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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 816 KB, 900x900, kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53235404 No.53235404 [Reply] [Original]

>have a decent voice range
>can voice act
>can be fun
>absolutely refuses to do any of those in Hololive
Why is she like this?

>> No.53235421

she hates men

>> No.53235456

gee, i wonder why an aspiring VA doesn't do any of those things on her side gig.

>> No.53235461

She's fun when she's drunk.

>> No.53235492

She delivers great voice acting when it is prerecorded but she hates doing it on stream, her performance for the Valentine's videos was what you'd expect from a voice actor
Kronii is very self-conscious and gets too embarrassed when trying to act live

>> No.53235543

apparently she hates money too

>> No.53235559

>i wonder why an aspiring VA doesn't do any of those things on her side gig.
She isn't even a good voice actress you smarmy dipshit. Whenever she needs to play a characdter, even that character being Kronii, she never delivers a good performance.
OP is also wrong that "she can voice act" to be clear, she has range but that doesn't matter if you can't deliver on the range of emotions that a non-autist must convey.

>> No.53235660

>She delivers great voice acting when it is prerecorded
At least don't lie.

>> No.53235752

she has voice but can't act
why does she even want to be a VA
she doesn't even respect the fandoms or even the material

>> No.53235777

Yep, the entirety of CouncilRyS did better than her. Want to know why? Because they care while Kronii still treats this as a side gig like >>53235456 said.
I would never hire Kronii for a VA gig because I would have no idea which Kronii I would get, the one who is passionate about acting or the one who phones it in.

>> No.53235813

Kronii is a VA job for them.

>> No.53235834

>have a decent voice range
>can voice act
not for shit

>> No.53235871

She gets enough money doing the bare minimum like half of En

>> No.53235896

I don't understand this. Even if she treats hololive as a side gig, shouldn't she do her best in order to use it as a way to promote her career? If someone would want to hire her as a VA and would check her Hololive career, they'd immediately drop her.

>> No.53236051

>aspiring VA
>She isn't even a good voice actress
nice reading comprehension, retard

>> No.53236053

She actually sounds like a profesional VA there.

>> No.53236113

Big Green DBZ dub level professional

>> No.53236148
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There are multiple Kroniis? And they all have the same attitude? I don't understand.

>> No.53236203

>she has voice but can't act
She would be perfect for the professional VA world that always default to shitty anime voice!

>> No.53236346

anon just respects Kronii's heckin' valid nonbinary pronouns

>> No.53236349

With her voice she would be the perfect NSFW voice actress but the girl born with the pure coom voice just had to be a total prude

>> No.53236519

Yes. Krono, Future Kronii, Kronenberg, Kris, Ourochimaru and Mirror Kronii are all different iterations that exist across the spacetime continuum.

>> No.53236566

>Whenever she needs to play a characdter, even that character being Kronii, she never delivers a good performance.
Funniest thing is that Mori's portrayal of The Sheriff in their roleplaying sessions together was far more passionate and full of conviction and Mori doesn't have any desire to be a VA really.

>> No.53236568

>just had to be a total prude
>he lacks critical knowledge

>> No.53236569

She was sexually harassing Fauna in their last stream tho.

>> No.53236623

Mori embraces the cringe while Magni and Kronii were trying to seriously do improvisational comedy. Different approaches tbfh.

>> No.53236628

>canadian woman
pretty much a given

>> No.53236656

ESL doesn't understand when you do a voice acting job you are a voice actor for that role no matter what aspiraitons you have in the VA industry.
Many such cases, nuance is hard. And no moron, she will never get better, this is her limit.

>> No.53236676

Nah, there's some fucking wild Canadian women. Korean Canadian women however...

>> No.53236734

this is not praise btw, because the state of western "professional VA" is utterly in the gutter, at least for anything weeb-related media. Various reasons why anime dubs etc mostly all sound like the same shit - most VA's are just hacks who couldn't make it in actually respectable fields, so they have to slum it in a medium they at best don't care for or at worst actively hate, the pay is shit and recording jobs are done in an undercooked hurry, and the whole VA scene is just one big incestuous clique more interested in giving jobs to their selected in-group buddies than any kind of actual strive for quality assurance etc., and that's not even getting into the whole sjw politics aspect of it.

