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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 282 KB, 1140x1200, Epao6l8WwAAPJ0M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5327505 No.5327505 [Reply] [Original]

>you can speak fluent english
>your guest can speak fluent english
>vast majority of your audience speaks english
>lets talk in fucking japanese instead, and waste half of the time translating it back to english

>> No.5327688

Nobody ever said the troon bird was smart, anon

>> No.5328852

She needs to show off the fact that she can speak Japanese, anon

>> No.5329593

Jops are fans of Coco too.

>> No.5329722


>> No.5329872

If only they had hundreds of hours of stream where coco speaks exclusively japanese

>> No.5330075

That fanart makes me feel like puking.

>> No.5330130

Jap is the language of the show.

>> No.5330390
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>show dedicated to EOPs
>both talents can speak english
>stay speaking japanese mostly
>no othet chance to have something different cause the only english fluent JP is graduating soon

>> No.5332805

The show is not for the JOPs fag, entire point is it's for the EOPs

>> No.5333160

Holotalk is a show for the japanese audience.

>> No.5333385

Calm down with the racism there

>> No.5333421

If they spoke English you fags would whine that it's not consistent with previous episodes. SasuGUH /vt/

>> No.5333541

>subverting expectations just like Coco did with idol culture
This is actual art. As in people in art schools will be dissecting this stream in the year 2221

>> No.5333628

Holy shit, the stream is sponsored by Disney?
Are they going to start blaming DAH NWORMAL HWITES now when everyone calls her streams boring?

>> No.5333783
File: 220 KB, 672x522, w6swah9clam61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you retards gonna keep inventing reasons to not like Kiara when there's legitimate criticism you could say huh

>> No.5333880

i unironically really like this fanart

>> No.5333887

From this stream it really seems like Coco's reason for leaving was the limitations that management put on them for their streams. It makes me think that Coco will continue streaming as an indie after Hololive but her answer about that was kinda vague, as if she's gonna be a NEET after graduating. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does though.

>> No.5334099

>the one time that the criticism for Kiara can't get more legit, KFP goes back to their goon tactics and gaslighting
Do you understand why nobody likes you?

>> No.5334117

She said as much right after she announced her graduation. People who keep spreading the "forced out due to China" rrat are just bad actors who want to spread drama.

>> No.5334307

She wouldn't be banned from EN collabs if not chinks

>> No.5334356 [SPOILER] 
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I literally said that you can criticise kiara fag but /vt/ gonna be retarted and make up shit

>> No.5334728

>The talk show is supposed to be a bridge between JOP and EOP audiences where everything is said in both Japanese and English
>Kiara always translate what the guest says and translate back chat reactions and/or explains EN meme such as "bottom-left"
>/vt/ is surprised that the show is both in Japanese and English
>It's not even an issue for EN audience because everything is translated anyway

Are you allergic to Japanese? Do you watch anime in dub? I'm trying hard, but that's so dumb that I can't even begin to comprehend why you would complain about this?

If you truly hate Japanese, maybe hololive is not for you. I can recommend you EN-only vtuber companies such as Vshojo.

>> No.5334826

anon-chama, I...

>> No.5334994
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>> No.5335023
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>> No.5335118

Who said Holotalk is about bridging the gap between JP livers and EOPs? It's all about Kiara kiara kiara. Coco can speak perfect English. wants to do it in English, and knows the audience are EOPs. But that will take the spotlight away from Kiara, so she's banned from speaking it. To do this to someone who's graduating (i.e. gonna fucking DIE), utterly disrespectful.

>> No.5335402

Yeah, I got kinda annoyed how they had to speak in Japanese more despite both of them already knowing English. I feel like we missed out on another unchained English Coco opportunity here. That cameltoe comment was just a fucking tease.

Then again it's implied that management is watching over them so I guess they had no choice.

>> No.5335509
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The absolute SEETHE

>> No.5335540

>That cameltoe comment was just a fucking tease.
What makes these comments memorable is that they dont happen often. If you want her to talk like that the entire time you might just go watch your threated vshojo

>> No.5335565

oh nonononono not the live translation meme againnnn nononononono

>> No.5335659

It's a show hosted by holoEN who has a majority EOP audience

>> No.5335763

The show's description says it is for overseas viewers to understand the talents more, not to rehash what the JPs already know.

>> No.5335969

So why does she ask Japanese to ask question on her twitter?

>> No.5335974

Fuck off, zhang. You deserve nothing but death.

>> No.5335991

because kiara is a retard

>> No.5336090

Coco is already for overseas viewers. This time JOPs are the ‘overseas’ viewers

>> No.5336465

because the EOP dont know much about the JP talents aside from memes, so she hopes to get better and deeper questions from the jp fans.

