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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53424539 No.53424539 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a rhetorical question--I'm genuinely trying to piece together the conception and execution of Holostars EN, because I'm sure a lot of interesting shit happened behind the scenes, especially in EN management. Here's what we know:
>cover had applications open to EN males since before Myth
>they specifically announced auditions for EN homos in January of 2022, soon after the Luxiem boom
>Tempus are NOT part of JP Holostars from a management standpoint and shinove didn't know that they were coming
>Tempus debuted in July 2022, around the time when people would have expected EN3
>Their original logo had a backwards E that looked like a 3
Here's my speculation:
>Cover didn't want to risk creating StarsEN early on because male vtubers weren't a proven quantity in the west, and the Western Hololive boom had totally ignored the JP Stars, but there were enough people begging on Reddit and Twitter that they didn't totally discard the idea
>They decided to let Niji take the first step and decided to go ahead with HomoEN after they proved it could be a successful model
>because they thought the idol/gachi aspect was irrelevant in the west and that the winning model was more like NijiEN (remember this is before they became a trainwreck), they put it under the EN management umbrella as "HoloPro EN" and, because of fear of oversaturation, decided to make 2022 the Tempus year and postpone EN3 until 2023
>Omega and the rest of EN management wanted to outright merge HoloEN and HomoEN but Cover wouldn't let them, so they used the "HoloPro EN" label and things like the T3MPUS logo to try and blur the dividing line
>similarly, they encourage the HoloEN girls to collab with them and tell them not to worry about unicorns
>they start to back off from this after Tempus isn't accepted as EN3 and after there's more backlash than expected to collabs, and even more backlash to that after Tempus part 2 is announced in January
>at some point Omega got fired and a lot of management got replaced, one which won't psu boundaries nearly as much
>no idea what's going on with vesper and magni

>> No.53425059

yagoo needs gaijin boytoys

>> No.53425146

Shutup fag

>> No.53425331

They wanted to own the unichuds.

>> No.53425626

Imagine being a fucking tripfag on /vt/

>> No.53425749

>at some point Omega got fired
We all fucking wish.

>> No.53425766

Fujos have disposable income.

>> No.53425881

the EN audience would probably be more receptive to a mixed gender branch
They avoided all use of Holostars terminology when recruiting male vtubers to keep the possibility of a mixed gender branch open and to ride off the Hololive name's coattails
The official website's initial countdown before they were announced had the Holostars logo at the end which was replaced with a version without the Holostars logo before debut
IMO they were just trying to give them the best reception they possibly could by teasing whether they'd be Hololive or not

>> No.53425999

Yeah, I think EN management wanted that and they thought it could have worked (it wouldn't have) but Cover wouldn't allow it because of how it would complicate things like minecraft servers and all-Hololive events like Mario Kart.

>> No.53426906

>cover had applications open to EN males since before Myth
I doubt that this is true, cause one of luxiem faglords talled, that's before he tried to apply to holostars but got rejected cause cover looked only for girls

>> No.53427019

They were recruiting girls but it was open to all genders IIRC

>> No.53427378

the boys happened before the initial public offering. The exploration of a new market happens all the time with companies like this, rather than be about speculation, investors can look for synergies. Like cover already has a good relationship with bookwalker who is already all about boy weebshits, and synergy fuels investment.

>> No.53427400

Tempus was a mistake

>> No.53427520

If so, then it's weird why you keep applications open if you're not wanting to recruit anyone?

>> No.53427865

Didn't read, downvoted and reported for shitposting.

>> No.53427924
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>> No.53427948

Political correctness , fear of a backlash for gender discrimination ... you know, western bullshit.
The option was probably there just to avoid trouble.
("you can apply but it still our right to refuse" is better than "no male allowed")

>> No.53428005
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You forgot that management encouraged also the boys to accept every collab with the girls, also I think vanguard was HoloEN management's way to pull the plug on the ''WE'RE THE HOLOPRO FAMILY!!'' bullshit, tempus needed more boys to collab with if the girls who were suffering monetarily and wanted to diminish the damage already done by themselves because of their own woman retardation wanted to rise again, picrel

>> No.53428034

Too schizo.
>What was Cover thinking with Tempus?
They had no presence in the male chuuba scene. And despite what the incels tell you, there is a market for male chuubas, NijiJP dominates it. StarsJP are nothing compared to them. This front is completely lost.
Fast forward to Luxiem boom, Niji once again, has proven that male chuubas can work. Cover has to play catch up again. Sure, they could just ignore it, but no business is just going to let the competition have a monopoly over a product. They had to get their hands on that pie. At the end of the day, it's just a business decision.

>> No.53428258

much texto but this here
>enough people begging on Reddit and Twitter
Kind of like how Sony thought that people memeing about Morbius meant that they had a money maker on their hands, Holopro thought that these beggars were an actual market of fans, not realizing that these people had no intention of watching streams, super chats, or merch.

>> No.53428313

Second wave should have just included men and women. Separating the two has only made it so unicorn culture has been cemented in EN and unicorns will ruin any male growth in Hololive.

