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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53195701 No.53195701 [Reply] [Original]

Just shut up, stream, and get paid. What the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.53195767

>all the ones that /vt/ doesn't like are the only ones with good work ethic and no menhera

>> No.53195829

>Mumei X'd but Bae not
You cannot make a coherent set of things to schizo about that would generate this outcome. Try harder or explain your criteria.

>> No.53195833

I don't understand saying this about Ina or Gura when they're the most popular ENs and not about Fauna, who actually insulted her fans (who is also not being "ruined" by it due only losing a handful of viewers).

>> No.53195887

Why the fuck is mumei included but not Bae?
Mumei didn't lost that many viewers this past year. Meanwhile Bae is bleeding viewers and is only surpassed by Mori in that regard.

>> No.53195922

You just drew names out of a hat, right? Because there's no conceivable why you could be this retarded

>> No.53195956

bettel is a streaming monster, as is mumei, what the fuck is this OP?

>> No.53195975

>Fauna, who actually insulted her fans
Slow down rrat peddler. You can't rewrite history that quickly.
>I don't understand saying this about Ina
Oh, is it a takodachi? Sorry, I meant a "loser watching anime girls" as Ina referred to you.

>> No.53196000

Ina has talked shit to her fans numerous times and Gura ghosted hers for months with no explanation. I'm glad she's back but I do wonder how long she'll last this time

>> No.53196042

>No menhera
RUMAO even

>> No.53196102

Nobody like Bae and the homos

>> No.53196106

>homoshitters deflection thread

>> No.53196123

Not fauna and bae

>> No.53196177

Wait I missed a yab what did Fauna call her fans? Did she finally drop the incel bomb? What was the insult?

>> No.53196337

>talks about rewriting history
>brings up ancient rrats about Ina that only work OOC
At least bring up the more recent thing she did

>> No.53196402

I don't watch EN but Mumei seems like one of the more decent ones who doesn't cause too much trouble like Fauna.

>> No.53196497

Shit choices. Kiara should be the only one not crossed out.

>> No.53196561

There is literally no category that can be made to specifically exclude Mumei but include Bae AND Fauna. Unless the criteria is something like "if she's a bird she's cancelled" or something, but then Kiara is still on there so even that doesn't work.
I've been baited by just how fucking stupid OP's picture is and I need literally anybody to explain how it can fit together coherently.

>> No.53196566

>streaming monster
Boy... you might want to start watching literally any other streamer.

>> No.53196599
File: 193 KB, 573x561, 1688816099920428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this even about? Why are Mumei and Ina crossed? What is OP smoking?

>> No.53196616

A superchat from a known shit disturber asked if she could consider saplings friend. She basically said "No, I am the entertainer and you are the viewer, and that is all". This led to few gosling feeling bad, but also started a cascade of shitposting about her for about two weeks.

>> No.53196639
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Someone asked in a superchat if it were possible for viewers to be friends with the streamer. picrel
Fauna spoke the truth and said no, it's not realistic. There's a clear divide between entertainer and entertained.

>> No.53196645

>There is literally no category that can be made to specifically exclude Mumei but include Bae AND Fauna

>> No.53196666

>"Gotta support the cause" fag good
>Gura bad
Ok homo

>> No.53196727

Based yabless idol rat of hard work

>> No.53196745

Oh i already knew about that one. What's the insult though? The guy said she "actually insulted her fans" unlike Gura or Ina so I thought she called them something pretty severe like incel or whatever.

>> No.53196812

That's the point, she didn't. Rewriting history when the clips are easily searchable on Youtube.

>> No.53196898

Most of the girls haven't actually done anything.
Ironically, Fauna saying something like that is among one of the worst offenders, which is pretty funny

>> No.53196948

A sapling sent a SC about friends (I don't remember the exact content). Instead of playing along or subtly deny it, Fauna for some reasons delved into a 15 minutes lecture of how streamers aren't their fans' friends no matter how much both sides might enjoy each others' presences; How streamers aren't anything special and they don't make better friends, or that the fans should take more care of themselves and put themselves first instead of neglecting themselves for the streamers. I don't remember the exact wordings, but there should be several transcripts in the archive
All in all. she didn't say anything wrong or too offensive, but it was still silly to talk all about that in response to a harmless SC. Not sure if there is any lasting backlash from that, though

>> No.53196950

go watch some twitch streamer if you literally don't care about the talent and just want stream hours

>> No.53196976

you know full well why ina is crossed cuckdachi

>> No.53197059

That's the sad thing about quality > quantity holofags, your part-time oshi isn't even a good streamer.

