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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 432 KB, 1234x783, FAE77CE4-95F5-4045-ADFD-33895E5E17FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53398568 No.53398568 [Reply] [Original]

Has your oshi doxxed herself before?

>> No.53398609

no....Poko is pewdiepie....

>> No.53398669

You told me she was a cute flip girl nooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.53398687

Leaking your country is hardly a doxx. It's a pain in the ass to hide across all video games you may play too, I don't see the point.

>> No.53398791

That's not a reliable doxx.
I don't put my real country on anything that requires it like youtube channels or game systems.
Mostly because i'm ashmed of being a third world monkey

>> No.53398856


>> No.53398924

Being american sure is hard.

>> No.53399011

You guys recommend her?

>> No.53399046

Joel became a vtuber?!

>> No.53399205


>> No.53399321

I'm brazilian but close enough

>> No.53399363


>> No.53399489

Based German

>> No.53399555

>speaks Swedish
>is actually a Swede
omg wtf such a surprise she doxxed herself!

>> No.53399744 [DELETED] 
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confirmed sea trophy wife baby

>> No.53399835

My oshi is dumb and said her real name on stream....

>> No.53399914

I have no idea why Nintendo doesn’t let you switch flags in this game. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

>> No.53400051

She leaked the name of her band and her mangaka alias, iirc. Otherwise she had quite good opsec.

>> No.53400259


>> No.53400636


>> No.53400911


>> No.53400961


>> No.53401064

brazil it's in america retard

>> No.53401362

Well, swedish plus a variety of SEA.

>> No.53406415


>> No.53406574

PewDiePie lives in Japan now.

>> No.53406582

Reminds me of Gura saying Amelia's real name moment

>> No.53406642

>Sometimes I forget my name is Enna

>> No.53407392

She has high opsec to the point no one knows her face but she accidentally leaked 5 pixels of her body in a video and she never noticed. Though to be fair you can barely see her body shape and absolutely nothing about her face so it doesn't matter

>> No.53410283

genuinely kill yourself

>> No.53410999

Buy an ad

>> No.53411146


>> No.53411736

children should not use internet

>> No.53411917

Neither. She’s not very big so I don’t think anyone will know her

>> No.53412257

You guys might think sweden is fine, but chances are she's taller than you guys. Not cunny at all, giantess bros winning

>> No.53412522

>Poko would do this
>talks about how beautiful her parents wedding was
>has little sister

>> No.53412639

Bro she literally complains about being a literal midget.

>> No.53415225

People from the US have convinced themselves that they're the whole of America and anything down from North America is some other strange faraway land.

>> No.53415502

My retarded oshi doxxed herself immediately after her first tweet on accident. Truly a legendary blunder.

>> No.53415542

I'm glad my idolcorp oshi didn't attract ex boobros and schizos to her fanbase, I feel genuinely bad poko has to deal with some of you

>> No.53420225

That's not a dox

>> No.53421076
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A few pixels is all it takes.

>> No.53421368

We are because anything south of the border is not worth visiting or even acknowledging

>> No.53421571

The famous dox game.

>> No.53421708
File: 15 KB, 413x78, 1689292401089708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based German cunny enjoyer

>> No.53422412

>streams in NA timezone
Something is off.

>> No.53423345

She openly says she's from Sweden.

>> No.53423458

Underage b&?

>> No.53423666

America = USA
North America is everybody else

>> No.53427962


>> No.53431910

Why did you say that

>> No.53432244


>> No.53433543

Grandpa, go to sleep.

>> No.53433616

Question: Is Swede girls easy or difficult to woo?
Since Sweden is part of the first woke countries, I'm worried that they start to act like American women.

>> No.53433793

Heh Brazil
I remember someone saying that Indonesia is pretty much Brazil without the guns and devout Muslims (just like how Brazilians are devout Catholics)

>> No.53434025

Gura said her own real name on stream. She was collabing with Ame. They were either playing valorant or apex. Vod got deleted immediately. Gura was definitely sleep deprived after her debut.

>> No.53435322

No woman of any nation is ever going to sleep with you, anon

>> No.53435947

Yes. She had a sample product sent to me as a prize but the company who made the sample product included personal information on a paper inside the package unknown to her. I throw it in the garbage and never brought it up because she is an anime girl to me and my immersion keeps me happy.