>> No.53428567

I can only assume some leftist retards in EN management wanted to copy Nijisanji EN because they hate idol culture and the whole idea of girls not acting like whores and they want to burn it all down. So they conned Cover into greenlighting Tempus by lying about the levels of demand for male vtubers. The fact that EN management lied that there was "popular demand" for Tempus' collab ban to end early means they were absolutely willing to resort to outright deception in order to push the homos so I'm sure they deceived Cover as well.

>> No.53428673

>Separating the two has only made it so unicorn culture has been cemented in EN and unicorns will ruin any male growth in Hololive.
Nigga you sound like those feminists who blame men for not watching enough bulky women on steroids playing soccer, is not our fucking job to watch your boys, IT'S YOURS, collab with the Hololive talents would never have solved that nor the separation stuff, hell Hololive wouldn't even be on the map if they didn't choose to pander to a different market. Want your boys to succeed? WATCH STREAMS not collabs

>> No.53428738

>there is a market for male chuubas
Actually, Cover and Nijisanji have both proven there isn't a market for male chuubas

>> No.53428880

>still spamming this ignoring the fact of no limited merch run and $165 shipping because of the fucking neck pillow

>> No.53429064

Why are you so scared of male chuubas?

>> No.53429208

I came here to watch cute girls, not men anon. They can have their stars all they want but don't try to put them blame on us for not watching them when we clearly don't have any interest to do so.

>> No.53429285

Where did the fantasy come from that mixed gender is welcome in the EN area?
If you knew that the first preferred Vtuber was Hololive, you wouldn't think that
This is history

>> No.53429420

>Where did the fantasy come from that mixed gender is welcome in the EN area?
Holo EN management made it up because they are/were insane and retarded.

>> No.53429476

>the EN audience would probably be more receptive to a mixed gender branch
Funnily enough that it is used to be true, if they debuted mixed wave instead of Council for example, then i'm pretty sure that wave would be successful. Why? Because back then beggars & sisters were way weaker than now and unicorns as a counterforce also wasn't existed. As a result majority of people wouldn't give a single shit about is it mixed wave or is it not talents still could fuck up everything, but it's different story

>> No.53429569

A mixed gen would have completely destroyed Holo EN, ESLchama. It would have been like Tempus except 10x worse.

>> No.53429724

Men can be cute too, you should give them a chance

>> No.53429764

Yeah pretty good analysis. It's still hard to understand what the fuck were they really thinking tho. Especially with the HoloPro crap, forced integration and lack of EN3. It was a massively retarded bet that ended up completely backfiring. One that had no point when a new gen of girls would've been an easy success.
I don't get it why the fuck is it a problem for Hololive to just focus on the girls? You want male talents and mixed collabs? You have NijiEN. I really don't fucking get it.

>> No.53429834

Don't call it a chance to be a parasite on women.
Women have women's rights, men should not rape them

>> No.53429959

Who gave women those rights?

>> No.53429973

Even if they aren't looking for males at that time, opening submissions to everyone gives them an idea of how much interest there is

>> No.53430052

I think they got really uppity because ID is a success, something Nijisanji gave up on.

>> No.53430123
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, fan demand[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxk5u67.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53430189

>Men can be cute too
Those words can be said by only 2 types of people. Women and faggots. I'm neither of this.

>> No.53430353

Same ol
Success gives birth to jealousy.

That's why they mentally and emotionally muscle their girls so hard so that they cant even think of going in the boys' general direction our of fear and if they do, they get a proverbial evil glare and growl "remember who pays your bills".

And they say "they dont collab because that's what they chose"? BULL-FUCKING-SHIT.

>> No.53430454

>Popular Demand

>> No.53430588

Kiara, IRyS, Gura, Mumei, Fauna, and Ina will never stream with Tempus. Keep seething, Homocuck.

>> No.53430707

I'm not watching watching those fucking faggots. Not one single view. Get fucked.

>> No.53430868

I did not say that.

And you will only succeed fully shutting any Tempus news on Gura because shes that malleable. The rest at least acknowledge, unlike what you're salivating for to happen which is totally ignoring them.

I never forgot the lie one of your ilk told me about Pekora when she streamed Idol Showdown. Thank yall for forcing me to investigate lol.

>> No.53430870

Nah, if you remember Tempus and even Luxiem were welcomed at first but then something happened, what makes you think that it would be different for mixed gen

>> No.53431049

>>>they specifically announced auditions for EN homos in January of 2022, soon after the Luxiem boom
They were first announced at the end of the first HoloStars concert, before the Luxiem boom. There were multiple reminders after that.
>>that the winning model was more like NijiEN
Makes no sense. Niji girls were nothing compared to Holo girls and Luxiem wasn't successful because they interacted with their female counterparts
>>because of fear of oversaturation, decided to make 2022 the Tempus year and postpone EN3 until 2023
Doesn't make sense. If 10 members is hitting "oversaturation" levels, delaying the gen another year won't change anything. It's not like EN is inclining.
>>Omega and the rest of EN management wanted to outright merge HoloEN and HomoEN
That's the most random leap in logic you could've come up with. You know "HoloPro" has existed since 2019, right?
>>similarly, they encourage the HoloEN girls to collab with them and tell them not to worry about unicorns
Yeah Bae totally needed encouragement from management to collab with HoloStar
Did you seriously write all this because the e in Tempus looks like a 3?

