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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53178747 No.53178747 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>53112069

>> No.53178780

You guys better keep this thread alive, I'm counting on you!

>> No.53178873

i hope it burns to the fucking floor

>> No.53179008

Fuckimg yuros

>> No.53179972

Fine, sea will help with the thread

>> No.53180346

Are there any /asp/ies that are open about their relationships? If so, how did that go for them?

>> No.53180462

nobody really cares if you have a boyfriend outside of a small handful of schizo unicorns and frankly you're better off without them. just don't load up on GFE or "uuuu I'm so lonely just like you guys!" pandering shit. What upsets people there isn't you having a boyfriend it's you coming off like a grifter.

>> No.53180478
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>Is Digby
I hope everyones feelin good today
Rather than asking what you've done to improve your content like you're some kind of robot who works on your streaming and such constantly

I'm gonna ask what you've done to look after yourself today?
Because self care is important stuff

>> No.53180607
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>> No.53180917

fixing my sleep schedule and going for a walk

>> No.53181538

snib snab

>> No.53181743

I went to the gym!

>> No.53181797

No, they're all hiding their boyfriends because deep inside the girls know it will ruin their numbers by removing the only appealing feature they have as women, being single

>> No.53182473

What is a good fan for you, /asp/ies?
Other than somebody with bags of cash to throw around, of course.

What should I focus on to be a better fan for my 1view chuuba, and what should I avoid?

>> No.53182620

Watch stream, promote stream, participate in stream chat in moderation.

>> No.53183203

as a unicorn it molests me if you even mention that you had past relationships, let alone an ongoing one

>> No.53183212

If you throw money at me, then you wouldn't be a good fan.

In seriousness, you can do whatever you want. I'm a 1view and I have the luxury of talking to you as equal and that's what I enjoy. Be yourself, if you are too weird I'll ask you to stop but I would never judge or condemn you for being weird in the first place, unless you are doing something you already know I don't like.

>> No.53183251
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Why does no one ever call out vtube artists for being so anti-consumer? As far as I know, most artists will never relinquish their copyright to their customers who commission their work. Even if you pay an artist $3000+ you still do not legally own that avatar. If they wanted to, they could take an avatar you paid for and are currently using and sell it to some other random guy. The only thing stopping them would be the backlash they get from the public for pulling a dick move, but they would still be legally within their rights to do so. No court in the world would ever side with a vtuber because artists make it clear that they retain their copyright.

>> No.53183623

make your own art, bitch

>> No.53183662

>Is Digby

Sleep is important!
I know I don't get enough of it.

Exercise is great so long as you don't overdo it

>> No.53183753

All pngtubers are trash. You all think your donuts look like unique and special snowflakes but they all look janky as shit.

>> No.53184007

Sounds like a great deal to me. I can sell you something and never actually have to give it up to you entirely.

>> No.53184357

It is hot and moist and I am nonstop sweating, life is miserable

>> No.53184385

I keep getting stuck in deer in headlights mode where I just blank out with nothing to say and can't think of anything other then how badly I need to fill the silence. I don't know how to stop being so self conscious

>> No.53184804

Someone who would pay $5000 to have sex with me in a hotel room, I would cheat on my bf no problem for that price
But seriously, viewers shouldn't feel any pressure, you're watching a stream for fun, relax

Anal plug, you didn't hear it from me

>> No.53186531
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>> No.53187783
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>> No.53188529

How do I advertise better?

>> No.53188712

when is emo girl gonna debut so i can say i was the first to jack off to her stream

>> No.53189546

>I'm gonna ask what you've done to look after yourself today?
I took a catnap and a rest day from the gym. It's so hot.

>> No.53190126

I want to do lewd things to the Roman toga boy in the bathhouse.

>> No.53190235

don't be gay

>> No.53190303

you cant stop us, we outnumber you

>> No.53190422

I want to yank Haru's tail.

>> No.53190471

Is Gen 5 here yet?

>> No.53190572

Selfposts are getting rarer these days, groomer-kun.

>> No.53191001

kys faggot

>> No.53191110

Who? The zombie?

>> No.53191304

I don’t understand the copyright thing. It’s not like they sign anything when they draw on a piece of paper. They could sell it to someone else but how is that gonna stop me from streaming with it anyway?

>> No.53191641

Why do you hate women?

>> No.53191762

Someone that actually tunes in to my streams and comes back

>> No.53191988

Who even is "Gen 5"

>> No.53192062

There isn't one.

>> No.53192086 [DELETED] 

They provide nothing of value to society now that child rearing has become a village affair, Granting them rights to vote simply meant that the advertisers and their "Feminist Liberty Torches" (cigarrettes) were free to brainwash them into voting for things that would ultimately end up hurting them like giving trannies the right to call themselves women legally. one term: Bonus Hole

>> No.53192131

I think I'm just gonna find random 2views and skinwalk them here. Then we can have a gen5

>> No.53192143

Me, But I have no model yet. I bought a guitar instead

>t.Shota Dullahan

>> No.53192391

Groomerkun, just because you couldn't groom any of the current aspies doesn't mean you need to invent new groups for nothing

>> No.53192472

>I suppose one thing I've learned is that you don't need in-depth lore, but you do need a strong, singular theme. People are gonna know you as the "X VTuber", or the "VTuber who does X". The sleepy office worker VTuber. The angel VTuber. The VTuber who codes. Those are a few aspies I can think of who have strong, singular themes and it's paying off for them (or will do)
Do you have a strong theme?

