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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52950775 No.52950775 [Reply] [Original]

>long, unexplained absence
>suddenly appears and starts spamming collabs
This seems oddly similar to Sana’s graduation last year

>> No.52950898

gura bait thread number 31526, OP is still a faggot.

>> No.52951700

i wouldnt be surprised if she doesnt last this year

>> No.52951799
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So what? you made her a Millionaire.

>> No.52952465

She's spamming collabs so she doesn't have to read chat.

>> No.52952516

Go watch your first nijien graduation sister

>> No.52954047

>This seems oddly similar to Sana’s graduation last year
The only similarity is that Gura is having some type of fight with management. Cover is constantly releasing merch for her and putting her in major projects.

>> No.52954101

this time for sure nijisis

>> No.52954229

She's just trying to fill the "stream 7 days consecutively" bingo space and cry "It counts with collabs!"

>> No.52954241

if it's so obvious to the average /vt/ retard, surely the chumbuds realize this too, right?


>> No.52955836

it's so fucking over

>> No.52957935

I think she's scared and anxious about seeing chat and being worried that its gonna be all angry comments about where has she been and why hasn't she been streaming and such.
And she obviously either can't or wont say why.
Could be a lot of things like health or family issues or many issues together.

I don't think it's as simple as
>She HATES her chat!

>> No.52958068

I have to think Gura doesn't care enough about literally anything to ever do that.

>> No.52958109

I totally get that, I do, but like, is she just gonna do collabs and pre-recorded streams forever now? The longer she avoids the problem, the worse it'll get. One way or another this can't continue.

>> No.52958125

Or maybe it is that simple.

>> No.52958219

Gura hates Hololive, she will Guraduate soon

>> No.52959465

>Could be a lot of things like health or family issues or many issues together.
There's also the option that's infinitely more likely that she just doesn't like streaming anymore, but she knows she can't use that as an excuse.

>> No.52959556

omfg, you fucking niggers keep complaining and then when it happens you all go omg i'm gonna miss her so much, why did she do it, you couldn't protect her smile. maybe you should shut up now and be happy she's here
>but she didn't stream for x amount of weeks/didn't talk with chat
yeah i wouldn't either with you assholes hounding me around
we literally have one happening right now, and you morons are so obtuse you are incapable of self reflection

>> No.52959608

im sorry gura

>> No.52959668

it's funny, Kronii asked Gura yesterday questions about her fanbase and their name, and she didn't want to talk about it and kept avoiding the questions.

>> No.52961185

>only 1 million

>> No.52964425

Oh shit. Hi gura!

>> No.52966380

>gura doesnt le ztream she should blog about her personal life hourly
>WTF gura is streaming graduation incoming!!!

The only winning move with schizos is to completely ignore them

>> No.52969088


>> No.52969147

>be happy she's here
She's not though, that's the problem

>> No.52969179

Why is /vt/ filled with middle aged bored house wives? The gossip here would make a knitting club blush

>> No.52969427

A lot of people don't like their jobs. Very few make as much money as Gura does.

>> No.52969656

Imagine being afraid of your own fanbase. I can't even imagine what the problem is that would warrant this kind of behavior. If it's something you can't talk about then just say that for fucks sake.

>> No.52969834

She specifically opened chat in the Kronii collab because her partner sucked at bantering. She isn't afraid of chat.

>> No.52969889

You new around here?

>> No.52970059

she's not afraid of chat
she just doesn't like her audience
not her whole audience, just the kind of obsessive fuckers that get filtered by collabs and act like Gura is the only streamer in Hololive and if she doesn't stream she's slighting them
she wants to focus on the idol stuff now, so she's actively filtering the casual western audience

>> No.52970175

she likes her audience
just not you guys

>> No.52970221

>When Gura doesn't show up at all = graduation is coming
>When she is more active in the holobox = graduation is coming
Make up your mind

>> No.52970453

Because you're not a woman streaming to thousands of horny young men. She's not the only one but a lot of fans literally don't know how to behave and will have holo avatars and spam their PL/RM accounts. I'm sure there's been plenty of close calls that don't get talked about.

>> No.52971624

This is the correct answer. After someone spammed 'nigger' in the 3D AmeSame collab a few days ago I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have a solo stream any time soon.

>> No.52971890

Cover became ipo. They wont fire her and drop market value
She won big time

>> No.52972509

I'll be honest, gura's seems uncommonly ill-behaved. Maybe it's just because there's more of them, but I think it's more than that

>> No.52974236

don't call me a nigger Gura, that's not very nice

>> No.52974371

nta but when is the last time gura had this many consecutive collab appearances on other channels while avoiding her own?

I dunno if it's graduation flags but if not that then it's certainly an "I don't want to actually talk to my fandom face to face" vibe. which is shitty.