>> No.53431054

Kronii is just not a good entertainer in general. Baelz collabs with guys and leans hard into the idol aspect like Kiara does hence why she gets so much support

>> No.53431065

Kek. I don't care why they won't collab with Tempus. Their reasons are irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that they're never going to collab with Tempus and all you can do is cry about it and seethe with impotent rage because you know your mentally ill cuckold fantasies will never be fulfilled.

>Tempus and even Luxiem were welcomed at first
Yeah, until the intergender collabs started. An intergender gen would be despised right out of the gate.

>> No.53431215

Reading this all I can think of is why do you care this much. You guys make everything sound like 4D chess when it's not that deep.

>> No.53431379

Cope faggot. If people truly wanted them then they’d be watching them.

>> No.53432056

Omega, being one of the people in charge in EN management, tried to convince Yagoo that "we don't do idol culture in the west, people here want to watch boys too and even love mixed collabs and seeing boys and girls flirt on stream".
So, trying to mimic NijisanjiEN's initial success with males, they brought Tempus.
But it turns out that the kind of person who wants such content already watches it over at Nijisanji or all over Twitch.
Holo fans, even western ones, are into Hololive because it's different. Because it's not the same as all the rest in the western sphere, where you have girls acting more like twitch camsluts while also hanging around with ecelebs and dudes.

It was a gross miscalculation on their part.

>> No.53432253

I think the real question is why are all of you obsessed with speculating and creating scenarios in your head that you can never prove, and then getting worked up about them as if you know them to be fact?

>> No.53432352

A part of me likes to participate in these threads because I know it makes Tempus sisters seethe and I want to do my part to make this board, and the Hololive atmosphere in general, less pleasant for Tempus fans and the talents themselves if they ever browse the board.

>> No.53432395

>until the intergender collabs started
It's funny because this is true for both those waves/gens

>> No.53432440

I think you should spend more time watching the things you enjoy man

>> No.53432604

Stupid response. Nothing implies that I’m not watching things I enjoy.

>> No.53432641

But you could be spending more time on it instead of otherwise

>> No.53432675

They simply wanted their piece of the nijisisters money, but were afraid of going full parasocial route first

>> No.53432702

i am!!!!!! (faggot)

>> No.53432747

? I’m watching something I enjoy as we type. Stupid response again. Me watching what I enjoy does not preclude me from posting here.

>> No.53432819

Then you could be spending the time watching what you enjoy and also participating in something else you enjoy, like playing a video game or something

>> No.53432919

None of that precludes me from posting here. Retarded responses

>> No.53433014

Just saying, instead of spending time thinking out these responses, typing them in, focusing on things you hate
More of your thoughts and the things you type out could be about things you like instead

>> No.53433082

No. I won’t stop either.

>> No.53433119

Kinda sad but aight

>> No.53433168

legit responding to popular demand

>> No.53433201

Thank you for understanding, total Tempus death.

>> No.53433303

Cry about it?...like you do when your supposedly "good girls" collabed with guys? Hah! Why, I'd even wager all those posts slandering your "good girls" are all psyops to manipulate the rest into siding with you horned horse fecal matter.

What you gonna do, sisterpost me? Call me names/racist slurs? Pretend you're Duke Nukem?

>> No.53433443

Lol if Magni and Vesper have a joint termination (disguised as a graduation ala Yugo), that would cement holostars en's death honestly. Axel and Altare are fucking shit streamers, and the only decent one in their second gen is the clown. Should've let niji hire these fags to make them fall faster but noo, yagoo wants more deadweight to suck him off in the morning.

>> No.53434058

Still mad the announcement wasn't EN3?

>> No.53434189

not really desu. i've already made it a mindset that holo jp will debut a new gen first before en so that i'd actually be surprised if it does happen earlier.

>> No.53434347


most of the girls are too introverted to even ask for collabs within their own corpo collab ecosystem. realize ur oshi wouldn't even touch ur ass with a five foot ruler

>> No.53434430

I haven't been following Tempus for awhile. What is the most popular rrat as to why Vesper and Magni got suspended. It's pretty much a suspension even though they didn't call it that.

>> No.53434471

Cover‘s first mistake in introducing starsEN was the assumption that Luxiem became popular for interacting with their female coworkers, which is the dynamic they tried to go for with HQ. However, any Luxiem fan knows that viewers would leave by the THOUSANDS the moment a female joined their stream, so how would this concept pan out for male vtubers from a brand with virtually no selling power like Holostars? EN management completely misunderstood what made Luxiem popular in the first place, and then royally fucked up on Tempus. Luxiem became popular because they had attractive models with varying but matching concepts, a nice debut song, and entertaining personalities that had good synergy with each other: Cover fucked that up at the first step with models only a mother could love, and then it further deteriorated when Tempus‘ unity went down the drain the moment their collab ban ended. So many questionable decisions were made purely because Yagoo wants to compete in the market but doesn‘t understand the target audience of male vtubers (and no, it‘s NOT brotuberfags).

>> No.53434566

Or even several 12-inch rulers worth of pole.

>> No.53434603

Sisters, don’t act as if Vox would even think of being within the same city as you after what you did to him and Reimu.

>> No.53434631

Kronii had no issue selling non limited merch the previous year you disingenuous troon.
All of a sudden clockfags get stingy with merch? Lol wonder why.

