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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 124 KB, 900x900, nogashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52580858 No.52580858 [Reply] [Original]

Ichigo Nogasi is about to wake up to $3000 from an oiler. Are you enjoring Ichigo's return?


>> No.52581003

literally who

>> No.52581227


>> No.52581292
File: 147 KB, 824x737, For the newfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel Nekomata, the habitual scammer. Her latest scam has worked. So now she'll disappear for her "surgery" and redebut as a new model trying to hide from the people that dislikes her and that dumped money on her.
previous thread:
Picrel is the current scam.

>> No.52581579

Can't hate the hustle though.

>> No.52581648

Fuck off Mel, fart into the mic again and I'll consider helping.

Also stop being a whore and stop posting here.

>> No.52581703

One of the biggest menhera-chans in vtubing.

>> No.52581751

pretty sure OP isn't her this time, she's been sleeping on stream for a few hours now.

>> No.52581778

>stop being a whore
can't change the past, she already revealed her body count

>> No.52581824

Yeah, ok Mel, whatever you say.

>> No.52581838

oh it's the braphog lmao, didn't she "have cancer" for her last grift and now she's back for more scamming with sob stories lol

>> No.52581858
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You didn't listen...

>> No.52581877

next time she streams her voice will be completely normal and she'll have claimed to have had the surgery. or will she just ghost everyone and create another persona? what do you guys think?

>> No.52581883

Fucking impressed Mel has managed to get this much money out of people yet again. I respect the grift, no one does it quite like her

>> No.52581891

How does she do it? What's her appeal?

>> No.52581988

Anon last thread summed it up well.
For all you "ichigoslings" that may discover this thread, here's what will happen:
>She drains you retards of money
>She will disappear to "get her surgery"
>She buys a new model (or two)
>She buys new overlays, intro/outro screen
>She suddenly will have an ASMR mic (Already has one btw)
>She will redebut
>She will pretend she doesn't know you if you're a regular (Read: What she did to Kougeru as Ichigo)
>She will stream for 1-2 weeks and a new problem comes up if she doesn't get donations
>Will blame /here/
>You're back here.
>This is 3 years strong. Stop supporting this bitch.
I'll make an addition
>Her simp(s) will try to claim she was hacked and stuff deleted.
This was her last excuse.

>> No.52581997

Gassy. I used to feel bad for her, but that was 2 years ago.


>> No.52582021

She'll dissappear for maybe two weeks and come back without shifting her voice anymore, claiming the surgery is the reason for why her voice sounds like this now

>> No.52582144


>> No.52582227

A lot of these saps are because they don't know who she is most likely. So she's milking the 1-2 people that keeps buying her content, but now that she has more people to dump money on her she's gonna throw them away too. I know you guys are following /here/, even you will be thrown away by her.
People have a hate boner for her but it's also a really good case study on what someone good at grifting can do.

>> No.52582260

but it seems like it's the same people watching her as before? i recognize pretty much every name

>> No.52582320

It is not. I followed her for the 3 year saga, there's only a couple of the regulars, many are missing, a lot are extremely new (none of them have any links to her past 5 reincarnations.) 2 of her biggest haters from the "Goku discord" are regularly commenting she leaves around probably because they live post her shit in it.

>> No.52582522

This. She'll use her voice she used as Mel more than likely. But the reality is, she's going to abandon this persona for the next one, she's probably needing $3500 for a new model and rigging since the second model she had a simp buy her won't get used now.

>> No.52582698

She can't change personas until the ritual of sacrificing a simp to be the scapegoat that takes on her brap sins is completed.

>> No.52582748

Has she started brapping?

>> No.52582754

Oh god. I knew something was up in that donothon. Good thing to background check this shit. Imagine all the oblivious people who doesn't even come /here/.

>> No.52582816

Her cucked fanbase does this every month where they make it a 'meme' that she leaves and then comes back and makes fun of men who donate their paychecks to chicks who are fucking other dudes while pretending to be anime girls and then fucking off randomly.

And then she does it again next month.

