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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 41 KB, 837x207, Screenshot 2023-07-15 213930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53512995 No.53512995 [Reply] [Original]

>4 day old cover
>less than 100k views

what happened, irystocrats?

>> No.53513223

they're busy getting fucked by me to watch

>> No.53513253

> ching chong bing bong video title
Wonder why nobody wants to click on that shit.

>> No.53513423


>> No.53513430

Irys has already established the image of having completely mediocre, boring, uninspired songs that no one wantd to listen to more than once. It's all completely replaceable and therefore forgettable. I think it's over for her, there'll be no musical breakthrough.

>> No.53513620

C'mon Irys even a massively reclined Mori still has her songs hit at least 500K after a day

>> No.53513770

unironically nip title. as of now her only good song is Here Comes Hope

>> No.53514022 [DELETED] 

IRyStokeks pray to god that the new EN girls have no new VSinger, because if it does, oh well, rip IRyS

>> No.53514098
File: 179 KB, 1706x1674, 20230715_160327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It clearly says 地球最後の告白を (Ground Ball Most After Possessive Particle Proclaim White Direct Object Particle)
- The last confession on Earth

>> No.53514103

quality of viewers > quantity of viewers

>> No.53516818

literally didnt even notice she dropped a song lmao

>> No.53516875

shouldn't have collabed with tempiss

>> No.53516973

Is this a popular song that should've gotten more views or something?

>> No.53517107

The song even that good?

>> No.53517656

Japanese title song cover EN viewers aren't familiar with it

>> No.53517699

It's a cover of a vocaloid song relased in 2012, her fans don't know or care about that shit

>> No.53517723

She sounds like every generic anisinger, also bae and mumei is a better singer

>> No.53517761

retard doesn't understand it's kanji

>> No.53517795

>All your og songs and cover are flops

>> No.53517805

okay if you're such a polyglot then sugondese LOL

>> No.53517900

I never understood why the fuck she was hired as a vsinger instead of just a regular member of holocouncil. She's entertaining as a streamer but her singing is mediocre and her song choices suck.

>> No.53518086

irystocrats only care about GFE, they have no loyalty towards irys outside of watching streams

>> No.53518207

The Vsinger idea was never a good idea to begin with. I'm thinking the only reason they thought it would be a hit is because Mori's covers were doing really well at the time and Gura's insane karaoke numbers.
They could've just helped Gura produce more songs since hers would've done even better than Mori's and she's too lazy to get it done herself, but they probably felt they'd have more control over production and branding if they debuted a Vsinger.

>> No.53518636

sure is a lot of shit bait in here

>> No.53518641

Sound like shitty boyfriends

>> No.53518706

ring finger

>> No.53519014
File: 99 KB, 1200x562, bananacover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where English song?

>> No.53519273

See Vtuber song
Don't Recommend

>> No.53519354

Marine's latest cover is a couple hours old and already passed it.

>> No.53519619

it would help if she at least shilled it

>> No.53519662

>quality of viewers > quantity of viewers

>> No.53519765

It's a fucking song anon not streams.
And she is like what top 3 avg in viewers in EN vtubing past month so that argument dont rly work either...

>> No.53519806

>english vtuber
>jap song
into the trash it goes

>> No.53519827

Why do Holo insist on Vsingers when it clearly dont work??

>> No.53519854

She was too late for Myth’s audition, decided to do the vsinger audition before they were recruiting for Council.

>> No.53519874

IRyS should dump the EN audience.

>> No.53520394

Her music sales - which is what Cover cares about - is decent. While she isn't Mori or Suisei, all her EPs have charted well upon release so far.
Doubt Cover gives too much of a fuck about YT's song views as long as her EPs (or future albums) still do as well as they have been

>> No.53520501

Bad song choice. Her Idol cover did well.

>> No.53520544

Simple: it's IRyS. A worse addition to Hololive than Tempus. A boring, ugly, one-woman gen who shits out nothing but bland Disney songs. Just a pointless waste of resources

>> No.53520648

BELO JOGO deflection

>> No.53520813

>ugly, one-woman gen who shits out nothing but bland Disney songs
Enna you are too obvious with your jealousy

>> No.53520905

you mean mogged by mori, by a fucking mile
>charted up upon release
yeah, this is why her next EP is releasing soon, right? strike while the iron is hot

>> No.53520989
File: 306 KB, 750x986, C5A4ADC0-F727-4EF2-8CD5-07C4510A7E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not that bad.

>> No.53521032

Post sales numbers I wanna see what "decent" means.

>> No.53521081
File: 134 KB, 758x314, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to take about a week to overtake someone with literally 36k subs and who knows if she'll ever overtake the homo.

>> No.53521164

Endroll released June 3rd. The MV released like 3-4 weeks after.

