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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53212848 No.53212848 [Reply] [Original]

Love how even when Holostars still fucks up this faggot still shows his favoritism, if it was any of the girls doing the schizo shit Vesper and Magni did they would have been forced to graduate
No wonder a lot of the girls like Gura are not streaming, this bullshit favoritism is killing the morale backstage and a lot of the girl, even the ones who refuse to collab with the homos are being dragged down.

>> No.53213042


>> No.53213141

Gura's just lazy. The best thing she could do to stop holostars is actually stream so people watch her instead.

>> No.53213325

This is why we need to topple the patriarchy #KillAllMen

>> No.53214404

Sometimes it amazes me how this board is so pro SJW in some aspects and so the opposite in others

>> No.53214430

So true Nijisister!

>> No.53214518

Yagoo is a true bro

>> No.53214568
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>> No.53214595

You are digging way too much in this rrat and eating anything an anon posts here.
That's not good on your health OP, you should try to improve yourself.

considering that the concert is already over and she's still pretty much gone and only streams in collabs, this is not far off.

>> No.53214635

They're being punished by doing naked dogeza for lusty obasans (Marine snuck in)

>> No.53214677

Fucking stop. Just stop.

>> No.53214725
File: 84 KB, 1204x289, 768A9B15-554C-4C82-82CF-C513467681CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisisters and tempisssisters are one and the same. Cope.
So true, my fellow teacuck! Don’t forget to prep the bull for tonight! We can sit back and record Ame getting PLOWED!

>> No.53214762

Gura taken over as the anti male mascot now? what happened to Pekora? why is it not Noel or Lammy or Konata since they actually hate men?

>> No.53214824

Still seething, huh?

>> No.53215864

He knows when men have issues they can be kept under wraps, if any of the crazy neet menheras of the company did the same they would have spilled company secrets by now

>> No.53216225

I don't understand why you guys hate men so much when you all are also men.

>> No.53216581

Something to do with wanting to give themselves schizo delusions and pretend they're the only male in the vicinity of their harem/want to pretend they are a girl as well. If a male shows up on stream, that's instant competition for them and the dude being right there able to talk to the girls means they lost the competition and are literally being cucked. It's retarded as fuck though. These faggots are proud that they're being led on by fake 2D women with zero benefits.

>> No.53217599

well, men fight over women, you know?

>> No.53217700

What did they do?

>> No.53217804

poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses

>> No.53218041

You are not fighting over anyone bro, they don't know you. I know you know this already but this only makes you saying this even weirder.

>> No.53218080
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So true, sister! We acted so much better when Milord conversed with that whore!
Why do homobeggars (usually SJWs and feminists) want to shove males into a predominantly female entertainment space when they usually complain about females not being as successful as males in entertainment?

>> No.53218248

Is twitter down?

>> No.53218388

You can go ahead and deflect from reality, projecting a twitter user onto me won't change it

>> No.53218519

>Sometimes it amazes me how the tourists on this board is so pro SJW in some aspects

>> No.53220113

>taking an obvious shitpost seriously

>> No.53220186

not reading all that
go back jaknigger

>> No.53220532

they are troons or waiting to troon out

>> No.53220844

Both men and women do that with the idol stuff I know and in both cases it's retarded and cringe. They will never be considered real entertaiments or artists and taken seriously as long as they pander to this kind of crazy fujos and weeb incels. They should be able to collab with whomever, whenever they want. And it's even more pathetic that now we are doing it over people that don't even show their face but rather act through cartoon avatars, it's so stupid and lame.

>> No.53220938

breathed near my sacred and pure waifu

>> No.53221780

you don't need idol stuff or vtuber to be parasocial, every streamer need their viewers parasocial enough to give them money, but not so parasocial they fall off a cliff into obsessing with you.

>> No.53222024

also you speak like an outsider, vtuber was always to pander to those people, who do you think were funding them before they ever got mainstream? you can't come into a fandom and demand changes just because you don't like it.

>> No.53222150

yeah but with vtubers and idol culture especially it's way to extreme, it's why they can never truly break into the mainstream and if they do get popular, they still can't properly work with most other artists and companies, or never seen to appear in public. I doubt it will be a sustainable industry for long, KPOP gave idol stuff a second breath but that is quickly falling apart to due to the same reasons the japanese idol industry fell off so hard. I mean right now the mostpopular media project about japanese idols is an anime that shows the whole thing being fucked.

>> No.53222493

>I don't understand why you guys hate men so much
It’s like how people prefer girls for ASMR too, as it just fits better. So like ASMR, Vtubing just doesn’t fit or work at all with males. The cute aspect is lost for one example, while a males voice for ASMR is less soothing.

>> No.53222635

If you are a coomer, sure, but I listen to plenty of male ASMR channels and hell, the best ones both male and female are the ones that focus on the quality of the ASMR, whereas the biking butt slapping ones are very low effort and not worth more that a one off fap

>> No.53222900

>If you are a coomer, sure
I don’t see how a more feminine/soft voice, or cute innocent look, is just for “coomer”. I think you don’t really understand at all.
>but I listen to plenty of male ASMR channels
My point is that a majority of people don’t prefer male ASMR either, and was attempting to help you understand why.