>> No.53434672

what does he mean by support the cause?

>> No.53434758

I despise the Vox thing as much as the Rushia thing you absolute moron.

Like I said.

>> No.53434778

>Sister this sister that
Find a new buzzword anon. I watch the girls for the funny/cute banter. If the guys provide it too, I'll watch. Das it

>> No.53434889

nah senpai, vox is a schizo menhera in his core if you take away the accent and the whole 'milord' persona. but I guess that's part of his appeal lol. i wouldn't go near him even if he showed his dick at blank point range

>> No.53435237

the fags simply shouln't have been a thing in the first place

>> No.53435341

90% of the reason Luxiem got popular was because a lot of chinese women discovered vtubing through them. The models helped but it could only get so far, synergy is something TempusHQ had too, and nobody cares about debut songs in the long run unless its as good as DCL. Tempus debuted after the fad was long gone and the number of male vtuber fans are revealed as what they really are.
BFE and female collabs are finnicky. What I can guess is that most of Vox's popularity was due to his deep voice and coomer ASMR but not necessarily the things he said. At his peak most of his fans are that shallow.

>> No.53435347

Now you're just being retarded. Multiple Niji JP males are getting 10k+ doing whatever but not even the 3D lives of Stars JP can get that number.

>> No.53435643

She sounds so fucking awkward and unsure when saying fan demand, I know it's Mori so you can't read too much into that but if you were to anyway it's like she knows this "fan demand" was more like "management demand". I will never believe they were not being pushed into being fully integrated back then, it's so obvious considering what has happened since.
Seriously though, where were they even seeing rampant fan demand for the homo collab ban ending early and doing stuff with the girls? Twitter? a few posts on reddit? Do they really expect us to believe more people were saying the collab ban should end for the homos than for IRyS when she solo debuted, or even council.

>> No.53435671

There's a third option here:
"Mori demand"

>> No.53435715

Yeah that is true but didn't Ame's worms tourney come in that period too?

>> No.53435736

Considering it was only collabs with Mori and only the Vesper collab was really affected by it, it was probably Mori pestering management

>> No.53435744

Worms tourney was after the full month was up
The only one who did anything in the early period was Mori

>> No.53435752

>fan demand
you fucking literals. it's just a marketing term, to make it look like there's "demand". i swear none of you faggots know how businesses work, and are just pushing whatever the fuck your retarded schizo brain thought of, wagecucks.

>> No.53435776

Oh damn, yeah Mori forcing the issue seems more likely then
to make it look like there's "demand"
That's what I was implying in my post

>> No.53435817

There is no way that could ever work, you're crazy if you think males would ever work in hololive.
We had Amegedon and the Mori fiasco, if they debuted with council I would just have dropped Hololive a year earlier.

>> No.53435854

Omega was fired way before Tempus debut. The one who pushed for the merge was Ame herself since she does part time management and recruiting.

>> No.53435875

Shipping wasn't fucked up last year and the merch was way better

>> No.53435876

fine, niji dominates in that regard. but then, it's always the heavy hitters who get that amount of viewers like kenmochi, fuwa, etc. stars jp tho has roberu as they're only saving grace and even then, he only does the average equivalent to mid niji jp males, and only does well in collabs with other nijis and indies. holo should just give up on the males

>> No.53435882

Ah, wait, correction
Ollie jumped in near the end of the early period with an Apex collab as well
Likely heard the news and gunned for it herself

>> No.53435922

There is 0% chance Ame pushed for anything.
She is a true conformist and wouldn't rock the boat, unless it's for 3D stuff or things like that, it's definitely Mori, Bae and the SJW management pushing for this.

>> No.53435992

Gura is the weakest link there.

>> No.53436038

It's 100% percent Mori. Wanted some testosterone in the house but turned out to be deadweights and disappointments in the company. Probably expected the holo brand to carry them. Newsflash stars jp are a bunch of shitters on life support

>> No.53436056

>only does well in collabs with other nijis and indies
he has a steady solo viewership as well, don't discount him that easily
Astel can pull crowds under specific circumstances too
Most of the others at least pull enough regular viewers to stay afloat, and there's some potential for them
All it takes is one lucky break to blow up

>> No.53436058

They weren't suspended they both got a bad COVID case.

>> No.53436135

Mori does whatever the fuck she wants. At least unless is really disruptive like the purple drink incident.

>> No.53436151

Their lucky break is way past them. It's been four years already. When it comes to male vtubers on the jp side, most likely they'd go to those nijifags. don't know about EN, but seems like they're not doing that good as well.

>> No.53436180

If Ame helped train or even recruit Tempus then she would be personally invested in their success. She was the first one to push that boundary with the improve yourselves and the Altare karaoke.

