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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52707374 No.52707374 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how would one go about getting a Bae wife? What would you need to do to both become her ideal man and satisfy Papa Rat's criteria? Serious answers only please, I really need advice here.

>> No.52707481

Asian parent means you need to be high paying, respectable profession. For her: Just play otome games. She's a yumejo, they love games like that.

>> No.52707569

Be asian

>> No.52707573

Stop watching vtubers and become a doctor.

>> No.52707617
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If you have to ask you're not the one.

>> No.52707675

Are you sure I can't squeeze through as a white man?

>> No.52707698

>have a high paying respectable profession
>papa rat: Pfft I have one too, nothing special

>> No.52707810

For her:

* Be masculine - don't show any signs of weakness or being scared of things
* Be confident
* Be knowledgable - know how to do things like fixing appliances or changing tires, especially the latter. I once had a flat when I was out with an ex and I didn't know how to fix it. A random guy stopped by and changed it for us - easily the most embarrassing moment of my life. Needless to say, she broke up with me not long after.

For her dad:

* Have a good job in government, at a hospital, or in the corporate world
* Be White or her specific race of Asian. Korean or Japanese might possibly be acceptable depending on how open minded her parents are.

>> No.52707889

Stop coping papa rat, there's nothing high paying or respectable about carpentry

>> No.52707998


East Asians have no issue with their kids marrying whites. They're way more racist against southeast Asians.

>> No.52708054

Huh I always just assumed they didn't really care as long as you were in the general asian sphere

>> No.52708355
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be Roberu

>> No.52708363


Chinese parents will seriously lose their shit if their daughter married a brown Asian like a Filipino. If they're Anglicised or Americanized, they might not have such a big deal with it.

>> No.52708478

Battle Papa Rat in hand-to-hand combat and survive his piledriver with manly grit

>> No.52708568

Don't you have to be a doctor or some shit to get Asian parents respect?

>> No.52708624

How the fuck don't you know how to change a tire?

>> No.52708627

>standing here

>> No.52708685

he was born knowing it

>> No.52708739

This I'm curious about too anon.

>> No.52708798

daddy didn't teach me

>> No.52709079

Sometimes it just never comes up what's wrong with that

>> No.52709519

It should just be something you get taught or teach yourself when you're learning to drive, the same as changing your oil.
If you don't already know I really recommend just youtubing it to save yourself the hassle in the future.

>> No.52709648

>vtuber has Asian ethnicity that isn't even their primary one in terms of where and how they were raised
>/vt/: *thinks of their character only with Asian stereotypes and ideals*
Here's your issue, you're thinking about this all wrong not just for Bae, but for other EN vtubers with Asian ethnicities as well. Bae may have lived with Asian parents, but she wasn't raised in Asia in any way, so your stereotypes about Asians most likely aren't a minimum requirement or a requirement at all. Bae grew up and was raised in Australia, she's an Australian through and through.

>> No.52709713

Her parents, anon

>> No.52709952

Show me evidence that Bae's parents were raised and grew up in an Asian country

>> No.52709975

>White people trying to impress Asian dads when they don't even run the family 9/10 times.

That's why you will never have an Asian waifu. It's the mother you have to worry about.

>> No.52710060


She spoke Chinese on stream with a family member once.

>> No.52710129

Show me the clip

>> No.52710292

OP didn't ask about Bae specifically.
Hardmode is assuming the parents are immigrants and therefore stereotipically hardass asian parents.

>> No.52710319


Last time I'll be spoonfeeding you:


>> No.52710349

watch fucking streams holy shit

>> No.52710462

How do I woo an Australian yumejo idol then?

>> No.52710504

You're one to talk catalognigger

>> No.52710672

I'm going to appear at Papa Rat's front porch with a bouquet of flowers.

>> No.52710879

I dunno, I'm just saying this board has such a basic way of thinking. They see an EN vtuber with an Asian ethnicity and they just think of them as an Asian, no matter if they grew up elsewhere. They'd ask if someone named Robin is a bird.

>> No.52711168

Well, in her own company we have two chuubas of a similar age group with hardass korean parents so

>> No.52711329

And who might those be? I'm willing to bet they don't understand a lick of Korean.

>> No.52711350

>if someone named Robin is a bird
Well? Is that person a bird or not?

>> No.52711466
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Maybe we're all birds

>> No.52711536

Even if I learn, I'll just forget how to do it. How often does a tire pop, like once every five years?

>> No.52711593

You need to deliberately slash your own tires just so you can change them

>> No.52711640

You don't rotate your tires?

>> No.52711820

That true. Usually, the mother-in-law is the inlaw from hell. Usually.

T. Flip who has seen one too many telenovelas with a haughty rich female inlaw

>> No.52711848

ngl I've never heard about rotating tires before. Maybe it's done during maintenance I dunno, but I've never done that myself.

>> No.52712208

I hope you all arent forgetting that you have to know the person behind the vtuber and know what their hits and misses are.

You have to fully understand both sides of her, online and offline. And whatever you do...dont be like Camelot.

>> No.52712209

It's usually done during maintenance, it's just moving your tyres around so that they last longer, since breaking and cornering wears different parts of the tyre.
Either way, changing a tyre is a simple procedure and all thats really required is knowing what height to loosen and what height to take off the bolts, and then what order you tighten the bolts back on.

