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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52824375 No.52824375 [Reply] [Original]

Sisters... the debut buff...

>> No.52824602
File: 625 KB, 1080x873, krisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.52824676

fuck fuck fuck FUCK what do we do!? do we blame hololive fans for not watching them? there HAS to be something we can do

>> No.52825232


>> No.52825418

didn't they debut like a week ago? i haven't watched these fags are they really that bad?

>> No.52825435

Weren't the Nijis mostly 4views last year?

>> No.52825804

Christ man, even ILUFLOP stayed in high 4view territory for a few weeks before dropping off a cliff...
Nijichinks are completely done with new waves.

>> No.52825834

Next branch will do better.
Enjoy your 2 year and counting wait holobronies.

>> No.52826251


>> No.52826405
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>shit game
It's like they don't want people to watch their streams. Surely it can't be that hard to play a game or do fucking anything that makes you stand out a little.

>> No.52826431

No one mentioned holo, talk about rent fucking free lmao

>> No.52826615
File: 223 KB, 518x458, 1666587125218888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 zatsu
weren't they supposed to be the GAMER wave?
where the videogames?

>> No.52826638

Vanta is fine
Wilson is unironically a brotuber, but plays too much minecrap

>> No.52826744

Should have tried bandage.

>> No.52827472

If the leak from the 4th member is to believed none of them are actually gamers

>> No.52830885

If you haven't noticed by now, niji realized they couldn't get 4-5 established esports-level streamers to drop their existing career and redebut as a ctuber for 2%, so they quietly dropped the "gamer" aspect and just debuted them as a regular male wave.

>> No.52830902

In Vanta's defense, he was overlapped by Nina's ultra collab. He still would've 3view'd in like a week at best.

>> No.52831450

no fucking way

>> No.52831562

>esports-level streamers
Just a bunch of dudes actually playing a wide variety of games would've been enough, like the gamer wave the blue dorito has.

>> No.52833422

They actually DID get a pro-League player but they rightfully fired him for being a leaky shit

>> No.52835338

Still top 1%

>> No.52835470

tourist here
what the fuck are these names

>> No.52836172

They're Riku's Boku no Hero OCs.

>> No.52836249

Maybe they should’ve offered him more than 2%

>> No.52836643

These names are actually pretty standard Niji retardation. Only Bandage dips into advanced Niji retardation, but it seems like everyone's decided to call him Zali

>> No.52837494

After 500 livers you stop giving a fuck so now everyone got some variation of the name "Heats Flamesman"

>> No.52840167

Nobody expects the gamer wave to actually be good at games tho, they just need to play some

>> No.52842475

It over

>> No.52846135

Hard to play games when nijisanji gets blacklisted by all publishers
The only thing they have left is genshit and apex

>> No.52846402

That is literally what the wave is. The esports guys all got fired pre debut

>> No.52846843

I don't see them playing any games.
Or if they are, it's games every non-gamer chuuba plays like minecraft.

>> No.52850595

help them

>> No.52851465

>watch Niji

>> No.52851983

Maybe Niji should learn to take a break with vtuber debuts. The meaning of a debut is already lost. Literally no hype coming from this gen either...

>> No.52852058

>Enjoy your 2 year and counting wait holobronies.
Is this a cry for help?

>> No.52855262

Yeah the new wave didn't do as well as expected

>> No.52855284

If only they got more than 2%

>> No.52857692

Oh no

>> No.52860505

>where the videogames?

>> No.52862043

Who would've known that Venezuela Bastard was gonna flop?

>> No.52862359


>> No.52862453

>name is bandage
>does not have bandages on in thumbnail
ive been lied to....

>> No.52862613

Just debut and already spam superchat reading, lol

>> No.52862660

>Heats Flamesman
Honestly, I'm not gonna be surprised if Niji debuts a vtuber with that name, well probably something like "Heath Flamesman"...but still.

>> No.52862781


>> No.52862855

Weren't the Nijis mostly 4views last year?

