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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53633377 No.53633377 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

Sankisei medley
https://youtu.be/GonxTwROCos [Open]

Marine Games Trailer
https://youtu.be/DpnrMEynbX8 [Open]

NoelMari artbook

3rd Anniversary Showa Song Festival
https://youtu.be/3LaDuoHDC_g [Open]

Akasa Ai (her illustrator) artbook full of Marine illustrations now on sale



Marine Shukkou MV
https://youtu.be/u_hUpHUTJwQ [Open]

Marine Shukkou Full version
https://youtu.be/A6xmmMuNUUs [Open]

Umisea MV
https://youtu.be/VOFOmeHAmfk [Open]

I’m Your Treasure Box MV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV-5W7SFHDc [Open]

https://youtu.be/_VIeV_LZXHM [Open]

https://youtu.be/e7VK3pne8N4 [Open]

Sankisei's first original song, Interact Fantasia
https://youtu.be/F61eDAXtmnw [Open]

Marine Artbook on sale now

SKDW Hibiki Radio

Clips and other stuff

>> No.53634353


>> No.53634482

Marine on Pekora's stream later

>> No.53635693

More interested in Marine on her own stream later.

>> No.53636475
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>> No.53636732


>> No.53636937


>> No.53637723


>> No.53638058

Senchou is on

>> No.53638340

So Marine's manager is still the genki girl she talked about some time ago.

>> No.53638527

>Marine: Mine has been assigned to me for a year and a half.
>Marine: Both of your managers are mature older ladies, but mine seems to shrink every time I see her

>> No.53638618

Than you mane-chan
All the streams this year are because of you

>> No.53638836

Once again it is confirmed that Marine has anger issues lol

>> No.53639000

I want her to hit me with her little fists

>> No.53639489

I'm extremely jealous of mane-chan

>> No.53639755

Man what happened to Yagoo, he looks like a recovering crack addict.

>> No.53639770

They forgot the 5th member...

>> No.53639830

Ru-chan where...

>> No.53639847

Ah the legendary tweet about pantsu day in their debut, how nostalgic

>> No.53639923

Probably crying by herself again

>> No.53639970

Oh damn I want to be Marine's Mane so bad...

>> No.53640070

That original mane-chan message will make her cry if she sees it

>> No.53640111

But she hates managers.

>> No.53640139

i want to impregnate her

>> No.53640254
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>> No.53640447

It's nobody's fault that she was the retarded one not knowing how to activate stream mode on OBS and then being impatient and leaking private messages to a dramafag.

>> No.53640908

Same but only so we can lovingly raise the child

>> No.53640938

Judging by her reactions, it seems she prefers kicking to punching.
Imagine the piece of heaven you'd see every time she kicks you wearing a skirt.

>> No.53641096

I mean, her future character would still appear but she'd be someone practically different, making her know just by looking at her that something very bad happened to her in Hololive, which would be even more worrying.

>> No.53641454
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>3rd Gen Tamagotchi

>> No.53642028

No one her cares about Pekora merch, go post it somewhere else.

>> No.53642154

Sasuga speedreading EOP retard

>> No.53642269

I don't see it being anything but JP only. Get a proxy address ready if you really want one.

>> No.53642366

Finally more RE

>> No.53643209

was she in Pekora's live already? just got home

>> No.53643322

Yeah and Peko ran until her home in less than 5 minutes too
Holomems are HAYAI

>> No.53643565


>> No.53643712

It was prerecorded

>> No.53643938

no shit, what does that have to do with everything?

>> No.53644049

Sorry I'm dumb and misread your post lol
Yes there was a sankisei 3d collab 2 hours ago but she wasn't in her concert

>> No.53644214

I see, thanks, will just enjoy the stream then.

>> No.53644276


>> No.53644456


>> No.53644558

Amiami and AmazonJP both carry Tamagochi and ship overseas. You probably won't need a proxy for this one.