>> No.52582865

>disgusting fetish
>mentally unstable
>has fucked hundreds of dudes
Why do these go hand in hand?

>> No.52582928

There's about 8 old fans watching, the others are from bluebird or r/ who most likely don't know her past or refuse to believe the things posted, the rest are from /here/

>> No.52582961

She's going to have her content buyers sacrificed most likely now that she knows she has enough people to readily throw money at her without brapping/sending nudes. Next we'll hear about how one of them betrayed/hacked her or one of her friends "betrayed her trust", literally Ames/Alice era bullshit.

>> No.52582991

Bitch lies like a rug though. She once told us that she prostituted herself for crack in college. Now she claims she has no memory of saying that. I also doubt that her teacher paid $300k for her surgery.

>> No.52583075

Usually stems from self hate. She should legit go get professional therapy

>> No.52583078

I can believe someone taking pity and being rich, but a college professor wiping out her ENTIRE medical debt including surgery? Nah bro. Next we're going to hear she scheduled the surgery in 21 (despite knowing she has the money now and access to it now) and in 21 days there will suddenly be a new issue and she "lost" the donations.

>> No.52583132

>lost donations
My bet is on bank hack hort

>> No.52583328

>bank back hort
>paypal closed my account!
>I got reported uwu
So many excuses, every single one she's used so far.

>> No.52583592

Ok but what if I can fix her?

>> No.52583784

>Simps tried to fix her
>She threw them away
>She made friends that helped her
>She threw them away
>She gains fans
>She throws them away
>She sells nudes and run back to the same few people despite hating them
You can't fix her mate

>> No.52583835

stop giving her attention

>> No.52583957

Stop giving her money, she can have all the attention she wants but the second you dump money on her or buy nudes you keep this grifting bitch around, this is the most she's made yet scamming people.

>> No.52584179

never seen any evidence of these nudes even existing except for a single picture

>> No.52584378

Logically posting leads you to a vacation. She charges $100+ for a single picture, you'll be hard pressed to find them all.

>> No.52584490

What if she doesn't disappear this time? I honestly think you would have a breakdown if she is telling the truth (which she almost certainly isn't).

>> No.52584635

She most likely won't disappear/reincarnate any time soon, just change models

>> No.52584681

We already know she's changing models, she's teased the new one on stream a couple of times.

>> No.52584903

She will disappear, I know you say she isn't but don't even humor the idea of her actually sticking around. She instantly went into grift mode within 2 weeks when she didn't get donations after ONE day lol.
She's not using that model a simp bought for her, she's getting $3500 for a new model.

>> No.52585140

Bro a lot of people said that about Alice and Ames. Now I see why she can keep doing this, this isn't shit talking you in particular there's just people who really believe this check despite literal years of history of grifting.

>> No.52586039

She's awake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUYcr2LHzd4

>> No.52586130

Like the other simp that posted proof a few threads ago, I'd get a vacation doing it, so I'm not interested in showing the picture, I can show an edited email but even jannies will clap that. Her stream is back up btw if you want to hear more lies she'll talk about.

>> No.52586439

>Now I'm having trouble withdrawing anything $2000 or less
Anons fucking called it.

>> No.52586581

I gave up when she started getting "generals" on this board with all of you praising her and defending her when that was like her third reappearance already. Made me realize she'll always find suckers and you know what? good for her, cant blame her taking easy money from fools.

>> No.52586726

To be fair a lot of 2 views get "generals" when they start getting posted enough, kiki's bitchass eventually got a stable general. Just seeing "general" doesn't mean much, her personas are generic enough names when she self-posts she just adds general to it.

>> No.52586901
File: 49 KB, 300x225, dontbrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a Mel fan since day 1 and my patience is starting to run thin. Never gave her poopy ass a penny btw.

>> No.52586958

what is she saying about paypal? i got here late

>> No.52587001

She says they put a 21-day hold on her account

>> No.52587070

literally scamming poor students etc with zero guilt or shame about it. she's unironically a psychopath.