>> No.52863064

Yeah but that was last year

>> No.52863174

The only thing that will make me watch a Niji is if we get a good fgc/ tekken autist.
> gamer wave
> minecraft / zatsu / streamerbait games
Fuck off

>> No.52863302

Reminder that yugo was being hounded by management to get more engagement when she had like twice those numbers
Imagine the stress these poor guys must already be put under

>> No.52863368

>poor guys
They signed up for nijisanji, they knew what they were getting

>> No.52863671

I don't know anythings about these guys but I don't think niji is ever going to recover, the senpais have damaged the brand too much

>> No.52863721

>gamer wave
>In a company needing perms
LMAO. Who are they kidding.

>> No.52863749

All Flopisanji EN had to do was release an all-girl gen, but all they care about is the homo market for some reason.

>> No.52863800

Don't worry, mixed gen will save nijien!

>> No.52863897
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>> No.52864033

>women in mansanji

>> No.52864156

This thread was created by a holobrony. Probably an indog.

>> No.52864198
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1425628236132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji isn't capable of hiring people who actually give a shit about video games. The people they hire are the most generic normalfags possible who only care about playing some flavor of the month shit or Minecraft. There was no way in hell they were gonna hire some dudes who actually had taste or who wanted to stream actually interesting games. Apex and Minecraft are all these guys are gonna be playing. Maybe if they're feeling adventurous, we might see some fucking gay ass Valorant too.

>> No.52864422

They did take a break, it was over 6 months since flopsoleil

>> No.52866704


>> No.52866835

why did they give the gayest model to the only brotuber in the wave

>> No.52867543

It doesn't even matter at this point. Niji is saturated. They cannot attract new audiences, and the ones already watching are spread thin. Unless someone debuts who are absolutely exceptional and leagues beyond, this is the fate of Nijis now.

>> No.52867685

They are literally called krisis
>cry, sis

>> No.52868804

hiring 5 more fujobaits should get the numbers back up

>> No.52869022

this time for sure

>> No.52869441

>I don't see them playing any games
You didn't even look at their channels or scheduls, you retarded dramanigger. Catalogniggers need to stop pretending they watch streams and care about anything other than console wars

>> No.52869875

If they don't realise that they oversaturated the homo market, and keep on doing it, then there's no hope for them.

>> No.52870026

bet who are the shitters begging for EN 3 after the tempus proxy didn't help

>> No.52870029

lol calm down sis
would've been easier to just link these fabled game streams if they existed

>> No.52870155

I dunno, man. The rest, okay, but Vantacrow? They may as well have just called him Ebonyraven, or Abyssmagpie. It's like Dropscythe, but it's not even hilariously, goofily bad, it's just edgy bad, which is a thousand times worse.

>> No.52872581

iirc the talents are allowed to decide on their name which makes it even funnier.

>> No.52873742

Which publishers blacklist niji?

>> No.52873933

Not all of them follow Vtuber drama anon. They probably inspiring vtuber normies who don't know what they getting into.

>> No.52874068

>Two French and a Mutt
>Why aren't these combos known for horrible accents getting views?

>> No.52874268

Wasn't there a discord leak of one of the livers talking about deleting and reposting a tweet to fish for more engagement? Who was that?

>> No.52874299


>> No.52874581

how does that even work?

>> No.52875431

Nina for sponsor tweet, which makes sense

>> No.52875487

The only one who looked the vaguest bit interesting didn't even fucking debut.

>> No.52875545

BeamNG can be fun but you need to actually try a little bit.
Also speaking English helps.

>> No.52875601

Beamng can be good depending on what you do in it.

>> No.52875624

Thats actually standard for twitter but people usually do it for art and not shill posts

>> No.52875658
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>S-S-S-Show the superchats

>> No.52875700

Now show us the numbers when they're streaming games. You wouldn't.

>> No.52875739
File: 2.76 MB, 2062x1191, 1673079371195850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanta is a 2.5k to 3k median streamer tho, it seems fine to me

>> No.52875800

Take this down right now!

>> No.52875959

>already down 98% of their viewers since debut and its barely been 2 weeks

>> No.52876040

>losing braincells after becoming a numberfag

>> No.52876080

Fuego Flammen
Scorch Magmious
Fiero Ashenwald

>> No.52876169

>They cannot attract new audiences
Neither can Holo. No vtubing agency can "attract a new audience." This late into the game. The EN space is quite different from the JP space, especially for NIjisanji.
Yes, every vtuber loses majority of their debut viewers, unless you can show me proof every HoloEN still has 40-80k CCV since debut.

