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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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534213 No.534213 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any vtuber in hololive popular enough to carry the homostars to good numbers?

>> No.535391

Must have an audience that likes them not because they’re female... so no probably no one could

>> No.536629

>trying to get idolfags to watch them
The only way to get them to "good" numbers (though they are already doing well) is to get the fujos in. To get that, you need to go SUPER HARD on the BL content.

>> No.536674

just get pizza dad and best son to make out

>> No.536714

Thr homos need to do their gay reps

>> No.539631

Beyblade bro could have made them relevant. Rip beyblade bro

>> No.547465

Fubuki couldnt do it so how could anyone else

>> No.547489

Hasn't Fubuki been trying? I just know she's collabed with them a bunch.

>> No.547758

Fubuki's pet nigger isn't even at 80k subs so no

>> No.547877

Pekora single handedly save the entire Holo ID and especially Moona. She might be able to save the stars too, but I believe the chance of it ever happening is even lower than her having a one-on-one collab with Aqua.

>> No.547946

HoloEN are probably the key

>> No.547974

Fuck hololive they're not getting any audience from there. Go collab with Kuzuha and Kanae

>> No.547994

This, there is not the same type of idol culture in the west so cross gender collabs are not taboo at all.

unless you count this board of course

>> No.548050

They'd have a better chance with collabs off the company. Any of them participating in CR cup? That's some good exposure.

>> No.548085

You make it sound like they are just suffering in obscurity and if only people discovered them, they would be more popular.
In reality even when people discover them, they aren't interested in continuing to watch them. So they need to work on creating better content first.

>> No.548110

Isnt that what theyve doing? Collabing with non holos like gorilla, apex vtubers, voms, niji, animare, indies.

>> No.548117

Then they're already on the right path.

>> No.548411

Nah, I prefer them to not grow too fast. It's already pretty hard to have conversation with Roberu without paying.

>> No.548546

idk about japan, but in the west they have no market
Guys in the west who watch male streamers are already on twitch
Nobody cares that dudes use anime avatars
The competition is much higher for guys compared to girls
Girl streamers are a lot more about looks
An anime avatar is "perfect" and covers for a lot of boring content

>> No.548610

No and I dont understand why people want English holostars, dafuq are we gunna have Mothers Basement and Swag Kage pretending to be 3D shonen protags? Holostars is stuck with their current jp fanbase and they won’t grow because weebs don’t want to watch guys

>> No.548615

As long as they have no based heterosexual gigachad who’s model is based on the depiction of an Aryan I won’t watch homostars. Or someone who can actually fucking entertain like Sovietwomble’s streams

>> No.548636

Just said that you're an eop

>> No.548699

Roberu's gotten popular huh? I'm glad. I get language filtered hard a lot of the time but I'm happy to see him still having fun.

>> No.549362

Astel gets asked about it a lot but he says he has to be invited, which hasn't happened.

>> No.551585

Roberu's colabs with VOMs is good content

>> No.552761

Easy: welcome them at Minecraft Holosaba. Also 1-2 collabs is not enough and they should be exposed constantly. I hope managers will grow some bals to allow that one day.

But at this point it's probably too risky because some fans can lose their retarded minds.

>> No.553969

Go back to jp faggot

>> No.553989


>> No.554008

They need to go gay for the pay. No other way.

>> No.554359
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Seriously though, why do male streamers like xQc and Cr1tikal get Pekora-tier numbers every stream, yet the second you slap an avatar on it, people lose all interest? Do nips not want a bro-simulator?

>> No.555520

"Problem" is the people who spend the most money react worst when they pair girls and dudes
Truth of the industry
When your pay pigs are lonely nerds who fall in love with one of the girls they hate seeing other guys get attention

>> No.555597

I assume Cover waits until EN Gen2 for this. EN is their Golden Goose right now, and they are extremely skittish around doing anything risky with them.

>> No.555699

holostars is simply a terrible idea
there are plenty of male streamers/youtubers that dwarf hololive views
Put Sseth in and he'll probably triple Gura's meteoric growth

>> No.555906

Holy shizz, Sseth with Coco, Choco, Peko, Korone, Marine, Haato and more

Sseth living a waifu laifu.

>> No.556119

There are plentyof top youtubers in relationships and stuff, Japanese just don't know how to deal with it.

>> No.556312

People who watch girls pretending to be anime girls is a different demographic

>> No.556345

what happened with her and Aqua? they hate each other? why?

>> No.556359

More like the male streamer part is over saturated already
Anime avatar does not make a difference really
People mainly watch girls for the girl while they watch guys for the content

>> No.556405

they are accepting applicants from both guys and girls right now so who knows.

