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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 598x262, idolchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53618625 No.53618625 [Reply] [Original]

Average beta Hololive vtuber:
>NOOO Don't lewd me anon, I don't like it T_T

Chad Idol Corp Vtuber:
>pic related

>> No.53618734

>Hololive acts more like idols than the "idols" at idolEN

>> No.53618823

Hololive vtubers are senso.

IdolEN are just whores.

>> No.53618855

chuuba name houshou marine

>> No.53618940

but did they have a gay sex collab?

>> No.53618972

It's 'seiso', dumbass.

>> No.53618978 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53619004

Luna literally said she wants to be lewded and was disappointed she wasn't lewded more. You're not even a threadreader you subhuman retard. Buy an ad faggot.

>> No.53619006

Anon, there's a difference between "don't lewd me ever" and "there is a time and a place for lewding me and it is not what you're doing"

>> No.53619009

>not using Aster as the most recent example

>> No.53619011

The jews? Turning a popular hobby into a perverted spectacle!?
Surely not!

>> No.53619135

why do you speak like those new bots that are on twitter nowadays?

>> No.53619213
File: 186 KB, 537x554, 1672879087693402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IdolEN will never be relevant

>> No.53619257

buy an ad

>> No.53619323

idolEN whores sell feet pics in donothons lmao
fuck off with your sluts jew

>> No.53619430

How is it working out? CCV?

>> No.53619481

Both the individual talents and the corp just seem really desperate to turn loli garbage into numbers
which is pretty amusing considering the only one that "blew up" is a girlboy prince making shorts about vtubers
maybe they should ask rin for advice instead of trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>> No.53619501

>>53619430 (me)
Compare to Rin.

>> No.53619532

Buy an ad retard. No one cares about your borderline literal whos.

>> No.53619545

She's copying Haachama's lewd reviews? I thought small corpos were supposed to be more creative...

>> No.53619558

>call yourself idol corp
>every single member is a whore
Buy a ad

>> No.53619592

Yeah no thanks

>> No.53619639
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>> No.53619693

Literal whore behavior

>> No.53619712

and make sure to not have Gura's face all over it this time

>> No.53619715

Copying one's betters are a common thing. The idolEN whores are no exception.

>> No.53619752

Just because Ina and Suisei doesn’t want them doesn’t mean Pekora, Koyo, Miko, matsuri, Gura,Okayu, Fauna, etc aren’t liking and retweeting nsfw art themselves

>> No.53619786

Who actually started this "buy an ad" meme?

>> No.53619842

how fags like you cry and call Hololive vshoujo then?

>> No.53619850
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They can’t, this is phase new one with Suisei spam all over it

>> No.53619919

They unironically come here to shill

>> No.53619927
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>> No.53620061

The only person in Hololive like that is a trying to break into the JP mainstream singer who has zero internal disconnect between character and performer.

>> No.53620074

>Holo does lewd stuff
>"Lol what a whore, X corpo is better!"
>Holo doesn't do lewd stuff
>"What a bitch, X corpo is better since they cater their audience!"
What kind of marketing strategy is this called?

>> No.53620130

Do your reps on the yuko discord that was leaked and found out to have done months of targetted shilling campaigns while they were attacking other corpos, the ones that were named are hololive, nijisanji and phase but recently theres no doubt they were attacking eien and kwawii too
Shills are hated here for a very good reason

>> No.53620134


>> No.53620173

someone should report to cover that these small corpo shits are using their IP as a form of advertisement.

>> No.53620189

Im sorry what the fuck. I didn't even know this at all.

>> No.53620194

Because they're subhuman shills.

>> No.53620315

Yep it's pretty bad. That's why any idolEN shilling rightfully and justifiably gets shat on and they get told to buy an ad instead.

>> No.53620336

do the reps for me

>> No.53620359

Genuinely never knew this, but I never looked at those shill threads.

>> No.53620529

The IdolEN whores and their fans are no different than Vox Akuma and his legion of chinks.