>> No.52712330

I can vouch for this. I tried dating a Chinese girl once; her parents roasted me six ways to Sunday. Mostly because of class differences (her parents were both upper-middle class merchants, while I came from a plumbing engineer and a housewife)

>> No.52712332

Thank you Brit/Aus, but you overestimate me

>> No.52713228
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>> No.52713363

A lot of acne problems can be solved by regular sleep, healthy diet, and exercise. And not using any "acne treatment" facial product.

>> No.52713940

>Bae is Chinese and not Korean or Jap
Holy shit. Genuinely mindblowing given how often we see her speak Japanese and Korean but never Chinese.
Why not stream in Chinese too? Chinks have a huge vtuber audience so she would be very successful if she can dip into that audience.

>> No.52713983

Papa Rat is right tho. Eating junk shit is causes like 75% of all acne issues

>> No.52713986

>Hololive and China
Yeah, about that...

>> No.52714424

Top secret protip from a pharmacist who specializes in drug compounding: most dermatologists are hacks trying to pretend they're better than they are.
They all come up with special formulas for creams and ointments to look like they have some special hidden knowledge that the other dermatologist across the street doesn't but it all just boils down to some combination of topical corticosteroid and antibiotic that can kill typical skin bacteria.
When they just prescribe you doxycycline pills and a low potency corticosteroid creme off the shelf for your acne is when they're being honest with you. Maybe if they need to bring in the big guns they'll put you on tretinoin. Papa rat was unironically right at least when it comes to distrusting them.

>> No.52714485


Hololive burned their bridge with China a while ago, not completely by their own free will

>> No.52714605

I've heard this multiple times before but I don't know the story. Why would they ignore such a massive market?
If anything they should be setting up a Hololive CN of some kind to rake in that sweet money. Is this some bullshit neocohen /pol/itics again where we're actively forced to fuck ourselves over because of mandatory CCP hate?

>> No.52714662


>> No.52714705

>Wasn't around when THAT happened

>> No.52714806


On a stream, Coco and Haachama showed their Google Analytics which showed Taiwan as an independent country. This set off a huge amount of backlash and harassment from mainland Chinese viewers towards them, Coco especially, which led to Cover graduating their entire Chinese branch and was certainly one of the multiple reasons why Coco herself graduated.

>> No.52715269

Oh lmao. I'm surprised they wouldn't just graduate those vtubers and start again though. China is a country with such a massive market to plumb that you'd think two vtubers isn't a big deal. Just do what all corpos do, half-assed apology and then pretend nothing ever happened.

>> No.52715273

What does this even mean

>> No.52715358

She doesn't know how to speak the language more than a few phrases strictly verbally with her parents, she's talked about this before

>> No.52715365

I wish they didn't graduate them. Six wonderful talents gone. I miss Civia the most.

>> No.52715576

What do you think of things like retinol treatments? Are those worthwhile at all or more snake oil?

>> No.52715611


I miss Yogurt...

>> No.52715617

>be chink
>only speak a little Chink but almost fluent in nip and conversational/mostly literate in gook
Either she's lying because she doesn't want to be associated with the China drama or that's just sad.

>> No.52715632

If you choose to believe it, there's was this rrat going around that claims Tempus is going to be Cover's re-entry into the Chinese market, Luxiem-style
I miss Yogurt too...

>> No.52715690

Honestly I'd give it a shot at least, I need some Mandarin reps

>> No.52715755

>>52715690 (me)
Unless they're just gonna pander to Chinese fujos and not actually speak Mandarin...

>> No.52715874


Imo, I think if Cover axed Coco and Haachama instead of the 6 Chinese members, Hololive's popularity and market share in Japan would have collapsed and they'd become irrelevant today.

>> No.52716022

Retinoids are quite effective because they pretty much just force the skin to constantly exfoliate. The only reason they aren't used more is because they pretty much force you to always use moisturizer and sunscreen. For guys that means a skincare routine they aren't used to, whereas women also need birth control because it causes serious birth defects.

>> No.52716036

Welcome to Australia ,cocksucker.

>> No.52716613

Naruhodo, thanks for the lesson

>> No.52716826

Bae's criteria for an ideal man
Mandatory advice
>Be nice and sweet, someone who can spoil and tease her on command
>Humor her otome/yume fantasies, this is her deepest desire
Good but optional advice
>Do your /o/ reps, the more you know the better, she likes cars and watches top gear, start with that
>Get into Otome games/Barbie/Fashion/Shoujo manga/Kpop for her sake
>Work out and become /fit/
>Learn how to cook Korean/Japanese cuisine
>Go bouldering with her whenever she wants
Turn offs
>Don't be incestuous and say shit like "you remind me of a little sister"
>Don't be a whore
>Don't be someone who doesn't want children/or is rude to children

Papa rat's criteria
>Be a doctor or a lawyer
>Have a Soprano singing voice
>Have a Mansion/business empire
>Have a good vintage car
>Knowledge on carpentry
Here's a secret tip, papa rat has a crippling obsession with fried chicken but Mama rat won't let him get any, bribe him with fried chicken, you are free to ignore all advice above as long as you can bribe him with good fried chicken, nothing in life brings him more joy, not even his own daughter. https://youtu.be/0pRsT1uBgaA?t=5400

>> No.52716893

be white. If you are white mamarat will try to force bae onto your cock

>> No.52716976

Does 90s JDM count as a classic car?

>> No.52717038

She spoke cantonese on stream and has a big sister. There is a 99% chance her parents are hong kongers who escaped communism. hong kongers literally act every bit as asian as people think and their kids do to. They only start acting like ABCs when they are a generation removed.