>> No.556483

the boys with potential already graduated

>> No.556583

Holostars don't get translated by clippers. that's all

>> No.556681

How come you can't do basic Japanese after years of watching anime? Even you can convert romaji to moon rune using Google Translate.
Discussing the ridiculousness of NTR with Oga while pissing off eop in his chat is the most fun Vtuber experience I have in a while

>> No.556710

I don't even know anymore since most of the reasons stated here (and /jp/) are narratives. I really want to stick with "Aqua slapped Yagoo in front of Pekora" or something like that though cause it's ridiculous.

>> No.556917
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How about going after 40 year old cat ladies?

>> No.556944

Holostars needs more actual traps.

>> No.556976

Yeah. There's someone new and established for literally anyone and everyone, no matter where your inclinations may lie, and if you're a new talent looking to make it big, the best way is either to somehow get attached to any of the big or semi big streamers or to move in the same circles as them anyways.
Anyways, no matter what agency they're a part of, be it Niji or Cover or an indie or something, the agency in question will have to do a LOT of heavy lifting to get them to any kind of popularity in the west, especially lasting popularity.

>> No.557027

They're both autistic and autists don't get along with eachother because they suck up all the attention in every room they're in.

Pekora probably didn't like that Aqua was being babied by everyone around her in 2nd fes while they just ignore her, even though they're both autistic. So she said a snide joke without trying to be mean, due to her autism making her unable to read the feelings of others. This triggered Aqua, due to her autism making her unable to take a joke, and the rest is rrat history.

>> No.557061

That's actually Temma main demographics

>> No.557094

Just pretend you're really into Mashle, that'll get at least some of them.

>> No.557271

Japanese female fans are different beast. They prefer to buy goods and merch instead of throwing superchats. Good thing that Holostar are getting shit ton of event this month.

>> No.557465

Every Roberu collabs is good content. He legit has passive buffs that makes everyone louder and funnier

>> No.557491

Didn't the 'ok boomer' chick lose all her top paypigs when they found out she had a boyfriend. I don't think its exclusively a japanese thing.

>> No.558743

>Webs don't want to watch guys
While holostars viewers and Subs are increasing

>> No.558795

Bad will drop to really bad numbers is what will happen.

>> No.558863

imagine they anonunce the new roster and at the end the screen goes to black and you hear those damned 3 words "hey hey people"

>> No.559047

>carry the homostars to good numbers?
>Astel has no clip policy and gladly sing Disney to nuke his archive
>Izuru doesn't want his number grow too big because his chat terrifies him
>Son refused collab invitation from FBK and actively avoid Matuli
>Oga mostly stream in the middle of the night
Most of the holostars are actually anti numberfags and want their channel grow naturally

>> No.559354

that's pretty gay

>> No.559426

That sounded more like self-sabotage

>> No.559579


In what world is that "natural" growth lmao.

>> No.559630

the world where they don't need to cry on stream to gain sympathy

>> No.559677

Vtubers are popular because weebs want waifus playing video games and talking to them

No weebs give a shit about anime boys unless it's traps. Homo stars will never come close to respectable numbers

>> No.559817

>No weebs give a shit about anime boys unless it's traps.
I miss Kira and Kaoru...

>> No.559923

>Actively avoids Matuli
lol are you serious

>> No.560532

Is this the after party?
What was the joke?

>> No.560699

This. Even appealing to fujos won't fix this. They're a way smaller group than weebs.

>> No.561063

That's pretty sad if you ask me. One side don't want to collab because they feel like they are leeching out on populatiry of the girls and second side don't want to collab because they don't want to upset their retarded idolfag part of fanbase.

>> No.561525

I dont see her returning to Roberu's bar any time soon. Maybe she'll have better luck with EN Holostars.

>> No.561725

lol hyperbole much? Streaming at more fitting times for viewers isn't "crying on stream", don't be a drama queen

>> No.562294


-They usingID to increase their popularity, ID can be thrown away if not used again like CH branch, they will be bail out if something bad happen. and nowday HoloID leeched by indieSEAnigger vtber-

>> No.562367

They're not autistic enough to be entertaining.

>> No.568607

>Astel has no clip policy

That's only for copyrighted songs in his unarchived streams. He even clarified people can still clip the non-karaoke parts in them.

>> No.575419

They're boring as fuck. After that much shilling, and they're still flopping.

>> No.575836

EOP detected

>> No.575874

>Hololive has to carry the Holostars
Having to be carried by women. Fucking disgraceful.

