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52798327 No.52798327 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52798354

I'm pretty sure there are 7/11's in Japan...

>> No.52799075

A-chan went to Santa Monica Beach, which means she passed through one of the nastiest homeless areas in LA (unless it's been seriously cleaned up in the last few months without me hearing about it). It must be tough for her to pretend LA isn't a hellhole.

>> No.52799137

>I went on a European vacation Portugal and ate at Burger King
Why do people do this shit

>> No.52800280

Familiarity and convenience is my guess, unless someone guide you or recommend you nice places with good food it can be hard as fuck to find where to eat and with all the stores it can be easy to get overwhelmed at least on my personal experience

>> No.52800969

What do you expect from California?

>> No.52801030

Cali actually has good food, you just need to actually-try. There are like 25 Michelin star restaurants in LA alone. And A-chan had 7/11 pizza. At least she liked it..

>> No.52801378

Drugs and crime

>> No.52801477

Its a business trip. They probably didnt have the time to really do anything but focus on prep work. They probably just had an intern do snack runs for them and 7/11 was the closest

>> No.52801536

I think its worth stopping by a familiar fast food chain at least once to check out their exclusive items

>> No.52803526


>> No.52803608

America is not known for its good local cuisine

>> No.52803667

It is if you're not a dipshit third world tourist that thinks Big Macs are gourmet eats.

>> No.52805060

help her

>> No.52805086

>7/11 pizza
bad taste

>> No.52805109

It's not shut the fuck up, the culinary interest of the USA is its vast numbers of fast food

>> No.52805169

unless i'm with a travel guide or someone local, i'm not touching any of their food

>> No.52805388

>culinary interest of the USA
You literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about you retarded wannabe food critic.

>> No.52805529

7-11 is a japanese company. It's just in japan combinis are associated with good things, while in america everything is horrible unless you're in a nice suburb or the rich part of the city.

>> No.52805562


>> No.52805962

Imagine speaking with such conviction while being so fucking wrong.
Have you ever been to america? You sound like one of those retarded faggots that only hears about the fast food so you lt that form your entire perception of the country, to the point you'll argue with people that actually live in america and would know better than you. Americans never suggesting tourist try fastfood and instead always recommending local favorite restaurants. There's hole fucking tv series about people traveling america and trying different local restaurants. It's like a literal television genre of fat fuck or british faggot driving around american and eating food.

>> No.52806159

This is the kind of guy who only heard about california from western fearmongers.
Neither he nor i are american, but i like most people, realise that LA is a massive city and that comes with many advantages (food and entertainment among the most obvious) and even worse disadvantages (my opinion).

>> No.52806358

Doesn't seem any less dumb than all the retards on places like Reddit fawning over 7/11 meals in Japan.

>> No.52807918

there are

>> No.52808163

All the fucking "local restaurants" are still fast food you dumbshit. Either that or they're other culture's cuisines that have been bastardised to appeal to the pleb-tier palate of the average American, topped off with six kilos of sugar and lard because you people eat like you want to go bankrupt from medical bills.

>> No.52808781

7-Eleven is an American franchise.

>> No.52808815

Maybe you should try it some time. It's pretty good for convenience store food.

>> No.52808873

t. has never been to America

>> No.52811558
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Oh yeah? Name 5 (five) united states of america's cuisines, i'll wait.

>> No.52812201

this kills the american

>> No.52812320


They hate us cuz they aint us fr fr

>> No.52812446

You'd be surprised how much chain menus change depending on location. The McRib is all but nonexistant outside of the US, Burger King sells burgers with fried serrano chilis in Mexico and Filipinx maccas is basically Jollibee 2.

>> No.52812562


>> No.52812629

>7-Eleven, Inc. (often abbreviated as SEI[2]) is an American convenience store chain, headquartered in Irving, Texas and owned by Japanese Seven & I Holdings through Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd

>> No.52812737

Sorry what was the question

>> No.52812740

>follow the recipe to the letter
>it tastes the same or better
>meanwhile, the european
Can you fags go and have another civil war so I can laugh at you, thanks

>> No.52812850

Maybe, you should go and try it first.