>> No.52717314

Bae spoke cantonese on stream to her mom when IRyS forgot to mute and has an older sister. Bae said her dad has a thick accent. So neither of her parents are born in aussieland if her dad has an accent and her mom speaks canotnese. Plus, based on the fact she has an older sis and its cantonese, the bongs gave the commies hong kong back in 1997. Tons of hong kongers, who speak cantonese, fled hong kong for the US, UK and Aus so they could escape the communists. If you meet someone in their 20s or 30s and they speak cantonese 99% chance their parents were born in hong kong and fucked off due to communism

>> No.52717389

she has said on stream her dad has an accent and she talked to her mom on stream when IRyS forgot to mute in cantonese

>> No.52717431

>Work to fill all of these criteria
>Still will never even meet Bae to show her in the first place
Life is suffering eternal.

>> No.52718088

Wait but I'm white, why hasn't this happened yet?

>> No.52718512

>huh yeah hu Bae you dont know me but i traveled to Australia and found out where you live because i wanna marry you, what is Papa Rat's criteria, haha.
>Tonight at 10 out leading story, police arrest mentally ill American stalker who traveled here to meet an online streamers known as a "vtuber" to marry her. He was arrested after the police were called to the scene.
>I was just so scared, i dont know him, i work for this online company in Japan, we do streams as anime girls *starts crying* i was so scared. This is not ok, vtubers are not your girlfriends, this toxic behavior is not ok *strats crying even more*
>we also spoke to the police
>We pepper sprayed the man when he resisted arrest
>he resisted?
>yes, saying something about marrying a rat? I dont know, he has obvious mental issues. He will be put in trial and then deported, very likely banned from entering the country again. This type of misogynistic behavior is not ok, let it be known australian authorities take it very seriously.
>back tobthe victim
>Just because i do streams doesn't mean im your girlfriend, im your friend, it does not give you the right to behave like this *starts crying again*.
>Back to you Diane
>Horrible, horrible. In this day and age. Next up, what your shoe color say about your love life.

>> No.52718587


>> No.52718693

Wait she speak 4 fucking languages and two of those are the hardest ones around. How?

>> No.52719047

mexicans aren't white

>> No.52719177

Bae would never act like this, she loves me a lot

>> No.52719524

>Bae would never
>act like this

>> No.52719610

>Crikey, Diane, you can never really tell with these Yanks, eh?
>That's right Dan, really terrible, what's happened. Up next: Spiders. Friend, or foe? Stay tuned on ABC.

>> No.52720016

translated into Australian for clarity
>huh yeah hu Bae you dont know me but i traveled to Australia and found out where you live because i wanna marry you, what is Papa Rat's criteria, haha.
>Tonight at 10 out leadin' stawry, cops ahrrest mentally crook amahican stalkah wo traveled heah ta meet an online streamahs fahkin' known as a "vtuber" ta mahrry hah. He was ahrrested afder the bloody cops weah called ta the bloody scene.
>I was just so scahred, i dont know him, i wawrk fawr this online company in japan, we do streams as anime girls *stahrts crying* i was so scahred. This is not ok, vtubers ahah not yah girlfriends, this toxic behaviawr is not ok *starts cryin' even mawre*
>we also spoke ta the bloody cops
>We peppah sprayed the bloody bloke wen he resisted ahrrest
>he resisted?
>yes, sayin' somethin' about mahrryin' a rat? i dont know, he 'as fahkin' obvious fahkin' mental issues. He will be bung in trial 'n then depawrted, very likely banned from enterin' the bloody country agayyn. This choope of misogynistic behaviawr is not ok, let it be fahkin' known strine authawrities take it very seriously.
>back to the victim
>just because i do streams doesn't mean im yah girlfriend, im yah cobber, it does not give ya the bloody right ta behave liyyke this *stahrts cryin' agayyn*.
>back ta ya Diane
>hawrrible, 'awrrible. In this day 'n age. Next up, wat yah shoe colawr say about yah love life. Fair dinkum mate.

>> No.52720107


>> No.52720798

This thread is too good

>> No.52720894

Actually carpentry can pay really damn well with enough training. My dad was a master carpenter and it put me and my brothers through college debt-free.

>> No.52721209

A good majority of most trades are well paying down here, I still remember the amount of mates trying to get plumbing and electrician apprenticeship back in the day because the pay was great.

>> No.52721364

Huh, I wonder if they're from HK

>> No.52721433

don't fall for it bros, I'm a doctor and I still don't have a qt vtuber wife
also screw Bae, isn't Civia still studying abroad in the U.S.? I can fix her...

>> No.52721479

Wtf my degree isn't going to get me a chuuba wife at the end anyway? What's the point?

>> No.52721494

Oh god, her father genuinely believes in TCM, doesn't he?

>> No.52721705

She's in the USA?? I know she's now Ciyana but I didn't know she was studying abroad.

>> No.52721728

Simple, anon. Just follow my path. I completed college with a mechanial engineering degree, gained a commission with the navy, am now an O4, and have set my next deployment to Australia so I can press that rat before any of you anons find her first.

>> No.52721753

Join Holostars, preferably JP

>> No.52721766

Papa Rat is the type of man to be set in his ways for sure

>> No.52721795

Yeah but that shit straight up kills people

>> No.52723683

she has an older sister who doesn't live with her, so the sis was likely born in the 1990s. The bongs gave hong kong to the communists in 1997 and the hong kongers knew since the 80s.
I also just assume if someone speaks cantonses they are or their parents are from hong kong

>> No.52723750

>and the hong kongers knew since the 80s.
They knew since 1897, it was specifically a 100-year lease

>> No.52723867

Soprano is the high female voice. I suppose you mean Tenor, which is the high male voice. Most men are Baritones, which is the middle male voice.

