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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53010325 No.53010325 [Reply] [Original]

Pic maybe related

>> No.53010737

probably Fubuki
>got famous very early
>got into a shitton of important sponsorships, which continue to this day
>probably has shares in Cover
getting a head start is always the most important aspect of finance

>> No.53010896

Miko, probably. Cover takes a much smaller cut on the revenue of the pre-gen 3 Holos.

>> No.53010963

Any answer other than Reine is wrong

>> No.53011066

Noel. But not from Hololive.

>> No.53011151

Which one is on billboards the most?

>> No.53011155

you dont know about Lamy

>> No.53011166

Currently Fubuki or Sora, in a year or so it'll probably be Pekora, she's everywhere in japan right now.

>> No.53011430

Most holos seem to come from pretty well-off families who could afford the kind of leisure time and equipment for streaming etc.

I think the more interesting question is who was the poorest holo before joining? Ame seems like the type who had to work hard to actually survive and carries that lower-middle class mindset

>> No.53011482

yakuza money vs national media conglomerate money, which is bigger?

>> No.53011579

Miko probably had the most opportunity, but I don't trust her to manage her finances well.

>> No.53011682

Yakuza + big brand alcohol manufacturer

>> No.53012194

>Bitter woman comes from low income house
My surprise

>> No.53012237

Pekora is without a doubt the one who made the most from holo but i doubt she's the richest, also we don't know how many shares Sora received but from the innatural way she's treated i think it's a lot more than the other talents

>> No.53012283

A lot of holos seem to come from "working class" background actually. Marine and Lui talked openly about being OL, AZKi also similar but less open, Towa worked part time on various food industry gigs like sushi making etc.

Haachama's family is probably well off because having their children study abroad is an expensive choice. Sora seems like a pampered ojousama with parents comfortably well off enough to take up music and still being able to support her in following in choosing music as career.

>> No.53012454


>> No.53012555

Ame doesnt show gratitude for support and actively seems to reject and resent fan support

>> No.53012609

Marine, Suisei, Fubuki, Aqua
Take your pick.

>> No.53012637


>> No.53012908


Why Fubuki? I know she's a household name, but she doesn't have half the visibility of the heavy hitter like Marine, Peko, Miko or Suisei.

>> No.53013020

>literally listed the reasons why
>hurrhurr why fubuki

>> No.53013045

Probably friend

>> No.53013087

Sponsorship deals, her and Aqua are the top hitter on that front.

>> No.53013124

I don't think she makes as much as them now but she was a sponsor machine before pekomari or suisei blew up

>> No.53013127

Not all support is good support

>> No.53013192

It's not 2019 anymore

>> No.53013210

Lamy and Reine for familial wealth, Noel for having already been independently wealthy. Probably someone pre-Yonkisei for having made the most off from Hololive.
Poorest would probably be Risu or Anya. Despite what Ame’s been through, its not on the same as how Risu would have been sold off to become a trophy wife if not for Hololive.

>> No.53013258

Exactly, they now have many more sponsors than back then.

>> No.53013280

>poorest holo
Subaru i think

>> No.53013395

Risu's situation is indeed grim.

Whiteys need not reply lol

>> No.53013402

All of them shitting on (You) with their income.

>> No.53013422

Yes but they are no longer at the top

>> No.53013462

Depends on what you would consider "Rich" if it was just pure money then its prob Fubuki, pekora, or marine, if its in the sense of their standard of live compared to the average person in their country then its prob Reine or Keala

>> No.53013483

Didn't Anya need to borrow equipment to not have completely lagtastic streams like her first few?

>> No.53013504

I'm pretty sure they are, but feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.53013591
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Who do you think anon? Who owns the casinos?
Marine. Shabby Subz has that one clip where she lived in a house with millipedes and roaches.

>> No.53013730

she doesn't get more than other holos
pretty sure cover doesn't let holos become investors.

>> No.53013874

Well there's no website that tracks all the sponsors of single talents and since i'm too lazy to do it manually i'll agree to disagree

>> No.53014138

>Holos can't be investors
lol, they can buy stocks like any other person, heck they're probably encouraged to do so. Better them than some soulless moneygrubber

>> No.53014197

It's reine for overall wealth her mom have few Rolls Royce she travel everywhere anytime she own nice apartment and not rent in japan.if it income for holo idk

>> No.53014446

You got an F for that

>> No.53014492

no, they're forbidden precisely because the direction doesn't want to have to answer to them. It's much easier to tell faceless investors to fuck off than someone you have to work with.

>> No.53014679

While that’s a reasonable explanation, have any of them accepted said they’re not allowed to own company stock?