>> No.53620574

Open any thread with a idol shill OP, within 5 replies you will see someone(OP) shitting on hololive or other corpos without fail
Just like this one
The OP itself also always attacks other corpos (its their speciality to leech of hololive in particular)

>> No.53620705

/vt/ schizos once they got mad at the corp for existing when they ran a lot of ads during the donothons back in Feb/March (proving they're all normalfags who don't run adblockers). Anything else people is bullshit someone made up, especially if it involves Yuko, as her 2 antis are so bad that they tried to attack her on KF using made-up bullshit, got called out and made fun of EVEN there, and went completely bonkers on shitposting afterwards.

>> No.53620741

yeah, all those threads, me.

>> No.53620856
File: 259 KB, 300x480, Evil_Korone[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnuo2y7.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53620859

>samefag just making up shit

>> No.53620876

buy an ad

>> No.53621076
File: 594 KB, 1068x705, 1688523844526056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's different, Hololive is more professional and has many companies that back them up and sponsor them, like Sega UMG Bushi even appearing in First Take, they don't want to scare them away

>> No.53621225
File: 8 KB, 237x112, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ok?

>> No.53621275

I knew you would be in here sucking big corpo dick as usual, adfaggot

>> No.53621277

And wasn't even saying "don't make porn of me", she was saying "don't post porn of me on the same platform that I stream on"

>> No.53621284

rent free

>> No.53621399

>rent free

>> No.53621442

still waiting to be spoonfed

>> No.53621533
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>fuyo getting a bait thread

>> No.53621638

I bet she sucks like a vacuum and wakes you up at 2am to scream and scratch you because you looked at another girl in her dream.

>> No.53621759

>Makes bait thread
>Get BTFO'd on the Holoboard
>"Rent free"
Damn dude. Maybe stop sniffing your shekels.

>> No.53621775
File: 448 KB, 911x678, 1681532749394450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna retweets lewd image with nipples visible
>"Oh did I do that? Haha I didn't know teehee"

>> No.53621829

Hololive is tee hee did it do that, Idol girls are genuine sluts. Its different.

>> No.53622071 [DELETED] 

Wasnt yuko gangbanged in a /k/ meetup
The one in the OP had a SO yab in debut
And Juna instantly went to collab with her SO after doing a subathon
Speaking of which, all of them are required to do one where they whore themselves out as we have seen with Riro

Not even going to mention their gen1 which had actual prostitutes. Reminder. They graduated for """"health reasons"""""

>> No.53622147

>samefag and a newfag
holy moly

>> No.53622227

remember that she specifically asked for a leprochaun model, she's hunting for leprochaun nudes. now that's a strange kink

>> No.53622234


>> No.53622247

99% chance this is the OP btw

>> No.53622285


>> No.53622380

she's japanese and has to follow their laws

>> No.53622432

Mental Illness.

>> No.53622444

>Who is haachama, who did lingerie streams and H-art contest streams
Buy an ad, faggot.

>> No.53622561

nigger this is literally an anti thread, dude was mad people wernt biting his Fuyo bait in the jew thread

>> No.53622673

Vtubers from small corpos need all the attention they can get including from lewd art. Hololive talents are big enough they can afford to be more honest which is why you get some that are okay with coomer pandering and some that prefer to be more family friendly. Suisei has been clear for years on how she feels about lewds so wouldn't walking her own path be closer to Chad behavior?

>> No.53622696

The jew thread is 98% bots and soulless NPC's, there's nobody really there to bite.

>> No.53622714

The best approach, really.
It's not exciting if they're openly degenerate.

>> No.53623401

Glad you got filtered, zoomie.

>> No.53623574

I did the count its 60% shills, 30% numberfags,9% schizos and that 1 guy that constantly raids the thread with random shit nowhere related to idol
I would take the /trash/ /wvt/ over this any day of the week

>> No.53623815

Is this the minutely IdolEN astroturfing thread? You guys should seriously reign it in a little.

>> No.53623957

they dont send their best

>> No.53624028


>> No.53624101

they're not actually idols, it's another "subversive" meme

>> No.53624132


>> No.53624197

Yea we saw it during the months of idol astroturf, they are garbage for doing it.

>> No.53624260

So that mean i should block this loser right? Thx bait thread.

>> No.53624381
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It's funny to me how idolEN and hololive should be theorically in the same niche of idol vtubers but their fans and constant antics just divide the two groups apart.
Not to mention idol's newly debuted talents are already resorting to whoring themselves out to foot fetishists.
Aviel has money to throw around and show off and build a good reputation in the space, even going as far as copying hololive's most successful stream ideas but it is clear that he's desperately trying to absorb that portion of hololive viewers who have distanced themselves from the brand for several reasons; and it is not working out, specially since several of his talents are already self-sabotaging.