>> No.53436231

Wouldn't ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

>Be someone who doesn't really watch or understand vtubers, but is business-educated
>See that you're pretty much market leader of the EN male consumer market by a longshot
>Fans do marketing, spread organic promotion and positivity for you
>But female market is still completely uncaptured, 50% (potentially) lying there for anyone to take
>Hell 40% or even 25%, its still gigantic
>NijiEN debuts males, they explode
>Oh shit we're gonna lose without doing anything
>Debut your own guys but you know you're massively behind, gotta catch up
>Solution is obvious, leverage existing resources and mindshare to rapidly move existing receptive EN audience over through repeated exposure
>Growth is geometric, a large customer base in the early days is crucial
>Holos are great influencers with loyal fanbases, time to let them influence
>Lots of noise? They'll calm down eventually, short-term loss for long-term gain, this is what burning market lead is for
>1 year later
>Numbers didn't return
>They didn't calm down
>Some actually became completely fanatical irrational antis addicted to stirring shit even against their own interests
>Any fan discussion involving ENstars eventually devolves into insulting these weird factions called 'unicorns' or 'homobeggars'
>Can't promote your dudes without setting off clippers and twitter accounts who actively want and manufacture conflict, marketing is a minefield now
>Don't know what the fuck went wrong

>> No.53436233

She and Ollie >>53435882
Really should have controlled themselves until the normal collab ban they observed for the other girls was up though. Not saying it would have lessened the seethe that much but it would have made it a little less blatant the homo's were getting preferential treatment from the start.

>> No.53436244

idk, it seemed more of a pity move from Ame's part. It's more like she's neutral with the guys. At least she doesn't treat them as non-existent like how gura, irys does it. And well, who could blame them lol

>> No.53436269

Never too late to get a lucky break somehow; look at Azki blowing up after 7 years with Geoguessr
Not saying that they're in identical situations, but hey, there's always a chance somewhere

>> No.53436387

Astel was someone who'd I thought would blow up after his tourney streaks. But it never really went anywhere after that. Maybe stars en was their hope of bringing an international audience, but nothing drastic happened as well. Most of the time, I see the usual names in the fandom with some overlap from nijis. but even then, all I keep seeing are stars talents as back-up oshis for their niji oshis lol

>> No.53436460

>Solution is obvious, leverage existing resources and mindshare to rapidly move existing receptive EN audience over through repeated exposure
This part is the bit that confuses me even though your post is probably a pretty accurate summation of what happened, why shill them so hard to an already captured audience of men when the ostensible goal is an uncaptured female audience (which was actually already captured by Niji)

Is moving a portion of established viewers around really the key to getting to that mythical untapped female market? Wouldn't it have been FAR better to go hard for the women from day one with models like clown homo. It feels like they both wanted to replicate the success of Luxiem but also wanted to appeal to the majority male holo fanbase at the same time. I don't know if they genuinely though they could walk that middle line or simply didn't know what the fuck they were doing with them.

>> No.53436469
File: 136 KB, 1075x1039, 1689326328591644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what people think anime stores look like
>what actual anime stores look like

>> No.53436516

All I'm saying is the puzzle of inclining StarsJP(even to low 4views would be pretty solid) is a big one, but it aint an impossible one.
They're hanging in there and keeping up a revenue stream for now, so might as well keep them around anyway, they're really not hurting anything themselves as-is.

>> No.53436559

Probably thought of going a different route at first by going the "brotuber" path. But turns out, it didn't blow up. so they said fuck it and tried going ikemen in a too little too late fashion.

>> No.53436681

Success attracts more success. Both psychological - like it or not, people feel more comfortable subbing to someone with 100K subs over someone with 20K subs, they get a sense of security that they aren't wasting their time - and via YT algo, which naturally needs a large userbase to get data to feel confident recommending a channel to similar viewers. Of course, they would definitely have had the secret hope that at least one of these dudes figured out how to please both sides at the same time.
But they definitely initially intended even gen1 Tempus to be going for women. The managerial position on hrmos before Tempus release explicitly was looking for someone with experience with female-oriented content.

>> No.53436734

Anon take meds.

>> No.53436775

It's clearly possible. Robe is the most obvious example, but Astel and to a lesser extent Gamma have inclined. Tempus was the biggest shot to incline HoloStars as a whole, but the original 4 admitted to purposely debuffing themselves because "numbers are bad for your mental health," plus the constant yabs, plus them seemingly burning out on doing anything that isn't gaming streams potentially killed that possibility.

>> No.53436804

>Is moving a portion of established viewers around really the key to getting to that mythical untapped female market?
Essentially yes, the key is not to use them to become the fanbase, but to use them to generate alot of talk and word of mouth advertisement, which will invariably draw in female audiences who will slowly take their place as the males lose interest. Or at least that's the theory anyway, in practice it didn't really work out that way

>> No.53436831

They wanted to create word of mouth marketing

>> No.53436907

I wonder if they'll be in a different situation if they didn't collab with Holoen.

>> No.53436956

One of the schizo sisters already mentioned it one of the old threads as to why they'd be secure with subbing to niji males than holo males. Something about hitting milestones (100k) and a huge following earlier makes them seem more of a success and are worthy of their time watching. tempus2 and krisis for example didn't have much marketing, with the latter debuting with so much controversy, no debut song and yabs galore from anycolor. but their sub growths are inclining in a much consistent rate and have even surpassed tempus2 in less than a month making it seem like niji has a much invested female fanbase to be apart of.