>> No.53014713

Plus there is the Idea that the girl could perhaps get a controlling share of the company, then it becomes really hard to terminate or graduate any of them, due to the control they would have

>> No.53014750

Lol i assure you managers have no problem at all telling talents to fuck off, i bet all members have some cover stock the older ones certainly do

>> No.53014752

Depends who has the most sponsorship deals and shares in the company. Probably Sora or Fubuki if Pekora hasn't invested her cash back into Cover. Aqua is also big, as well as Marine and Suisei in terms of TV appearances and sponsorships.

Risu, Anya, and Kobo are the poorest. Dunno which one is THE poorest but it's these three. Anya gives off the vibe of a no-nonsense go-getter, Risu streamed with chickens in the background, and Kobo is malnourished.

On second thought, you're right, though the OP is clearly talking about riches through their vtuber career not inborn princess riches.

I think Reine is richer because of the sheer size of the industry she's in. The Yakuzas are still rich don't get me wrong but they're slowly declining, at least from the news in 2022.

Stop it anon. We don't know that.

>> No.53014763

>pretty sure cover doesn't let holos become investors
In the early days things were radically different. If someone at any point was able to get shares is someone like Foobs

>> No.53014784

Anon Public in IPO means anyone can buy the stock. Yes there is regulations on Insider's on when they can buy or sell stocks but they cannot be blocked from buying them.

>> No.53014952

Wasn't Sora listed among the investors on the latest report

>> No.53015016

Lamy doesn't own much, it's all father's business. That's why having her own wine brand is a big deal for her.

>> No.53015033

Does she earn as much as the biggest OnlyFriends? I know she earns a lot of cash there to buy two of those extremely expensive mics but I have no idea how much her estimated income is from that.

>> No.53015197

I wouldn't be Surprised, I think Sora gets alot of special treatment compared to the other holos you know cuz she's friends with A-chan and Yagoo and in the corp before holo was even a thing

>> No.53015230

It's a big deal because it proved she can run her father's business

>> No.53015299

It's probably a toss between Marine, Pekora, Miko and Suisei. If I had to guess I'd say Suisei is the one who's currently raking in the most money, while Pekora is the one who earned the most since debut.

>> No.53015421

>Cover takes a much smaller cut on the revenue of the pre-gen 3 Holos.
What do you base this on?

>> No.53015424

Pekora is swimming in money, i don't know if she's smart enough to invest it however.
God she's so close to becoming a hag

>> No.53015786

Could also be A-chan.

>> No.53015859

Pekora is the organised type so she probably has some money allocated for savings and some allocated for gambling. The nice thing about swimming with money is that you don't have to choose you can do everything and still had more money coming your way.

>> No.53016015

>yakuza still relevant in 2023 XD
>owning share = owning capital = rich
>"my oshi is better because richer" simp
this is your brain on /vt/, not even /biz/ is as stupid as anons on this thread. Truly the most reddit board on 4chan

>> No.53016032
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Don't worry i'm managing her finances

>> No.53016069

Reine's family is rich, but not actually that powerful. Her mother is just the appointed CEO of a company that a billionaire own, she's basically someone else's pawn.

>> No.53016074

so Jiru is the (((choosen))) ones

>> No.53016173

>own some percent of a billion dollar company
>all of a sudden the 'merch earnings' and 'sponsor deals' your colleagues are getting become downright quaint
There's levels to wealth.

>> No.53016304


>> No.53016428

>billion dollar company
What company are you talking about? I hope it's not Cover.

>> No.53016431

Lamy is hot but not super rich

>> No.53016507

A gen 1 mentioning a much lower number than Coco did in a membership stream.

>> No.53016512

idk Gura?

>> No.53016561
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Of course

>> No.53016591

I don't think Nene can comprehend the concept of money

>> No.53016627

Probably Miko

She has been around for a long time so probably has had a lot of raises with contract renewals. Not to mention that she wasn't even hired by Cover as part of Hololive originally so she probably has a special deal that the other don't have. On top of that she does very well with superchats and, the real big deal is, she is the 2nd best merch mover in all of Hololive behind only Suisei.

Miko is making bank.

>> No.53016634

1 monkey

>All others
0 monkey

Seems pretty clear to me

>> No.53016718


>2nd best merch mover
Lol she's maybe fifth

>> No.53016730

Distributor of monkeys

>> No.53016759

She is also number 1 in channel memberships in Hololive and, since she streams regularly on twitch, she has a lot of subscribers there to so she is double dipping with channel memberships on youtube and subscribers on twitch.

>> No.53016808

/#/ has all the merch data. Miko is #2.

