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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 777 KB, 598x1159, 1673372912496617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52597803 No.52597803 [Reply] [Original]

wtf i hate one piece now

>> No.52597906

Too bad so sad.

>> No.52597938

Congratz for mori for real. One piece is dbs tier right now though, absolute bottom of the barrel dogshit

>> No.52597974

Haki was a mistake.

>> No.52598019

What's your favorite arc

>> No.52598052

Timeskip itself was a mistake honestly

>> No.52598082

This fat wigger, if jp knew what a stupid whore she was she would be on the streets

>> No.52598107

Wano and everything that was leading up to it may be one of the worst manga arcs ever created

>> No.52598161



This guy is so mad lololololol

>> No.52598185

Japs absolutely love mori, it seems to be the only people that dislike her are street shitters and troons. Which one are you?

>> No.52598194
File: 23 KB, 328x347, EC322E7F-A5E2-447A-BB35-DC9E132E0D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn’t hate Mid Peace before this

>> No.52598218
File: 383 KB, 480x480, square-1470411222-rick-ross-leto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally like when Warner Bros tried to promote their crappy Suicide Squad movie by paying Rick Ross and Skrillex to make a song with Jared Leto Joker in it.


>> No.52598236

But every nip that meets her says kakkoi?

>> No.52598308

Except people like Both Mori and one piece

>> No.52598312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52598327

I think it was worth it.

>> No.52598412

"wow! calli-chan kakkoi!!!"

>> No.52598588
File: 38 KB, 488x488, 1682995851520653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess One Piece antis and Mori antis have something in common.

>> No.52598603


>> No.52598676

impel down best arc of one piece of all time!

>> No.52598677

The movie flopped so bad that the song became more famous than the movie, so yeah I guess you could say that.

>> No.52598851

Uta and her consequences have been a disaster for One Piece.

>> No.52599285

I'm happy for her, I think she's pretty boring as a streamer and I don't really enjoy her songs but that's a big accomplishment

>> No.52599336

fake fans

>> No.52599533

Why do you have cuck porn saved? Yikes

>> No.52599568

I'm sorry I don't unconditionally choke on Oda's dick. Everything post timeskip has been too long, drawn out and dull. The magic it had before has been lost.

>> No.52599783
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>> No.52599794
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Imagine hating the best anime of all time.
Couldn't be me

>> No.52599968

This guy watches OP youtubers

>> No.52599995


>> No.52600090

Ado collab when?

>> No.52600173
File: 93 KB, 933x933, 1681867987656584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate shonenfags. Can't wait for the same retarded Mori bait threads because Mori is gonna do One Piece stuff

>> No.52600194

Ado to Mori...what a downgrade. Should’ve chosen one of the JPs instead

>> No.52600296

Unironically was the best part about that movie.

>> No.52600418

this only solidifies Mori as personification of ironic otaku aka normalfag trash that appeals to lowest common denominator
I bet Trash Taste will basedface over this with her

>> No.52600424

Never gonna watch it now

>> No.52600445

He's obviously a deadbeat. That's one of his oshi's favorite fanarts!

>> No.52600541

>Lowest common denominator
Meanwhile every single soul in Japan lives one piece

>> No.52600609

yeah dude the sanctity of fucking one piece fandom is at stake here. this really matters, ok!!

>> No.52600906

majority of Japanese are normalfags
your point?

>> No.52600917
File: 531 KB, 711x680, 1678243121391541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething and she'll sing for the new PSG OP next.
Remember, she's friends with Teddyloid.

>> No.52600989

How the fuck are JPs "ironic otaku"? Do you even know what these words you're using?

>> No.52601021

do you know what the post you're replying to says

>> No.52601073

I hated One Piece but this is pretty based.

>> No.52601130

>anon can't read

>> No.52601166

You didn’t answer him

>> No.52601474

Your idea of "otaku" or even "ironic otaku" just doesn't fit the Japanese because everyone there literally watches anime, unironically. You're projecting your own westoid irony poisoning and fear of enjoying a medium on a people that literally created it - otaku there, the actual definition of otaku, are people who have more specialized hobbies and does not automatically mean anime. Train otaku, gunpla otaku, military otaku, etc. The western equivalent of the Japanese "otaku" are the grognards and other autistic fucks.