>> No.53624646
File: 178 KB, 911x1749, nunfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Fuyo! NSFW is art as well and artists put a lot of effort into making these works!

>> No.53624818

Haachama has done hentai reviews of herself 3 times.
Also botan and marine literally just had a stream discussing their fetishes.

>> No.53624850

Yeah, they should be drafted to Ukraine.

>> No.53624883

And even still, they are more Idol than IdolEN

>> No.53625222

it's fine to do risque stuff sometime

>> No.53625284

>hololive viewers who have distanced themselves from the brand for several reasons
Mainly because most of those really don't like the idol-ish atmosphere of Hololive. Unfortunately for most other corpos, that means they really aren't tied up by anything, so they'll just gravitate to whatever their attention demands, not stay in one place.

>> No.53625334

>even going as far as copying hololive's most successful stream ideas
Which is..?

>> No.53625410

No shit, Idol doesnt even try to be idols. They're more similar to Phase than anything.
No vtuber company are as idol as hololive.

>> No.53625611

He is applying his money in the wrong places. The concept will fail because it is inherently flawed.
It really is a shame to see all that capital go completely to waste.
Western corpos are a fucking joke for the most part, and it's really unfortunate because there is massive room for expansion, so much so that even Cover acknowledges it as a potential threat to their own business. Lucky for them retarded tech bros throwing around their money will never amount to much. All those resources are useless if not applied.
It'll happen eventually, but I don't have much hope for any of the current Wrstern corporations.

>> No.53625669

>calls yourself IdolEN
>not idols at all
False advertisement. Buy new ads

>> No.53625741

Buy an ad

>> No.53625740

>He is applying his money in the wrong places
Where should the money be getting applied and where is it going wrong?

>> No.53625760

It's fine, but it's better to allow your fans the illusion of purity for the most part. Forgoing that, hopefully your talent has the ability to tap into it as a character trait.

>> No.53625853 [DELETED] 

The name is fine, makes catalog SEAniggers seethe

>> No.53625854 [SPOILER] 
File: 309 KB, 512x768, bininabin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who actually thinks that this company was promising to satisfy whatever retarded unicorn schizo standards, deserves a one-way ticket to the """"""democratic"""""" republic of north korea
holy shit, meds onegai

>> No.53626870

I would say what specifically, but that would undermine my own plans, so I'd rather not. You can probably infer to certain extent anyways.
I have less qualms about speaking generally, and would be glad to see any improvements in the industry anyways, so I would advise anyone to apply any funds they may have into two specific areas.
1. IP expansion
2. Content production and curation.
IP expansion is taken for a given in Vtubing as an industry, which is why the majority of corporate entities are laughable, and indicates the small minded thinking and business models which currently dominate the industry. Certainly, it's true to say that the natural cultivation of IP through fan works and community effort is highly central and critical to this industry, and many others besides, but that aside, corporations should realize that the onus is firstly and most importantly on them to initiate and guide that fan energy. Hololive is easily the most powerful in this regard, but it isn't a fair comparison because a great deal of their IP comes from the fans directly as a result of their highly established notoriety as a company. That said, there is still a lot more that Western corpos can do to play catch up, which factors into the second point.
Content production (this most critically) and curation is a very important aspect of establishing your brand dominance, because providing your end user a diverse range of content to consume will not only offer more retention and interaction overall from you fans/consumer which already fall under retention, but also offer greater accessibility outside of what can be consider the general end consumer of vtubing related content, especially because it offers your current fans a greater opportunity to spread your IP and share it with others, because of higher general accessibility.
In the end, Western corpos are not doing enough to produce content which is somewhat indepent, both from their talents as well as from what we might call "vtubing specific" content. There is very little ambition in the space, and it shows.
I would also be quick to remind that a little bit of professionalism goes a very, very long way. One of Hololives greatest strengths over others, failures notwithstanding, is the level of professionalism that they and their employees display, both publicly and behind the scenes. Again, it isn't a totally fair comparison, because everyone takes Hololive seriously as a given, due to its brand power, but the point stands.