>> No.53016858

They don't, they only have a small sample.

>> No.53016913

>#2 merch mover
The funny thing is that she didn't become #2 until MiComet took off. Really shows that the "business partners" are truly good for business.

>> No.53016975

Yakuza is still relevant, they've diversified into legitimate businesses. I have a feeling that they're involved in all the pachinko places throughout Japan.

>> No.53017002

Why do you lie?

>> No.53017096

If we talk about total cash then probably Reine
If we talk about money earned from hololive then Marine, Aqua, Pekora or Suisei

>> No.53017119

where's the lie?

>> No.53017359

She's neither 2nd in merch nor 1st in memberships, she is among the top earning holos though

>> No.53017405

Is Reine's rich family okay with her being a lesbian slut that fuck Kiara?

>> No.53017437

kobo has piano, cello, guitar, violin and flute and is taking violin lessons. She is not poor at all. She belongs to the upper class of the ID members.

>> No.53017463

They always lied in /#/, it's nothing new.

>> No.53017512

Anon doesn't invest in stocks, he spends all his disposable income tax investing in his oshi

>> No.53017525

Are we talking about wealth relative to the country they live in?
If so the ID girls (even Iofi) are actually near the top.

>> No.53017544


estimated net worth 50 million

>> No.53017578

every sample they got pretty much have Miko as #2 only behind Suisei
and asking in /#/ is the worst thing look at the swarm of nousagis already lying all over

>> No.53017626

She's a senior in the company, first and foremost, and seniority has a lot of weight in nipponland.

>> No.53017665

Kobo's family is decently well off if Kobo was able to learn multiple instruments from different instructors. The only reason she seems malnourished is because of a chronic stomach issue that prevents her from eating much.

>> No.53017694

Ah an unironic pekoschizo, why am i not surprised

>> No.53017739


>> No.53017919

She may be poor but she and her family are rich at heart.

>> No.53017924


>> No.53018462

You're a dumbass. Yakuza have lots of legit money now. It's the small to medium groups that are suffering. They have cash in Nintendo for example.
>owning share = owning capital = rich
Cover is going strong even with weak Yen, there's projections that the strongest Yen after 89 will follow this period. Go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.53018491

>Marine and Lui talked openly about being OL
Marine was a seiyuu. No I can't tell you the name because I don't know the name, she was a completely bit role seiyuu and literally the only thing I know is apparently she played a character in G-Reco that I don't even know if they had a name or not.

>> No.53018558

In terms of from where they started to where they are now, Noel came from a working-class family with a father who often gambled away the family's money, to living on her own in apparently one of the most expensive parts of Tokyo.

>> No.53018615

Theres a saying: one muslim is no muslim

>> No.53018721

Ame has mentioned before joining holo her fidh died because she couldn't afford to keep the power on in her apartment.
Retard, Ame constantly thanks her chat for funding her projects and downplays her own contributions.

>> No.53018765

None of the IDs are true poverty tier, but likely some are barely middle class

>> No.53018791

I wonder if she earns more from notNoel or from holo

>> No.53018864

Keyboard that she borrowed from her friend
You're thinking of Altare
It's a gift from her relative
Decently cheap instrument that middle class family can afford
Cheap recorder that you can buy for 3$
She doesn't know shit about music theories, she can't even read sheet music.

>> No.53018867

>>53018721 (me)

>> No.53019901

Miko is amazingly creative in her streams and ideas.
She's the first Vtuber with 3D model that turn herself around when playing racing games. Amazingly entertaining even when we only see the back of her head.
Then she played that WWE game. Only focusing on character creation while letting the CPU play the fight, giving unpredicted ending while she gave hilarious commentary.
Her trombone hero stream was legendary
She pretty much on the forefront along with Suisei. Cover real monsters.

>> No.53019954

nigga really asking why people think the shillfox might have a bunch of cash
lurks 2000 years then kill yourself

>> No.53020029


>> No.53020419

Is that a joke?

>> No.53020669

>I have a feeling that they're involved in all the pachinko places throughout Japan.
Not feeling anon. That's the truth.
Gambling is banned in Japan but they have a way to make it work using Pachinko

>> No.53020893

Only poor in ID is Risu, with Anya level of fluently in japanese, she easy get a job high paid in country like Indonesia. Kobo is mid class too

>> No.53020910

>Marine was a seiyuu.
No she was not.

>> No.53021020

she said it herself
if you are to believe her lies than her house has burnt down and now homeless and in debt and really needs money

>> No.53021192

Anon, she also said she had no entertainment experience whatsoever prior to joining hololive and that was a lie. There might have been a house fire, but she's not homeless, definitely not in debt and not lacking for money.

