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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 221 KB, 558x572, meet n skeet goldfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52672264 No.52672264 [Reply] [Original]

So who's going to the meet and plap? The meet n skeet?

>> No.52672308
File: 106 KB, 300x250, 5 guys vtuber ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy another Ad.

>> No.52672389

>when a gangbang rumor is all that you'll be known for

>> No.52672401

you can't even meme correctly

>> No.52672405


>> No.52672420

Need more hentai of her getting railed by 5 guys.

>> No.52672488

Hey there's also Joe Biden

>> No.52672492

Let's be fair; she also got some attention for saying nigger on stream.

>> No.52672518

>3 orgies happen but this one is somehow a rumor
Dont worry anon just go to the meetupn and she will fuck you

>> No.52672519

I unironically respect a girl who will just fuck anyone more than a girl who treats her fans as ATMs when she already has a bf/would not look at them twice in real life

>> No.52672569

she should embrace it and become the gangbangtuber and fuck every fan 5 at a time

>> No.52672571


>> No.52672580

*on 4chan, which is ultimately irrelevant.

>> No.52672742
File: 165 KB, 480x480, 1688371613897703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52672833

meet and breed

>> No.52673005

>meet n skeet

>> No.52673108

You should meet up and confirm it, there nothing to lose.

>> No.52673159

I'm more of a suck and fuck kind of guy desu

>> No.52673198

I don't wanna lose my virginity bro...

>> No.52673227


>> No.52673276
File: 1.29 MB, 614x658, PLAP PLAP PLAP[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx3kn0l.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.52673547

If I go, will she fuck me?

>> No.52674491
File: 55 KB, 216x253, IMG_0187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its now your turn the other anons have already been dehydrated and removed from the room for their safety
>mari is still asking for more
>your about to cum after 5 minutes of ragdolling her around the room in every furniture you can hold her over
>the slappining noises get louder and sloppier as the cum of several anons become your lube
>mari starts yelling at the top of her lungs in between moans
>you hear the giggling of the anons from behind the door and hear muffled "get pregnant get pregnant"
>soon enough the cheap motel your in is rumbling in synchronized plapposting hilarity

can you continue your fuck or do you break down laughing

>> No.52675177

Too much.
Bust a nut will laughing kek

>> No.52677329

My little plap princess

>> No.52677569

So how big will the gangbang be this time?

>> No.52677614

Which were the other ones?

>> No.52677750

I assume you only have five minutes since there’s hundreds of other guys waiting in line.

>> No.52677777

It's based, I want to fuck her.

>> No.52677820

It incentivizes fans to give her money, since they know they're getting something real out of it.

>> No.52677846

Take a video this time.

>> No.52677873

Vgh, truly a day out with the anons. This is what friendship is about, becoming eskimo brothers.

>> No.52678000

which hotel and room?

>> No.52678715

based slut enjoyer quints

>> No.52678834
File: 348 KB, 565x527, 2a3d4cc172d59790a428252f7f9d6887c516f0b8b1043e89b1a4de0d2b132139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the line, son.

>> No.52678928

Bros I am actually extremely tempted to meet and fuck her

>> No.52678946

Me and the boys

>> No.52679001

I want fresh sloppy seconds, now would that increase or decrease the rate?

>> No.52679075 [DELETED] 

How do you fuck a screen?

>> No.52679129

With my dick.

>> No.52679386

holy kek, she is making the best of it

>> No.52679476

You show her the goods and see if she invites you to the party. The meet and greet is your audition. If she likes what she sees, you are in.

>> No.52679600

seeing her roommate was the worst thing, does not match the voice at all and ruined her for me

>> No.52679629
File: 65 KB, 529x446, mari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean at least she is embracing the meme, gota give her credit for that

>> No.52679639

is she still plappable?

>> No.52679768

Only if you take the blue pill and have no alternatives.

>> No.52679838

>rate limited
I swear on me jacobs someone is going to blow elon's brains out over this.

>> No.52680045

I unironically want to fuck Mari
Not joking.

>> No.52680457

How can you respect someone who has no respect for themselves?