>> No.53197099

Oh gross. Now I understand what this thread is about. Hoursfags are the worst kind of numberfag.

>> No.53197111

why are you in this thread faggot fuck off already

>> No.53197132

NTA but the only things I can think of are the bait threads about Ina calling "her fans" losers despite it literally being about Mori's antis, as well as Ina telling grey redditfags in her chat to lurk more and stop spamming memes.
Unless I missed something else

>> No.53197151

Name your oshi, twitchfag.

>> No.53197190

Well to be fair, "improve yourself" isn't an insult either, yet here we are.

>> No.53197240

I don't. "Shut up and stream" is pretty much what she does now.

>> No.53197253

It's hilarious that Fauna can go on a rampage on parasocials but Amelia can't tell people to go improve themselves.

>> No.53197323

>pick random picture
>draw random x's

>> No.53197346

>I meant a "loser watching anime girls" as Ina referred to you.
Holy fucking based. Maybe I need to start watching Ina again.

>> No.53197410

>rampage on parasocials
Did you watch the stream? That's literally not what happened at all.
>Amelia can't tell people to go improve themselves.
Yeah, that's also retarded. Don't be an asshurt faggot because your own oshi got shit from schizo narratives and try to weaponize them against other people's oshis. You should know by now that doing that will always inevitably backfire on you.

>> No.53197458

source: your ass

>> No.53197536

I don't think it's supposed to be random but rather based on stream consistency and hard work

>> No.53197650

>hard work
Streaming is not, and will never be, "hard work".

>> No.53197659

Actually I don't. Vt is basically just weaponized schizo narratives.

>> No.53197674

Only those who've never been a streamer think this.

>> No.53197764

Wtf spoilers I'm only on chapter 2 of Holoronpa

>> No.53197791

>mentions crossed out chuubas
reading comprehension sure is a rare skill in indonesia, eh

>> No.53197814

If it's not hard work, then explain why Gura struggles to stream more than twice a month? It's actually very draining.

>> No.53197833

Yeah you need to be put down with the rest of them, then, unfortunately.

>> No.53197921

What rrat? Fauna unequivocally told her fans to get fucked. We're not friends and we never will be. That's about the harshest thing you can say to a bunch of simps.

>> No.53197982

I think Babski might be in this thread.

>> No.53198123
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>"loser watching anime girls" as Ina referred to you.
Due to his autism, anon wasn't able to to comprehend the ironic joke. He also loved taking things out of context.

>> No.53198228

>Oh let me just load up minecraft and meaninglessly grind for 12 hours like I was planning to do anyways without saying much of anything at all and only breaking the silence with very dull observations. This is such hard work for ME.
>Oh let me just load up a JRPG that I was planning to play anyways and talk over the walls of text that I would barely pay attention to otherwise for 12 hours. This is such hard work for ME.
>Oh let me just do a superchat reading stream where I just say "person's name thank you" a few times and take a break in the middle whenever I get bored. This is such hard work for ME.
>Oh let me just do a Zatsu where I rant your ear off about all the boring shit that my friends and family didn't want to listen to me talk about. This is such hard work for ME.
>Oh let me just react to someone else's videos for 12 hours while browsing TikTok and Youtube Shorts like I was planning to do anyw- oh hey my food arrived, I'll just come back in a couple hours when I remember I was streaming but I'll leave ads running while I'm gone, see you suckers.

>> No.53198367

Some of the talents truly do work hard since they do projects and activities for the brand beyond just streaming and that's because they have worked in the past and have been conditioned into having a good work ethic by a harsh life

>> No.53198469

Are you forgetting that they are woman who have not mentally or emotionally developed into adults? Everything is hard for them. Malingering is practically a sport for them.

>> No.53198494

>he thinks they only get paid to stream.
This long into vtubing and there are people that still think this. They are doing many projects for their company that their company is putting them on to do over streaming. How do you not even get this?