>> No.52813068

New England style seafood
Midwest barbecue
Pacific Northwest(a mix of seafood and wild game from the region)

>> No.52813511
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Because "cultural" food in touristy areas is overpriced hipster goyslop made from fermented fishblood or pulled out of a can anyway. And she was there for work. Convenience store meals are close to hotels and cheap and you can find other necessities or stalk up for later. And if you eat at a restaurant that might mean having to return to the hotel after the sun goes down.

Of course you would know all these things if you weren't a terminally online retard.

>> No.52813596

25 michelin star restaurants.... How can 25 be the best? It's all a scam.

>> No.52813954

Literally a retard. The United States produces the best beef in the world, even Japan can barely compete. Argentina tries but doesn't have the terrain for it and their cattle build too much muscle.
The country spans three times the size of europe and has the climate to grow every crop you can imagine. Outside of the tourist areas for the idiot eurotards you can find homestyle mexican and cajun family restaurants passed down through generations. The best meals you'll find in homes though. None of this throw everything in a pot and boil it goulash that foreign bugs do. I eat better than your country's royalty every single night.

>> No.52813965

>Neither he nor i are american
>Admitting to not being an American
>Assuming I'm not an American because I'm not kissing the ass of that known shithole
You are a fool of fools. Every single American outside of California knows that it's garbage. The very first Californian I ever met in my life had moved out of it and literally wore a fedora to school, it was that moment I knew everything they say about them was true, and I only received further evidence later in my life visiting it.

>> No.52814268

Ribtips in red sauce
Citrus brisket
Denver Omelette
Pesto Pizza
Stuffed Flounder

Imagine being fromeuropoor and every meal is just a combination of beans and toast.

>> No.52814368

Are Michelin star restaurants worth it? They're so expensive and I don't know if the experience justifies the price for someone with a normal palate.

>> No.52814424

You’ve never been to 7/11 in America

>> No.52814536

It's wild how the euros raped half the world to get spices and then never bothered to figure out how to use them

>> No.52814548

This is insanely stupid, its not hard to find good american food. Its a massive country with varied climates. There is lobster rolls, clam chowder, cajun barbeque and cajun meals, Brisket, the entirety of americanized mexican food, chili (which doesnt actually mean chili), and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I am not american, but i LOVE food, and travel to eat, and i can tell you the only place i went that i thought food ACTUALLY sucked, was UK and the scandinavian countries. Holy shit their food is horrible. The only good food i ate in the UK was indian, the rest of their dishes were so simple and lacking in flavours its insane.

Of course some places didnt fit my pallete, i didnt like some japanese food, i disliked some northern african dishes (yet liked "shami" ones even though the food was supposed to be the same), that i can still say were well made with and had an interesting blend of tastes.

What i am saying is america has good food, the fact the majority of their people eat actual dogshit doesnt mean they dont have a cuisine.

>> No.52814738

If you are not living comfortably no it’s never worth it even to treat yourself. If you look at a menu and it being expensive gives you a shock do not eat at the restaurant it will ruin the experience for you. Otherwise yes it’s really high quality

No we call it a shithole because of the people and the laws. Nobody downplays the food or tourists experience

>> No.52814758

Literally irrelevant. They have good food.

>> No.52814788

They are not. You can buy all the same meat they use from a butcher and cook it yourself for 10% of the price. America has an abundance of agriculture, it's silly to pay hundreds of dollars to sit in a restaurant's lobby for 1 hour just to wait another hour for the food to be cooked while paying 20 dollars for soda water they sqieeze a lemon in to.
Restaurants are an absolute scam when you are paying for prestige more than convenience and variety.
I can understand spending 50 bucks for a couple pounds of king crab at red lobster because I don't want my house to smell like vinegar and seafood, and the market price at the grocery store is about the same anyway.
But paying $180 for an 8oz steak I can get for $8 a pound on sale? And a lot of these restaurants charge extra for the bread. I can get a fresh loaf for a dollar at the bakery in my Albertsons.

>> No.52814838

Hey there’s nothing wrong with eating absolute garbage when you’re on a time crunch

>> No.52814845

Shit like that is only really worth it for rich fucks who can afford it. Like it is probably good but nothing is ever going to be good enough to justify that price unless you have a ton of money.