>> No.52587292

Apparently she has to wait 21 days and can't access her funds. When she was selling content on stream she said the same thing that eventually led to her reincarnating after making 1k or so.

>> No.52587302

No fucking way lmao. They really did call it if so
I kneel, griftqueen

>> No.52587320

>i hope paypal lets me access the funds
yeah, so she's already making it pretty clear what the next step of her scam is. either ask for loans until her account is released by paypal or pretend she lost the funds completely, asking for yet another round of donations.

>> No.52587335
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The more wrongdoings she does more i want to watch her stream, why i'm like this?

>> No.52587402

Same reason serial killers are bombarded with love letters from women while they're in prison.

>> No.52587414

You enjoy the chaos, because it's all she has going for her.
She's probably emailing her simps now when she claims she's messaging paypal

>> No.52587432

Slowing down on the highway to see the accident that is this actual whore’s life.

>> No.52587447

i don't know whether to laugh or weep for the retards that actually donated to her again

>> No.52587497

Thread theme

>> No.52587551

Laugh. Pity will only encourage the simps more

>> No.52587682
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>> No.52587727

unreal. i'm trying to sympathize with low IQ vulnerable men that are exploited by whores like her, but they're making it really difficult.

>> No.52587782

Just laugh because it'll keep happening. I'm laughing because people were just trying to say
>"Oh but this time it'll be different!"
The bitch literally woke up and without skipping a beat jumped to
>"paypal hort"

>> No.52588039

This is why she keeps going to the same people every reincarnation because she can easily use them and throw them away when needed.

>> No.52588237

I guarantee she got the money perfectly fine and she's just emailing her content buyers with this bullshit story to get as much money as possible. We were right earlier so I know we'll be right about this.

>> No.52588372

>my patience is starting to run thin
>starting to
After 3 years of this shit?

>> No.52588494

It's part of the whole
>"This time it'll be different"
mentality, or just enjoying a good trainwreck.

>> No.52588795
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>> No.52589099

We're just waiting for the rest of her grift to kick in, but we already know she emailed/DM'd her usual people for money so tomorrow we'll hear how paypal closed her account or she can only withdraw $100-200 and will need temporary donations, aka repeat of Ames.

>> No.52589530

did someone call her out or did she show this out of the blue?

>> No.52589600

She's either thread reading or someone dm'd her.

>> No.52589671

mods can we ban any talk of this whore? I'm tired of the hololive board being filled up with this bitch. also we need to send these vods to production kawaii and eien project, she auditioned to both.

>> No.52589742

also why are none of you faggots entering her chat and warning these people, fucking pathetic

>> No.52589790

You can filter it. I see plenty of non holo threads, so fuck off back to your corner.
She's making her scam look as believable as possible so people who don't know won't think twice about it.

>> No.52589882

Her mod immediately bans anyone that does bring up anything/call her out. We know it's a mod unless she was pretending to sleep.

>> No.52589951

well her dox and reason why not to donate is on her screen right now

>> No.52590039

can we somehow report her to youtube? she got banned as mel nekomata for sexual content so shes ban evading by having another channel.

>> No.52590143

Why bother? Just enjoy the trainwreck.

>> No.52590147

or better yet we should get that Ant fucker to do a documentary on Mel Nekomata. https://twitter.com/ant_hime

>> No.52590203

nypa. I'm here to enjoy the show not interrupt it

>> No.52590209

i wonder if it's even possible to piece everything together if you weren't there for any of it. i've been following her for years and even so i still feel like there are gaps in my knowledge. i think i've missed entire iterations of her actually. would be worth asking her though, a documentary would be amazing

>> No.52590364
File: 504 KB, 970x545, 1580128929336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Mel brap on my face

>> No.52590377

Vtuber content cop

>> No.52590396

Lol, she nuked the VoD.

>> No.52590499

Doesn't matter really, she doesn't think what she did/is doing is scamming sine she repeatedly reminds viewers they don't have to donate so if they do they're freely giving the money with no strings attached including what it's spent on.