>> No.53198620

kys homobeggar

>> No.53198625

Your inclusion of the homos is all I need to safely disregard your opinion

>> No.53198708

I completely agree with this but the thing with this is that people called Aqua a lazy no-stream whore when her product output puts most of EN, with the exception of Mori, to shame, in terms of songs, concerts, a fucking video game, etc. And then they will point to stream hours and go "muh but muh hour numbers muh 24 hour based streamer GODS muh everyone should stream 18 hours a day even if literally nobody can watch those many streams if that were the case otherwise they're a lazy whore"

Like seriously look at this shit:

This is why hourschizos are the worst kind of numberfag.

>> No.53199315

I definitely agree. Aqua is not lazy, far from it. She's more akin to the retired colonel in the army who sometimes shows up because he has done enough

>> No.53199494

Wtf is even this image supposed to convey. Why is Mumei even crossed out?

>> No.53199763

What about Holos like Mori and Bae who do top hours AND all their idol reps and project releases?

>> No.53199820

Fauna actually streams

>> No.53199960

Mori has a good output. Which makes OP crossing her out even more funny and hypocritical. Streaming doesn't count for anything. Because, again, >>53197650

>> No.53201250

>Thread about ENs that ruined their channels with retarded behavior
>"M-mori doesn't belong there"
Absolute retard, I bet you forgot why you were arguing in the first place.

>> No.53202266

>in response to a harmless SC
You do realize you're talking about a SC sent by a dude who has been sending SCs to other EN members so he can act like a sadsack and complain that he's still banned by Kronii because he was spamming "THE SHAME OF JAPAN" during the fucking Mario Kart tournament of all things this year?

>> No.53202539

Because they're corporate, they will always have the safety net of the company brand carrying them even if they're 100% dumbfuck retarded at all times. Kronii wouldn't have made it as an indie, neither would have Mori or any of the guys. It's in the blood of a dumbfuck drooling retard to be a fucking retard at all times and say stupid retard shit, they literally can't help it. But because they're affiliated with a specific company and brand, they're guaranteed an audience at all times so they won't be ignored and forgotten like you would a normal streamer.

They're not taking advantage of this fact, mind you, they're too fucking dumb and RETARDED to think that far ahead. It's just a very convenient coincidence that helps them out even if they're all fucking STUPID RETARDS. Some JP hololive members have also said some serious retard shit but they get carried by brand so they don't suffer any consequences.

>> No.53202702

Can't relate to the Fauna thing, my oshi is my friend

>> No.53202891

Mori and Bae lost the most viewers out of anyone in EN these past 12 months. This is an objective fact that can't be denied.

>> No.53202896

/vt/ being full of vtweeters confirmed

>> No.53203000

Why are you even trying this when Bae is literally the single EN who lost the LEAST viewers behind fauna who gained viewers? At least numberfag right

>> No.53203561

Go back TempusNigger!

>> No.53203643

This is blatantly wrong, according to a chart drafted by /#/ Bae was 3rd in viewers lost right behind IRyS and Fauna who actually gained viewers

>> No.53203713

3rd in least amount of viewers lost

>> No.53204071

It doesn't put EN to shame at all. Myth just released an audio CD.

>> No.53204165

>superchat starts with a out
>dumbest shit you've ever read

>> No.53204274

I mean agreeing with a superchat that literally called your fans "just simps" sounds pretty disrespectful to me.

>> No.53204428

I wonder what upcoming yab this thread is gonna deflect.

>> No.53204437

i dont know whose your oshi but bae just recently told us that we are her friends.

>> No.53204727

Good to see you support The Cause™, OP.

>> No.53204795

She said I'm her best friend actually
And then she blushed and cuddle my on-stream representation

>> No.53205308

That's very strange, my oshi did the exact same thing to me, perhaps we share the same oshi?

>> No.53205475

What did betsy do?

>> No.53205920

Most of holoEN have problems either with the coomerbait, the GFE, or the idol stuff. Even if they know why Cover does all of that on a personal level they gradually burn out. There is too much of cultural difference between JP management and EN talents.

>> No.53206283

Something's a-brewing in the BVTM discord.