>> No.53436096

There's absolutely no fucken way that people that dont know that Pewdiepie is Swedish exist
These post 9/11 ipad tiktok babies are cancerous

>> No.53436314
File: 142 KB, 512x496, watch streams bro[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8k063h.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the first time, the Tetris collab showed her Sweden flag and she literally talked about it before as well. Basically, pic related.
>Swede flies to Phillipines, bangs a cute small girl and takes her back
Living the fucking dream, props to her dad.

>> No.53436504

Nta but I don't know shit about that guy and I've never even heard his voice.
If you think knowing all details about the life of some guy on the internet is worth being part of your pride, you're quite pathetic and miserable honestly

>> No.53436550

back to tiktok champ

>> No.53436688

I know he's Swedish but he left that boring place for UK and then Japan.

>> No.53436708

Not with that attitude

>> No.53436799

Walmart Panko, it's so hilarious everytime I see her kek

>> No.53436972

You are quite correct.
There's a bunch of catholics here. While they aren't as bad as Muslins they can get very fanatical and braindead.
But in terms of economy, crime and political bullshit we are doing worse than Indonesia. Most people here are all communist leftists too.

>> No.53437092

Not my oshi but the purple fag showed his real name on stream

>> No.53437124

I was about to watch some of her vods later today to see what's up, but I don't want anything to do with a disgusting hurri

>> No.53437200

Look up how they got Assange and realize it could happen to you

>> No.53437224

>But in terms of economy, crime and political bullshit we are doing worse than Indonesia
Economy? But you guys did those huge parade in Rio De Janeiro every year? That attract a lot of tourists right?

>> No.53437339

The politicians take a good part of that money

>> No.53437373

Hurri maybe, but at least not an ählämi.

>> No.53437459

Not at all anon.

>> No.53437548

Probably a matupatja, as expected of swedes

>> No.53437841

Ouch, sorry to hear that. I always saw the Jesus statue always full of tourists and (US)Americans love visiting Brazil so I thought the dollar is rolling into Brazil pocket easy.

>> No.53438173

Into the politicians and criminals pockets

>> No.53438249

The only two good professions in brazil are politician and criminal

>> No.53438825

is she in sweden or did her father get her mother pregnant, fuck off back to sweden, and leave her in SEA?

>> No.53438985

She’s a nigger?

>> No.53439273

Yeah anons with western envy tend to only think of/confuse the west as Nato or the just US. Forgetting the real west is the americans. Interesting the same anons going on about being forgotten by the west forgets all the other countries in the americans but the US and make board claims of everyone there being the same.

>> No.53439556

NTA but being Swedish is very much a central part of his character that comes up a lot. He likes to curse in Swedish, for example. For a lot of people when they think "PewDiePie", they think "Sweden", and even vice versa; PewDiePie is the only thing a lot of people know about Sweden.

>> No.53439964

His "Cursing in Swedish" schtick already died years ago when he no longer play horror games and live outside Sweden for a long time. I think he start picking Italian habits though

>> No.53440002

I see. I haven't really been keeping up with him lately so I apologize.

>> No.53440335

No worries, I too don't keep up with him that much. I only learn what happened to him because he got a bit viral when Marzia is pregnant.

>> No.53441609

She accidentally opened a file of herself in underwear on stream, she was a 1view - 2view at the time this happened so luckily it ended there, thank god this site isn't aware of many indies that could've potentially done the same

>> No.53442340

Only monkeys care about this, chimp.

>> No.53442472

So, there’s only one good profession there.

>> No.53442568

Yes, 100% shes like the fastest I've come to love a Vtuber and shes rivaling even my favorites now.

She actually likes to stream

>> No.53442789

"You would be wise to join my gang" made real.

>> No.53443130

If you haven’t watched him before he stopped it, you are too young and should go back to TikTok

>> No.53443215

Does she coombait?

>> No.53443513

Not really. Their corpo is heavily astroturfed on this board, but they're just kind of mediocre.

>> No.53443653

no, but

>> No.53443750

You realize the games don't use anything you put in, right?
They use your IP and reflect that to a location database.

