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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52789491 No.52789491 [Reply] [Original]

What does he want now?

>> No.52790131

I think he made it pretty clear...

>> No.52790287

How management hasn't told every EN to ban him yet is beyond me.
I wish he would superchat Mori. Maybe we'd get some actual lulz if he did.

>> No.52790465

Literally who?

>> No.52790577

Show me some other supers to remind me of this guy

>> No.52790596


>> No.52790638
File: 41 KB, 336x427, babski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also sent the supa to Fauna that triggered the friend yab

>> No.52790868

I miss Ger

>> No.52790974

>make viewers feel parasocial connections to suck them dry
>viewers act parasocial

>> No.52791054

Because everyone else blacklisted him, or more exactly, had their managers blacklist him.
IRyS has the worst manager in EN so they probably haven’t gotten off their ass to do anything about it.

>> No.52791055

>be parasocial for a whore like kronii
>She bans you
>start annoying every other holomember

>> No.52791068

kill yourself you false flagger. At least you are paying them good money to send your schizo garbage

>> No.52791074

Parasocial is not a synonym for retarded anon

>> No.52791134

I’m glad she ignores this faggot and I hope he kills himself one day.

>> No.52791219

What yab? You are obsessed over some random retard in chat
You are probably him desperately trying to cling for attention

>> No.52791530

You often ask your female friends for sloppy suckies of your finger?

>> No.52791611

Why is Kronii a whore?

>> No.52791654

Have sex

>> No.52791661

I think there's a guy at my work with this same first and last name. He's an IT guy that sits on his computer all day browsing youtube and news sites while avoiding doing any work. Seen him have some animu stuff up on his screen as well. During the world cup who stood in front of a big screen tv showing the games for basically his entire shift. Guy is autistic to the maximum degree, does shit like throw hissy fits that people make changes to their computers without his approval and flushes the toilet with his feet when he thinks no one is looking. I've caught him mid lifting his foot up then slamming it down and using his hand when I walk into the bathroom. To top it all off the guy has a huge speech impediment and really bad lazy eyes so he stares off to his left while looking right at you.

Probably not the same guy but would be hilarious if it was. I'll try wearing my vesper (t. last straight bro tuber enjoyer) shirt to work and see if he spergs out over it. He's not confrontational about non work related issues so might need to bait it out of him. Don't feel like harrasing the guy over online autism, just want to know if it's really him.

>> No.52791687
File: 207 KB, 372x322, 1658979255825337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets finger pinched in what I'm guessing is an ironworker
>blow compressed air from a dirty shop hose into your finger
>not to mention it spread the blood everywhere
this guy is definitely retarded

>> No.52791741

just skip the foreplay and kidnap and murder him

>> No.52791792

>What yab?
the "we are not friends" yab that made this board shit their pants

>> No.52791841


>> No.52792051

As long as he's supportive, I don't give a fuck about what he says. Ignoring stupid shit is also part of the job when it come to streaming.

>> No.52792183

>What does he want now?
He wants a sopping nephilim kiss to heal his finger.

>> No.52792248

Too bad he’ll always get ignored.

>> No.52792741

Retard, no way I'm touching the flush button/lever touched by numerous shit hands with my own.

>> No.52792893

pretty sure it is in this context

>> No.52792975

>whores only wants the pros and not the cons
at least prostitutes will actually fuck you for your money

>> No.52793195

using toilet paper to cover the handle never occured to you?

>> No.52793354

Waste of effort why not just step on it (unless you're overweight and can't balance)

>> No.52793409
File: 79 KB, 288x288, 1681269818759592-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, this is the guy who flipped out about Kiara collabing with Neuro right? Had a good laugh about it in /swarm/ when some guy did the detective work to connect that to some Alex character but I confess I'm not familiar with the lore on this guy.

>> No.52793491

Only you (yes YOU) like giving schizos attention, I don't know who this faggot is and I prefer it to keep it that way.

>> No.52793697

I really hope she chooses to ignore that SC.
I might actually lose a bit of respect for her if she reads it because its a red superchat.

>> No.52793743

If you don't know this guy, you're a clipwatcher. I've seen him sending superchats to other ENs asking for kronii to unban him at least 5 times.

>> No.52793964

She’s ignored several of his reds before, as well as any others, aside from the very first time he sent one, iirc.

>> No.52794817

i wonder if Carl Brutananadilewski ever found his wife

>> No.52795361

Maybe try asking him "would you be friends with a babski" or some such trying to echo that one Fauna SC that got her going and see how he reacts.