My apologies for the long winded post... However, if you are interested in this sort of thing, and want to see more clearly what I mean, strongly encourage you to read the recent quarterly reports that Cover and Nijisanji released publicly, they are fascinating, and rather telling about the direction that vtubing as an industry will take going forward. If Western corpos want to survive and rise to compete with established brand giants, they will need to learn from them and adapt to the needs of the expanding market. Let's hope someone is up to the task.

>> No.53627011

when you are a 3view any art is good but art but still don't shit on Fuyo she is great

>> No.53627210

>should be theorically in the same niche of idol vtubers
fucking how, idolEN is only idol in name. Also Idol posting 3DPD pics isnt a new thing. Hell Katta even posted her ass multiple times. They're no different than trendhopping twitch whores

>> No.53627311 [DELETED] 

The girl that leaked boyfriend on her debut nice

>> No.53627333


>> No.53627367 [DELETED] 

it's called subversion, it's a jewish tradition

>> No.53627372

>They're no different than trendhopping twitch whores
This may be largely correct with some talents, but I encourage you to do away with this mindset for your own good.
The sooner the fans start to expect and demand better and more, the sooner they will get it. Maybe not immediately, but sooner anyhow.
There are many chuubas in the sea. Go find one that works for you.

>> No.53627444

Unfair, since nearly all corpos play on the roots of the industry without taking time to try and understand it.
True subversion would be more interesting and effective.
I want more corporations to subvert my expectations of vtubing, genuinely.

>> No.53627486

I don't want them to "get" it and pander to the fans. I want them out of this hobby
>Go find one that works for you
I already watch multiple vtubers who are actual otaku and idol fans, they aren't normalfags trying to pander to an audience they don't understand.

>> No.53627516

So true sis, thankfully we have nijien to fit our own schizo sister standards

>> No.53627550

This is not exclusive to idol tho. To be fair I've seen more phase-shilling threads than idol ones. For example, it's a month that they keep making threads for a phase 2 view coon girl with the same fucking redundant meme every time.

>> No.53627605

Calling them trendhoppers when the majority of the EN talents were vtubers since at least 2021 isn't a good application of the term.
Also a good way to prove you're retarded by calling them normalfags when there's heavy proof to the contrary.

>> No.53627654

EN vtubing was already ruined in 2021

>> No.53627670 [DELETED] 

She has BF btw

>> No.53627696

This shill thread didn't do as well as Aviel expected

>> No.53627709

> already watch multiple vtubers who are actual otaku and idol fans
I do as well. It's part of the reason I rarely watch any corpos anymore, or am selective about which I pay attention to. I'm glad you have found good chuubas anon. I'd be curious to ask who, but I would guess you are unwilling to say.
If it's any consolation, most of these corpos do not have much staying power for a multitude of reasons. They are simply not designed to. By and large they are making use of a trend. In all likelihood, almost of them are bound to fail significantly, at least, from an enduring viewpoint.
Small comforts.

>> No.53627708

Have you even seen Haachama?

>> No.53627713

yeah they're trying really hard to damage control now

>> No.53627722

So does the owl. That doesn't stop people.

>> No.53627793

Which owl?

>> No.53627902

>but that would undermine my own plans
Are you a corpo CEO or something? lmfao.
Anyways I was expecting some schizophrenic retarded jibberish, but you actually seem to be somewhat informed and normal so good on you.
In terms of your points, its a bit difficult to force certain types of content to be produced when a lot of the point in joining these corpos is the freedom to do what you want.
I think both them and phase have done well in terms of content diversity regardless though, like with Idol's newest gen. They try not to play the same games, all play into different roles / personalities, do some creative and relateable stuff like with Coni's stream, etc. Could argue the same with Pippa, Lia, and Lumi in phase, in terms of getting away from "vtuber specific content".
Professionalism isn't at Holo levels for sure though. I'd argue the only thing that helps is getting sponsors though.
Don't really see where investing money comes into play in any of this though, other than hiring more clippers or something.

>> No.53628048

uh oh anon the janny is gonna be REALLY mad

>> No.53628206

>Average beta Hololive vtuber
>Brings up actually good chuubas and Festival
Reading comprehension reps

>> No.53628728

Is Idol the only small agency that realizes that fanart is word-of-mouth marketing?