>> No.53192515

a bullet through your skull wouldnt even be able to be sold as scrap metal.

>> No.53192586

What about all the vchanners that have yet to stream I've seen posting? Are they still gen 4?

>> No.53192691

There's been no dark age, torch passing or yab to divide them. The newest freely associate with the ones that came out about the start of the year.

>> No.53192874

JK Rowling was right all along. But I hate women for personal reasons, we are not the same.

>> No.53193380 [DELETED] 

Enjoy dying in the next 10 years. Will it be starvation or war? Perhaps you took the experiment? What fun you will have c:

JK Rowling ironically was one of the bleeding heart feminists that popularized the filth we see today. Even her most heroic female character is played irl by a dyed in the wool feminazi. Her turning against trannies was pure poetry

>> No.53193445

I will not associate with the trash like Albionis thanks. Gen 4 was seemingly fags(babis), women, and gayboys. I see maybe 2 straights on the list

>> No.53194001

Gen3 hands wrote this

>> No.53194735
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Who needs to promote themselves more? Would it help them any?

>> No.53194798

i need to promote myself more, but probably not here, i already do that enough i think. maybe i should take out some ads

>> No.53194978

How do you handle viewers who won't state their pronouns? I usually try asking as soon as I get a new follow but people frequently ignore the question, so I just try to use they/them until the person corrects me, but a couple times people have gotten annoyed that I did this too. it's just awkward as fuck and I don't know how to handle it.

>> No.53195081

I do, but I also need to put out more content to promote in the first place. I like, need ritalin or something

>> No.53195352

Call everone bro and dude, don't be a faggot. Only fags care about pronouns

>> No.53195706

I just assume a viewer is male until they correct me, which is a worse approach desu but female viewers are usually understanding.
They/them is a safe route and is a lexicon default for when you don't know someone's gender. If someone gets mad then it's their problem.

>> No.53195768
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not until you have a finished model that i can plap, nana
this /asp/ie that posts cringe on twitter all the time

>> No.53195796

>call everyone homie
>"I'm a girl"
>"yeah well everyone is a homie here"

if they don't like it they can get filtered

>> No.53195827

Nope, I'm trying to hone in on something now though, that's what happens when you stream first and think about your persona/focus later

>> No.53196171

do you guys know any up-to-date standard of live2d rigs tutorial or resource? i feel like everythings hidden or kept to oneself, seeing all these really flowy and nice rigs compared to whatever tutorial you find out there.. I finished my rig, but it doesn't even come close to all the higher tier rigs in comparison.

>> No.53196185

Please skinwalk me I'm a 0view

>> No.53197773
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>Is still Digby
I hope you're all doin great tonight/today, if you haven't had some water today you should probably take care of that

Also tonight is a perfect opportunity to get a good healthy relaxing dose of vitamin D(igby)
Tonight I'm doin a first for me. I'm playing a Diablo game. Lets see if this fourth installment is any good


>> No.53197864

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.53197949
File: 27 KB, 300x300, dig2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not cute?

>> No.53198341

stop biting bait

>> No.53198690

obviously not whos even watching you?

>> No.53199021

Look ma I posted it again

>> No.53199068

I should kill myself

>> No.53199155

kinda feeling the same t b h but we probably shouldn't

>> No.53199487

oh the one that sings in japanes very badly ?

>> No.53199696

no thats gclef

>> No.53200862

that's most aspies that sing

>> No.53203120

I literally do not promote myself at all and will not until I can stream consistently at a consistent level of quality.

>> No.53203273

I just keep forgetting to post.

>> No.53203651

What do you do if your viewer asks you to say pound my behind daddy?

>> No.53203667
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Hello! It's only 13~ minutes until we play more Zelda: Parallel Worlds! Never heard of it? It's a neat LTTP romhack!

>> No.53204236

They can either settle for my belt or mom’s slipper

>> No.53205473
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta keep that viewer retention one way or another...

>> No.53207806


Nigga do you know how non-limiting this statement is? I post fucking cringe constantly. Anyone who participates in any sort of tuber drama does as well. Be more specific you dork

>> No.53207883

I always consider stuff like dude or bro as relatively gender neutral anyways. If they wanna be extra specific, your content just isn't for them, really

>> No.53208053
File: 17 KB, 460x345, v4-460px-Use-a-Spray-Bottle-on-a-Cat-for-Training-Step-1-Version-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any dubious creature who goes sock>shoe>sock>shoe is as far from being cute as possible. In fact it makes you evil within. Your have an ugly and evil inner side, digby the cat