>> No.5340459
File: 274 KB, 610x646, 12939111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara schizo thread
as a kfp, i am obligated to reply.

>> No.5340501

i wish you people like OP would just get banned for low quality shitposts like that.

>> No.5340705

>posting about what is going on on a collab is a shitpost
This is the average intelligence of the KFP
If anything, you guys are so retarded and cult-like that we should exile you to /x/ with the rest of the wackos that refuse reality.

>> No.5340828
File: 595 KB, 2335x2160, E06J7U0WEAMImo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's probably like, 15 other kiara schizo threads you could've posted this in instead of making a new one.
please, think of the indies and their threads.

>> No.5341673

Was this even on chicken? Hasn't Coco gone her entire Hololive career avoiding English only streams? The time slot was for JOPs as well.

>> No.5341782

>it's okay when I do it

>> No.5341920

there's only one dedicated kiara thread and it should stay that way. post your schizo ramblings in there, or /hlgg/ or some other /schizo/ general.

>> No.5342143

We now know your motives with that post. Go back to your containment thread Nijinigger.

>> No.5342682

a majority of EOPs watch Pika's stream, doesn't mean she's streaming for EOPs or that VOMS is targeting EOPs.
this was a Japanese stream for a Japanese audience. Learn Japanese or shut the fuck up and wait for your translations, peasant.

>> No.5342793

You’ll never get through to a pack of rabid schizos, anonchama. Valiant effort, though.

>> No.5342973

Please understand, Kiara, member of HoloEN, speaks English worse than Coco, member of HoloJP and Reine/Ollie, members of Holo ID, she needs to show off her multilingual skills at all times to compensate.

>> No.5343309

She really is worthless but not as worthless as Mori. Almost but not quite.

>> No.5343531

Too bad Kiara is a bad host who just browses clips and wikis and Reddit and TV Tropes to get info about the JPs so she can ask them questions about shit EOPs already know through that stuff and then spends half the time talking about herself anyway. She just goes from a list of bullet pointed questions, not having a fun conversation that makes the JPs feel comfortable so they're able to open up and have their personalities really come out.

The only one that really did a good job handling Kiara's poor hosting duties was FBK but that's because Friend is a true professional.

>> No.5344283

>just browses clips and wikis and Reddit and TV Tropes to get info about the JPs so she can ask them questions about shit EOPs already know through that stuff
There were plenty of new stuff to be learned in all of the Holotalks. Just because that doesnt always apply to your ass doesnt mean that nobody is learning anything new. The world doesnt spin around your fat ass.

Also Kiara streams like 7 hours on average for 5 or 6 days a week. She has an actual good reason to not be able to know everything about every talent. In fact no talent is all knowing when it comes to the other talents. Coco today didnt knew about the 1, 2, 5 Gura meme even though she is the reddit dragon.

>She just goes from a list of bullet pointed questions
because thats what management wants her to do so the talents know what is coming. Also that is normal for every talkshow. Just because they dont put the question in the top left corner and make it obvious, when the next question is coming, doesnt mean they dont have a set of prepared questions at hand.

>Too bad Kiara is a bad host
You already showed you have no clue about talkshows, so why would anyone care about your judgement on this matter?

>> No.5349566

It's like going to a funeral to make a eulogy for a deceased person, but then there is this idiot who, upon standing on the podium, makes a speech all about herself.

The point is, the dying/retiring person should be the focus because it is their last days. The spotlight is not yours to steal. It's basic Respect.

>> No.5350187
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Just gonna say this one more time before I dip out of these splits again. You WILL seethe forever and have an orange women live rent free in your head. You WILL NEVER have valid criticism since the only "criticism" you have is always whiny bitching about trivial shit that nobody else cares about. KFPCHADS will continue to enjoy their content while you continue to get BTFO'D at every possible moment. You will never recover. You are our bitches. Now kneel

>> No.5350295
File: 22 KB, 320x180, 2dd429f545781d97e1acee8d58d088156cd2cfe349d3f36f8ea647f2c3632f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5350297

t. KFPtroon

>> No.5350308

Now type this again, but without the shaking and the crying.

>> No.5351280
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1527393013623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only opportunity to straight talk with a JP in English for an English audience. This is hard to believe it's real.

>> No.5361460

she knows you eops are all dramafags and doesn't wanna tell you shit

>> No.5361834

They respect the jp Bros,.we know EN is just a fad who is gonna die, jp is where the future is

>> No.5361879
File: 252 KB, 300x346, 1624066452756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait

>> No.5362272

Daily reminder that she actually auditioned for HoloJP and not HoloEN

>> No.5362327

Coco can't speak English for shit that's the real truth

>> No.5362812
File: 26 KB, 370x320, Superior genes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eggey schizo I'll spoonfeed you her response.

