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53043623 No.53043623 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kaneko Lumi the smartest vtuber?

>> No.53043739

that’s like grade 10 physics in NA and middle school physics in Asia.
dude she’s in fucking uni and doing that now? how retarded is she?

>> No.53043763

>intelligence=being a physics undergraduate
What is this, reddit?

>> No.53043811

>What is this, reddit?
For the past 10 years or so, yes. This entire site is reddit.

>> No.53043932

Lumi said the N-word and got away with it.

>> No.53043943

Where are you from? Is that impressing for you?

>> No.53044004

you could find this impressive if you dropped out in middle school i guess

>> No.53044037

Nice English sentence, Pedro.

>> No.53044148

If she was she wouldn't have become blond veibae.

>> No.53044923

almost any math is impressive when a woman does it

>> No.53045003

how many people here even use trigonometry

>> No.53045072

That is like the most basic ass classical mechanics bullshit, come on

>> No.53046671

literal high school physics.

>> No.53046947

I am laughing at you OP

>> No.53047802

No, Ollie is the smartest since maths>physics.

>> No.53050348

What grown adult can do middle/high school level physics? We don't retain any of that crap lol

>> No.53050755

Ollie's maths was garbage. I watched one of her streams and it was just "to differentiate ((sin 2x)* (cos 3x)) we look in out formula book and find the right one tier, not once did she do any maths and try to prove anything from first principles or demonstrate why those formulas worked at all.

>> No.53051554

i like it when entertainers find a way to make education more appealing to their younger fanbase. it's a net positive

>> No.53052073

>anon amazed my math

>> No.53052153

>anon unamused by grammer

>> No.53052508

Of course they were not amazing but neither is the title of the smartest chuuba. Also there was that one stream where she tried to prove 1+1=2 using the Peano axioms.

>> No.53053002

this wouldn't be impressive even if she was just 13 years old

>> No.53053779

lmao. physics is math being applied in practice and for actually useful stuff.

>> No.53053867

Physics vtuber tournament when?

>> No.53054015

>woman doing physics
sounds like a pickme to me

>> No.53054324

She might be the smartest, not because she remembers some math from school but because despite talking for hours and hours for years now she hasn't said anything really stupid. That's rare.

>> No.53054677
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>this is somehow impressive to burgers

>> No.53054689

Last clip of her I watched was her believing that horses aren't producing milk

>> No.53055922
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>> No.53056115

horses don'tproduce milk, you're thinking of cows

>> No.53056269

not by a longshot lmao.

>> No.53056362 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.53056408

that's a qt pi

>> No.53056809

oh yeah? Who’s smarter?

>> No.53056903

Horses are mammals, Lumi.

>> No.53056906

Actually I was thinking of goats

>> No.53056983


>> No.53057097

how come i've never seen horse milk at the supermarket then?

>> No.53057208

albert einstein

>> No.53057254

That's all very basic stuff that you would be laughed at for not knowing in most places, but then I remember she's competing with women who can barely count to 10 so she might as well be.

>> No.53057339

Why is she still doing HS physics in uni lmao. Is she unironically slow?

>> No.53057342

I saw a horse with one really long udder get milked once.

>> No.53057347

horses don't, mares do

>> No.53057780

Lumi is the smartest vtuber, but only while she is completely silent

>> No.53057844

she’s talking remedial courses

>> No.53058015

100% of male vtubers

>> No.53058038

>Only requires to know an established formula and do the calculations for it
>le intelligence
A literal toddler can easily do these stuff if you camouflage it into a form of game, oh wait we're literally already doing this in the modern world to keep our brains evolving in the future generations.
Real intelligence is coming up solutions for an abstract problem that you encounter in the real world.
A retard broke into your house in the night, what's the best solution? Your car broke down on the highway, what's the right decision, both on emotional process and action flow? Government is scamming people in the way of sketchy taxes, law implementation and social security bullshit, what's the best way to counter-scam them?

>> No.53058078

She was worried that if she had kids she wouldn't be able to help them with their homework anymore because she forgot all of her Physics 100 knowledge.