>> No.53222925


>> No.53222940

>They will never be considered real entertaiments or artists and taken seriously
Who cares? People have different tastes and priorities, including the talents themselves.
As long as there's somebody making this kind of content, I'll continue to watch it.

>> No.53223174

Vtubing started at all from Kizuna and kizuna just did the same thing let's players had been doing for years, in fact she came in right around the time let's play died as a format and long form stream took over, which streamers themselves did start as cultivating a parasocial relationship yes, but the whole point was also freedom and independance and doing whatever the fuck you wanted as an entertaiment, which was the appeal to typical TV entertainers. Now I've watched vtubers since the beginning, and thankfully it never has gotten too idol like, like the whole point of them being "oshis" is that they don't actually act like typical idols and mostly do whatever, so it's a little bit weird seeing you guys wanting to instead make them more like traditional idols being completely barred from expressing their opinions or standing near the opposite sex or god forbid, having a real life. That's the whole point of streaming and why you would watch someone for such long hours every day instead of one professionally created performance. It's parasocial yes, but you you should be invested in their life because it's an interesting life to watch, not because you want to dictated their life.

>> No.53223235

>the schizo shit Vesper and Magni did
Like what? DO you have anything besides baseless speculation? we dont know shit.

>> No.53223334

I think you don't understand that context and taste can vary differently even in the sme individual, so say for example I want to listen to an ASMR with a soft femine voice talking about makeup right? And them maybe I wanna switch to a more soft spoken but masculine voice like a father or so talking about sand, see it's not just "I will only listen to men/women and only those" because that just sounds extremely limiting. You'll end up listening to the same kind of voice and it will bore you eventually.

>> No.53223624

Shit like that is how you end up with situations like Mori who you know thinks the actual for real idol industry is cringe and so is the vtuber attempt at it and why she goes out of her way to be "yabei", and honestly half the hololive girls do that anyway so at this point what are you defending? None of the new talents want to be actual idols because that shit is stressful and too demanding, they just wanna be laid back streamers without the need to do their makeup before a stream.

>> No.53224467
File: 202 KB, 516x968, forwhatreason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting Bettel who's KNOWN to have stolen niji paypigs.
>Not posting literally anyone else.
What are you trying to hide Anon? The fact that Hololive viewers watch Tempus on the side more than Niji?

>> No.53225488

I don't know about you guys, but I usually don't like ASMRs which are just talking and whispering unless it's about something creative or that I care about with lots of good noises in between. Isn't the whole point of the ASMR videos the noises without human interruption? Like, all the soap cutting videos and shit like that. I wanna hear someone poking in my ear, not talking in my ear, and I especially don't want to see a face when I am trying to concentrate on the noises and relaxing.

>> No.53225716

>you're a man so this means you have to be attracted to men
Least retarded post I've seen all day

>> No.53225816

that you immediately went to that coclusion instead of literally anything else says more about you that anything

>> No.53225890

Its true? What this girl do?

>> No.53225959

If any of you guys ever watched a male youtuber or streamer ever, you are gay, if you spoke at all to you male relatives recently you are also gay. Hell, if you reply to me, you ARE gay because I am a man, and my penis WILL touch yours upon replying.

>> No.53226129

Damn do you watch streams at all?

>> No.53230584


>> No.53230614

Anons who call watching ANY males gay are simply anons battling their own intrusive gay thoughts when they see males. Now there are some males which are gayer than others, but ALL? Nigga that's projecting your homosexuality onto others to feel normal.

>> No.53235877

the holo girls and holo itself know that they aren't idols anon, no one is taking that shit seriously since years

if you want idols, watch true idols, as simple as that

>> No.53235980

What did they even do? It's not like Cover staff isn't shy about suspending Vesper.

Is there any proof or are you just schizo posting?

>> No.53236391

>if it was any of the girls doing the schizo shit Vesper and Magni did they would have been forced to graduate
Anon, did you forget that they fired a menhera necromancer for being a menhera and doing stupid shit?
>No wonder a lot of the girls like Gura are not streaming, this bullshit favoritism is killing the morale
That is literally favoritism for the girls, anon. They can just NOT stream without consequence. You either know or don't know how favoritism works.

Stop putting words into Yagoo's mouth, anon.
Stop eating rrats poisons too while you're at it.

>> No.53237186

>the schizo shit the voices in my head told me about
Meds. Immediately.

>> No.53237501

Even if the original poster wasn't shitposting, it isn't hard to see why people who join a hobby at the peak of hololive "anime girls doing cute things" would be pissed off to see random dudes using their company privilege to enter the hen house with the disapproval of everyone else.
Buy some red superchats if you wanna talk to your oshi, poorfag stars.

>> No.53237650

I don't hate men, I hate fags like you and the homostars

>> No.53237767

>this faggot
Do not take the Lord's name in vain. Without him we'd be stuck watching N***sanji.

>> No.53237817

the audience overlap between the people who watch Gura and the "people" who watch homos is pretty much nonexistent (and that's before getting into the issue that barely five people are even watching the homos), so no, her streaming more or less has no bearing on them.