>> No.52974589

She's not leaving a job that she doesn't even have to show up to in order to get paid. Not happening.

>> No.52975858
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IMO it's a combo of several things -

a.) Her being the #1 vtuber on the planet gets a lot of automatic casual attention. the first thing a total normalfag who has no idea about the etiqeitte of leaving RMs/PLs alone will see when he googles "#1 vtuber" or "who is the biggest vtuber", is going to be gura.

b.) Her being the #1 subs and usually-#1-CCV when she streams attracts the ire of literally EVERY single rival vtuber or company on the planet. She is the #1 target of jealous bitches in the world and they feel it's their right/incentive to try to to anything they can do sling mud on her. Because they basically can't, because she doesn't give them easy angles besides "omg pedo model", they instead attack her fans nonstop. That's going on in this thread right now even.

c.) Her actually caring about opsec to this day like a holoJP would drives stalkers mad trying to track her down. Stalkers are fucking subhumans for sure, but they seem to see Gura as both a challenge and extra-important target, and assume there is some big reward for tracking her down like they will have the ultimate dirt to sling on her. Because they seem to think the point of it is to try to bring her down with private info, IMO stalkers are at least 50-50 either unabashed antis or those semi-antis who are also infatuated with her yet also want to kill her or some shit (like jodie foster's etc). She shouldn't take it out on her fans that some legit psychos exist because IMO they are not average Gura fans at fucking all.

>> No.52975906
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>> No.52975979

Like Sana, she suffers from lazy bitch syndrome. Unlike Sana, she does not have a career drawing gacha shit.

>> No.52976274

>The longer she avoids the problem, the worse it'll get.
thats not how problems work. if you ignore them they go away

>> No.52977304

based gooba calling people the nigger word

>> No.52977384

Its significantly less effort for her to stream a collab with someone like Kiara who will do all the work and talk 90% of the time than it is to do her own channel shit

>> No.52978231

ill celebrate when she graduates or gets terminated

>> No.52980361

There's a difference between fear and extreme contempt. The latter is what she feels towards her fans.

>> No.52981385

Have you faggots considered that Gura is scared to stream? She was giving hints a long time ago. She doesn't like hosting collabs as well. Actually I think it is even worse. She FORGOT how to stream. It is hard for her to carry solo streams so she needs to have someone to keep a conversation going to avoid dead air or just being boring. She is scared that she isn't entertaining, so she choses to wait for when she will be at her peak. But it never happens anymore.

>> No.52983335

>yeah i wouldn't either with you assholes hounding me around
unfortunately that comes with the territory of being #1 but the antis get fed more by her inaction then if she was active or at least communicative.
had she kept up streaming somewhat regularly, antis would just shitpost about her the same way they do everyone else who actively streams, instead of shitposting about how she doesnt stream for 10 threads a days.
>just the kind of obsessive fuckers that get filtered by collabs and act like Gura is the only streamer in Hololive and if she doesn't stream she's slighting them
those types of people arethe first to be filtered out usually, so at this point those who keep watching her are mostly dedicated fans and yesmen who dont reflect on the abuse.
>they instead attack her fans nonstop. That's going on in this thread right now even.
to be fair as the #1 youre basically forced to have the worst fans, no exception.
everyone else's fanbase can vary based on how the central figure shapes the fanbase, but #1 will always be unable to escape having a trash fanbase, until theyre no longer #1.
and with the worst fanbase comes everyone hating that fanbase indiscriminately because of how bad they behavior towards other fanbases.

>> No.52983463

She just got to meet Okayu and get groomed by JP hags, it's a cure-all

>> No.52984062

She's probably being stalked hard by one or more obsessed chumbuds. It would explain why she doesn't want to be on her own channel, because she's know "they" will be there for sure.

>> No.52984228

Her lack of streaming aside, anyone who gets excited over her fucking babytalk needs serious help. Like this shit appeals to toddlers. haha she said "remmemmbmemr dude that's so heckin goomba XD"
Cumbuds need to off themselves

>> No.52984454

Her "rawr randumb XD" tweets make me want to genocide zoomers. It's like "t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m" copypasta updated for a new generation.

>> No.52984677

See you on Shu's graduation.

>> No.52986135
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As a result of your anti-ing the shark ITT, 5 more nijis will graduate soon. At least.

>> No.52986341

Stop torturing the chumbuds you sadist!
but i unfortunately think your analysis is correct

>> No.52986617

leave the chumbuds alone

>> No.52993302

one day

>> No.52993497

t. Doesnt watch streams.
Shes not giving up the Okayu and Shion SEX.

>> No.52998721

>anons still give her attention instead of just ignoring and let her fall to irrelevance and force a stricter contract from cover once they see viewership, donos and merch sales drop a lot