>> No.53644584

I can see a lot of resellers hoarding several of these to sell at excessive prices.

>> No.53644657

Remains to be seen if it will be sold like a normal product or as a limited run in specific stores.

>> No.53644689

>killing bee with a gun

>> No.53644862

Most of Hololive's third party merchandise is currently mass produced and the tamagotchi being cheap to produce I see no reason why it would be something with a limited run.

>> No.53645009

I wish my hands would clip through my body like Marine's are

>> No.53645194

Because of that stream we know Marine hates sharks

>> No.53645293

She also hates big scary bears, yet she loves Rilakkuma

>> No.53645660
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Ichimin or Ichimi?

>> No.53645763

Ichimi, 一味, a crewmember. Not Ichimin, 一民, the citizens of One.

>> No.53646233

>Shark is revealed to be alive
Senchou...your pirating skills...

>> No.53646526

>cold chicken graphic
Why do I feel that Pekora still resents this meme but forces herself to make fun of it as a cope mechanism?

>> No.53646749

She's taking a shit on her antis, so pretty based

>> No.53647649

Her being afraid of the giant spider is super cute.

>> No.53647782

Her despair at seeing numbers below the eyes is funny too. One of the most obscure puzzles in RE1

>> No.53648786

Has marine talked about wearing glasses? I’m watching her stream and it seems like she adjusts them on her nose every once in a while. It’s p cute

>> No.53649123

No, but maybe she wears those kind of special glasses to see the computer screen.
But there are a couple of pictures of her supposedly RM wearing glasses so who knows

>> No.53649273

Wouldn’t be surprised, it’s a pretty common thing

>> No.53650159

Sentyo is crying...

>> No.53650349

I miss her because her interactions with Marine were probably the funniest amongst 3rd gen.

>> No.53650580

What was funny about them?

>> No.53651287

To me it always felt forced and inauthentic, a souless ship forced by management.
PekoMari on the other hand

>> No.53651491
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>> No.53651503

I can’t stand pekora in any sort of manner. I know her character is supposed to be obnoxious but she’s too good at it. Maybe I don’t watch her enough but she comes off as a narcissist for me, similar to Kiara

>> No.53651597

Of her recurrent collab partners, my favorites are Flare and Lui. MelMari is also great but it's so rare.

>> No.53651669

mariflare is deff my favorite. noemari is good too but feels like older/younger sister relationship. what I want is more suimari

>> No.53651693

Forcing Marine to speak english is something that should happen every stream desu.

>> No.53651814

I wouldn't call it forced by management but more by peer pressure. She debuted around the time when FubuMatsu was still somewhat alive, Noel and Flare were going to debut with a ship and she probably knew Peko was close with Miko.
It was still one of the most uneventful ships ever and even they recognized it.

>> No.53651887

SuiMari compatibility is almost shocking to me.

>> No.53652134

Sui has a lot of hag qualities so I always thought they’d get on well. Laid back, can shoot the shit without taking anything seriously. I want them to have an autist plushie collab

>> No.53652158

This. PekoMari is so natural, I never liked MariRushi

>> No.53652211

both are extroverts, it makes sense that they have such a good synergy, the same goes for Senchou and Miko.

>> No.53652296

Yeah this shit is already sold out and it was only sold on the JP only IP blocked Bandai store.

>> No.53652481

Oh fuck, I really wanted one
I wondered how many were bought by fucking scalpers.

>> No.53652553

Yeah it sucks, wonder if they will do re-releases to fuck the scalpers up.

>> No.53652725

oh man that stream with the yab was SO good, mikomari is great, good call

>> No.53652884

really? if anything i'm shocked they took so long to get it going. and after that, i'm even more shocked that they've "run out of things to talk about".

>> No.53653209

another peaceful night to sleep and dream about senchou

>> No.53653402

This shit works only once

>> No.53653436

KanaMari is still my favourite but it's becoming increasingly more rare, be it due to their menhera mindset, long breaks by both or them saying they already interact a lot off stream so they do collabs with other on stream.