Anime IS for normalfags, and you pretending to "gatekeep it" when its fans are already rotten from within by acting like a mere medium as some sort of curated high art is laughable to people who play wargames as a hobby.

>> No.52601562

Not that guy but I think you're the one not following the conversation here

>> No.52601636

Honestly, probally soon at this point.

>> No.52601724

Because he can't. the JP announcement was basically universal praise. the EN one is a bunch of twitter trannies crying.

>> No.52601792

majority of Japanese don't watch anything other than occasional shonenshit when they get a job
anime otaku as such (and I mean actual ones) are still considered weirdos that normalfag Japs (majority of population) has no interest in

>> No.52601858

Mori is trannie vtuber of choice
she's self styled "ally"

>> No.52601935

Not with these people.

>> No.52601945

long post is long but correct

>> No.52602011

me pretending to do what? nothing in my post says what you're saying it does.

>> No.52602061

My dude you got btfo, sit down and hold that L

>> No.52602135 [DELETED] 

updooted and reddit gold added to this hecking wholesome post

>> No.52602138

Anon, we can see the flags in those hate comments

>> No.52602196

No, you just grown old. You lost the ability to feel the magic.

>> No.52602283

I love Mori

>> No.52602416

I don't know how people haven't realized this, but the more hate Mori gets, the more successful she suddenly becomes.
Even with all the small Twitter hate mobs that try to bring her down, she always retaliates by doing something they would make the average musician seethe with jealousy

>> No.52602435

Normalfags in Japan don't quite exist like here. A lot of people have very specific interests and most of the population feels autistic about them.
But sure, you won't find people that consume a lot of anime around every corner and be super into it but it still common that people at least watch some seinen.

>> No.52602749 [DELETED] 

Can't you at least change the art to the Fake Type guy?

>> No.52603154

I still dont get why mori makes redditors seethe so much

>> No.52603321

Who is anon's one piece oshi?

>> No.52603594

Perona, but I don't read it.

>> No.52603668


>> No.52603779 [DELETED] 

isn't she ledditor vtuber of choice who constantly flatter her on hip-hop skills and sticking it up to evil 4channers?

>> No.52603905

>wtf i hate one piece now
What's your favorite arc

>> No.52603982


>> No.52604059

I don't like One Piece or Mori, so this is about par/medium-good for me.

>> No.52604096 [DELETED] 


Great filter, maybe that fanbase will become more sufferable.

>> No.52604116

Looking at comments under Nintendo and shonen tweets has made me deduce that it's the same type of people. Children and spics.

>> No.52604164

post-Wano has actually been a resurection of early series One Piece with arcs only being like 10 chapters a piece and it rapidly approaching the climax of the series finally

>> No.52604176

>but I don't read it
good taste in wife and literature

>> No.52604205

an actual song or rap?

>> No.52604420

the more you cope about the takamoripushing trannylover you call an oshi
the funnier it gets

>> No.52604761

Preach !

>> No.52604904

>Everything post timeskip has been too long, drawn out and dull.
The fake Straw Hats was a funny bit, you must admit that at the very least.

>> No.52605054

Wano destroyed this franchise, they had to use all their budget in animation because the story sucked.

>> No.52605310

I partly blame Oda making the villains so absurdly strong starting in Whole Cake Island that Luffy completely mastering his rubber powers with Gear 4 wasn't enough to do anything, so he had to bullshit toon powers that had nothing to do with rubber.

>> No.52605498

It's a new manga volume/arc song from what I can tell. They have done it before and they use for for JP advertising on TV and shit. This is basically entirely meant for the JP audience and all these people commenting under the english tweet would have probably never even heard about it if they weren't directly told.

>> No.52605513

i dont know how anyone can read past Ace dying and the forced "this is why he's great 0-0" flashbacks

>> No.52605944

japwank please understand

>> No.52606041

>overseas stats

lol by this logic basketball is more popular than football/soccer worldwide

>> No.52606180
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Daily reminder that SHE WILL keep getting away with it.