>> No.52723912

Ah yes, the British National (Overseas) or BNO passports...

>> No.52723918

99 years, and that lease wasn't for hong kong, bongs won hong kong island in war fair and square. And the 99 year lease was for the new territories and at the time a 99 year lease meant forever. In 1984 the bongs agreed to give the commies both the new territories AND hong kong island in exchange for the commies not making hong kong a commie shithole until 2047

>> No.52723965

>implying HK already hasn't been subverted into one through Lam and other asshats at the LegCo

>> No.52723970

In fairness they did actually keep to that promise prior to Xi. A much as Jiang Zemin didn't like Hong Kong criticizing them, he let them stay independent.

>> No.52724015

>fair and square
Imagine thinking any war is fair and square, particularly one waged using a highly addictive drug that incapacitated half the country and leadership

>> No.52724114

war is fair and square, whoever is stronger and smarter gets the land. Getting addicted to opium is literally a skill issue. The goat fuckers in Afghanistan literally beat 11 empires

>> No.52724310

the point is that it happened in the past.

>> No.52724683

Shes a normie zoomer asian girl living in australia. Its so easy sydney, perth and melbourne are brimming with them.

>> No.52724769

Sydney and melb are full of hongkies. Some of the best cantonese restaurants ive tried are in australia

>> No.52724881

Asain parents seso
must go to ivy league school
must make atleast 150k
Must play piano

>> No.52725056

This is a very cute post. Does she make members posts like this a lot?

>> No.52725101

I could've sworn Bae mentioned anerat living with her just recently

>> No.52725261

She made about 2-3 of them like this in pretty quick succession following her members stream a few weeks back where she brainstormed more ideas of ways to give back to her members because she wanted to do way more for them. There's been a bit of a gap since and while she's mentioned she's had intentions to post more things like this she's probably just been too busy with all the shit going on lately

>> No.52725274

then how do you explain my clear pristine skin

>> No.52725421

>fit half of what she likes
>will never meet her
ok. i dont love bae anymore, it has been a good ride everyone!

>> No.52725581

I fit all of Bae's criteria and know several delicious fried chicken places to cheat code into Papa Rat's heart. I'm fucking in, bros.

>> No.52725980

Go get her bro, it's all on you.

>> No.52726025

just save a dying child or something like that, always work

>> No.52726278

>O4s in my thread
just wanna take the opportunity to tell you to choke on a dick, sir

>> No.52726458

Where am I going to find a dying child to save in this economy?

>> No.52726539

Nah. We respect our servicemen and women here.

>> No.52726622

It'll be difficult to overcome the "faceless name in chat" state, but I won't give up.

>> No.52726749

I want to overcome this hurdle so bad bros..

>> No.52727019

It was fair, cope and seethe chinaman

We should have never allowed you to wean yourselves off of the opium if you ask me

>> No.52727047


>> No.52727114

Lol. This is a basic action that everybody should know. You are pathetic.

>> No.52727161

Keep up that same energy when China takes over the global economy and all other nations become its vassal states. Then we'll see if you think it's all fair and square. Point is war is never fair and square, casus belli is a lie to sell to the people and convince people like you to commit atrocities for pride and ego

>> No.52727723


>> No.52727753

Y’all aint taking over shit, all the cheap manufacturing jobs are moving to India and Mexico, even the ones from Chinese companies.

The one child policy destroyed China’s demographics and y’all are about to be older than Japan’s average age without becoming a developed country first.

You aren’t taking over anything and your best days are behind you. So much hope in 2008, 15 years later and everything has gone to shit

>> No.52727960

Not Chinese, but if you still think that then you haven't been paying attention and are in for a rude awakening in the coming decades. Pray that America can get its act together before then because it's not too late, but there's not much time. Given the state of our current gridlocked and corrupt politics, I'm not optimistic.

>> No.52728088

I don't have a car

>> No.52728277

China hypes their success and idiots like you actually believe it because muh shiny trains

My homeboy, half of them still live on less than a dollar a day and in the countryside they’re still eating rats.

China dug their own grave with the one child policy and they have not caught up with the US, despite the endless propaganda. Now their economy is shrinking and there is no growth story ahead of them.

The US can literally coast and continue being as shit as it is today and they are still going to be better off than 99% of the Chinese population

Europe is fucked because of demographics, but America is about the only western country that has the possibility of a future, despite the endless predictions of doom

>> No.52728281

A tattooed whore? You can find them a lot in thailand

>> No.52728282

Understandable, have a nice day.
I recommend you learn if you ever get one though.

>> No.52728407

And honestly the fact that Mr. Chen has not even responded when he was VERY quick to jump on the opium war shitpost should tell you all you need to know

Even he knows i’m right. Any Chinese person with any sense implicitly understands the decline the country faces, which is why anyone who can is heading for the door as fast as they can

>> No.52728419

I hope you're right. Let's just leave it at that

>> No.52728748 [DELETED] 

>rave whore
>Probably had uncountable amounts of dicks in her
>Any demands to her "husband"
Post the meme picture with the line of naked guys and one in suite
That's you

>> No.52728779
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Already canonically my wife

>> No.52728805 [DELETED] 


>> No.52728878

Man, a cute girl like Bae really drives some schizos insane doesn't she? you can tell exactly when he woke up and decided to have a meltdown over so much love for the rat. I'm starting to believe the jealous roastie rrats

>> No.52728975
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That fat fuck in the middle? me

>> No.52729032

I had sex with bae in a dream

>> No.52729037

Mimi, please understand that a womb that can still produce offspring is infinitely more desirable than your barren hole.