>> No.53521209

Redpill me on Roca

>> No.53521295

Don‘t watch if you‘re a unicorn

>> No.53521386

Great singer, bratty, loves retro games, did some cute amateur GFE ASMR in her PL but nothing yet as Roca. Dutch accent may be offputting but definitely check out her karaoke streams at least, fantastic natural born talent as a singer

>> No.53521443

>Just a pointless waste of resources

>singing company built around singing and supporting singers
>hires a singer into their existing singing system
>waste of resources

>> No.53521459

store brand gura

>> No.53521479

Sounds awesome, I will check her out.
Been eyeing the clown girl too, maybe I'll give idolEN a try this week

>> No.53521508

Vsinger is a meme and no one need it

>> No.53521653

Yikes.. Why do they even keep fund her?

>> No.53521951

>labeled as vsinger
>people only want to watch your ordinary, normal stream
> No one listens to your songs, no one praises your singing voice

>> No.53522007

>>waste of resources
what you stated above is true if its not successful enough and said resources would have been better used elsewhere

>> No.53522263
File: 365 KB, 633x561, IRyS_CoD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53522355

Do you have Journey?

>> No.53522440

Thats so random desu

>> No.53522472
File: 677 KB, 1919x861, IRyS_Otoyo_2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or if that isn't enough, Yearly Ototoy ranking for 2022

>> No.53522698

Good for irys but how could AZKi be higher than towa ?

>> No.53522738

I'm digging through /#/ archive so I don't have specific data, but apparently it ranked 6th worldwide on iTunes

>> No.53522746

Well…. so it seems like bae’s EP doesn’t do as well as expected.

>> No.53523439

Jesus christ give Irys a better pic for that chart

>> No.53523494

it’s clearly CHINESE CHARACTERS retard, kys

>> No.53523578

>HoloEN / NijiEN (English branch) /English vtuber/
>sings on Japanese

>> No.53524273

That was off the hype of her debut, something basically any holo can do. This level can never be replicated ever again

>> No.53524379

Explain Journey.

>> No.53524437

Journey didn't do nearly as well as this did and the other ones did worse

>> No.53524589

>Journey didn't do nearly as well as this
Meanwhile ranking 6th worldwide on iTunes.

>> No.53524674

Damn, Journey was over 18 months ago? That's crazy for me to think, seems much more recent for some reason.

>> No.53525075

COVER! Fix this now before it's too late! Create better songs for her to sing or give her more create freedom! You have to do something you're WASTING her!!!

>> No.53525864

this is why Tsunami is the best

>> No.53526608
File: 184 KB, 301x477, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for showing this video to me, I watched it and liked it, her voice is really beautiful.

>> No.53527174

Irys sucks, simple as

>> No.53527343

She doesnt even stream anymore.

>> No.53527458

The irony

>> No.53527640

People have described Irystocrats as the abusive boyfriends of fanbases for ages. To their credit, they don't fucking eat shit the way other fanbases will, but on the other hand, I've never seen a fanbbase that seems to hate their own oshi so fucking much despite sticking with her. They complain about almost everything IRyS does and don't seem to actually like anyone or anything she likes. It works too because IRyS is way more receptive to her fans than most vtubers so they actually get some sway on her activities.

Fanbase reflects the vtuber.

>> No.53528242

she's like 3rd for hours streamed in EN this year

>> No.53528328

Is it due to her fans that she completely stopped even attempting ASMR?

>> No.53528701

>Rank 1 in multiple places
>Vs rank 6

>> No.53529247

Actually watching streams is a positive compared to a lot of other fanbases

>> No.53529501

She'd be a lot more successful if she actually sang disney-like songs

>> No.53530051

She streams once for 7 to 8 hours and stops for 4 days
She just found a better way to stay with

>> No.53530167
File: 518 KB, 1029x650, 4234234A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori at #6
>mori is in decline hUEHUEHUE
never listening to ENsharts ever

>> No.53530204

Only sex with me can save her

>> No.53530228

IRyS really needs to graduate. Her only appeal is dumb bimbo. Her singing is mediocre. She has a terrible fanbase. Her entire attitude changed right around the model update. She doesn't even put out consistent streams. I just don't see the reason to keep her around other than to fill the useless Sana void. Council really was a giant flop.

>> No.53530251


>> No.53530279

Ypu're mom

>> No.53530372
File: 281 KB, 484x457, 4234234A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell em, king

>> No.53530533


>> No.53531174

Her music is boring. I don't know why they so persistently keep releasing mediocre noname anime songs and idol shit, but there's just no desire to listen to it.

>> No.53531341

fatgur wrote this

>> No.53532002

Suzy lost to Bocchi?