>Hololive vtuber
As if they need more advertising and fanart, let others have a chance for fuck sake

>> No.53628928

>Also botan and marine literally just had a stream discussing their fetishes.
Tell me more about Botan and her fetishes.

>> No.53629134

If I recall, one of Botan's fetishes is to be the mom that is fucked by her child's friend.

>> No.53629300

That's just our usual shotaonee, one of the most common fetishes for shotacon women.

>> No.53629341

>>NOOO Don't lewd me anon, I don't like it T_T
The only Holos who say this are Moona, Flare, Kaela, and Kronii though? Marine says to lewd her, Noel too. Ollie and Haachama keep lewding themselves, and I believe I don't have to say anything about Coco, Mel, Aki, and Choco? OP is a faggot

>> No.53629370

Fuyo's just extremely cultured. She loves chat 'as a hivemind' in 'good fun', but she's probably one of the least lewd ones I've seen. She talks about porn tags and lewd art, but keeps the gfe PG and wholesome. She's quite a gem, I always enjoy her streams. That accent is beyond precious too.

>> No.53629447 [SPOILER] 
File: 192 KB, 1000x800, 62585B51-A60B-4B9F-8EBD-E139A77D639D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s lewder when they don’t like it. Picrel

>> No.53629854
File: 59 KB, 600x601, F0DATzRWAAIxN5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof? Anon, don't tell me you just made it the fuck up you wouldn't do that on a catalog thread of all places, right?

>> No.53630078

>Are you a corpo CEO or something? lmfao.
Suffice to say I am a passionate fan of the medium, and take a keen interest in the goings on of the industry.
>its a bit difficult to force certain types of content to be produced when a lot of the point in joining these corpos is the freedom to do what you want.
That's a fair take. Moreso, the level of focus you are able to provide as a creator with greater resources at your disposal, chief of these being time and money, of course. There is a certain level of independence that comes with being on a corporate roster, but I would hesitate to call it freedom, if that makes sense. Still, I agree.
>I think both them and phase have done well in terms of content diversity regardless though, like with Idol's newest gen. They try not to play the same games, all play into different roles / personalities, do some creative and relateable stuff like with Coni's stream, etc. Could argue the same with Pippa, Lia, and Lumi in phase, in terms of getting away from "vtuber specific content".
You have piqued my interest, I will have to check out Idol's new members when I have the opportunity. If I may be totally frank here, the initial gen, while admittedly all very cute and talented in their own ways, did not particularly grab my interest. As for Phase Connect, I can't say that I view any of their talents as particularly interesting to me, though they are certainly noteworthy in their own regard. I think Phase as a company has been perhaps the most succesful with IP expansion among the various Western corpos and it certainly shows, but I feel there is still a good deal to be desired. It may be something of a large ask for what is truthfully a fairly small company. I am unfortunately perhaps less familiar with many aspects of Phase Connect as I ought to be, but I do recognize the talents you mention.
Again, part of your response begs the question of what "vtuber content" is generally thought of as. Whatever it is, I would be happy to at least see a little more diverse.
>Professionalism isn't at Holo levels for sure though. I'd argue the only thing that helps is getting sponsors though.
Hmm. Professionalism is a little tricky in some ways, with vtubing, but I fear that in many regards the failure is often with the corporation by and large. It's certainly not an easy thing to be fair. As for sponsors, that again falls under the purview of IP. There are sponsors who are willing to engage with smaller brands, I believe Lumi and Pippa have some deals, but unless a company has attractive IPs, acquiring sponsors will always be difficult. I know Phase has been putting in some work in that regard, which is good to see.
>Don't really see where investing money comes into play in any of this though, other than hiring more clippers or something.
Hiring staff to help generate content that way is useful, but isn't particularly what I mean and falls under curation rather than diversity... Again, I won't say anything too specifically, but it doesn't take a great deal of imagination to understand that there are other avenues that are not being explored currently. Some of them are not even especially expensive from a production standpoint. Curiously, I have observed that specific talents tend to make these investments themselves, often times paying out of pocket, rather than their respective companies, which is somewhat disheartening. Ironically not unlike the actual idol industry.
I am rather excited about the future of vtubing as a medium, and dare I say, an artform. It is rapidly expanding and converging with other industries. I know of several smaller entities making some effort to change the game up and expand in the ways I have in mind, but I can't really say too much about that.
All in all I am pretty hopeful, and excited to be able to experience it!
I appreciate your recommendations as well, I will take a look at the newer Idol generation, I'm genuinely curious now.