>> No.52729074

Isn't that just mr squeaks?

>> No.52729327

Squeakers is the small one, the giant rat is a brat

>> No.52729946

this is great, there needs to be men like you

>> No.52730054

Carpentry is pretty based actually. Beats 99% of jobs out there in terms of soul

>> No.52731064

>I hope you all arent forgetting that you have to know the person behind the vtuber and know what their hits and misses are.
>You have to fully understand both sides of her, online and offline.
I would argue they hate people who know them online, as people who love the online them will have stupid expectations for the offline them, aka the real them. E.g. Marine is known to be more genki and happy online but is quieter and more depressed IRL. All their online stuff has some element of bullshit where they put on a persona, either playing things up for entertainment, yuribaiting when they are straight, playing up retardation or in some cases it's just straight up a lie or character they play. I think most of them won't want to date fans for this reason and not knowing about their online presence would be a bigger plus than anyone knowing and liking their online persona.
>You eat like shit
Whats weird is I always thought Bae was one of the healthier holos. Atleast unlike Suisei and Nene she can eat vegetables.

>> No.52731138

Based. It's the same in reverse too, I would have no problem with marrying a jap, but SEA? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.52731275
File: 13 KB, 317x285, 329644548_6013688342020271_2538412000959860671_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me that dont have a car
>me that not that masculine

don't matter i will just force myself and mate press her

>> No.52731286

Some acne problems can be helped by those things, but not entirely solved. The real problem is thinking there's a catch-all solution. I know you're probably young, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of these things are just down to genetics. Some people have faces full of acne while having a perfect diet. Others have perfect skin while eating nothing but junk all day. The world is not fair, stop thinking it is.

>> No.52731377

>ideal man
There's your first problem.

>> No.52731811

I mean, I used to be kinda similar to Mumei's personality, but I've learnt how to hide my power level effectively

>> No.52731977

fucking kek

>> No.52732393

this is the type of shit a smoothskin would say

>> No.52732434

Nah. I dealt with bad acne. Once I actually slept 8 hours, went to the gym, and paid attention to my diet, and stopped using all those stupid acne products, my acne cleared up.

>> No.52734434

So you want a zoomer half chink half Australian girl?

I don't know, start hanging around bars in Sidney on the bad side of town

>> No.52734555

That is not even an excuse
You are not changing the tire itself and keeping the rim, you are replacing the whole fucking wheel
you jack up the car (which is obvious), popping out 4 to 5 bolts on the wheel (fucking obvious too), take off the wheel and replace it with the one in the trunk, installation of the replacement wheel is the reverse of taking off

Changing a flat tire for the spare is not something you need to learn, is something as dumb proof as fucking changing a lightbulb

>> No.52735716


>> No.52738188

Australian accents are really attractive.

>> No.52740106

well said

>> No.52740345

Have you considered joining Holostars and hitting it off with Bae on the Discord channel?

>> No.52741642 [DELETED] 

cantonese is basically a 2 view audience

>> No.52741704 [DELETED] 

cantonese is basically a 2 view audience

>> No.52741829

cantonese is a 2 view audience

>> No.52743425

Very true

>> No.52744811

What do you call this?

>> No.52747255

part of me just straight up doesnt believe they dont eat vegetables, mostly because im called picky as shit and like vegetables lol. they nust be insanely picky

>> No.52747308

maybe she moved back? I thought Anerat had cats and Bae didn't because she couldn't take care of beastie or the whole speaking in Cantonese thing was about Anerat coming over and her mom telling her to get off the computer and do something
indian skin whitening products

>> No.52748124

Good luck brothers, remember to never open up with the 'I'm in your chat all the time' line, it does NOT work

>> No.52748811

H-how do you know

>> No.52749702

Don't look into it

>> No.52750054
File: 38 KB, 637x595, 1687891911029576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare to find a reasonable post in these parts

>> No.52750261

Get a corpo/medical job, lots of gifts and food outings and a nice car as well. That's it. Or just kidnap her and live happily ever after, it's easier.

>> No.52750790

This image really makes the Asian struggle so alien to me. Asian medschool anons please tell me what it's like having parents push you into medicine, maybe you're a qualified doctor and then they still insist on the traditional shit.
>You go to med school, become doctor and make us proud. Oh you sick from studying too hard? Eat this fermented shark penis to increase vitality.

I'm a (white) biochemistry graduate dealing with family who think chiropractics are good for your back and massage will release toxins. I don't get how they refuse to accept they are wrong, continue to waste money and keep spouting nonsense, I legitimately can't get them to accept that stuff like chiropractors are a scam.

>> No.52752056

So you're saying she won't be impressed by my 2000 intrepid?