>> No.52680559

look as long as its tight and wet they all feel good on the inside

>> No.52680565
File: 752 KB, 3000x2463, you have to go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52680571

Denying the rumors while playing off of the publicity is about the best way that she could have handled the situation.

>> No.52680612

Y-yeah, ha ha...

>> No.52680651

Go to the meet and greet then. What're you waiting for?

>> No.52680686 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 960x618, 313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shes a /here/tuber and we have to secure an existence for our people and a future for white children.

>> No.52680736


>> No.52680800

Isn't this how basically how most vtubers are, though? A "one joke wonder"?
>HAHA that girl is flat!
>HAHA that girl is horny!
>HAHA that girl is crazy!

>> No.52681256

If I go there? Will I get my cock sucked?

>> No.52681287

Imagine the toy squeak noises

>> No.52681405

sorry losers but i can guarantee that my sperm are the strongest and will fight their way through the soup to get to her eggs first

>> No.52681610

Nigger. Are you eating ramen?

>> No.52681855

she only accepts cash you insta-whales.

>> No.52681888

the "soup" of loads from other guys inside her anonchama

>> No.52681954

She looks so cute, brehs...

>> No.52682003

in soup terms, clam chowder.

>> No.52682012

Unironically tempted to fuck the sloppy thirds and fourths out of her

>> No.52682016

if it meant getting a chance to knock her up I'd go

>> No.52682074


>> No.52682105

How do you respect this at all??

>> No.52682346

Miko did porn? Straight or lesbian?

>> No.52682482

It'll make more sense for her entire audience to be donating and sending money when her audience is the father

>> No.52682542


>> No.52682556

interesting, instead of nene it would be "you're all the father!". she can do child update community posts.

>> No.52682558


>> No.52682672

>when you get your entire audience to plap you so you can collect child support from everyone

>> No.52682739
File: 42 KB, 994x625, 1646064418424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.52682769

Would you rather pay for the genuine article or the promise of it?

>> No.52682822

She didn't fuck her fans, so it is a bit of both.

>> No.52682849

can anyone enlighten me on what "MALE PREGNANT" signifies?

>> No.52683014

"she" is a man but wants 5 more guys to GET PREGNANT "her" butt.

>> No.52683701





>^420 v69

>> No.52684165

ignore this anon, he has just broken containment and is here to stir up shit.

>> No.52684852

guaranteed pregnancy after today, she should post belly progression pics after

>> No.52685365

you say this in every thread

enjoy your daily cope

>i'm the joker baby

>> No.52685474

Yeah, all except for my oshi.

>> No.52691537

Better then being known for nothing

>> No.52692117

>he doesn't know

>> No.52695652

Anons I don't know how to break it to you but until someone posts photographic evidence, it's a rumor

>> No.52695757

Nah, it's real. I was the sperm that was spilt on the bed that they had to clean up on that day.

>> No.52695790

Cope cuck
her own roommate confirmed it

>> No.52695871

not true, my oshi is also known for saying the n word

>> No.52695983

What did you expect her and the others to let them use their phones during that? Not only that but the head simps destroying their chances of fucking her again? How dumb are you?

>> No.52696027

Based, don't wear any condoms bros

>> No.52696178

>No condom
I heard she had gonorrhea, sounds like a bad idea. Better to just fuck her with a Condom on then take it off to dump cum from a safe distance into her gaping womb or ass.

>> No.52697001

Better or worse than the vtuber who said nigger during a rap?

>> No.52700028

How can you say she's your oshi if you won't risk a few cum diseases to fuck her raw?

>> No.52700427

I think it's pretty cool. If this whore wants to suck and fuck her fans off directly, and they want to cream her silly, isn't it a win win?

>> No.52700572

>UWOOOGG I want to fuck ''x''
vchuuba comes along that will actually let her fans fuck her
>nooooooooo she's a whore
closet homos I swear.

>> No.52700680

and you will never be known at all

>> No.52700855

I remember the first time I went to a expo party that Mari Mari was at.

It was at an airbnb and I was hanging out and talking to people when this huge guy, probably around 6'5 came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulder and told me very sternly to "come with me, newblood". He led me down to the basement, and that's when I saw her.