>> No.53532145

Bocchi is insanely popular

>> No.53532196

Important survey

>> No.53532248

christ that model was so bad i never realized at the time

>> No.53532274

Only people with failures for oshis cry about /#/ because they don't like being reminded.

>> No.53532317

I have been saying for years that they should permaban evety single person that ever posted in /#/ threads
I know they have the tech to track this sort of thing

>> No.53532742

My oshi is a literal who 1view hobby indie lmao. I couldn't give a shit.
I just think you "people" need to be taken to a psych ward

>> No.53532791

she got kiara´d

>> No.53532912

>My oshi is a literal who 1view hobby indie
So...she's a failure...and you're crying about it. Not exactly disproving what I said.

>> No.53533240

>ever believing anything said on this site without confirming it yourself, especially about Mori.
Your own fault

>> No.53533332

You call Gura a failure
There is no reason to take anything you post at face value

>> No.53533483

Isn't that the norm with shitrys?

>> No.53533723

>be dedicated EN vsinger
>your music is meh and mostly stream fotm games
>in japanese
She is cute, but she cucked Cover hard

>> No.53533766 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 1080x940, Casually mogs IRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara's recent cover

>> No.53534714

>blalant idolen shlls in the irys hate thread
I should've suspected it

>> No.53534791

Of course they are. They seethe how their bolshevik is a failure and the entire rest of the company has no talent

>> No.53535526

It amuses me that people don't understand that AZKi's poor music views on are YT are because she cultivated an audience who actually buys her music and listens to it on music focused streaming services, which is why AZKi on the list twice, once ahead of Towa and once just barely behind.

>> No.53535893

It's like only 1/4th or 1/5th the sales of K-ON last I saw.

>> No.53535998

Her Idol cover did relatively well. This is probably her worst or 2nd worst performing cover, I think the one with Bae had slightly worse performance.

>> No.53536221

never heard of the song before

>> No.53536376

I hate the song, watched it once then never again.
Irys should play to her strengths more.

>> No.53536446

and by strengths I mean more anime songs

>> No.53540909

Yeah, and no one gives a fuck about nippers and nipplish.

>> No.53543619

Her attitude change during the 2.0 is very obvious. She really found something much better on her discord

>> No.53543701

I'm beginning to see a lot more IRyS hate lately. Did she yab or something in a recent stream?

>> No.53544085
File: 2.34 MB, 1427x5557, IRySchizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new really

>> No.53544259

I have no opinion on her voice at all but her songs and song choices all suck, they're all Japanese ballad trash

>> No.53544438

I seethe post less than most people here and am never much of an anti, but Irys bugs the crap out of me. She's dumb as a brick and not in a cute endearing way. She didn't know what a fucking treble clef was. Her songs are overengineered and boring to the point of insulting. Bilingual, but a shit translator in collabs. Just an all-around flunk of a concept.

>> No.53544472

As per usual, she covers some unknown song and does absolutely zero promotion of her own cover. Everybody forgets it exists on the next day including her.
At least, Idol cover was remembered for a couple of days more...

>> No.53544615

Name the last irys song that has even half of this appeal

>> No.53544805

I've always disliked her. She lost me at debut.

>> No.53545275

What, are you talking blurays? I can't imagine ever trying to compare physical media purchases in 00's to current day. Its a different world.

>> No.53545507

I don't know why they didn't make Kiara the Vsinger. People actually watch her songs.

>> No.53545757

>Name the last irys song that has even half of this appeal
Ochame Kinou is the only Hololive song to ever have even 1/4 of its appeal, and none have had 1/3.

>> No.53545965

he songs suck but her streams are fun to watch

>> No.53546522

shit model, not cute enough for jp audience and not ero enough for western audience, whoever authorized it should be fired.

>> No.53546682

If IRyS was to redebut as a JP, she would see her success skyrocket. As an English Vsinger, Cover thought they could target the same audience Mori had (the unironic weebs), but failed to get any traction there. If she were to be in JP, her popularity would sky rocket as it would have a much broader appeal as most Japanese people think IRyS' music is in English and turned off by it, but if they saw her dedicated JP, then they would be more welcoming.

>> No.53547400

Make sure you never watch Bae, everything negative you mentioned is at least 2-5x worse and you can add on screeching like an autist in to make her even worse.
If you watched Bae you might have an aneurysm

>> No.53547561

So she's a thot, ok.

>> No.53547920

>No popular demand

>> No.53549488

>didn't even mention anyone else
holy shit irystocrats..

>> No.53549603


>> No.53549971

People itt saying she didn't promote it. I don't watch IRyS but didn't she release this after her 2nd anniversary stream? She didn't even give it a shoutout in that stream? What is wrong with her?