>> No.52753021

you kinda learn quickly that a good amount of your patients don't follow what you say anyways, so the bigger focus is on harm reduction (in simple terms). I'm not gonna persuade some retard out of acupuncture if they really believe in it, simply because it won't make them any worse, and the placebo may make them happier -> better outcomes so whatever. you can also get into the weeds of how denying crazies their non-traditional medicine will hurt the physician-patient relationship and they'll trust you even less for being a pharma shill. it really only warrants intervention for especially stupid shit like apricot pit enthusiasts, chronic lyme, etc. (thankfully haven't run into any yet). so basically, traditional chinese medicine is relatively harmless compared to lots of weird stuff people find on the internet. regarding chiropractic, also generally harmless EXCEPT cervical manipulation, applied kinesiology (muh crystals), and those who interpret their own imaging are all huge red flags that will just fuck up your patients worse.

>> No.52755342


>> No.52755519

Roberu is her oshi watch and learn from him.

>> No.52755839

Subaru is her oshi though and I don't think I can pull off a convincing shuba impression

>> No.52756889

>go to a rave
>mating press
>tell papa rat that you'll take responsibility so she doesn't abort
Done, congrats on your future rat wife and kid.

>> No.52757582

>go to a rave
>gets king hit by a man wearing a crown
>he laughs as you hit the curb and become a vegetable
That's the realistic version of your fantasy.

>> No.52759232

How would a rave help me here?

>> No.52759295

It won't. Try a good cafe instead, the kind that won't kick you out after 5+ hours

>> No.52762526

Gomen, we don't believe in polygamy

>> No.52764101

>>Don't be someone who doesn't want children/
>>Don't be a whore
Wait what? Did she ever say this? AFAIK only Marine has openly stated she wants children. Fuck Bae is so fucking weird to me, I don't watch her much but how the fuck do you be a zoomerette who hates whores and who actually states they want kids. The zoomer girls I know are the total opposite.

I don't even want to fuck your oshi, I'm just genuinely shocked women like her still exist in the west. I never thought I would ever see a zoomer I consider wholesome, I hope she ends up happy after hololive since people like her are rare.

>otome/yume fantasies
Aside from being a butler and doing a kabedon what else are yumes into? It's genuinely a subculture I know little about since I don't play otome games and the otome culture I don know of is just fujoshis, yumejos are alien to me.

>> No.52764534

I 100% believe that Suisei never eats vegetables, she's unhealthy as fuck.
She references drinking a vitamin C drink, I can only imagien it's to compensate for the lack of vitamin C you would get from meat being your main source of food.

>> No.52764668

suisei should change her diet already

>> No.52765539

Bae fucking adores children and would definitely want to have a bunch, the don't be a whore bit is probably referring to that section in her P5 playthrough where she went on a mini rant chastising Ryuji and company for trying to go pick up chicks

>> No.52768056

...this is how she talks?

>> No.52768237

retinoids also have a bunch of potential side-effects, like bowel inflammation. look into it.

>> No.52768460

not everyone of the same age is the same, retard.

>> No.52768921

>Wait what? Did she ever say this?
Its simple anon, bae is a shipper at heart like kiara, but the difference is that she is not a multishipper, she doesnt like harem animes and when she ships two characters she will no accept any other options for those characters.
That is why when chat asked her about the pat-kiss-marry question, she said that choosing someone other than irys for the marry option would be a "diservice" to the ship. Thats how seriously she takes shipping, basically the opposite to mumei.
That being said, bae is much more open to have more "crushes" aside from irys.

Now about the baby part, shes very pro-family and family stuff always makes her emotional.

>> No.52769541
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, YAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me shed some light on Yume culture for you, every Yume has different preferences but generally yeah, there are tropes that appeal to yumes and some common shoujo manga scenarios are often present in most media for Yumes for precisely that reason
Lets start with the basic definition. Yumejoshis are girls who self insert themselves into the female leads in shoujo manga/anime and Otome games. Every single Yume has her preferences and is different. Bae for example has two archetype of characters she has a soft spot for, the sweet prince guy who spoils her but is also a tease at times or the mysterious quiet caring guy, think Itachi from Naruto. Yumes also have their spectrums of degeneracy and kinks which you can make out from what they like in an Otome game

To offer you some perspective into the daily life of a yume, let's use her catboy stream from the other day, the same one IRyS played BUT with a heart monitor so we could see whenever she felt flustered according to her heartrate. At various points in the playthrough, she had her HR risen by all of the catboys but Fennel (ironically the one IRyS liked the most)
Let's break it down route by route

Sage, the big gruffy muscular manly dude. She liked how he was a caring fella who could cook nice meals and he got her up to like a 110HR at points, especially when he offered to cook for her. He sister-zoned her pretty early on though and she was okay and happy with it.
Then comes the climax of the route where he starts indulging in too much skinship in too little time, calling her his girlfriend, little cat and some other shit and this creeps her the fuck out, she becomes dry as fuck and her heart rate falls to like 70-80 for the remainder of the playthrough because it's "incest", it was rather amusing and she desperately wanted to end the route so she could move onto the next

Then there was the white haired Sesshomaru look-alike, Laurier. Due to the Sesshomaru resemblance, his looks alone raised her heartrate and got her acting tsundere, firing her heartrate past 110+ at multiple points with his teasing
Turns out he is a schizo who turns into a grade schooler (mentally) if he eats something too sweet, henceforth is a repeat of the previous route where she is completely turned off and creeped out with a heartrate to match in the 70s by the concept of a child stuck in an adult man's body.