>> No.53653458

That Collab would have been legendary and one of the best had it not been for the stupid shit-stirrers on Twitter and the stupid author who instead of double checking her sources decided to take her anger out on MikoMari.
I've always had a suspicion that Miko and Senchou don't collaborate that often thanks to the bad memories that followed that Collab.

>> No.53653587

It has happened several times now.

>> No.53653721

>instead of double checking her sources
How many times does it need to be repeated that she literally tweeted out a timestamped link to the stream? She knew exactly what was said and done and didn't give a shit until she was the one under fire. I don't even hate her, but the it was all her fault and nobody else's.

>> No.53653909

KanaMari would easily be Senchou's best ship except that (maybe it's just me) but for some reason in every Collab I feel that both of them restrain themselves a bit when conversing, I have a suspicion that they are afraid to relax too much in stream and reveal something by accident that is not yet public or worse yet personal information.

>> No.53654831

Qrd? I was just getting into holo when this took place so I don’t remember what happened with the author after the stream

>> No.53655024

She apologized for taking things out of context and closed her twitter account

>> No.53655169

The author just posted a tweet with a link to the stream and wrote something like
>look at [timestamp] *worriedemoji*
and that was what spread everywhere. She didn't really do much to make it gain traction, but was still ultimately being a little shit who doesn't think until the consequences hit her back.

>> No.53655597

>several times

>> No.53655615


>> No.53655648


>> No.53655690


>> No.53655739


>> No.53658491


>> No.53658742
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>> No.53660403
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>> No.53661780


>> No.53663585

She wants the loli shark

>> No.53664274

can't stop listening to the cover, so so so good

>> No.53667066


>> No.53669302


>> No.53672338


>> No.53675599


>> No.53676427


>> No.53678124
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Oneesangumi love

>> No.53679438
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>> No.53682242
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>> No.53685540
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>> No.53688238
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>> No.53690734


>> No.53692799
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>> No.53696801
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>> No.53697201
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Akasa AI new art

>> No.53697433
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Marine, in my opinion, looks especially breedable here

>> No.53698251

I will impregnate this single mother and her daughter

>> No.53698648

She always looks breedable

>> No.53701357
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>> No.53701530

Does shuba have a fat ass?!

>> No.53701916

She does now

>> No.53702755

What the heck is Watame doing

>> No.53703366

What did Senchou say here about NTR?
She was talking for about 2 minutes about it.
Any anons who can speak Japanese and could summarize what she said?

>> No.53704070

tl;dr : it's just a fiction bro

longer summary : NTR? It's other people's stories, not hers. As long as it's not based on IRL and it's not about her life, she has no reason to give a fuck about morality and shits. It's just a fetish, and a fiction.

>> No.53705674
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>> No.53705887

Getting fucked
By me

>> No.53706252

what about here? same thing?

>> No.53706402

fiction fetishes ≠ real life fetishes

>> No.53707073

Marine damage control

>> No.53707135

control your schizo and know how to act like a decent human being first

>> No.53708078


>> No.53709076

Oh no pokobe is raping marine!

>> No.53711616
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>> No.53712749


>> No.53714972
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>> No.53715931

Really wish MelMari was more than once a year at best, still waiting on their offcollab karaoke.

>> No.53716021

>I have a suspicion that they are afraid to relax too much in stream and reveal something by accident that is not yet public or worse yet personal information.
I get the same feeling from MelMari, Mel talks alot about Marine in her own streams so the behind the scenes interaction is manifold but get them together in a collab and it feels like they are dodging landmines.

>> No.53716723

Sex between Marine and Pokobee (transformed in Shion) next time

>> No.53717900

this but joshu!

>> No.53718373

why do you want to have sex with pokobee...?

>> No.53720226


>> No.53721552

Don’t the two of them know each other the longest of any pair in Hololive? Something like 15 years?

>> No.53722761