>> No.52590581

Elden Ring time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dGyo_iHVFI

>> No.52590724

Wonder why lmao, that's the vod with literally EVERY bit of evidence (and chat) there were donation.

>> No.52590756

Youtube VODs over 12 hours get fucky. It'll probably show up tomorrow.

>> No.52590803
File: 27 KB, 526x471, 1674850960516074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't even private. straight up deleted it

>> No.52590855

What do you guys want from /vt/?
Can't you keep this contained to your doxxcord? Evidently nobody gives a fuck yet you regularly shit up the catalogue with these threads.

>> No.52590888

I think you guys are confused. She ended stream herself because her PS4 name is Mel Nekomata, it showed on stream so she ended the stream she did after waking up and deleted the VOD. The 16 hour stream from yesterday is probably still be processed, but it will only show 11 hours 55 minutes, but she fell asleep around 10 hours so anything after 10 hours is just sleeping.

>> No.52590951

no screenshot of that?

>> No.52590955

Why so butthurt? Did you donate to her?

>> No.52591020

So self-dox in this case. If this doesn't wake people up to know they're being scammed idk what will.
When Youtube cuts down over 12 hour streams it doesn't go unavailable, she nuked it.

>> No.52591070

sorry I'm a retard so I didn't get to screenshot it...the first part of her 24 hour donothon ended abruptly because her internet went out so the first part is like 50 minutes, this is followed by the 16 hour stream which will only show as 11 hours 55 minutes when it's processed, followed was that nearly 2 hour stream that she just ended and deleted the vod of herself because her PS4 name is Mel Nekomata and it showed, now we're on to this part of the 24 hour donothon.

>> No.52591074

Probably one of her content buyers trying to protect her.

>> No.52591087

again, the vod after she woke up had important information and now she nuked it. what's people confused about exactly? she had already ended the previous stream and started a new one. she nuked it and started yet another new one.

>> No.52591165

what important information?

>> No.52591190

Oh, I'm just confused then. Didn't notice she had ended the original 16 hour stream.

>> No.52591196

hi mel

>> No.52591325

why am I mel suddenly? do you think I'm defending this cunt? id like to swat her house and get her, her parents and her cat killed.

>> No.52591390

just seems like she's reading the thread atm. anyway, everything about her paypal being locked, the screenshot of her paypal etc was in the bit of vod that is now nuked.

>> No.52591449

>People who donated
>Everything relating to the whole purpose of this scam
>The supposed paypal hold she has.

>> No.52591491

I'm asking what's the course of action.
Spam her chat? Comment her videos? Report her shit?
I asked the same thing in the last thread and you kids ignored me.

Wait... don't tell me you are just talking about her and patting each others back? lol

>> No.52591530

you can see who donated by going to her livestream retard lmfao. also she still has her community post up, she explained the scam in the 54 minute stream and shes still going to talk about the paypal hold

>> No.52591539
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's now pretending this >>52586039 stream never happened. I'm going to post one more screenshot.

>> No.52591579

Where do you think you are?
We're not here to DO something, we're here to watch the trainwreck and have a sensible chuckle.

>> No.52591617

nobody is even asking about it. she's literally responding to thread lmao

>> No.52591687

nothing to chuckle at until she kills herself, I want her dead and her loved ones dead.

>> No.52591764

uploading an old vod of her now

>> No.52591822

Close the thread Mel, your menhera tendencies make you very prone to manipulation from /here/ and it keeps biting you in the ass, especially since at least one of your discord buds is playing both sides

>> No.52591893

That's a cute rat model tbqh senpai

>> No.52591999

Just enjoy the trainwreck.

>> No.52592106

Is it really a trainwreck if she scams thousands of dollars with no repercussions? She won, and she’ll do it again.

>> No.52592126

She doesn't have discord buds anymore

>> No.52592190

Yes. because she keeps finding ways to get scammed out of the money herself or just waste it in a stupid way, and then goes back to grift for more. That's what makes it a trainwreck.