>> No.52814936

You’re not getting top grade beef from any butcher at less than $50

>> No.52814973

read that as 9/11 america pizza ngl

>> No.52815251 [DELETED] 

>centrist shit
none of this food is Aryan enough

>> No.52815262

>only place i went that i thought food ACTUALLY sucked, was UK and the scandinavian countries
Too many fresh herbs and not enough bottled microplastics?

>> No.52815444

Prime ribeye is literally $25 a pound at my local Albertsons. And they always have daily discounts in store.

>> No.52815577

>Defending uk food
Don't embarrass yourself.

>> No.52815599

You're in Japan and you wanna duck into an alley and find a good hole in the wall but the nervousness sets in that you don't really speak the language and the menus are written in kana on the wall with no pictures. Shit gets intimidating quick, so yeah, unless you got a lazer pointer and feel brave enough, you will most likely eat conbini or foreigner friendly restaurant food.

>> No.52815629
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Picrel for context

>> No.52815634

I literally went to one in LA

>> No.52815652

Never had properly made UK food so I can't say if it's good or not but there's nothing wrong with scandinavian food imo

>> No.52815665

>fresh herbs

>> No.52815673

or just say osusume

>> No.52815688

NTA, but American 7-11 pizza shredded my insides. And our convenience stores are fucking dogshit compared to Japan - you only go there to get gasoline or get robbed by niggers. Never relax.
In short: she's just trying to be polite.

>> No.52815692

>Every Westerner
Our food is shit
>Literally everyone else
Our food is good

Natural cuck Western society insulting themselves

>> No.52815704

I just don't like the tipping fee tax

>> No.52815814

You have never been to Japan

>> No.52815870

I still remember Noel talking about getting a Shrimp sandwich from McDonald's years ago, and have wanted to try it ever since. If I ever go to Japan, the first place I'm going to eat is a McDonald's to try that fucking sandwich.

>> No.52815890

I live in a nice low-nigger town and the convenience store is like a mansion with a sandwich/soup shop. Liberal cities have been destroyed by globalism, but you can still find civilization in America away from the coast.

>> No.52816072

>bottled microplastics
I was unaware this was only a US issue. Do you really think your shit doesn't stink?

>> No.52816093
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Why are you idiots only talking about LA?
You do know there are other parts of Southern California, correct? San Bernardino is literally just the Midwest of SoCal, except with hills. San Imperial Valley is literally the top half of the South mixed with New Mexico. Although, San Diego does remind me of San Francisco but with more Hispanics.
Orange County is more dense than LA, I'd say. Plus, it's home to the largest Little Saigon in America.

>> No.52816238

You sound very defensive, guess you guzzle hfcs by the gallon too huh buddy

>> No.52816327

>low-nigger town
At least you understand why we can't have nice things.

>> No.52816390

Because she was in LA

>> No.52816631

I've only eaten in some 1 and 2 stars but it's worth if only because those chefs can take a food you hate and make it delectable.

>> No.52816639
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Well, then why are you guys putting so much focus on LA as if that defines California as a whole? Have you been to SoCal at all?

>> No.52817271

It was a american franchise but the japanese branch got so big it bought out it's parent company

>> No.52817303

>parts of Ca are more brown!
Motherfucker, anything Sacramento and further is southern to me. I'll stay up here and fuck my sisters/cousins creating violent hill-people (we've had lots) so I'd appreciate it if you stay away.

>> No.52817338

Actual retard

>> No.52817507
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Oh for gods sake, are you from Shasta?

>> No.52818553

I can't deny that I tried this once. Hey, if you don't have any sandwich toppings, it's an option that certainly exists I suppose

>> No.52818605
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If they went to NYC and had one of those crappy pizza shops in Manhattan, i'm going to flip

>> No.52818811
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How to sound like a jackass 101

>> No.52818859
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>A-Chan at Anime NYC

>> No.52818870

You have no idea how much this pisses me off

>> No.52822853

being based

>> No.52822928

...you know, I always see people talk about how robust Japan's 7-11's are, but is the reality that they have basically equivalent food options to what we have over here?

>> No.52822974

All REAL Italian food is American.

>> No.52825171

She went to America. It's only natural that she eats trash.