>> No.53437039

Well that backfired, they don't get much positive word of mouth from the average holofan who still doesn't care and the people who despise their existence are far louder.
Makes sense, seeing it laid out like that is kind of depressing, burn your established fanbase both in the overexposure portion and also when you are replaced as the target audience after the initial lift.
>But they definitely initially intended even gen1 Tempus to be going for women
I don't have it to hand, but didn't yagoo specifically say tempus 1 was meant to attract a male audience through their "brotherhood" or some shit. It was on some interview with the 2 japanese ojis and Sora. Tempus 2 was where I felt the change in direction

>> No.53437091

No, men can never be cute fag

>> No.53437119

No, they'd still be hated because a lot of the reasons they're hated now are unrelated to collabing with the girls:
>Vesper still would've been suspended
>Vesper still would've had his menhera arc (unclear if the "own the haters" arc would've happened)
>Altare's The Cause moment
>The idea that EN3 was delayed for Tempus
>The idea that Tempus gets special treatment
>Vesper and Magni's current situation
Probably some others that I can't remember

>> No.53437213

>>53437119 (me)
Oh yeah, Tempus2 debuting before EN3 was a big one too

>> No.53437311

I think they got more (positive) exposure from that TSB arc with Selen than all the holoEN collabs combined. They should have gone harder appealing to everyone BUT the hologirls audience. Niji, twitch indie crowd, vshojo. They would still be shit on here for associating with those factions and bringing them closer to holo but at least they would be appealing to new viewers who don't already watch holoEN and whom have an appetite for males. Essentially the starsJP approach but more likely to succeed.

>> No.53437313

I agree that they would still be hated but most of what you listed are things people looked up because they are hated.
Those things would be much less damaging if people were neutral towards tempus.
This one:
>The idea that EN3 was delayed for Tempus
Would still stick. Tempus 2 to this day is Cover most retarded idea.

>> No.53437391

Yashiro, chaika, maimoto, mashiro have more male audience than female audience, you can call them brotuber.
their number like 2k-10k, and don't have bishounen model like Luxiem.
Heavy hitter group like chronoir or rof mao pandering female as music group.

>> No.53437404

they thought "male streamer are successful so male vtubers can work out as well, right?"
what they didn't consider is that no one cares for anime boys - there is a reason why all gachas, even those aimed at women, are full of anime girls in all shapes and sizes while only one token male is released per year

>> No.53437418

Here’s my perspective on a few things they could do:
>reach out to other competitive game genres
Rikka, Oga, Shien, and even Aruran and Temma have been grinding SF6 hard and are all pretty damn solid at the game; problem is, they haven’t done much with that skill yet. Sign up for some tourneys, get some Ws, make some waves. Hell, start playing other FGs too in order to build a base interested in that content
>more group content with interesting video games
In the same vein, the group SF6 stream those 5 did was invigorating as hell; seriously brought me back to the Friday Night Fisticuffs days of SBFP.
In that sense, there’s more from that style of content that’s largely untapped in vtubing, and in streaming in general; I rarely, if ever, see anyone doing a full playthrough of a single-player game with one or more partners on commentary. This is a formula that’s been PROVEN to work well if you get guys with solid chemistry(which StarsJP does have) and some interesting choices of games, but the number of streamers that do it-fleshy, chuuba, EN, JP-is fucking minuscule.
>push wacky group image
They had potential with this when it came to StarColle but they fucking wasted it(I think because they didn’t want to upset existing sensitive fans). A group of goofy idiots fucking around and doing stupid shit has appeal, chuuba of not, and should absolutely be advertised more, but it just isn’t.
>push performance skills
All of StarsJP have pushed themselves to become at least decent singers, but a good number have just stopped improving. Furthermore, they don’t do much to make new original songs, or promote covers. A good musician can bring in anybody, so why not lean into it more?(I do think that part of this is that covers and orisongs are apparently stupid expensive to produce, so idk how to deal with that). In addition, they’ve got a lot of potential for their stage presence in 3D events. Dancing is an art that anyone can be impressed by, and a few of them are pretty damn solid dancers. But what if you had a whole group of guys who could actually show off some fucking moves?

>> No.53437460

>Cry about it?...like you do when your supposedly "good girls" collabed with guys?
Kek. My oshi explicitly refuses to collab with Tempus and that's all I need. But I do cry sometimes. Cry because I'm winning so hard.
>Pretend you're Duke Nukem?
I am Duke Nukem, fucker

>Seriously though, where were they even seeing rampant fan demand for the homo collab ban ending early and doing stuff with the girls?
Nowhere. The "fan demand" was a lie made up by EN management to push their intergender agender.

>> No.53437515

Tempiss was initially welcomed as the JPstars had developed a positive reputation and it was assumed that they would largely be their own things.
JPstars had their own share of menhera leaving, it would have just been seen as a tradition. Vesper would have just been following the coattails of Beyblade boi and Kaoru.
But with the unicorns incensed every single bit of ammunition will be used to shit on them

>> No.53437634

One thing I just remembered was Magni's collab with daph and Altare banning anyone for calling her a racist. That definitely would've damaged Tempus's reputation even if people were neutral on them. It also happened before most of their yabs, so the outcome probably would've been about the same anyway

>> No.53437894

Well StarsJP has only had one, maybe 2, suspensions: Oga dunking on some nutcase game dev (to my knowledge the suspension was to appease the guy, not so much as a punishment), and possibly Rio when a dev thought they didn't give out perms. The public reason Kaoru was terminated was personal issues making it difficult to stream. Vesper is the only HoloStar menhera suspension. Either way no matter how spotless Tempus' reputation was, they would've still become hated with the announcement of the second gen.