>> No.52606419

Dressrosa tired me out, WCI exhausted me, Wano pushed me over the edge

>> No.52606738

>the contrarians come out in full force
Is there any series you enjoy or is the enjoyment being bitter it’s not like the 50s for peak story telling or idk the 1800s

>> No.52607254

Because it was kino and well set up with hundreds of chapters/episodes of build up. Only shit that felt a little last minute was that sabo seemed a little tacked on at first.

>> No.52607865
File: 371 KB, 1043x547, oda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oda mogs mori in anti count

>> No.52608102

DB wins domestically too copechama

>> No.52608645

How is Mori's skkr?

>> No.52609108 [DELETED] 

It causes more drama like this since connor is an irl friend, notice how they haven't collabed publicly in a long while

>> No.52609740

Shanks lowdiff anyone in the manga right now and you can't refute this

>> No.52610010

Logias were too powerful, it needed something.

>> No.52610086

Hancock. Best running gag in the series.

>> No.52610187

Robin is best girl.
Smart and beautiful.

>> No.52610264 [DELETED] 

Still asshurt by the twitter view limit you have to vent in /vt/ I see, troon.

>> No.52610316

These JPs that apparently love her so much literally only know her first song and nothing after that.

>> No.52610320

How new are you? Redditors praise her. It's a portion of /vt/ that hates her. And with good reason.

>> No.52610345

this is true

>> No.52610377
File: 141 KB, 463x453, 1668247996948062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oda watching too much youtube singer and vtuber.
>Its why wano was so shit.
>Its why egghead suck dick.

>> No.52610476
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>> No.52610506

This post only solidifies you as a gigantic faggot who loves to rim men's shit-crusted assholes

>> No.52610629

one piece fandom needom some culling anyway

>> No.52610715

Hard to say, the producer she's working with has done both, as has Mori.

>> No.52611564

I'm not really following this news. Why mori tho? is oda deadbeat?

>> No.52611621

He's a doxxbeat actually.

>> No.52611735

redditors in general absolutely fucking shit on her, or are indifferent at best
for redditors on the Hololive subreddit it's hard to say since hate is usually botted down or deleted by the mods, but any jabs at Mori usually get massive support

>> No.52611800

some friends of Mori worked on that one music-centered one piece movie a while ago, she's been trying to work something out since back then

>> No.52611851

I stopped reading after the 20th anniversary when WCI was ending, did it end up getting any better?

>> No.52611905

He's a hard-core "true fan". I'm not even fucking kidding. Look up interviews about the inspiration for the character of Uta.

>> No.52611939

are you seriously implying most pop stars arent like that?
most people know psy for gangnam style because its his hit song. same goes for moris situation.

>> No.52612113

Ok, and? It's ridiculous to bring up JPs opinion about her when they barely know anything about her.

>> No.52612433
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Yeah, imagine hating Space Dandy

>> No.52612541

you know this guy is full of shit since all the one piece fans hate most of the anime

>> No.52612599

He's trans.

>> No.52612892

Nether do the people who anti her so they got that in common.

>> No.52612992

Not everyone watches anime actually,
its the equivalent of saying everyone watches animation despite the range anime has in genre its just that the merchandise is everywhere because the otaku fund them a great deal that they hold a big share of whats marketed in glorious nippon.

>> No.52613347

Difference is she regularly streams while psy just peaced out

>> No.52614073

Sure. Just don't bring JPs into this when they don't actually care.

>> No.52614238

>Mori singing

It wasn't until now that I remember that she was chosen to sing that HoloEarth song. Holy shit was that bad.

>> No.52614484

Personally debunked by oda himself
Twice in a row, even

>> No.52614585

how the fuck did that deal ever happen? Is she really that big of a star in Japan?

>> No.52614974

She's a bit of a star in Japan, she's gotten radio and club play, and her CDs stay on the charts for a few weeks and she's collabed with some of the big producers and talents.

>> No.52615137

She's the most popular one in hololive.

>> No.52615661

You mean the one where /vt/ was kneeling over how good it was until they learned Mori had sung it and started crying?