>> No.53443879

Brazil is the leading economy in South America. It's not a third world country, no one thinks like that about you you fucking retard.

>> No.53443929

>Implying he's still relevant among zoomers

>> No.53444344

Sweden is one of the shittiest countries on earth. It's a PC hellhole where people are getting shot on the street by immigrants, but people are afraid of ever admitting it's happening.
Go fucking live there if you hate yourself. If you can convince a .se girl to escape, you have improved the world.

The one thought that has me smiling is that if Russia invaded sweden, we'd wait for them to kill all the criminals (because not even the russians can stand them) before re-invading and rescuing what's left.

>> No.53444450

But enough about Phase

>> No.53444571

Filipino immigrant living in sweden

>> No.53445104

As an Indonesian it's always funny to see those "Immigrants" only want to move to first world countries like Sweden, France, Australia, etc etc.
I remember when our coast guard picking up Afghans refugees on a raft, they demand to enter Australia, a country with Christian majority. While ignoring offers from our govt if they want to be part of Indonesian citizenship even we're fellow Muslim country.
It got so bad they even did hunger strike that ended in failure
It took them years until finally Australia gave up and let them in. Those Afghans refugees aren't even grateful to Indonesian govt for housing and feeding them. All they have is insults and rude behaviours.
Then there's Rohingya refugees. Because they're Muslims our local govt have a bright idea to put some of them here. The first thing they did was making a lot of troubles to the point we just gave up and sent them back.

>> No.53445435

.id bro you sound cool.

I have now decided to someday (before I die) to visit Indonesia and spend a lot of money on tourism because apparently you guys rock.
Never gonna be moslem tho.

>> No.53445445

Indonesia is a shithole if you're poor, even the refugees know.

>> No.53446137

If you want to enjoy your alcohol then Bali is the perfect island for you because Balinese are Hindu majority.
Or you can try West Papua but that place isn't optimized for tourism and Malaria is still a big problem there until now because the jungle is untameable.
Or you can try Kalimantan/Borneo and try to mingle with Chindo(Chinese Indonesian) and the Dayaks. They're fun people.

But still, we actually house them and feed them. A simple "Thank you" is enough. Fucking ungrateful cunts. I bet they just want monthly checks from Australian govt while lazing around.

>> No.53446601

You only think that because you don't live here.
So much for the "leading economy in south America" when more than half the country is poor, uneducated and living in filth.
Only politicians gets to see the color of that money while we get fucked over.

>> No.53446846

>Europeans are from the continent of asia

>> No.53447147

You realize that MK8 you literally can just change your country flag to wherever right

>> No.53447980

Swedish girls are natural whores and Sweden is one of the first and worst exporters of pc culture and general faggotry to the US.

>> No.53448290

Brazil is the definition of third world in that it's an economically developing nation that supported neither the US nor the USSR during the cold war.

>> No.53448624

>what are continental tectonic plates

>> No.53448744

Ich bin so stolz auf mein Land und wofür es wirklich steht.

>> No.53448756

Something Yurop doesn't have.

>> No.53448864

It did support USSR during the cold war indirectly.
It was also a dictatorship at the time albeit not a bad one.

>> No.53449112
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Yeah, in broad terms when she mentioned the type of tax documents she had to file which made it clear she's a fucking leaf. It's funny because Amiya is very sensitive about not disclosing anything about herself (and buckos were already pretty sure she was a fucking leaf anyway based on multiple factors.

>> No.53449393
File: 3.46 MB, 456x494, poko shorts [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2pqjl6.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally talks about being swedish in every stream. I love her

>> No.53449730

Aye, I checked and I was wrong, fair enough

>> No.53449773

denying her SEA roots.

>> No.53449860

Indirectly is the key word there. They also did a lot of business with the US at the time as well. Second world nations were openly allied with the soviets and had minimal if any trade with the west, first world nations were western democracies, and the fourth world designation really doesn't apply here.

>> No.53449890

There's literally nothing to suggest that she nothing but purebred swede. She said she picked up the language because her family used to travel to the philippines a lot when she was younger.

>> No.53449976

True. I'm 35 and I've never watched anything from pewdiepie in my life, yet people keep talking about him. Whenever I say I don't know or care about him, they think I'm a zoomer. It's funny.

