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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52845660 No.52845660 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread deleted by janny tranny.
Can be found here:

>> No.52846311

bottom feeders whose diet consist entirely on outrage and attention a joke. If you ignore them they starve and flee to find someone who will pay attention to the shit and piss they fling all over twitter. JPs survive unscathed because "jokes on you I can't read (English)"
Everyone else can't help but take the bait

>> No.52846752

You have to accept that Pikamee played all of you for fools
I understand your frustration but you will never un-shatter your ass from all that butthurt

>> No.52846886

Never watched pikamee. But having an excuse to absolutely shit on tranny faggots was fun.

>> No.52846966

The irony here is that Pikamee came out on the other side more popular than ever, which is just another loss for the pronoun posse

>> No.52847028

Who the fuck cares?
She came back. Thats more than most can say about their oshis who straight up disappear.

>> No.52847036

go back

>> No.52847239


>> No.52847251

To shitting on trannies like you?
Gladly, please kill yourself.

>> No.52847348

you dont fit in
maybe /v/ is more your speed
you can post your funny soijaks there

>> No.52847359

funny how they got bullied because of a choice they consciously made yet they still blame other normal people

>> No.52847510
File: 153 KB, 1536x1571, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular streamers get bullied by antis, shitposters and mentally ill """people"""
>melting down instead of simply ignoring them
OP is a fag, you only need to ignore those retards, not give them attention.

>> No.52847517

Lol fuck off tourist

>> No.52847594

you first

>> No.52847952

This is like saying "These people broke a girl's legs but she's doing better so who cares"

>> No.52848028

Ignoring them won't make the problem go away, it'd only allow them to grow.
Not to mention how much those people hate getting any kind of negative attention. Not all publicity is good publicity.

>> No.52848126

No its not. OP is a dramafag, and you are no better.
She graduated. She came back. Get over it.

>> No.52848201

Get deleted you fucking retard

>> No.52848276

1. I am OP dumbass.
2. I will not get over it because i don't want them getting away with it.
What you're fighting for is the Twitter hate mob to keep doing this.
It isn't even about Pikamee specifically, it's about the entire event.

>> No.52848291
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>> No.52848413

you are retarded

>> No.52848503

>Im a giant fucking dramafag who doesnt actually give a shit about anything
>Please oh please give me attention
Hope this one gets deleted too.

>> No.52848507

There's no trash can icon, it wasnt deleted it just 404'd because there isnt all that much to discuss about some 1view whose only subsistence is saying shit they probably dont even believe in order to gain attention.

>> No.52848732

Mother fucker i made this thread because i actually care about VTubers and the community.
By wanting to pretend everything is all sunshine and rainbows you're ignoring the problems that harm them.

>> No.52848766
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>> No.52848933
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Then can you explain this please?

>> No.52849055

No one gives a fuck m8. All you care about is drama and shitting on people. If you actually gave a fuck about vtubers you'd watch streams instead of posting this garbage.

>> No.52849290

What makes you think i don't watch streams? You really think making posts is the only thing i do? That's some dumbass logic considering you yourself are here instead of watching any streams.

>> No.52849367


>> No.52849464

Nah, same shit happens on 3D entertainment, giving antis attention is NEVER a good idea.

>> No.52849466

Always is

>> No.52849554

You will something something... a woman

You know the rules tranny

>> No.52850675
File: 502 KB, 495x512, 1638892326098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not too pissed because polfags dont last here and get filtered with the occasional spergouts once and a while

>> No.52850765

You're doing the right thing anon. Remain on course. We have to hold off the attempted enpozzment of our silly little hobby, or it will genuinely be kill.

Half of the replies like >>52848503 are useful retards crippled by aspergers and the other half are gaslighting falseflagging trannies who also probably have aspergers.

>> No.52850916

>polfags dont last here
They come around during streams and then leave to do other stuff, unlike you. You live here and try to treat it like your groomer discord.

>> No.52851320

3D entertainment? What about all entertainment?

>> No.52851421

Good to see people understand.

>> No.52851535

I wasn't the retard who claimed to support vtubers and then started bringing up old wounds in an attempt to respark controversy.

>> No.52851755

you are mentally ill

>> No.52852316

>another loss for the pronoun posse
Except she fully supports those freaks, that's why she kneed to them.