She was completely naked, on her hands and knees, on top of a large blue tarp. A single bare lightbulb swung from the ceiling, and two massive football players were fucking her, one in the ass and one in the mouth. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, and she was covered in semen. The words "COCKGOBBLER" were scrawled on her forehead in permanent marker . The one fucking her in the mouth bust a nut down her throat, and she swallowed it all. She then started screaming "FUNNY POWDER, FUNNY POWDER" over and over at the top of her lungs. The guy that led me in handed me a ceramic plate covered in cocaine and instructed me to blow some in her face. I bent down in front of her and she coughed up a huge glob of cum onto the tarp and looked at me in the eyes, all while still beng fucked in the ass. I grabbed a handful of cocaine and placing it in my palm, I blew it in her face. I had tears in my eyes and silently mouthed "but you are a vtuber Princess". I stood up and another massive jock took my spot and started ramming her in the mouth. I then tried to leave but the guy who took me to the room told me "you have to stay until all the coke is gone lardlungs". I sobbed for the next 3 hours doing my duty until all five men were satisfied and she was passed out in a pool of jizz.

It was the worst night of my life.

>> No.52701088

Why does /vt/ hate Mari so much? She's inline with 4chan's ethos

>> No.52701240

people who use the catalog hate everything that's not hololive or omega heckin based phase connect

>> No.52701243
File: 111 KB, 618x390, jigglypuff face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate her. She's my little plap princess.

>> No.52701549
File: 62 KB, 300x300, 1676844331010646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to PLAP PLAP PLAP Mari and anon's oshis with my /vt/bros... lets fill their slutty holes with our anon seed

>> No.52701849

i was one of those football players, can confirm all of this.

>> No.52702471

Is there going to be sex?

>> No.52703069

Hate? Nobody cares enough about her for that. She's just the point and laugh target of the week.

>> No.52703738

i don't hate but i won't watch ´´le xd meme´´ tubers, that humor is cringe to me and not interesting content or community imo. plus the rumors ewww, i like my chuubas parasocial and cute not just meme-y.

>> No.52704262

so yeah. unless she changes her content to be way different from what i said, i couldn't give a fuck about her. plus she's taken (interest = 0% in those cases)

>> No.52704407

Wait Mari is supposed to be a...goldfish?? How are you supposed to get that from her design dafuq

>> No.52705973
File: 164 KB, 235x290, mlady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore this anon, he has just broken containment and is here to stir up shit.

>> No.52708732

Most animal-themed indie chuubas don't even remotely look like the animal they're representing

>> No.52708979


>> No.52712899

How was it?

>> No.52713183

I hope she genuinely enjoys being the gangbang vtuber because that's all she's ever going to be known for

>> No.52713981

To be completely honest, if she actually is cool with fucking her fans than that's pretty fucking based if you ask me. Imagine your oshi letting you come to some con and fuck her silly. That's the dream for a lot of people on here and this bitch is potentially doing just that. I say go for it. She wants to be a whore? Cool with me. I'd rather a vtuber be fucking her fans than some bf while pretending to care about her fanbase.

>> No.52714359

This post was made by a whore

>> No.52714948

>fucked 5 guys=taken
Uwoh cuck princess

>> No.52715019

I want to fuck that whore.

>> No.52718688

>cool with fucking her fans
The guys she fucked weren't even her fans.

>> No.52721861


>> No.52722733

Plap Princes is live https://www.twitch.tv/marimari_en

>> No.52723888
File: 512 KB, 574x574, GETIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's stream was was brought to you by FIVE GUYS the official sponsor of marimari_en

>> No.52725449

It's not his meme you dumb fucking nigger, it was an ad here, if you weren't a tourist you would know that.

>> No.52726764

i'm a unicorn, i'd have to feel like i was the only one she fucked.

>> No.52729284

I want to fuck marinari !

>> No.52729350

Not another 1 hour bump

>> No.52730106

Post the video lads.

>> No.52730207
File: 403 KB, 720x480, satinbowerbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52731129

>embracing the meme
you're not in the discord?

>> No.52731471

Yeah no one cares about an indie vtuber who gets around 500 ccv, that's really someone irrelevant.
Must be boring to wait for the next monthly hololive stream to finally arrive, you have a lot of free time

>> No.52734527

