peak cringe and makes me embarrassed to be a VTuber fan

>> No.53719003

>The true Hololive vtuber list
>Sora the Hololive itself isn't even on top

>> No.53719078

Mori an idol confirmed

>> No.53719085

excuse op, he's got catalog brain

>> No.53719212

This but unironically

>> No.53719725

Glad you finally realized.

>> No.53719860

Y-you can't say that here!

>> No.53719965
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OP is cringe but you're worse

>> No.53720027

Kill yourself EOPtard.

>> No.53720433

Wow, actual common sense in this thread.

>> No.53720538

This is pretty much true.
This board is cockbroken to think about a bunch of 3views as some sort of a threat to anything

>> No.53720896

Go back

>> No.53721663


>> No.53721675



>> No.53722002

don't you have a twitter account to stalk, chumbud
why are you /here/

>> No.53722072

Mori hates idol culture

>> No.53722866

>"Has damaged the Idol Spirit".

LOL, LMAO even.
Seethe, schizo

>> No.53722925
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Tier lists are fucking gay.

>> No.53724099

Switch Fauna with Mumei