>> No.575912 [DELETED] 

better than being carried by nigger

>> No.576041

all things considered, they're not actually doing that bad. you need to stick your head out of the Hololive/Nijisanji bubble and look at what sorts of numbers other agencies get.
take Re:Act for example, outside of Leona and Hanabasami who are 200k+ subs you have a lot of members who are under 50k subs after a couple years of work and that struggle to hit 100 viewers in a stream. look at Animare, Ran was recently the second member to join Haneru over 100k subs while other members like Kuku, Rui, Mimi or Izumi have started to lag behind most of the Holostars in growth and views despite starting around a similar timeframe and being damn near everywhere as far as collabs go.

I believe they'll make it big eventually but considering they launched from nothing it'll take time for it to happen. in just over a year, they're all doing a hell of a lot better than they were... it feels like it was yesterday that Astel was down there at the bottom with 14.5k subs struggling to hit 100 viewers.
that's not true at all. most of them have a higher percentage of overseas viewers than they do Japanese viewers, Astel's ratio is even worse than Towa's is. they need domestic viewers more than anything
if that was ever going to happen, it would have been before the big idol shift with sankisei but when the Holostars launched - despite members of the main branch still collabing with males outside of the company that at time - there was a ban on interactions between the two groups by Cover. it's far too late for that to change now, normalized relations between the two are never going to happen.

>> No.576125

I'm glad they are separated though, Hololive has developed its own culture that makes it different from the competition. And what Cover is doing is working big time so it makes no sense to abandon the formula now. All they have to do is keep pretending there is no gender policy if you can do female voices to shut up the trannies and keep hiring women as they expand into other markets.

>> No.576155

>normalized relations between the two are never going to happen

It's not easy but it's totally possible, it's up to managers and fans' support.

>> No.576198

>Nobody cares that dudes use anime avatars
Dr Disrespect comes pretty close except he doesn't use an avatar

>> No.576255

The complete lack of perspective re: performance reminds me of whenever I see newfags in the stock market who joined in on some big pump that climbs 20% per day for a week straight, then panic when it levels out and ONLY increases 1% for a day. On a general market down day.
Like, motherfucker, relative to the indexes this stock is up, a gain is a gain, boomers put their life savings into shit for 5% gains over an entire year.
By proportion to the rest of the chuuba ecosystem, with a tiny handful of breakout indies, even the weakest member of either of Niji or Holo blows the fuck out of everyone else.

>> No.576464

Just to say if anyanon shows me them playing a tbs, rts, or a gs game i'll sub and like their stuff.

>> No.577376

>EOP detected
I watch more nijimales than homos now. Kaoru was the best homo. All of those networking taught the rest to not become shut-in.

>> No.577392

The popularity of the holostars is a direct proportion of the # of female fans.

>> No.577553

don't be naïve anon, they're just covering their asses, it's not even about the troons but there's no way we're getting a guy

>> No.577608
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He's cool with clips as long as it's not copyrighted music. He even encouraged people to clip the good moments from his last viewers participation stream
He's focused on building external relationships. Just yesterday he had a collab with his shuffled party from the vtuber apex tourney. Also, he commented he wouldn't mind collabing with Matsuri again, but who knows when that will happen. It could have just been lip-service too.

>> No.577723

I can see the fear of being both really, Those retard idolfag will spam him with "You only big because of (insert girl name) here."

>> No.582423

natural growth always reminds me of niji cope, it sounds just as ridiculous when you apply it to the homos.

>> No.584795

But the homos actually grow faster than lot's of niji, and they also have better ratio of supacha/viewer compared to most hololive

>> No.585241

Collabing with hololive members doesn't work, the majority of that audience doesn't want dudes, most of them are there because its a girl with an anime avatar. It also creates unnecessary problems

Despite what most people in the thread are saying I think they'd have better success in the english market, Aruran's english streams are all way more popular than basically everything else he's done despite being pretty recent and some have clearly been doing their reps so who knows.

>> No.585289
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VShojo would unironically actually carry Holostars.

>> No.585499


>> No.587355

I know it's personal preference, but the all the vshojo avatars are so over designed
Like they had a finished draft, but just kept adding useless details that distract from the design

>> No.587409

>40 year old cat ladies
Those are the fujos.

>> No.587556

The joke was you believing that.

>> No.587569

Most male vtubers have fagtastic, fujopandering avatar designs but their content is centred around mostly male entertainment. Also, I feel like few have the voice and personality that matches these avatars. It seems severely mismatched, like they don't know who they're actually targetting with this.

>> No.588024

Anyone who thinks the path to success for male V-tubers is to court English speaking fans is delusional. English fans are fickle as fuck and will just as quickly drop you when the next fad comes along. That's why Gura can't even beat Pekora in CCV anymore despite having almost twice as many subs. If Ichikara can make it work so can Cover.

>> No.588061

Gura anon enough of her audience is normal fags and would latch onto male streamers without much fight although it would kill a lot of her exclusivity for paypigs and idolfags