>> No.53058115

it was just a joke stream anon…

>> No.53058441

>so smart she got filtered by one of the easiest paradox games
Oh i see, pretending to be retarded

>> No.53059214
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She's the fattest vtubber lol

>> No.53059247


>> No.53059264


>> No.53059291

>80% threads copied from r/hololive
>90% of people are from twitter/reddit


>> No.53059379

>A retard broke into your house in the night, what's the best solution? Your car broke down on the highway, what's the right decision, both on emotional process and action flow? Government is scamming people in the way of sketchy taxes, law implementation and social security bullshit, what's the best way to counter-scam them?
holy low IQ cope

>> No.53059419

>"real world problems"
>self defense
>mechanical failure
>tax evasion
One of these things is not like the others

>> No.53060335
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>> No.53061794

look at the picture of gura i drew!
this is my korone cosplay!
Gura released a new song!
gura and okayu's new song is out!
gura's new song is adorable!

>> No.53062030

A lot of people do applied physics. Carpenters don't need to know the exact mechanisms of a truss. They just know building one works.

>> No.53062311 [DELETED] 
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Lia makes my penis feel special

>> No.53063666
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How can anyone stop her?

>> No.53063864


>> No.53063958

That's obviously a angel waffle

>> No.53064062

NTA but watching that was so painful I stopped tuning into any of Ollie's math streams ever again
She brought up the successor function and tried using it to "prove 1 + 1 = 2" but never seemed to have any understanding of the context that's needed to properly introduce those concepts
It just felt the entire time like she was reading from a set of notes she had somewhere and not even completely understanding why she was doing what she was doing
I honest just think Ollie just does math streams as a "gimmick" because nobody does math streams, vtubers (and most people our age who arent STEM nerd dudes) dont like math in general, and she wanted to be the one to stand out, but I dont think she actually has any good understanding of anything math-related

>> No.53064214

Gosh darn architect's calm down

>> No.53064447

Suddenly everyone is a rocket engineer here LMAO. I definitely appreciate that she has some general knowledge about a lot of topics and a degree under her belt.

Also I find it funny how, everyone here shitting on her without giving another example of who could be more "Intelligent"

I definitely think she has some of the more insightful talks, when she's not being a total retard

>> No.53064629

High school physics isn’t anything to write home about, but I agree she probably is one of the smarter chuubas when she’s not going full retard

>> No.53066028


>> No.53066442

Lina is smart.
The other one just reads books.

>> No.53066674

I actually am an engineer though

>> No.53066783

So is Lumi

>> No.53066822

Also her friends. This song could is peak nerdy:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vopk42DfE8o

>> No.53067268


>> No.53067825

My oshi is very smart, thank you.


>> No.53067910

Honma mogs Lumi in IQ and intelligence

>> No.53068039
File: 3.05 MB, 1908x2112, saya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

沙夜 Saya from NijiCN is a math major I think. And has done a bunch of lecture streams on linear algebra, number theory, probability, discrete, etc. She writes her notes in English (being fluent) but the streams are of course in chink.

>> No.53068138

I remember what they took from me

>> No.53068276

yeah, but her model isn't some blonde with her massive tits out. and she isn't a dramatuber. lumi is obviously superior.

>> No.53068809

Hi lumi
You're my favorite tard!

>> No.53070461

I wasn't in highschool for years, but with a day of brushing up I could solve that page comfortably.

>> No.53070731
File: 349 KB, 2048x1928, shinri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is literally a lawyer
homo chuubas win again

>> No.53070916

She's my favorite tard

>> No.53077135

What uni does she go to?
I will judge her heavily based on the answer

>> No.53077381

Are you retarded?

>> No.53077518

I thought Fairy Ichika was.

>> No.53080069

This shit is 8-9th grade yuropleb level.

Squchan is an engineer, not sure which but worst case scenario something easy like civil or enviromental engineering.

Clio Aite is a Prof in History.

Isnt Millie Parfait finishing medical school?

I know there was one Chink on youtube streaming who claimed to has a Master Degree in theoretical Physics.

