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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52789121 No.52789121 [Reply] [Original]

>see tons of pics of vtuber fans lately
>white guy rate is maybe 10% max
>non-fat/non-aspergers looking white rate is 1%
>more than half of the above have a recessed chin
>99.9% don't give a fuck about dressing well/style
I saw maybe 10 "normal" white dudes that I could relate to period
people keep telling me that cons are non-stop weeb orgies, so I thought they were implying that they were full of attractive white people(since weebs are usually white and sex usually implies attraction)
Instead I barely see any white people nor attractive people, much less both at the same time
I consider myself below average in general, generally in shape but not ripped, below average height, passable face with the right haircut, etc, but I still can't neg myself enough to figure out how the pics I'm seeing are dudes having supposed orgies

Also seriously am I one of the only whites into this hobby???

>> No.52789290 [DELETED] 

>most people at a con in LA are brown and fata
what a fucking shocker anon

>> No.52789368

Yes dude. I went to AX last year and for every white person I saw 10 asians/mexicans. And black people are like unicorns

>> No.52789440

did you find the orgies

>> No.52789446

It's not the 2000s anymore I guess. Cons are now flips saying "I'm basically asian, so anime is for me".

>> No.52789555

You now realize you get called an incel by the fattest ugliest dude on the planet, because he fucked a tranny once. The internet is full of ugly weirdos who think they're the chad image, meanwhile you are wondering where the actual women are. Having standards unironically makes it harder to have sex.

>> No.52789582
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>you are now realizing how few white people there are on /vt/

>> No.52789596

If they are happening they're invite only
Also if you ever go to this shit make sure you bring your own food and drinks in a bag

>> No.52789770

I sort of assumed that the people being racist were white some of the time even if I personally never went for that angle to mock people /here/
Who are all the posters calling other anons brown, then?

>> No.52789771

>people keep telling me that cons are non-stop weeb orgies, so I thought they were implying that they were full of attractive white people(since weebs are usually white and sex usually implies attraction)
Idiot, cons and LARPs are where ugly nerds and theater kids go to get laid, where one chubby insecure chick will get to take 15 dicks over the course of a weekend. Looks have nothing to do with it.

>> No.52789869

But I was told multiple times that specifically the vtubers themselves fuck around at these things lmao

>> No.52789885

No one (except me) hates brown people more than other brown people.

>> No.52789896

Have you ever seen a picture of a /pol/ meetup? I always thought that was THE white chud board but apparently that entire board is brown people being racist against brown people.

>> No.52789982

Most White chuuba fans that don't exactly make a public spectacle of it, like me. The only people that know I watch chuubas are people I know on the internet.
Brown people are often the biggest white supremacists on the internet

>> No.52790010

You're not white

>> No.52790076

t. mexican

>> No.52790092

By who, the delusional shut-ins on this board?

>> No.52790195
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>> No.52790291

>SEAmeido was banning his own people all along
I wonder if this is also the reason so many posts here make a spectacle of spending what is basically pocket change...

>> No.52790400

Wait are you saying comventions are full of asians and latinos mingling? Do the asian girls like latino guys? Asking for a friend called me.

>> No.52790462

well yes but I mean even in terms of common parlance the word 'con girl' doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation

>> No.52790633
File: 106 KB, 300x250, 4chan-2ff5b494bdef9830d58d01cde82e5f088ef41e5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where one chubby insecure chick will get to take 15 dicks over the course of a weekend

>> No.52791070

I wonder if she will embrace being the vtuber who has fan gangbangs
wait, is she chubby?

>> No.52791117

Yeah, like this, but sadder

>> No.52791158

East Asians hate SEA as much as you do.

>> No.52791235

all women are chubby

>> No.52791603

my most recent ex wasn't chubby

>> No.52791725

>and sex usually implies attraction
How young are you that you still think like this?

>> No.52792079

what does this even mean

>> No.52792219


>> No.52792225

as god intended

>> No.52792734

>fan gangbangs
meet and plap

>> No.52793088

oh fuck, no wonder i got banned that one time. got a warning and timeout first cited "racist" on fucking 4chan KEK

>> No.52793192

I have the displeasure of sharing spaces with a wide range of 4chan users, and all the most racist ones are south american, chinks or from SEA.

>> No.52793363
File: 30 KB, 645x362, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant imagine how deluded you have to be to think a predominately asian industry wouldnt have predominately asian fans

>> No.52796024

Why would you need attractive people for orgies? You just need people that are about equally attractive, and also underfucked.

>> No.52796634

I mean people always say weebs are white so

>> No.52796838

who are they racist about

>> No.52796888

Basically everyone except their own brand of mudhutters, nips and european/north american whites.

>> No.52797506

This is why Euros don't watch vtubers, not enough chinkoids in Europe

>> No.52797548

No one ever implied that they're mostly white or attractive, that was in your head
Ugly people fuck too and them being ugly is why it's so easy to smash at cons

>> No.52797581

A lot of browns see themselves as being whiter than the others

>> No.52798287

picture goes hard

>> No.52798754

White people are becoming a minority because they are too busy shitposting on 4chan instead of having children.

>> No.52798782

>see pics of a concert in a brown country
>Why are there so many browns?
Do you get surprised at Asian people at Japanese concerts, too?

>> No.52800093

White people don't post their pics on social media vtuber fan accounts like retards. We stay anonymous

>> No.52801540

we are legion

>> No.52801708

Depends on where you live but a fair bit of latinos in my west coast states cons date asian weebs or hook up with them at cons in some way.