>> No.53021313

Polka said it.

>> No.53021422

Sora went to a Christian school; music was always going to be on the cards.

>> No.53021487

Why not? Big companies offer stock options and/or raises to their employees. Why not cover?

>> No.53021497

>and not lacking for money.

remember when some EN girl went to korones place on japan visit and she saw korone sleeping on some cheap floor mattress?

>> No.53021525

because they hate talent and want them to fuck off immediately when they stop being useful idiots

>> No.53021570

Sleeping on the floor is normal for the japanese and not a sign of poverty.

>> No.53021696

we all know she is sending all of her money to her extended family, like her sick mother

>> No.53021764

Talent agencies don't.

>> No.53021781

By that logic Polka is the richest holo because she has double bed.

>> No.53021794

also they would all be living on a big mansion house if they kept even half the money they make

>> No.53021819

>Holos are shareholders

>> No.53021822

I don't think grandma needs that many mansions

>> No.53021834

Well, he hasn’t provided proof, so there’s no indication they don’t.

>> No.53021927

Roboco talked about being able to afford building a house in the middle of Tokyo and Subaru eclipses her in popularity easily. They're all rich.

>> No.53022002

They can't trade it on the market but they can get it through employee equity offerings. Rumour has it that Fubuki bought a chunk of Cover off Yagoo back in the early days when she joined (2018) but I don't know where that information comes from

>> No.53022150

Lamy's dad isn't just a hired CEO he's the founder and president.

>> No.53022221

and (you)r bed SINGLE

>> No.53022260

>I don't know where that information comes from
here you dumbass

>> No.53022345

Don’t forget Miko working nightshifts at onigiri packaging plant and buying her mom a second hand car once she made it.

Though I’m not sure she is always telling the truth, shes a bit sketchy.

>> No.53022571

Actually yes and no anon.
She told us that her family used to be struggling with life and had to focus on raising an autistic son.
When she joined Holo, her family is a bit better economically. A typical middle class family.
But her dad still have that old mindset. He doesn't want to spend money on professional labor to build Kobo new streaming studio and try to build it himself. It failed hard and Kobo had to spent money to fix it to her standard.
Also we know she had to drive her family around, she's the younger daughter but had to act like an older sister (again, because autistic older brother)
That's why when she's finally flush with money, all she wants is to be a little sister she wanted all along.

>> No.53022610

This rrat is not true anon.

>> No.53022632

They can trade in open market they just need to do the paperwork and tell the regulators their intention. There are also quite times where trading is prohibited but this is only near quarterly report so there are time windows in a year where trading in open market is allowed. This rules are standard for public companies and Cover could not change them arbitrarily.

>> No.53022673

Stock option is not a good thing anon.
Why do you think Enron pushed their employees to get stock option?

>> No.53022725

>They can't buy Cover's Stocks
Well of course they can't. It's called Insider trading

>> No.53022823

I wonder if there are Holos with Niji stocks and Nijis with Holo stocks. Matsuri would buy stocks so she can control Hoshikawa.

>> No.53022965

>Though I’m not sure she is always telling the truth, shes a bit sketchy.
Go on, sis! Tell ‘em!

>> No.53023038

>Anya gives off the vibe of a no-nonsense go-getter
Who wastes money on gacha rolls.

>> No.53023133

>waste money

People send tons of supoerchats during gacha streams.

>> No.53023246

I like to imagine that Matsuri is secretly screwing Niji from the inside in a disguise of a stock holder.

>> No.53023281

Miko has more channel memberships than even Pekora and Gura

>> No.53023426

She's trying her best to get Hoshikawa fired so she can join Hololive, but she's missing the target everytime.
Matsuri's the reason why they're losing one talent per week on average.

>> No.53023462

Sakamata with her secret behind-the-scenes paypig cucks

>> No.53023580

>defending a literal rapist
Way to go, /vt/!

>> No.53023750
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>> No.53023896
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Why would pekora lie about such a serious thing?

>> No.53023992

Definitely the former. The share of cash she gets from there is less divided than Holo's SC which YT gets a part of.


No reason to make a big streamer house like OTK and OTV since they rely on their anonymity.

>> No.53024414

I thought the wine thing was a limited collaboration thing like Peko's. Does this mean I could potentially acquire Lamywine?

>> No.53024605

Post proof retard

>> No.53026508

There was another batch with 2 different variants. It's just small scale.
I think she planned to continue production, but it gets sold out in 5 minutes, so good luck with that.

>> No.53027143

>no one mentioned kanata

>> No.53027676