>> No.52615735
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Great news for Mori. Vtubers taking over the world bros.

>> No.52615812

That shit was one of the funniest things to happen on this board. People thought they hired a new Vsinger.

>> No.52615955

I never could get into Juan Piss. The art style filtered me hard. And regardless of my opinion on Mori, this is pretty big for her.

>> No.52615993

I just want you to know the people are laughing at you.

>> No.52616122

She has a record deal with a Japanese major label. Things like this are part of why being on a major label is still considered a big deal despite DIY releases becoming easier due to youtube, soundcloud, etc.

>> No.52616404
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Dude, that's huge. Great for her. I think One Piece is not bad, personally.
However, if Mori were to do a collaboration with Altar of Plagues or Gary Larson, then I would be absolutely dumbfounded. However, since Altar of Plagues has disbanded and Mr. Larson is "retired" I have no worries.

>> No.52616536 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52616814
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>> No.52617399

You're gatekeeping anime from the fucking Japanese. Do you realize how retarded you're sounding?

>> No.52617514

the timeskip would have been improved by either
1. making the actual time shorter and showing it as a journey each straw hat took to reunite
2. similar timeframe as now, but we actually see some of what they went through, and they come back a little more changed than before, not quite as in sink, and have to slowly get used to each other again over time

>> No.52617876

if you didn't like the flashbacks, how the fuck did you ever like one piece
answer is you did not
you're another false flagging shit stirrer

>> No.52618753
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How'd /a/ take this news? Are their jannys still deleting any topic/posts about vtubers there?

>> No.52619390

hey man the 'wigger' is doing better you and ur flapping pussy lips

>> No.52619952

/a/ hates One Piece which is basically the same as hating Gura here.
Hating popular good things is empowering to them.
Honestly Wan Piss is one of the best shows i ever watched, the worldbuilding is so good.

>> No.52620772

how many more episodes till it gets good?

>> No.52620945

(((Veteran))) otakus love to shit on One Piece for being the popular thing. Yet One Piece mogs the fuck out of their favorite pseudo-intellect highschool-level philosophy seinen garbage in terms of depth and characters. Cry more about it but having below 0.001% of One Piece sales is why your obscure series get axed in its prepubescence stage and the authors neck themselves in their small shitty apartments.

>> No.52621076
File: 531 KB, 800x1200, yamasex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaving Yamato behind made me so fucking mad i stopped reading for a while

>> No.52621807

Get fucked yanatranny.

>> No.52621827


>> No.52633397

>one piece is all about the flashbacks

>> No.52647257


>> No.52647709

i forgot about this, one of the funniest vt moments

>> No.52648267

Deadbeat jannie is actually camping the One piece thread. Anyone shitting on Mori is gone.

>> No.52648506

you spoiled the plan now you get banned (it would be funny if this happened)

>> No.52650520

>the flashbacks shouldn't be important
you first cunt

>> No.52650850

timeskips ruin every manga

>> No.52651115

proof next episode?

>> No.52656118

You will learn to love it

>> No.52660097

>another announcement made before Calli could say anything herself

>> No.52660900

You mean your off topic pissfes was deleted? Just because it wasn't /vt/ doesn't mean posting about random shit about her RM is on topic there, the picture explaining Mori's connection to Oda wasn't. You can bitch and moan about a vtuber or Mori getting the opportunity all you want as long as you ain't spamming.

>> No.52661017

She said she wouldn't be the one doing the announcement this time.

>> No.52661110

You got caps as this shit sounds hilarious

>> No.52661149

LOL no. It actually made 5x more money at 747 million $ than the much better "The Suicide Squad" remake that came later.

>> No.52661565


>> No.52662176


>> No.52662303
File: 123 KB, 400x400, 1667175882282762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Wano fucking done now?

>> No.52662343

Yes, we're on to Dr Vega now.

>> No.52663490

Nintendo, hololive and the third world overlap perfectly three times over in a Venn diagram.