>> No.52876255

Those are way better than anything Niji can come up with.
They'd be something like "Red Fieri" or "Fire Burns" or "Heat Scorch"

>> No.52876590

Niji should get native English speakers to make names, not Pajeets and ETL Chinese

>> No.52877327
File: 70 KB, 1379x565, Vezabondage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they could've ChatGPT or one of the AI chatbots around to name their VTubers. Would've sounded better than those 3's current names still

>> No.52877381

could've gotten *

>> No.52877402

anon you know that chatgpt is programmed to agree with everything you're saying right?

>> No.52877701

pic made me realize they hired a fucking frenchman to play an egyptian themed character.
what the fuck is niji smoking

>> No.52877744

My Immortal oshi...

>> No.52877973
File: 72 KB, 1390x788, AmeBard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? I was playing around with Bard, but it doesn't agree with everything I said

>> No.52878054

Nobody, in the history of humanity, has ever said either of those things the AI is claiming are common.
This AI is good at writing answers that sound good, and that is it.

>> No.52881427
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>> No.52882865
File: 79 KB, 765x907, 1677802109624705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that they can't really do that anymore anon. They basically chased away fans of female talents over the course of the past year by pushing for romantic pairings, very obviously milking and prioritizing Luxiem for all its worth by overshadowing Lazulight's 1st year anniversary with a "Half Year" anniversary, introducing "PuchiLuxiem" instead of PuchisanjiEN (Relegating this content to just 1 wave too, straight up disregarding the possibility that any future EN males could probably do just as well), and that's not even getting to the fact that some pinoy dudes in the branch like Luca will very obviously pursue any female talents. It happened with with Kotoka and Meloco, and she later shipped herself with Hex too, and why would any male or female vtuber fan want to be the awkward third wheel/voyeur in this scenario if they just want simple entertaining streams after a long day of school or work?

They also publicly terminated female talents like Yugo and Zaion in extremely dumb ways (Yugo to a lesser extent granted, and yes she has a male model but its obviously an asian woman behind it), they hate CGDCT by shutting down Nina's plans for a female-only Terraria server, management is more willing to stick to their guns than turn things around. Which could've been fine and dandy if it wasn't for the fact that even viewers of male talents left in droves after one year, so now the branch's fanbase is both small and at odds with each other. Its at a point now where it can barely be said that NijiEN is a serious competitor to Hololive, they're now demoted again to competing against IdolEN, Phase, fucking indies at this point.

>> No.52884076

How would that fix nijisanji when the only success they've ever had in en had been luxiem and noctyx?

>> No.52884124

I genuinely have no idea who the two are on the left and right.

>> No.52884788

The debut buff has been abused by Niji so many times that the admins have applied a patch that reduces any Niji organ's debut buff by 2 Turns.

>> No.52887152


>> No.52890789

I love people getting to pick their names. Complete SOVL

>> No.52891093

they get like 2k with games. it's over.

>> No.52891687

Vanta feels like a fake gamer at this point. He has done nothing but play trash. I was hoping he was going to stream some souls since he said he liked them. Wilson is more a gamer but he's kind of boring and weird at times. I don't know if it's a french thing but sometimes I can't tell if he's mad or not about something. Bandage I've never watched because he streams at frog hours.

>> No.52891802

After tweeting the mother of cringe coomer jokes, Bandage never stood a chance. I feel bad desu, I liked his PL and I wonder what compelled him to be so retarded

>> No.52891877

>I wonder what compelled him to be so retarded
management, likely

>> No.52892608

They did that 3 times. They're not getting any more of that market than they already have.

Their original plan with the gamer wave was actually solid. It's a market no EN male has managed to breach, and directly advertising them as such to make it clear these aren't fujo/yumebaiters while still having brand recognition could have been a great attempt at diversification. But instead, they chose 2 Shoto-likes and a dude that plays too much FF14 and commissions porn of himself. The one guy in the group that could have gotten a non-gay male audience got fired.

>> No.52893757