>> No.53439382

Lemme guess? The Good Girls of EN? HoloJP? Small corpo? Either way, your ilk's delusions are predictable.

>> No.53439874

Ame is a management bootlicker and has even joked about it herself. She probably wanted them to succeed and thought she was helping them out (she probably got told to knock it off after the karaoke thing from Altare).
The girls will only acknowledge flesh streamers or YouTubers who are already successful. Most of them want nothing to do with unsuccessful men. If Tempus ended up being Luxiem 2.0 in terms of popularity, they’d probably have gotten a warmer reception.

>> No.53440128

Girls love hot things, that's why Luxiem now is dropping hard.
But at the same time they still have 4-6k loyal fans, and nijiEN have a lot exposure after luxiem boom.
I can't talk about brotuber nijiJP with good ccv because they grind for a long time.

>> No.53440223

I know there’s only a sample size of two but it seems like running further away from the Stars brand helps a lot more. Gamma had a good thing going on with Vsaikyou and Rust but afterward he basically went back to doing his normal solo content and collabs with the other Stars members which brought him back to his normal viewership.

>> No.53440224

Try posting again once you learn English, little bro

>> No.53440663

For now, it’s true
Generally, the plan should be to distance from the Stars brand, get people invested in the individual, then bring the new viewers back into the Stars brand(which should be built up beforehand to appear more appealing than it currently is)

>> No.53440812

More cope.
Every other en fanbase supported their oshis. Good merch, shit merch, even setting up proxies to bypass the retarded shipping costs. Why didn't clockfags make the effort?

>> No.53443931

lol, that would have completely demolished HoloEN's primary audience. You have no business sense.

>> No.53444291

Go be gay somewhere else. Or better yet, watch some gay vtubers, there are plenty of them. Unfortunately they struggle because you refuse to watch streams and instead try to offload this job onto straight men, who understandably have no interest.

>> No.53445315

>50% of gamers are women!!!

>> No.53445622

That's also the reason why holostar hard to success.
Nijisanji basically is just wild animal at this point, they don't give a fuck about gender at all. Oh yeah they have non gender and real animal model as well.
But at the same time not everyone can have big number with Niji.

>> No.53446259

This is true. Women are attracted to success, or at least the perception of it. It's why they often get engaged with men who sleep around on them, because that's a sign that they're popular and desirable. (This is all subconscious of course.) Men on the other hand, are usually saivorfags who only care about how attractive or cute someone is, and if anything, would rather their girlfriend be unpopular among guys because of jealousy reasons.
When men donate to vtubers, it's because the female vtuber is cute. Women will only donate to popular and already successful male vtubers because that's the cream of the crop. It's the Pareto principle in action.

>> No.53446391

With their 2 biggest members possibly getting fired, and 2 more reactivating their rm's because they see the writing on the wall, I'm it's grim.

>> No.53446579

And now I'm posting again. Because I'm EFL. I dont need you to believe me as SEA, thats just how I grew up. Molded from a constant stream of Cartoon Network and Joe Fowler.

>> No.53446662

>Magni's collab with daph
That's the point where I unsubbed. Huge mistake on his part IMO. This is why most Holos don't talk about politics and don't involve themselves in divisive shit.

>> No.53447826

A lot of weeb girls in my circle who‘ve never watched vtubers in their lives approached me about Luxiem back when they debuted, so they managed to get to female fans beyond the vtuber sphere. Most of them had their interest piqued by the models and the song, so I wouldn‘t discredit those. A good debut song is literally the same reason why Orion (the Thai group) blew up and is now competing with heavy hitters among non-JP vtubers in terms of CCV.

>> No.53448008

are the fags confirmed suspended now?

>> No.53449688

Actually is not just about Luxiem, even if tempus debut first I don't believe they can get number like Luxiem did.
Because holofans gatekeeping hard, Nothing wrong with that.
But tempus environment will be always hololive fans. Reaching for new audience is hard.
Female market for vtuber is shalow, join late and they need to break through holomem fans. Meanwhile Luxiem just grasping every first opportunity without other member fans shit on them for being male.

>> No.53454189 [DELETED] 

white trash are so sensitive, oh the oppression.

>> No.53454331

>debut a chuuba group that's essentially just a group of fleshstreamers with derpy avatars
>be good at games and play together
>be fun to watch
>don't lean into any idol shit or BFE shit and sing only occasionaly
>make content with other streamers communities that have no controversies
It should've been that easy. They've been given the blueprint from the numerous NijiJP, especially the older ones like Maimoto, and even in StarsJP like Roberu.
If you lean into idolshit or BFEshit your community will DEFINITELY turn into K-pop lite and normalfags will leave in droves.
The fact that Luxiem leaned to BFEshit incredibly hard back then just killed the goodwill for male chuubas as mainstream alternatives to normal streamers. If the biggest group from the biggest male chuuba company is that way people'd think the others are also similar. Tempus that was given the opportunity of redemption fumbled themselves by getting into controvesies, and the fact that they chose someone with a faggot's voice (no matter how he actually is) as the "leader". Meaning, if you research the group you'd think it's barely any different than Luxiem.