What Kronii ever sees in that shitshow or why she wants to be one herself is just lmao either way..

>> No.53236752

She acts like Fauna sings, but at least Fauna gives a damn to try and care, I don't know what's Kronii's deal. Wish she stopped collabing with Fauna because she ruins the mood every time.

>> No.53236784

She's in a place thousands would kill for, in a model she hates
It's like a monkey's paw type wish fulfillment

>> No.53236823

>Not yurishit? Then I ain't doing it, sorry not sorry

>> No.53236908
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1888017-coop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every one is criticizing ENs VAs, but don't act like the Jps sound good in those Hologras too. They sound like fucking shit, but this is an EOP board after all. They need an actual voice director since its clear they are reading their lines from discord and submitting them before even knowing what the fuck the full script is

>> No.53236934

She's fun with Gura and Fauna.

>> No.53236951

>every one is criticizing ENs VAs
Nice scrawman anon, but everone is saying Kronii is especially bad at it compared to others who don't even pretend to be voice actors, aspiring ones or othrerwise,.

>> No.53237042

No the squad = no fun

>> No.53237078

Any voice acting would sound weird with that animation

>> No.53237090

If anything, the idol culture would be a godsend for the Western voice acting scene. Might actually bring some quality and prestige for once.

>> No.53237103

Most of the Holo girls are singers and entertainers. Chuubas are usually idols, streamers and comedians, not actresses.

>> No.53237170

Can someone tell this stupid bitch to set up a compressor on her microphone and optimize her sound setup so that she doesn't blow out her audience's ears whenever she laughs or talks?
For being a VA, her raw streaming audio sucks ass, and shows no ounce of effort. If she did more singing reps, her tone and vocals wouldn't be so lacking compared to actual VAs with talent like Amalee. Guess it's no-name indie western visual novel roles all the way down.

>> No.53237248

retard chama, they act/voice-act the role of idol streamer. I hate to break it to you but they all play a character; some do it better than others but it's basic acting they are doing.

>> No.53237261

She is lazy and to proud to put in more than minimum effort

>> No.53237321

>3rd can
Why are some holoEN such victims to placebo intoxication...

>> No.53237356

She definitely wanted a loli model going in. It's a shame we never hear voice.

>> No.53237375

Everyone here saw her hologra and know that is not true anon...
You are free to prove me wrong but her hologra performance was awful considering she have voice acting experience

>> No.53237473

she has "voice acting experience" barely above amateur youtube anime fandub tier, i.e. she never had professional training, had never seen a studio from the inside, and just sent in Fiverr-tier gig takes for Kickstarter VN's recorded from her desktop that paid about three fiddy and "exposure"

>> No.53237749

Kronii would have hated anything she got, she would be bitter and resent it and think that people like the model and not her
but even if you loved her she would hate you for that anyway
it's just the type of person she is

>> No.53237967

She really should just quit the entertainment industry and become an "influencer"/mouthpiece for militant feminist movements. She'd be a perfect fit, and I hear they pay good money, too.

>> No.53238027

It’s a shame that she has such a shit personality.

>> No.53238386 [DELETED] 

her shit is still set up for post-production for some reason, even when she's streaming. i dunno if she just doesn't know how to fiddle with it, or she genuinely just can't be assed to care about it

>> No.53238393

Same with botan, when she's good at apex but absolutely refuses to do anything with it.

They use hololive as an escape from those stuff.
Why? idk why.

>> No.53238661

Nah, she hates men like (You).

>> No.53238698

The real one, not the vt version.

>> No.53238975

spoiler: its called pretending
just like she didnt actually drink a blended sandwich
you just have to pretend you did because you arent on camera

>> No.53239657

Garbage analytic skills. And you're the type that can't even detail why she's 'bad' in this video. God, I hate people that can't justify their opinions/thoughts. It just screams either low IQ or NPC behavior.

>> No.53239747

>my bloodline ends with me
What a miserable existance

>> No.53240938

>>my bloodline ends with me
Did she actually say this and does she have siblings?
If she doesn't, lol her parents will despise her.
I know because I'm white and even my parents are hinting they want me to have kids and I'm a dude in my late 20s. Parents really seem to want to become grandparents. Jokes on them I'm too broke for relationships.