>> No.52663923


>> No.52664489

n word

>> No.52664533

naruto >>>>>>>>> one piece

>> No.52664612
File: 229 KB, 2524x1038, one piece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why your obscure series get axed in its prepubescence stage and the authors neck themselves in their small shitty apartments
some fat retarded youtuber turning one piece into a cargo cult and proclaiming that luffy is jesus creates more meaning than the dead sandbox autism that comes out of Oda's fingers

>> No.52665039


IRL Mori is hot as fuck so no idea what you are talking about. Strange fashion sense though I admit.

>> No.52665266
File: 315 KB, 734x1096, 1687340327238103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they picked this boring bitch over the literally pirate themed idol instead? what a fucking joke

>> No.52665340


Mori CHADs keep winning.
One Piece CHADs keep winning.
Crossover CHADs keep winning.

This is a good timeline~

>> No.52665673

I don't want them to win

>> No.52665746

Hori > Marine

>> No.52666348

Who's Hori?

>> No.52666356


Too bad bucko we already have and we will never stop either <3

>> No.52666489

Mori said on stream that she got to meet Oda. Eat it haters.

>> No.52666572


>> No.52666575

it's, you know, whore+mori

>> No.52667050

It's actually called Peak Piece

>> No.52667087

It's been over for like 5 months already slowpokechama. They are on Vegapunk's island now

>> No.52668181

Niji seethe

>> No.52668296

Your mental illness doesn’t reflect reality

>> No.52668346

No it isn't
No it wasn't

>> No.52669038

yes it is

>> No.52669145

Sugar by far
>Age: 22 (Physically 10)

>> No.52669263

I've been watching less anime since I've fallen down the rabbit hole. Have a lot of One Piece catching up to do.
Personally, Calli's songs are a hit or miss for me. Pray that it is a good one. Gratz to her.

>> No.52669318

what is one piece even about
what have the characters been doing for 1000 chapters?

>> No.52669393
File: 68 KB, 500x500, Calliope Linlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were finally done with Big Mori?

>> No.52669425

>what is one piece even about
adventure, freedom and beating the shit out of le opressor bad guy
>what have the characters been doing for 1000 chapters?
gonna sound crazy but it's actually very short, i've watched it 3 times

>> No.52669465

Luffy can go ultra instinct now?

>> No.52669641

the absolute lack of self-awareness is staggering

>> No.52669659
File: 183 KB, 522x521, ultra instinct luffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luffy Blanco can do anything.

>> No.52669679

>what is one piece even about
one dude and his crew search a legendary treasure, while duking it out with the powers that be
>what have the characters been doing for 1000 chapters?
sailing towards the island where the treasure is, but they keep getting sidelined by side quests at every port they stop

>> No.52669767
File: 227 KB, 602x838, main-qimg-510ac0ae999715ab56f5472406290072-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can also create anything he wants. Like these goggles

>> No.52670328

Seethe anti.

>> No.52671351

One Piece was and still is great, you mouth-breather.

>> No.52671548


>> No.52673127

me who hates One Piece because it’s dogshit: based

you who hates One Piece because Mori showed up to improve it: cringe

>> No.52673256


>> No.52674778

That was alright considering the awful conditions it was recorded in.

>> No.52675274

>Avril Lavigne sings for a One Piece movie in 2012
>Toei created a Vtuber character to promote a One Piece movie in 2022
>Mori Calliope sings for a One Piece volume in 2023

>> No.52675940
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>Sneeed-o, feed and seed, and weeeddd!!! ^_^
That's all I hear at :10, :25 purposefully and then tune out the rest.

Also, Is her Japanese awkward or broken sounding? She's a pop-punk burger girl iirc. She is an annoying try-hard in English.

>> No.52678730

The entirety of Golden Age Arc was a prelude that was written and planned out since it began. Once it ended the real story started, so it's not a timeskip.

>> No.52678840

you sure know a lot about reddit, deadbeat
maybe you should go back there

>> No.52679650

>Sneeed-o, feed and seed, and weeeddd!!! ^_^
pink sneedpremacy

>> No.52679662

Always have.

>> No.52679745

>IRL Mori is hot as fuck
No, and Im an architect

>> No.52679904

She has a mental block with conversational Japanese. Definitely didn't speak it enough with regular people

>> No.52680121

Wano was absolutely miserable, but it's gotten better since.