>> No.53450096

What the fuck, I thought leaftubers were all shit.

>> No.53450303

So many times I have a list of all her selfdoxes, to the point I could pinpoint who she is, where exactly does she live and her name if I had the inclination to do it.

>> No.53451119

What about nations that were occupied at the time and only gained independence after it was over?
t. nta

>> No.53451228

Funny enough, there has been a lot of Swedish men flying over flip women to marry.

>> No.53451321

Reminds me of the time Iofi was silly enough to use her old Steam account, which was her literal name, and it got leaked right in full view with some shit game her and Moona were playing lmao
Iofi just breaking down when she realized her name was on stream and Moona is like "what, what is it".

Always assume your username will be seen by everyone ever at all times.
Always assume your email will be seen by everyone.
Hell, assume your own friends lists will be leaked either by glitch, hackers or accidental flash of Discord / emails / skype / whatever else.

>> No.53451350

Chances of her being actually a boy?

>> No.53451641

I wish I could say the same but she's picked some up over the last couple months...

>> No.53451690

Iofi clearly don't have streaming experience.
To be fair, Holo took a risk and succeed.
But it still stupid to put your full name on any account on internet.

>> No.53451739

If there's many Passport Bros from that country, it means the women in that country are unbearable.

>> No.53451910

Only if you're ashamed where you're from.

>> No.53451925

she watches joel

>> No.53452222
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I love her laugh.

>> No.53452689

She has no balls. She checked during a stream.

>> No.53452893

No one picks up a language for that. post hand or she's a shitskin.

>> No.53453112

>ameritards don't know about colonies
Talk about babied adults

>> No.53453513

Swedish girls tend to like exotic men, but try to be taller than 175cm. Otherwise you'll have to find a manlet fetishist.

>> No.53453622

How did they get him I cant find anything, qrd?

>> No.53453657
File: 3.82 MB, 558x836, poko the minecraft degenerate[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fizeuu2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53453938


>> No.53453977

Poko is forsen???????? Det va som fan

>> No.53454011

No, she is forsen's neighbor.

>> No.53454018

but has she spoken any swedish in her streams?

>> No.53454062

do you think he shares his snus with her??

>> No.53454102

yes, he needs a new mother for peppa

>> No.53454193
File: 3.13 MB, 876x1080, poko swedish [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8boasw.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53454236


>> No.53454237

not the blåhaj.......

>> No.53454336
File: 1.06 MB, 858x1080, surströmming [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsdzpoo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53454337

Yah. The only time I ever had to do that was my School and College email accounts, and even then it wasn't full name, just initial, surname and a number.

>> No.53454379

Literally who?

>> No.53454453
File: 3.58 MB, 1920x1080, poko shows too much[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw70xph.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poko Rakun. She literally debuted just few weeks ago.

>> No.53454544


>> No.53455301

Who's the vtuber who accidentally mentioned her boyfriend on stream recently?

>> No.53455732


>> No.53455923

Anon it was so long ago she got involved in another unrelated drama and reincarnated

>> No.53455957

wontons was like 2 years ago I think

>> No.53456018

And then she brought up Wontons on her new identity too, making sure people who were unaware found out.

>> No.53456045

She didn’t though?

>> No.53456077

this proves that the whole company is just a bunch of glowies

>> No.53456092

how so?

>> No.53456176

Sweden is the country with the most active cheese pizza busting agents

>> No.53456300

well there go my vacation plans

>> No.53456620

>debuted just few weeks ago.
I like this girl already. She's chill yet highly cultured.

>> No.53456681

She absolutely did, she tweeted about it.l on the account for her new identity.

>> No.53456719

Does this mean Swedes will start clogging up her chat with Swedish?

>> No.53457022

No, they're not Brazilians.

>> No.53459222

hurri means fenno-swede, you fucking idiot

>> No.53459649

We already knew she was in Sweden, you RETARDED TOURIST!

>> No.53462398
File: 173 KB, 985x1481, SHUBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f Subaru
0 results, come on anons. This thread is basically begging for her colossal retardation to be posted.

>> No.53463972

sir, you are in the catalog...

>> No.53463994

Well this thread is gonna hate Sweden.