>> No.53241005

>believing everything you read about online


>> No.53241532
File: 431 KB, 499x409, 1659785035894718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the hype around her so-called 'voice acting' when she clearly lacks the ability to perform it properly. Kronii's voice acting seems amateurish and self-taught, just like your average typical 'indie Twitter VAs.' She doesn't have professional training like actual pro VAs. While casual or normie might not notice, those exposed to great voice acting performed by professional VAs can easily see that her skills are underwhelming.Yes, she may have a great vocal range, but it's useless if she can't act convincingly and lacks the ability to deliver the necessary emotional and tonal nuances, which are crucial in voice acting. There are many talented voice actors who may not have a wide range of voices but are backed up by their exceptional acting and delivery skills, which bring characters to life.
Kronii doesn't have any of those.

>> No.53241571

Because being depressed is cool

>> No.53241587

go back to watching shit in a language you don't understand please

>> No.53241624

>>53241532 (me)
I even tried to look at her voice acting work outside of Kronii, and it was just... bland and lacked any distinct character.
her hologra is proof of this

>> No.53241662

she does the best owo voice, which she also refuses to do

>> No.53241743

Why don't you hire her RM if you care so much?

>> No.53241777

if you watch her, she's actually the biggest cocksucker and the most Straight.
she just dyke2pay or pretend to be '''lesbian/bisexual''' for her liberal friends/audience.

>> No.53242056

proof? I'm interested.

>> No.53242633

get yourself tested midwit.

>> No.53243070

You're not gonna convince anyone who's already emotionally invested into Kronii that she's actually objectively a shit VA (or to be fair, not even particularly better or worse than her equally untrained colleagues, but because she comes with the cachet of "she is / wants to be a professional VA", she has to stand being held to a higher standard), at worst they just stick their fingers into their ears and go "n-nuh uh..." or at best they just admit "yeah but so what, I don't care, that's not why I'm into her anyway" and just like her for the booba model or just find her standard sardonic/depressed deep voice "sexy" and that's good enough for them.

It's like trying to argue with deadbeats that "Hey if you just remove the big booba anime model and judge Mori's music on its own merits, it's not really all that great?!" and only be met with a bewildered "huh? / well, duh.." reaction, because yeah that's not really why they like them

>> No.53243261

>Never been out drinking with Asian women
The Chinese students at my old college were the first to get utterly trashed after 2 games of beer pong. Saw this one girls go from 3 to 11 after taking a Jägerbomb with a Colombian chick.

>> No.53243332

I would say that trophy goes to Fauna. She loves the D so much she can't even Yuri bait without bursting into giggles or blushing after half a minute.

>> No.53243714

the Kronii voice acting that I've actually heard reminds me of Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson acting. Both seem interested in playing only one specific character and either can't or won't branch out at all.

>> No.53243801

>the homobeggar turns out to be a white knight groomer
Many such cases

>> No.53245171

>she hates men
Oh no, she absolutely loves men. So much she wanted to be one.

>> No.53245418

That's why she is the best. Give her the D

>> No.53245628

She probably can’t use it on her demo reel because of nda most likely. If she were to audition as Kronii for a part, then it’d be fine.

>> No.53245820

She doesn’t need to use it on her demo reel. People know who she is and any VA work she gets now is because they are wanting to have hololive fans check it out as free publicity.
It is similar to Mori’s RM. Wheb she gets gigs, it isn’t really on the basis of her own talents but because people know she is Mori from Hololive.

>> No.53245872

Kronii considers herself gay because she thinks she is a man but still loves cock.

>> No.53246009

So She being "Bi" is also a larp?

>> No.53246215

does this seem like she hates men?

>> No.53246314

All western VA's are like that and its why only fan subs are watchable. Every western corporation that dubs or subs anime or games is filled with people like her

>> No.53246519

Men hating lesbian unironically, especially the type of men that watches vtubers. I dont even know why she applied, probably for the money more than anything.

>> No.53246568

I'm so happy my oshi isn't the type to prance like a lalagirl around boys.

>> No.53246585

I don't get why people think her VA in hologra is bad. She's playing the character "Ouro Kronii" well. If we're talking bad hologra performance, I'm thinking Bae and Mumei.