>> No.53630214

tl;dr. Get fuck'd, nerd.

>> No.53630354

Same shit in the end.

>> No.53630482

Reminder that every single idol "shill" thread is made by a threadshitter who once he gets tired of not getting enough (You)s at /jidf/ decides to take it to the catalog, I'd rather stay an irrelevant small corpo any day than to become whatever the fuck you people spawned from. Can't wait for Rin to graduate and for our girls to go back to being low 3views

>> No.53630502
File: 591 KB, 750x576, 1623631807864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53630774

Whats funny is that sister was originally coined here for schizo drama posters just like you. Funny how history can rewrite itself overnight

>> No.53631900

Truly the daughter of rhe creator of Eromanga Sensei and Oreimo

>> No.53631979

belo jogo!!!

>> No.53632791

Idk why we fight over this, I like both types
Like eating different foods for variety.

>> No.53632981

If you have proof now is the time

>> No.53633060
File: 1.59 MB, 1980x1080, 1659405966404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're idols but not the Japanese kind.

>> No.53633347

Bottom that likes ntr and being stolen from her man.

>> No.53633471

Wow what a fag

>> No.53634588

Hello, OP here bumping the thread.

I’m not buying an ad :^)

>> No.53634651


>> No.53634947

Stop posting your tweet post, literal who-vtuber.

>> No.53635047

What are your rates femanon

>> No.53636730

He makes some good points, unless he does rape ASMR like Vox, i don't see the problem.

>> No.53636811

I've seen people say that on Pekora posts too, the phrase will lose its meaning the same way incel did.

>> No.53636855

I wonder if Haato will ever return to streaming. People have already forgotten her legendary hentai stream.

>> No.53636892

Why are the idolniggers suddenly attacking hololive? Is it because Kiara acted friendly towards a phase girl and she won't give your whores the time of day?

>> No.53637139

Share the lewds.
Or are they mostly AI?

>> No.53637344

rent free

>> No.53637360


>> No.53637404

just trying to figure out why you jewfags are suddenly attacking hololive, that's all.

>> No.53637464

please understand. small corpo behavior at its finest

>> No.53637463

my first thought, fpbp

this is what people mean when they say EN is a mistake, praising whores as "chads" seriously

>> No.53637494

reminder that marine and botan talked about how much they like NTR a couple of days ago. they had an entire stream about fetishes.

>> No.53637502

Fuyo is built for savage throat fucking.

>> No.53637521

have you heard of falseflagging? /jidf/ loves hololive and dislikes nijisanji.

>> No.53637813

I mean they sort of did though, other then rin and juna, all of the girls lean pretty hard into that stuff, even pochi who is in rin/juna’s wave and isn’t a loli still leans into that. She’s done date streams before where you have her on a leash (cause she’s a dog, it’s cute)

>> No.53637880

Falseflag attacks anon
Actual idolfags in jidf too busy jerking off to jewcunny to shill

>> No.53637901

People who say this clearly just don’t speak japanese because hololive Jp is pretty fucking unhinged, way more then you may think, aside from avoiding politics, they pretty much talk about everything under the sun

>> No.53637934

Is this leak with us in the room, phasecuck?

>> No.53638066

I assume it's 50-60 pieces of souless AI art she made herself.

>> No.53638189

Good Morning, I hate whores and dykes.

>> No.53638633

imagine liking nijicucks fuck you

>> No.53638656

kek fpbp

>> No.53638728

>Average beta Hololive vtuber:
Newfag dont know how Luna scolded her fanbase for too FEW leds of her

>> No.53638827

They literally have idol in their name and this is what you are after?
Are you the same person that looses his shit when Marine or other holomem and similarly but call them "whores" instead?

>> No.53638886

That's only because you cannot understand them.
FBDBP (definitely) because it only cements the fact that you're all EOP weebs.

>> No.53638909

you can tell it's SEA hours when the term "EOP" starts to get thrown around frequently.