>> No.53464106

Yes, actually. She's a 1view so no biggie but she's accidentally shown her face multiple times. So much so that I think it's made her a little paranoid to the point where she usually doesn't leave VODs up anymore.

>> No.53464126

I don't want to be sent on a vacation to Timbuktu

>> No.53464265

The fed is clearly in germany tho >>53398568

>> No.53465839

Or just tired dealing with people using your nationality to ignore your opinion rather than givng a proper argument like a fucking adult.
GOG, I'm talking about you you piece of woke shit gaming store. I only buy from you because of your DRM free stance

>> No.53465923

I'm just several cm short of 175. Fucking first world women and their pickiness

>> No.53466215

I mean, Swedish women aren't especially picky - most women don't want men much shorter than them, the Swedish women just happen to be pretty tall themselves.

>> No.53467474

Looks like she has something in common with Yuko then

>> No.53470897

Yuko is too tryhard.

>> No.53476686

with mariokarts flag? yes

>> No.53476818

>viewers breaking containment
every time

>> No.53476911

>just several
strong cope

>> No.53477119

Well they can afford to be picky and look down on people, you are like a roach in a sewer of a billion roaches in their eyes

>> No.53477299

Was her username name.surnameYEAR or some shit
Why do 2000s kids keep doing that

>> No.53477811


>> No.53483377


>> No.53485488
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, Midsommar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World's cutest raccoon.

>> No.53485658
File: 67 KB, 535x535, neoritualpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl who will suffocate me with her delicious plump loli ass

>> No.53486345

That's the problem with the first through fourth world designations-- they only applied to cold war era nation-states. Post USSR they don't really mean anything as the state of affairs they were designed to describe no longer exists. If you really wanted to you could go one to one with first world=developed nation, fourth world=frontier, etc., but it's kind of a pointless endeavor to do so imho.

>> No.53488803

To be honest this world classification felt more degrading than just a simple classification. Like old colonialists don't want to let go of their old glory.
Also the classifications seems to switch goals every decades or so. The first time it's all just about social structure. Then it's military power, then it's all about quality of life. They keep bending everything to make sure most countries are in the 3rd and 4th classification.

Also it's hard to classify US as 1st world. Rather than classifying it based on the whole country, classify it based on every states.

>> No.53489403

>classify it based on every states
I'd add a few specific bits as separate as well. A lot of reservations are basically africa teir enclaves for example.

>> No.53489433

Kiara has fucked up so many times and overshared on streams so frequently that I would be very surprised if it isn't well known exactly where she lives by people who pay attention and care enough. She's so reckless.

>> No.53490889

I mean the first world thing was invented by a French economist to describe western democratic capitalism. It doesn't really matter what you think of it or how you want to use it, it was designed specifically with the west in the first position and anything outside of that is historical revisionist fanfiction-- unless you're using the maoist system in which case the US and USSR are the first world, etc. As to the current usage of developed, developing, and undeveloped to describe countries, I dunno man. If you don't like being labeled developing instead of developed then change it.

>> No.53491614

>A lot of reservations are basically africa teir enclaves for example.
Wait, I thought they're pretty rich with all those casinos they have?

>> No.53493444

Felix ws born there but hasn't spend more than a couple weeks on Swedish soil in the last 10 years.

>> No.53493632

>Even Felix knew his country is breeding ground for wokism and bailed before they turn him into woman.

>> No.53494094

>I dunno man. If you don't like being labeled developing instead of developed then change it.
I mean, they're developing in order to become developed, they're working on it

>> No.53494467

Oh, you mean like how Iran used to be a developing country with western style value, but because the rightfully elected president want to nationalize all the oil field to bring prosperity to his people CIA decided to take him down and put a puppet ruler that's super corrupt and so sadistic he caused the creation modern Iran?
Yeah, a lot of countries tried, only to get pushed down when they're almost successful.
Never forget Banana Republic, not the fashion brand

>> No.53495963

I don't think simplying mentioning her being horny for Okayu's ASMR leading to her doxxing herself like a retard is enough to get you banned.

>> No.53497400

Again, who?

>> No.53497618

From what I've seen on Twitch swedish girls are some of the most whorish girls out there.

>> No.53497626

Does this count?

>> No.53497886

Menkää ny vattallenne
