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52770647 No.52770647 [Reply] [Original]

Ironic.She could improve others, but not herself.

>> No.52770843

Can't improve perfection

>> No.52771096

I thought you moved on, Ameschizo. New Oshi stopped doing it for you?

>> No.52771129

If you time travel, you can just learn and then go back in time and replace yourself with your new knowledge

>> No.52771198

Nigga I don't even know who you are

>> No.52771250

Why did so many people get hung up on this comment? Was it all just antis grasping at straws?

>> No.52771688

Personally it's the irony of being told to "improve oneself" by the only EN member with no talent.

>> No.52771729
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>> No.52771858

To expand on this, she's had:
>No growth
>No gains in singing despite singing daily
>Drops all her projects immediately
>Stopped bothering compared to 2021
She has the most vegetative streams on Earth (when she's not outright seething at random shit) and her plummeting viewcount backs up that fact.
Normally I would feel pity or simply move on, but she was a bitch to her viewers (for no reason, I never spoke to her) so I feel vindicated.

>> No.52771935

Maybe she can help Gura improve herself away from her crippling alcoholism.

>> No.52771987
File: 614 KB, 784x522, 1662341812449876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo EN outcast
>Gura refuses to hug her
>Not good at singing
>Not good at dancing
>Not good at socializing
>Not good at games
>Never learned japanese
How the fuck do we improve her?

>> No.52772180

Is she leeching gura again? What happened to her proud "not Gura's +1" stance?

>> No.52772205

She was right and that deeply upsets them.

>> No.52772253

LMAO what a fucking pathetic loser you are. She still makes good money, has fun when she does what she wants and you're still seething like a little bitch over some small words. Grow up loser.

>> No.52772301

She's going to die at 45 of an aneurysm and be eaten by her menagerie.

>> No.52772349

Ame is probsbly using this to excuse a collab with Tempus next week.
She said before she uses girl collabs to "balance" male collabs

>> No.52772504

if you watched the concert you would've seen her singing ability has actually improved alot

>> No.52772516





>^420 v69

>> No.52772565

Most relatable Holo. I love that gremlin in a "she cared enough to tell me to get my shit together" sort of way.

>> No.52772705

It wasn't just this comment, just like it wasn't Kronii just collabing with males. This might be hard to understand for people who never go outside but trust and goodwill is a renewable resources, but it has to be renewed. The Ame that made that comment had stopped doing special streams, stopped streaming as much, was pushing homos, and this comment was just the final straw. This is why nobody gives Suisei shit for not streaming, she puts out albums, concerts, covers, original songs, and her fans feel her love and effort through those. If Suisei suddenly stopped doing all that, people would remark more on how she streams as much as Ayame.

Moreover, and this might be unfair, but it's true, EN's overall pool of goodwill has been evaporated by the yabs, not streaming, and other bullshit that certain members of the branch have pulled. EN fans are less likely to have just one oshi, people will watch what they can when it's on. So if multiple ENs shit the bed, the overall perception of the branch itself goes down, exacerbated by the fact that the branch has so few members to begin with. Gura not streaming hurts the whole branch, whereas if Marine stops streaming, you still have Miko, Fubuki, and dozens of others to pick up the slack.

>> No.52772858

I don't understand how you can appreciate that advice when it comes from a failed e-thot like her.
If it was someone like Keanu Reeves saying it i would appreciate it.

>> No.52772922

Quite the contrary.
It's a bit like watching an asshole character in a show and feeling satisfaction when they finally get what's coming to them.

>> No.52772950

It's pretty tiring how blatant Redditors just come here to vent and shitpost since their own place doesn't allow it. I see so many fucking Reddit memes these days.

>> No.52773000

Preach brother, I have no love for any ENs (besides maybe Kiara, Bae and IRyS) because all of them have demonstrated clearly they have no love for us.
Why would anyone watch a streamer who doesn't even want to be there?

>> No.52773022

Ironically, he's in a deep parasocial relationship with Ame

>> No.52773050

obsessed, don't forget to mention trannies and tempus on the way out

>> No.52773292

How? Ame shot down that kind of audience so many times

>> No.52773829

Snowflake. Every post you make about this proves you haven't improved yourself. Move on already.

>> No.52775477

I respect that she was right. I didn't listen, but she was right. Ame a cute.

>> No.52775781

Liberal snowflake, snoy and sneed.

>> No.52775983

Why are fakebuds so vindictive?

>> No.52776099
File: 199 KB, 1121x744, Brazilian Monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everyone not aware this is Ame's anti, a literal brazilian monkey. You may now point and laugh

>> No.52776324


>> No.52776974

A genuine fan heartbroken by Tempus. Sad to see.

>> No.52780978

Kek. Good work investigator.