As for her final route of the day, Dill. He was the only character she ended up liking by the end of her stream, he didn't affect her heartrate at all initially since she saw him as a platonic little brother due to his looks and personality but during his route, she started to fall for how nice and sweet he was, got her above a 100 many times as well.
Then comes the twist of his route where it's revealed he's a whore who has fucked many women and he has reverse groomed many girls before, this kind of ruined the character for her a little but he was still a nice dude in general so he remained the favorite albiet little-brother zoned for real. She did not bother giving Fennel a try

Her final ratings at the end of the stream for the characters were as follows
Sage 7/10 pre-incest, 5.5/10 post-incest
Laurier 3/10
Fennel 4.5/10
Dill 8/10 pre-plot twist 7/10 post plot-twist

What we can deduce from this playthrough and the ratings coupled with her heartrate at various points is that her turn offs are Incest, Shotacon and Casanovas. What she likes is someone who is a sweet person who can spoil her and tease her on command and isn't a super degenerate.
Now consider how there are many other Yumejoshis like Bae out there with their own respective set of preferences and kinks. To give some some examples on this, some Yumes are into pet play, the kind where the dude locks them in a cage and you probably know where I'm going with this
There's this dude called Toma from this Otome game called Amnesia with many Yume fans, here is his profile https://amnesia-anime.fandom.com/wiki/Toma

I'm sorry for the massive wall of text, excuse the tism'
Now to answer your other questions, about children, yes Bae is very fond of children in general and the death of a child in a videogame drove her to ugly bawling. She was super mad at the mom too

As for how whores are a turnoff, I provided Dill as an example but as another anon said, there's the Ryuji clip as well which might be an even better example which I forgot about https://youtu.be/giG-wOkqsek?t=4853

TLDR: Yume culture is weird and every yume has her own preferences/kinks, they are stinky girls who are dreamers who self insert into fiction and are super into shoujo manga/anime and otome games
Here's a bonus clip of Bae being an ultra shoujo autist and going on a massive 20+ minute rant about some obscure manga she read last night

>> No.52770232

I don't understand this at all but Bae is pretty cute when she gets into it. I want to indulge her fantasies for her.

>> No.52770446


>> No.52772558

So she's pretty much the anti Vshojo. She reminds me a lot of Pekora who also hates degeneracy and has a soft spot for kids. Shame they don't speak more as iirc they also both do bouldering and I think Bae could help Pekora overcome her hikikomori ways.

>> No.52773790

>Bae is a western kid now
Fuck off. She still has that Asian responsibility mentality. She took literal business level Japanese just to hone her Japanese language skill. That kind of dedication only found in Asian kids.
You think Asian kids will lower their quality of life to your level? Fuck you. Go get a good job and become useful member of society.

>> No.52773932

But you can still find a woman that similar to Bae.

>> No.52774318

Can you do one of these posts for IRyS's playthrough

>> No.52776134

How did they roast you? What did they say?
"Oh you poor bastard, dastardly born from the lowlives, knowest not thou of thine inferiority?"
"Lo, but look, look how he eats! How he drinks! No manners, no manners, he's a monkey."

>> No.52776392

>indian skin whitening products

>> No.52776663 [DELETED] 

You mean why they're calling her that? Because she looks like ABG or Asian Baby Girl, a literal prostitute from Asia: skimpy clothes, tattooes, parties and raves, etc.
>Verification not required.

>> No.52777251

You do know why cute, beautiful, nice anime girls become popular, right? Because they're rather special. If they were absolute average and could find one anywhere, nobody would watch them.

>> No.52777455

She's not like the other girls.

>> No.52778251

>Then comes the twist of his route where it's revealed he's a whore who has fucked many women and he has reverse groomed many girls before
What a chad

>> No.52778969

I need to make this rat my wife, she's so cute

>> No.52779336

>Implying finding a loyal rational Asian wife that's not affected by third wave feminism is a bad thing

>> No.52779421

You make yumes sound cuter than they are, remember, not all all yumes are like Bae. I've seen some fucked up ones

>> No.52779758

Nah, I'd actually find it pretty lit if they told me off like that.
Instead, they told me things that were a bit more crass. Stuff like "My daughter doesn't have a future with you," "You're nothing but a family of losers," or, "Keep to your own kind."

>> No.52784374

Actually read all that. Based Bae and I second this >>52774318 or for something IRyS related

>> No.52786190

Just say she likes himbo Prince Charming and be done with it

>> No.52786679

You need to impregnate her, by force if needed. Her father won't force abortion and you'll be accepted with a small gift

>> No.52787135

Simple, just be her father and you get all the rat pussy you want.
You even get to make your own grandchildren!

>> No.52788885


>> No.52790700

Alright but I'll have to rewatch her stream since it's not fresh on my mind unlike Bae

>> No.52791269

I'd like to add that this is also Bae's flirting style both as Hayko and herself in the valentines ASMR streams, so this seems very plausible

>> No.52791531

Can confirm and also debunk
My family has Acne problem, as my mother STILL at 40 get pimples
I use one of those Sandy creams, it basicly sand papaer your face, worked pretty well.
Now i only get 1 or 2 beause i like sweets too much or my hair get infected
Only remain some scaring in my Back from when i had lots

Now my BROTHER is another thing entirely.
He even go to the deramtologist, CANT TAKE ANYTHING, his bioquemistry just dost allow it withouth heavy side effects
have to take several medicines for months to level his blood to even begin trating
then get a infected hair in the base of the spine, get surgery, remove A lot
luckily wasnt close to the nerves, but his ass crack grow 15 cm XD
Help him shower during recovery, was like 5 motnhs, he is fine now, and has a neet scar
All that for an infection of a hair becuase he coudnt get acne treatment
Life is wild

>> No.52791562

the same way a man attracts literally any woman
be attractive
be fit
have money

>> No.52791601

This is so funny HOLy shiT XD
there is more of this in the only member material? if so gotta sub as soon as money drops

>> No.52792028

Yes, all her members posts are like that

>> No.52792366

1) Be attractive.
2) Be financially successful.
3) Have charisma
4) Share common interests with her
5) Meet her organically while being unaware of her being a vtuber.