>> No.53246691

Anon...Faunas bi dude.

>> No.53246905

ok, ?????

>> No.53247023

Name one time Kronii has acted as someone other than "Kronii".
Except that she did deliver the "necessary emotional and tonal nuances" more than anyone else in her hologra.
Kronii is bad at improvising so she can't do anything without a script.
With a script she's clearly the best in EN.

>> No.53247143

And the proof of this is where? If you knew her RM before Hololive then you wouldn't be talking out of your ass like this.

>> No.53247176

"Playing a character" on stream is not the same as acting. Even if the concept is similar, the skills are not. Actors act scripts at a director's instructions.

>> No.53247311

I mean in EN Ina was still the worst, but has improved over the... umisea collab.

>> No.53247488


>> No.53247587

Hey look she and /vt/ have something in common!

>> No.53247856

I think what happened here is that she

>applied for holo not expecting to be picked
>gets picked
>hates her fanbase
>hates being in holo
>keeps doing it, cause it's a one in a lifetime oppurtunity
>No passion in works and just does the bare minimum.

I unironically believe that she could've been the Gura-killer if she actually liked being in holo. Too bad so sad.

>> No.53248158

a singular gay person is apparently alot of people.

>> No.53248758

Same situation that Mori had for a long time, though Mori eventually made peace with it.

>> No.53248855

You run out of meds again?

>> No.53249459
File: 3.70 MB, 3283x4627, __nero_claudius_nero_claudius_and_nero_claudius_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_wada_arco__f17e8b5c1718d0e1fece464a8fe0edc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I wanted a Wada Arco designed chuuba so bad I made a wish on a Monkey's Paw

>> No.53250089

You've ruined us all.

>> No.53250240

Because when you turn your hobby into a job you will hate it eventually
I know kids on this board lack life experience but this should obvious as much

>> No.53250368

as much as I love the idea of Fauna smashing clams with the other girls, I don't remember anything from stream where she's said or even suggested she was bi outside of typical Holo yuribaiting. Also

>> No.53250438

Hasn't her RM said shes bi.

>> No.53250505

get yourself tested, midwit
you forgot the comma, faggot

>> No.53250521

Should have picked someone who can actually make good designs then

>> No.53250565

It's not sexual harassment if they're into it.
Also, her sexual harassment of Ina in the offcollab was way more direct.

>> No.53250844

It's her lgbt brain messing her thoughts. Sad honestly.

>> No.53251094

Is just a bit the make an interesting stream

>> No.53251781

FML my air conditioner isn't coming until Saturday now.

>> No.53254010

no proof

>> No.53254749

So she hinted that she voice acted in a game or something that one time when talking to one of the other girls, so why hasn't anyone posted it yet?

>> No.53254937

anon... come on, man...

>> No.53255136

I don't really watch Kronii, but watching a misandrist lesbian slowly realize over time that she loves male attention and getting mind broken by how much she thought she hated them is both hilarious and hot as fuck.

>> No.53256395

Just sometimes.

>> No.53256583

>can voice act
She's the worst voice actor in council. Except for Mumei.

>> No.53256640

>Kronii hates men
>/vt/ hates men

>> No.53256842

>If someone would want to hire her as a VA and would check her Hololive career, they'd immediately drop her.
Most people, especially people who are looking for VAs, don't have the same kind of wacky schizo-driven standards that /vt/ has.

>> No.53257536

she has not and does not show much in terms of being a possible gura killer, simply because she doesn't care. yes, she has a model that screams "fap to the ribbon," drawn by none other than wadarco, and a voice that can be frequently thought of as sex or seductive. immediately, her fanbase becomes a bunch of raving, sex-starved imbeciles who defend her every word and action without any critical distance. she was chosen for gen2, and it did come as a surprise to her, but now she has to deal with the cost that comes with being in hololive. that, i think, she wasn't ready for at all. couple that with what she thinks is existential dread (girl, please shutup with that nonsense. what you refer to is much more darker, but also much more bright than usually thought) and you have a recipe for someone who will choose to consistently try to only survive, not thrive. this is actually kind of sad. i even think that she can reach great heights through hololive without falling back on the sex voice and ribbon, but that would require an effort that she is not familiar with at all.