Although the Vesper shirt is probably good, if you have Kronii or Fauna one and will dare wear a big anime girl shirt around work (maybe just cover it up with a button-down shirt) maybe that'd be better.

>> No.52796907

Thought that was some guy making aqua teen hungerforce jokes

>> No.52797115

Because he's using American dollars and not third world monopoly money?

>> No.52797196

that was five months ago

>> No.52797486

>bringing other streamer
faggot didn't read the rules maybe that's why he got banned

>> No.52797512
File: 244 KB, 1284x888, 1688448258214381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander is a omegachad and a troll king doing the big strides. /vt/ is merely jealous he can send a holo into a 30 minute monologue with a 10 dollar donation. Keep crying ATMs. Maybe one day you will be as skilled as him.

>> No.52797585

41st post best post!

>> No.52797611

Shes gone anon.
You have to let go.

>> No.52797804
File: 14 KB, 1866x66, 1688034266456796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy sent a SC during her OU endurance stream, it was mild as fuck and so is this one
>he's back
he never left, every time he superchats the guys in Hirys throw a fit screencap his posts and give him yous
all these threads do is dredge up months old bait, bait which isn't even that entertaining really
Is it even him making these threads, what's the point, for a bunch of Kronie and Irystocrat namefags to sperg

>> No.52797863

https://twitter.com/BabskiAlexander/status/1626854267523850244 That wasn't hard to find

>> No.52797973

>negative opsec
>completely shameless
this guy is the ultimate /vt/ard.

>> No.52797985
File: 118 KB, 594x460, Babushski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this guy is deranged.

>> No.52798093

iow he's a content creator for this board

>> No.52798122

kek post results

>> No.52798158

>sopping nephilim kiss
Yeah, totally normal. Totally mild.
Retard. You are just as bad as he is.

>> No.52798209

true, but in her last stream everyone was superchatting about her ass

>> No.52798307

god just kill yourself along with that guy, that's not even parasocialism, just mental retardation

>> No.52798315

Why are /vt/ supachatter so fucking weird?

>> No.52798368

she's just right, saplings are simply fags that cannot accept that she's a normal person instead of some retaded woman with daddy issues

>> No.52798441

tell that to Fauna

>> No.52798459

I kneel...we can't beat him, bros

>> No.52798639

The only good holo fan

>> No.52798850

fuck you. now i'm going to spend at least a week practicing flushing with my foot.

>> No.52798885

you have to filter for people willing to send a vtuber money. once you've done that the % of weird is really high.

>> No.52798917

lmao IRyS read it not out loud, said "oh be careful with your fingers around machinery guys, I've heard that can be dangerous!"and then moved on.
No kisses for this fag

>> No.52798994

Hope you don't get stabbed

>> No.52799010
File: 50 KB, 600x597, Don_not_fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52799083

Do you realize there is a timeline where Kronii is actually good and keeps her schizos contained within her fanbase?

>> No.52799116
File: 110 KB, 500x355, you-give-up-a-few-things-chasing-a-dream-fydisneymisfits-46115678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still would

>> No.52800950

The Chris chan of vtubers?

>> No.52800971

Nothing will stop me from dicking Roboco!

>> No.52800995
File: 218 KB, 1080x1058, IMG_20230531_130109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give retarded SC to holo
>give a praise SC to nijinig
Turnout he a nijinig all along

>> No.52801377

He wants her to suck his blood, OP. What part of it you don't understand?

>> No.52801546
File: 197 KB, 534x663, 1602832235029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he act normal/non-cringe around Nijis period? If so then actually it is a ruse from him, although he's kinda dumb for leaving it out in plain sight.

Usually people like this are totally oblivious to the fact places like here notice them and can piece together what they're up to. If he knew people noticed him here he'd best shut up with the cringe carnival he puts on.

>> No.52802225

I fucking wish.

>> No.52802282

Being a russian is hard.

>> No.52802371


>> No.52802396

Please be more understanding, they aren't taught to say no in their socienty.

>> No.52803050

Imagine her face seeing this kek

>> No.52803189

It really wasn't. The reasonable outline of it was posted all the time and people agreed it was retarded as fuck, it's just that shitposters tried so hard to get some clout that they spammed the shit endlessly until even the very last person outside of the shitposting circle got tired of engaging with such childish bullshit. If you take any of it at face value you're either one of them or utterly, utterly, full pants on head, 100% retarded.

>> No.52804746

>What does he want now?

>> No.52804869

if management is competent, they'd pre-ban him on mori's channel