Since #5 is already impossible for you, you have no chance. Give up.

>> No.52792480

omw getting to Australia and becoming an amnesiac

>> No.52793151

>5) Meet her organically while being unaware of her being a vtuber.
you fail to comprehend my ability to hide my power level in any situation

>> No.52793331

It can go either way. TCM has things that make a fair amount of sense, and things that are retarded. When it comes to drinking herbs instead of snorting kangaroo penis, it's nothing bizarre.

>> No.52793601

wtf I love bae now after reading this novel, keep up the good work you little brat fella

>> No.52795548

Wouldn't want her to be a crypto-commie.

>> No.52795824

I will wander around Australia until I meet her organically

>> No.52796108

thats probably accurate

>> No.52796269

Duh, cripple one yourself/pay someone to do it for you, preferably someone you're rarely, if ever in contact with.

>> No.52796345

its cute and shes having fun let her live

>> No.52796745

I'm slowly falling in love. I thought I was a 100% true Sapling, but now I'm doubting myself. This cute little Australian rat is making me question everything. Send help.

>> No.52797882

A guy like that is capable of marrying most of JP. Why the hell he would pick an aussie over glory nipponese?

>> No.52799397

Look man as much as I'd crush my cock with a rock to lick marine's pits the rat is prime marriage material

>> No.52799897

Just find houses with shed.

>> No.52800167

Westerners suck more on average, but there are good girls here and whores in Japan too. Bae would make an amazing wife.

>> No.52801460

>Why the hell he would pick an aussie over glory nipponese?
Probably the lack of Japanese. Also cultural differences are a thing, and as much as I like Suisei I only like her BECAUSE she's a weird cultural outlier who would likely be autistically blunt about things instead of passive aggressively saying nothing to avoid rocking the boat. Japanese relationships are so dysfunctional cheating is rampant, as are loveless marriages. They just don't divorce due to stigma, so Japanese relationships seem like pure misery and we can't just blame the men for that, it's their culture.
Westerners are easier to understand.

>> No.52802437

Cute silly yumejoshi

>> No.52802622

projection much?

>> No.52802845

>dedication only found in Asian kids
Yeah, that explains why some JPs are either lazy or complete slobs.
Face it, you're just a racist idiot who can't cope with the fact that Bae, your oshi, isn't the trad Asian wife you want. Not like it matters, it's not like you'll ever meet her.

>> No.52804291

lol I'm not even white you moron

>> No.52804368

>Gets called out
>I'm not white
Now you're exposing yourself for being autistic?

>> No.52805504

Was Bae always this cute?

>> No.52805626


>> No.52805702

>Face it, you're just a racist idiot
get the fuck out

>> No.52806575

>Calling me autistic
Do you have another insult to throw my way? Because you sounds like you speaking from experience.

>> No.52807171

Of all the chubbas Bae would probably be the easiest one to meet and fake not knowing her Vtuber Persona.

>> No.52808165

>Bae wife?

>> No.52808785

Or you can be one of the lucky ones who know Bae before she became a vtuber and helped encourage her to chase her dream and become one. That also works to meet the #5 criteria.

>> No.52809648

Alright how do I do that

>> No.52810055

When you have parents or a society with huge expectations, there's realistically two results on the extreme sides of the spectrum. Success that leads to cultivating a good work ethic, or crumbling under pressure into extreme NEETdom.

>> No.52811837

Just finished watching her Strobe Edge break down and holy shit what a fucking rant, that felt good. I wouldn't mind if she does more streams where she exclusively just rants about her recently read shoujo manga

>> No.52812854

She's got something like it planned for some steamy romance novel that she read during her Japan trip, not exactly shoujo content but I'm sure it'll be fun

>> No.52813561

What do you think the inside of Bae's yumejo shed smells like after one of her otome gaming sessions?

>> No.52814094

Salty rrat

>> No.52814150

Considering everything we know about her dad it's not an assumption.

>> No.52815263

She plans on doing members only monthly book club streams in the future where she just rants about her recently read romance manga/novels for the entire stream.

>> No.52815429

Off a vehicle or off a rim?

>> No.52818051

You're the one who brings up being white when it wasn't part of the discussion. You can't even tell when you can't follow the discussion? Yup, you're autistic.

>> No.52818125

You do realize you're supposed to be 18 to post here? Get to your summer reading, kid.

>> No.52820567

Go into Yumejo spaces and lurk until you learn, lots of them are already Aussies.

>> No.52821003

But how many of them are also idols and rats?

>> No.52821594

Be hot and not a creep. This will land you 99% of girls by the way

>> No.52823557

lol, the guy called me racist because he think I'm a white guy with yellow fever. Do you even read the discussion chain or you're too fucking brain dead?
Even autistic people have better reading comprehension than you do.

>> No.52823725
File: 132 KB, 680x899, 1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romcom formula:
If you're hot, it's okay to be a creep.
If you're ugly, even a normal action will be considered creepy

>> No.52823872

That's true for girls too

>> No.52826731

It would smell like strawberry milk and girl cum

>> No.52826806


>> No.52832193

But men don't call HR when a fat lady greet them