I am sure if you dig into the the lower 2view underbelly, you find plenty of "smart" people.

>> No.53080229

God where are all the actually fat vtubers?

>> No.53081558
File: 417 KB, 833x838, 1686981580531109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething femanons constantly seething at a woman who is confident and in tune with her femininity and intelligent.

>> No.53085547

Be the change you want to be and become one.

>> No.53086480
File: 53 KB, 493x711, getpregnant[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftw7t7f.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53086595

>Saya from NijiCN is a math major I think. And has done a bunch of lecture streams on linear algebra, number theory, probability, discrete, etc.
Nice, I'll check he-
>the streams are of course in chink.
Welp, filtered.

>> No.53087035

Don't have folder full of her roomate stuff like all them other bitches, must be smarter then them.

>> No.53087787
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>> No.53089084
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>Is Kaneko Lumi the smartest vtuber?

>> No.53089188

>literally just apply the formulas
>it doesn't even needs calculus
she's a dumb bitch

>> No.53091062

Yes. That's how it works.

>> No.53092827

No wonder he became a vtuber, lawyers don't make any money these days

>> No.53093195
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>> No.53093700

pretty sure she has a masters in some kind of engineering

>> No.53093793
File: 650 KB, 640x719, 1559671093082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. True intelligence is gained by studying the Bible

>> No.53093898


>> No.53096663

>Is Kaneko Lumi the smartest vtuber?

>> No.53097065

Lumi runs English vtubing. Don't piss her off.

>> No.53097849

It’s not fair, you can’t just be smart and sexy, pick only one

>> No.53098193

>play games like a retard

>> No.53098283

This is a disturbingly low amount of degree posting.

>> No.53100024

>copy-pasted code

>> No.53100269

Shut up Neuro

>> No.53100432
File: 435 KB, 807x889, 1688311945254012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op this a nice thread and ima let you finish but Faunya is the smartest vtuber of all time, of ALL TIME.

>> No.53101463

what's her degree?

>> No.53101484

90 cuz she does right by her fans

>> No.53101531

idk but she's the only female that I can tolerate

>> No.53101573

the modern day lemaitre

>> No.53102584

are you 12?

>> No.53102658

>9.8 instead of 9.81
no she's not

>> No.53102809

it's fucking 10

>> No.53102888

Unclear but her thesis was about migratory bird populations so something related to biology/ecology.

>> No.53102921

>metric units
Dropped, discarded, blocked, anti'd.
Learn American, bitch.

>> No.53102922

She obviously lives near the equator?

>> No.53104749

>Is Kaneko Lumi the smartest vtuber?
she will be

>> No.53106823

Idiot. Lumi is an engineer too.

>> No.53106914

I don't know what to tell you, smart people use metric units

>> No.53106954

There is an idea of a Kaneko Lumi.

>> No.53107220


>> No.53107718

Actual engineer or just a student?

>> No.53107745

She's the smartest because she built herself for bbc paizuri

>> No.53107803

Speaking of rocket engineer, there's her

>> No.53107813

She already graduated with her masters so she's a ronin right now

>> No.53107832
File: 19 KB, 417x480, woahmama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy moly

>> No.53107864

I see, I thought she was younger

>> No.53107972

She's an engineer with a masters and she's doing high school physics? Was she helping with a viewer's homework or something?

>> No.53108092

which also asks: has she ever done more than claim this great education? she should be able to immediately drop into somethinog pretty complicated. not hs homework. i've heard a rumor there was a vtuber who wasn't totally honest before.

>> No.53108134

Oi I wasn't just asking honestly don't piggyback to try and shitpost, do it on your own.

>> No.53108338
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Why would she lie about it when everyone likes cute baka vtubers?

>> No.53108472

yeah, wtf, get your own post.

>> No.53108938

Well, she can speak Spanish, Chinese, French, so we know Lumi is all around very complete in her education.

>> No.53108997

ah ok. fluently or holofan standards?

>> No.53110341

I can't wait til anon figures out what a joke is