>> No.53257604

would you hire someone who has proven themselves to be a flake, even when they could not have been?

>> No.53257638

God I wish I got like this from an entire vodka bottle. Any hacks to reset tolerance?

>> No.53257642

>I don't watch Kronii but [mindless schizo ramblings]
Many such cases

>> No.53257779

She's gushed over her neice before, so she definitely has a sibling

>> No.53257939

she has a brother who is a schizo-dumbfuck-will enjoy harming others physically
explains a shit ton actually, and will be the likely cause of her graduation inside of a year.

>> No.53258045

Smoke weed instead. Its been a really effective replacement for alcohol for me.

>> No.53258462

That's just shitty parents. Good parents simply wants their child to be happy. (Some of them believe that children are essential for human happiness though. It's an honest mistake.)

>> No.53258555

Nero would have been the ultimate chuuba. In some ways, she's the archetype they all aspire to be.

>> No.53258610

Just stop drinking for a while. (But you already knew this.)

>> No.53259343


>> No.53260608

>she said, in between mouthfulls of Ed's cock
Engaging in some funny business with a friend in middle school doesn't mean anything. Unless she gets an actual girlfriend or has sex with a women, she's straight as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.53260845

Nah, fuck that. Im not simping for a dyke. Even one kiss is too much, you are good for threesomes and that's it.

>> No.53260904

>i dont mind of my gf makes out with other women
Please stay watching vtubers and dont reproduce

>> No.53261151

I did... if only it was ez and didn't take literal months to reset.

Weed doesn't do anything except make me more slow and tired, im very chill already.

>> No.53261329


>> No.53261528

>can voice act
LMAO. i know her voice is hot af, but her can voice act ? please.

>> No.53262331

BWC withdrawel symptoms.
I can save her.

>> No.53262489

She is a gook girl. I've known a lot of asian girls who weight like 100 lbs whoa re drunk off 2 beers
Kronii joined holo so she could groom and fuck the girls. Literally the shit you accuse the faggots of doing since
Kronii straight up fingered Ina on stream and clearly wants to fuck Gura
Whenever you see things about there being more LGBT, the number of trannies has doubled, but its still like less than a percent. The number of fags and dykes has basically not changed. But the number of zoomer and millennial girls who say they are bi makes up like 2/3rds of all LGBT in the US. They are typically down with making out with/fucking other girls but are not into girls romantically at all.
So someone like Fauna or Gura likely falls into that category of thinking girls are hot and wanting attention and to be special but never actually wanting to date or marry a woman.
Shit is common in nipland too. Most girls in japan date girls when they are early teens and then move on to cock

>> No.53262606

>So someone like Fauna or Gura likely falls into that category of thinking girls are hot and wanting attention and to be special but never actually wanting to date or marry a woman.
That's fucking outside of the context of a threesome.

>> No.53262703

I meant that's fucking nasty. Any girl i like has event a hint of bisexual shit and i break up with her. Bi girls are for threesomes at best. Dating or having them as your oshi? Fuck no.

>> No.53262819

>Mori doesn't have any desire to be a VA really.

>> No.53262949

>The hands of a drunkard typed this post
From one alcoholic to the other, it's not a good idea to type a post trying to come off as having an educated answer (even though the opinion is subjective) while inibriated. The mass replies kinda gives it off.

>> No.53263715

Have you taken your wide range of prescribed medication?

>> No.53263827

I have (to a degree) checked the posts you replied to, and you seem very mentally ill. Please accept and take your medication, no hate in mind, I promise. Just take it for your own good, Please. I care for your well-being.

>> No.53263889

The difference from having a history as a 4chanfag vs a tumblyrina.

>> No.53264295

Mori might have adult aspergers.

>> No.53264621

>Deadbeat damage control out of no where

>> No.53265994

How the fuck would her family being a retard cause her to graduate? Mori's still around after the party.

>> No.53266732

>>have a decent voice range
>>can voice act
>>can be fun

>> No.53267615
File: 121 KB, 882x624, 1689108896441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53270213


>> No.53272139

Hahaha look at all these seething replies from yurifags.

>> No.53278151


>> No.53278356

Is Vesper a woman now?

>> No.53278465

It's up to Hololive to get her to voice act for them.

>> No.53278619

What happened there?