Male chuubas for the mainstream audience are dead in EN unless someone not Stars nor Niji takes up the mantle according to the points above.

>> No.53455877

You wouldn't know if they used proxies since the number thread doesn't track those sales

>> No.53455973

tell me you are a women without telling me you are a women

>> No.53456340

>It should've been that easy
Your list is not "that easy". Person that would fullfil all your requirements would never apply to vtuber agency. Not in the west. They would never be a vtuber aside from like one-off joke in first place

>> No.53456543

unmedded drama running through your head and still this naive

>> No.53457767

How long has it been now, 5 days?
I think if they don't come back before the anniversary (July 23rd) then they've basically been terminated

>> No.53457791

Meds. Take them.

>> No.53458374

A mixed branch would ruin any participation in a hololive-wide event.

>> No.53458663

The second gen debuting so soon was also Vesper's fault. I think the initial idea was for them to debut during the Tempus 1st anniversary which would have been a much better time.

But Vesper shit on the 6 month anniversary and Magni getting a back injury and needing to cut back on streaming lead them to go ahead and debut the 2nd gen, probably to also cover up that the 6 month anni was going to be a shitfest and now Vesper and Magni have shit on the one year anniversary.

Magni I have no idea what his deal is but Vesper should graduate. He's an active cancer on the branch. They can't do any kind of promotion without wondering when Vesper is going to have his next yab.

At least gen 2 seem stable though they're also having a hard time gaining momentum.

>> No.53459454

I have not been follow it to closely but why is Magni's RM tweeting as if nothing happened?
Was it actually just a double suspension?

>> No.53459495


>> No.53459754

Cover at its core is a genuine idol company, money is always a motivator but they really want to help people achieve their dreams and goals, regardless of their gender. Unironically Cover's fans are to blame for the weak male talent views, as it's been proven male vtubers are very successful in other companies.

>> No.53460618

How you define idol is clearly different from others so it's irrelevant. It hasn't been applicable at least.

>> No.53460978

Blame implies responsibility. Fans have no resposibility to accept every dumb move Cover makes.

>> No.53461132

I'm still somewhat of a Tempus fan but that was embarrassing as fuck, too bad management doesn't know enough english to realize what a fuckup that was.

>> No.53461182

People keep saying this, but I don't buy it (outside of the streamer group with no controversy thing because literally all of them have that in the west). Though I wouldn't deny it being MUCH harder now than during the initial EN vtuber boom in 2020 when Cover could have nabbed a few big mainstream anime content creators if they were looking for male talents, and I bet they'd even be pretty damn successful. Even now, we literally have people like Bettel who had a normie gamer audience a decade ago, or that League player that would have been in the new Niji wave and incapable of appealing to women if not for the 2% nonsense.
The problem is and always has been the idol aesthetic. Despite their efforts to dissuade that (HoloEN was supposed to be normal content creators and not idols), it stuck. Thanks to a combination of Cover's choices (a literal failed idol, a mentally disabled shitposter that wishes she was Hatsune Miku, etc) and the walled garden approach which you really can't do as a normal content creator, the expectation was set for the whole medium in the west. It's why NijiEN had to debut every single wave until Krisis with a song. It's also why Vesper and Bettel feel completely out of place in Cover because their content for the most part more aligns with normal-ass content creators, same as Calli early on before she got molded into the idol role.
If the stars align, a successful male-aimed male en vtuber CAN happen and there are a ton of anime-aligned markets on that front not being catered to (shounenbro vtubers for one). But there will NEVER be a male idol in the west that appeals to men outside of the most transgressive of anti-idols that probably can only exist as a solo act and not in a corpo.

Doubt it. Bettel and Flayon were already told to wait for 6 months by being in the first batch. They'd probably fuck off if they were made to wait a whole year, and they definitely didn't want to lose those 2 (half rightfully, have wrongfully).

>> No.53461407

>another unicorn thread beginning with the wrongful assumption that male vtubers can’t succeed or that male-female collabs do damage in the western market

Unironically go outside, go anywhere that isn’t 4chan /vt/.

>> No.53461445

>Unironically Cover's fans are to blame for the weak male talent views
The viewers have no responsibility to watch people they do not enjoy.

>> No.53461516

>HoloEN was supposed to be normal content creators and not idols
Source? Your butt?

>> No.53461723

It said it in the original form and HoloJP talent talked about it (I think it was Subaru?) I'm pretty sure Ame even talked early on about not caring about the idol thing and got hired as a content creator, though that obviously changed.
This clearly changed for the hiring process later all around considering that guy that applied to StarsEN said he got denied when he said he had no interest in singing and dancing during the interview process.

>> No.53462219

I'm not reading that, or anything in this thread. Vesper was a cool streamer in the 4 months I watched him. He was an old guy who's life has a lot of parallels with my own. The other 11 guys weren't worth watching.

>> No.53462357

>Unironically Cover's fans are to blame for the weak male talent views
Listen anon, I love Holostars and even I can tell you that's retarded. It's Cover's fault for spending so much time trying to get Hololive's audience to warm up to them instead of working on reaching out to a new audience for them.

>> No.53463878

What caused you to stop watching him?

>> No.53464020

>the other 11 guys
>there's only 8 total
