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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 151 KB, 1280x720, trash taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
528122 No.528122 [Reply] [Original]

So how do I get into vtubers? I saw the Trash Taste episode with Mori Calliope and I really liked her once she got into the rhythm of things.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z_YWekvCdk was my favorite clip

>> No.528204

Mori is doing a Skyrim stream of twenty minutes, joining us for a stream is a great way to start :). Watching stream highlights are always great too, that's how I became interested.

>> No.529002

You just do, find one that gels with you and keep going

>> No.529027

try going the fuck back, for starters

>> No.529028

I got in it by watching clips until I found a chuuba I enjoyed the most

>> No.529044

How do I get out of vtubers?

>> No.529091


>> No.529125

watch only clips and go to /jp/ and say that you only watch clips for maximum enjoyment

>> No.529146

can any kind anon give me a rundown on these morons?
I tend to avoid those autistic bias overanalysis anime reviewer crap that you always see on youtube and these guys look like they're on the same level, but worse.

>> No.529162

>Trash Taste
there's your first mistake

>> No.529170

They are exactly what you think.

>> No.529304

We can't answer that, nigger.
Go watch some and see who you like.
Most Vtubers tend to appeal to weebs, anyway

>> No.529359

Read the title of their podcast. It is 100% earnest and unironic.

>> No.529436

On the podcast they mostly talk shit and only recently touched on the subject of anime. They had an ex-JAV actress as a guest.

>> No.529492

thats a sick burn, ma man
I bet the creators of trash taste would have never EVER thought the name of their show could be used against them lmaoooooo

>> No.529561

If you only those retards then stay the fuck out.

>> No.529655

i dont watch their individual stuff but most of the time the podcast is pretty much some fucks just talking about random shit a group of homies do over beer. One kinda pretentious about shit, other one is normalfag, and the last one is more level-minded.
There will be time in probably each episode where one of them (for me mostly the normalfag) say some stupid basic bitch opinion and doesnt rightly get shot down for it unfortunately.

>> No.529689

Imagine simping for these people on a taiwanese basketweaving forum.

>> No.530821

I dunno. I barely watch them beyond a few clips. I'm just here for gossip and drama.

>> No.531447

You answered your own question, anon

>> No.532133

Donate enough money to regret it so badly you will never watch one again.

>> No.532382

Podcast is just them talking shit and sometimes talking about anime.

>> No.532452
File: 417 KB, 799x1079, connor4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connor = best boy

>> No.532506

>for me mostly the normalfag
For me it is Joey. At least Connor doesn't act like he is some expert on shit and is just honest about his opinion.

>> No.532560

go to /jp/ archives and read every single vtuber thread carefully up until the creation of /vt/, then watch at least 100 hours of Kizuna AI, then you're ready.

>> No.532638


Watch Mori clips first, since you know her now. Listening to chat/Q&A streams while multitasking is pretty good.

Eventually you’ll end up seeing collab clips and fall down the rabbit hole until you find your favorite.

>> No.532909

>White guy is CDawgVA, he is an actual semi-professional VA who got popular because of all Anime YouTubers he had like 80%+ of female only viewership, mostly due to voicing some character(s) which are fujo magnets, he is the most normie of the three, dude doesn´t care about jacking off to anime girls as long as it is not something severely degenerate, also JoJofag, Milky Queen (VTuber) simps him VERY HARD to the point it annoys her idol mates, annoyed he can´t get JP girls despite trying hard (and being simped on so...)

Asian one is Gigguk, he basically is one of the very first anime Anime YouTubers to start the trend, does funny joke videos about anime and how trashy is despite how popular it is, therefore accepting his own degeneracy, unironical weeb, engaged to Sydsnap, gal kinda half-way got over her cringy weeb phase, so she is VERY cultured, guy is a certified not virgin, also Gacha addict.

Glasses one is TheAnimeMan, guy is half japanese, half Australian(?), cannot be a weeb therefore, gives good insight in Japanese subculture regarding animation manga, LNs and the like, you get the idea, the most level headed of the 3 somehow, very savvy actually.

No, I didn´t spend hours getting info for this reply, I just remembered what I heard/saw, I have good memory.

>> No.533031

You don't.

>> No.534104

>Milky Queen (VTuber) simps him VERY HARD to the point it annoys her idol mates
Based Connor.

>> No.534121

Just a bunch of self-aware weebs using their clout to banter with each other and share their legitimately trash taste. Joey (facial hair and funky hair white dude) is the only one close to your description but he's pretty sane and chill. Good background noise podcast, worth letting it play while you're doing something else if you just want to listen to topics that may interest you.

>> No.534203

Since you liked Mori, start with her and her genmates. Their channels are linked on Mori's channel and she collabs with them more often.

>> No.534561
File: 278 KB, 364x385, 1611515612986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white dude

>> No.534574

The anime 9x9 episode made me cringe so hard. Gigguk says he likes the imouto anime and Conner spends the next 10 minutes literally going "Oh my god you're basically an incest pedo haha". Like sure make a jab if you want, but damn man just move shit along.

>> No.534655

Connor's whole shtick is being aggressively normal. Sometimes it helps grounds the others, sometimes it just makes him look like a fool. All of their taste was even more trash than I expected though, especially Connor. He deserves all the bantz he gets, and thankfully he can take it even if he's ass at giving bantz. [Such as your aforementioned "ew incest" rant he had]

>> No.534786

Meh, at some point you get bored of watching streams

>> No.534808
File: 189 KB, 600x780, ikkaku4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, imagine having Oreimo as your favorite anime list. Connor was right on shitting on it.

>> No.534844

>I saw the shitty e-celebs
I recommend you fuck off back to /v/

>> No.535236

>Joey (facial hair and funky hair white dude) is the only one close to your description but he's pretty sane and chill
You haven't been doing your reps.

>> No.536099

They cater to the type of audience where the words 'anime piracy' make them immediately think of kissanime and not nyaa

>> No.536328

Guess this is the e-celeb board now, just like /qa/ wanted.

>> No.536686

I turned that shit off when they started whining about "white privilege"

>> No.537291

that gacha episode where it boils down to think of the children! got me riled up. at some point you gotta take responsibility for your own life i dont want to give these companies a pass but life isnt so nice ot allow you to be a simpleton. All the comments and shit agreeing with him im like fuck man it was so easy to shut him down but they didnt.
Connor can be hilarious due to his direct opposition to the other 2 but his narrow-mindedness can be aggravating at times. Like hates grind but plays LoL fuck off with that.
yeah its the unfortunate side of being a complete normalfag. really wish gigguk stuck to his guns and said this anime had the balls to stick with the incest ending and even had real ramification for pursuing it which warrants its being noteworthy. This is coming from a guy who mostly aligns with Connor concerning anime outside of the gay flavored shit.