>> No.53638945

>chad idol corp
>Coni of Idol Endless: don't lewd me or chat it this makes me uncomfortable
>purposely picks flat model to draw less attention by lewd artists
>Momo of Idol Endless: makes sexy talking down to chat video that's successful
>imminently privates it for weeks
>is getting begged to do ASMR
>keeps dodging and putting off even an attempt
Sorry OP this issue is not the tribal red meat you think it is.

>> No.53638989

How is your visit from /v/eddit?

>> No.53639029

>talents of the company that actually markets its talents as idols behave like idols
holy shit

>> No.53639036

>purposely picks flat model to draw less attention by lewd artists
surely no one could be this naive

>> No.53639055

None of these newfags even knew of vtubing when she did those and that wasn't even that long ago.
They are all Twitter tourists latching on to the hottest new maymay.

>> No.53639606

Coni's model is designed 100% to her fetishes. She just doesn't want people to hornypost while she's not being horny.
Momo is waiting on an ASMR mic. I don't really know why she's privateing streams though. Endless seems kinda jumpy with that in general.

>> No.53639960

Holy fuck what language is this
Your word choice is all the fuck over the place bro.

>> No.53642671


>> No.53644970

Coni is a real menace to society that chick, real crazy frfr

>> No.53646213
File: 55 KB, 512x417, Screenshot 2023-07-11 001847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hory shit u dont learn do you

>> No.53646323
File: 147 KB, 911x928, 1686616679615544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are just mad because we have more cunnies than you.

>> No.53646444

IdolEN whores are just popular because they leech on Gura

>> No.53646605

Coni doesn't want her chat hornyposting while she's not doing anything that warrants that behavior.

>> No.53647452

Isn't she the one that threatened to ban people who acted thirsty in her chat despite her gimmick being a whore? Real woman woment

>> No.53647817

They're small chuubas so they appreciate everything their fans contributed, unlike some ungrateful big chuubas

>> No.53647882

That's pochi

>> No.53647923

Common menhera behaviour

>> No.53650233

Thats a good thing though.
Its not like shes anti lewd, but she understands people want to watch lewd anime girls, not lewd male chatters, those just make things awkward for everyone.

>> No.53650544

I get this thread was made during SEAhours, but I genuinely don't understand how you retards don't get the concept of falseflagging and catalog bait. Chances are the OP is from /pcg/ or the farms.
We love hololive. And the girls in Idol are pretty open about liking them too, especially Momo (her oshi is Nene).
We just don't like nijisanji cause their faggots orbit our girls.

>> No.53654342

this shit is still alive? she's reviewing them rn

>> No.53654474

Buy a fucking ad

>> No.53656304

the more i see this comment the more it looks like holodrones coping that other chubas exist and that people can like them.
if you are having fun that's good but if you are not, why not consider something that's not hololive?

>> No.53656455

They love the brand, not the girls in it.

>> No.53656510

lmao, might as well watch Shiina

>> No.53656844

Have you considered maybe making threads about non-hololive vtubers where the op's opening topic isn't "woah this is soooooooo much better than hololive!"?

>> No.53656917

read >>53650544

>> No.53656999


>> No.53659026

No its not

>> No.53659583

>He makes some good points

Literally not a single good point.

>> No.53661753

Refute them

>> No.53662546

There was no point made. He's a coombaiting vtuber then turns around and complains about seen in a sexual way.

>> No.53663256

Hornypost in Maros not in chat pls. She likes the enthusiasm but being an overt coomer is a bad look for her channel.

>> No.53663486

Yeah, besides Vox, he's the biggest coomtuber in NijiEN next to Scarle. #asterbate is his 18+ tag

>> No.53668998


>> No.53673981


>> No.53676609

> Hololive vtubers are senso.
No they aren’t, you retard. It’s all an act.

>> No.53676742

ITT: Shilling gone wrong

>> No.53678465


>> No.53678792

that name is the biggest corporate buzzword bullshit ever lmao
most of them act like typical western internet whore and don't sing or dance at all

>> No.53681420

Then why do people here pretend otherwise

>> No.53681957

I'm referring to IdolEN though it's pretty funny it could be either

>> No.53682111

Ironically the Jew has one of, if not the, most charitable contract for talents.