>> No.52826002

>The United States produces the best beef in the world, even Japan can barely compete
Whait is, Wagyu Beef

>> No.52826078


>> No.52826232

A-chan walking thru the homeless encampment like Clarice Starling walking thru the hallway to meet Hannibal Lecter

>> No.52826308

Funfact: When American fast food open a branch overseas, they tend to be better in food quality and taste compared to the US branch.

>> No.52826451

Most Michelin star restaurant in US tend to be fancy restaurants compared to the one in Japan where the food quality is so good even small vendors can get Michelin star too.

>> No.52826542

This comment triggered a lot of Americans lol

>> No.52827090

Buffalo Wings/Chicken
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Cajun Seafood
Fried Chicken
Breakfast Sausage/Bacon
Ranch Dressing
Breakfast Cereal
Root Beer
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Thanksgiving Turkey
Pumpkin/Sweet Potato Pie
Southern BBQ
Fusion food
Craft Beer
American Chinese Food
Peanut Butter

>> No.52827413

Can't you really blame non Americans?
You guys idea of "Globalization" is to put fast food franchises in other countries. Your popular culture literally glorifying fast food culture. Even meme is all about that "Number one large, Make it swim something something" or stuff related to McD's mascots (like that cringe Grimace shake meme) and that Running on empty guy.

Ironically, I did watch the TV show you're talking about. But some so called "Local restaurants with local delicacy" still selling burgers and sloppy joes. The only one that's more original is New Orleans and their stuff like Gumbo.

>> No.52827501

>you don't really speak the language

>> No.52827514

Correction, McRib did available in some other countries. In mine it's called Prosperity burger.
It's too damn sweet and I hate it. Now it's gone from their menu.

>> No.52827525

What? 7-11 pizza is good. I used to go there 2 or 3 times a week and order a pepperoni pizza. It's pretty good pizza. Ask them to make a fresh pizza. It was only like 10 bucks

>> No.52827618

Anon, there are HUNDREDS of restaurants in LA.
25 is pretty good numer.

>> No.52827721

People from Japan just want to go to LA or New York. Both are shitholes filled with homeless drug addicts shitting on the sidewalks and niggers shooting people and committing lots of crimes.

>> No.52827832
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>Europeans on Americaj food
>"Hon hon hon pig disgusting Americans have ruined food"

>Japanese on American food
Yeah I think I'll listen to the Japs on this one

>> No.52827889

Your stomach has stockholm syndrome

>> No.52828190

I'm sure its good, most fags expecting her to spend money on overpriced meme shit are retarded

>> No.52829871

Correct. But let's not forget the white trash that populates the Appalachia's and Shasta County. Too many opioid and crack addicts in both.

>> No.52830120

Karma for making fun of India's shitting street.

>> No.52830439
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>> No.52831848

Do you think first time tourist go to those place alone?
LA is the most iconic in the world. Of course tourist go there for their first time.
It's like Japan and visiting Shibuya

>> No.52831938

lol for real?
That's hilarious, BTFO'ing USA with subtle corporate takeover

>> No.52832047

I heard NYC want to ban wood burn pizza?

>> No.52832456

In N Out, she also went there and loved it

>> No.52832457

if they ban wood burning ovens, then every italian is gonna leave the city and everything pizza related will suck. I mean it.

>> No.52832612

The quality, choice, freshness, and cleanliness of Japan's 7/11 food is something else. I don't think pre-packaged food can get any better than that.

>> No.52833088

Yeah, they start fighting back. Imagine the Pizza exodus to New Jersey

>> No.52833139

Its already in NJ though, since a ton of Italians have moved there. Hell I know that they've moved there because of family.

>> No.52833694

I jerked off to mori today and then right after I used today's free gems to roll Saber Mori.

>> No.52833863

ITT Eurofags larping like they're from a country with good food. If you're not from Italy, Greece, France or Spain please do not talk to Muricans, Latinx or SEAfags about good food. We know what garbage bland food you dumbasses eat.

>> No.52834054


>> No.52834835

This Mori's Karaoke session is sex

>> No.52835544

>One of my favorite food in LA...!
That statement is not necessary wrong
Who knows what other food she had in LA.

>> No.52835655

Hello /pol/

>> No.52837356

>Everything that I don't like is /pol/!