>> No.52592367

The only people I know of have yet to even show up in her streams and I've been watching this trainwreck
This is why she should have just let ichigo be her redemption arc, but she's money hungry

>> No.52592502

Do we know who the silent mod is? I sort of assumed that was Estellia since I don't think he's shown up once in chat.

>> No.52592751

We do not, I did see him chatting in Reimu Endou's chat though.

>> No.52593778

here - https://gofile.io/d/ZIzIeu
genuinely thought she'd stop after switching to this mouse model

>> No.52593931

She gave it an honest try. Donations dried up, ranted about 4chan
>You're now here

>> No.52594214

been following her for so long and it's just the same stuff again and again. around the 3hr mark she tries auctioning models off to chat. she's had some I haven't even seen at all

>> No.52594432

Either she hasn't used them or there's just lost vods of them.

>> No.52594500

No wonder she loves lost media games. She IS lost media.

>> No.52594770

Literally though she's archived in a similar way

>> No.52596056

Go have faggot chuckles in your doxxcord
stop shitting up the catalog
this isn't even entertaining, you are following and chronicling this lit.who harder than some legit splits follow their oshi

>> No.52596090

All those models, wonder how many a simp bought directly for her

>> No.52596172

>harder than some legit splits follow their oshi
>Newfag really believes this
Bro do your reps before trying to speak on this board's history.

>> No.52596470

catalogfag getting mad?
you guys are the worst kind of people

>> No.52596676

I miss when Mel threads were fun and actually a mix of weird and entertaining, instead of kiwifags turning themselves into lolcows. You fags always take the fun out of it.

>> No.52596885

only time they were ever good was when she was settled in on avatar and not trying to scam for another one

>> No.52597181

i peaced out from mel and the threads in general after the stomach cancer grift arc, was way too much menhera and the threads started to look too shondo for me

this one was alright but simultaneously incredibly dumb because it led me to discover mel, once again, throwing away an opportunity to just be a fucking decent streamer

>> No.52597235

>Kiwifarms boogeyman
Bro, you lost or something? Mel threads has only been entertaining when she was just being an autistic retard and actually doing something other than scamming as >>52596885 said and even then the selling content on stream era was better than this. Kiwifarms isn't even really a thing anymore.

>> No.52597400

They were fun when she was reading them and responding to them while live. Miss that.

>> No.52597807

yup. there was in fact a period in time in which they were actually some of the better threads to spend time in on this board. now, they're a dumpster fire on par with modern gura threads

>> No.52599184

kek honestly she should have just let this persona play out and not immediately jump to scamming, but now that she stupidly threw herself out to twitter and reddit, she's put more eyes onto her when she gets exposed fully again than just /here/ and the doxcord fags.

>> No.52600749

>"I hope paypal doesn't run off with my money"
Because she wants to be sure to run off with their money.

>> No.52600953
File: 1.13 MB, 1437x807, mpc-hc64_VWoawkQo0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my download somehow didn't stop despite her nuking the vod. here's the moment.

>> No.52601504

holy based

>> No.52602696

What the?? She's the poo poo girl?????

>> No.52603075

think you can make a short clip of that popping up?

>> No.52603462

Did she just

>> No.52603491

I will never understand peoples weird obsession with this literal who.

>> No.52603613

she did

>> No.52603646

that was her watching that mel nekomata fart clip for some reason, not her farting herself, mic is muted

>> No.52603846

Why do you all continue to support this person? Before you say "enjoy le trainrekt", the reason she's able to GET this successful fundraisers is because of catalogue retards who run into these threads.

You all are the reason she's getting all this money and attention.

>> No.52604079

if any retard actually donates after seeing all this in the thread then they deserve to get scammed
she posted her sob story on reddit so that's probably the main amount of people donating

>> No.52604995

This will bite her the hardest because reddit despite being a cesspool has the bigger vtuber community that certainly won't take her scamming lightly.

>> No.52605206


>> No.52605851

Based autist. Here's a (you)

>> No.52606392

You ever stick a 5 dollar bill to a cross walk outside a coffee shop? You should try it sometime. You should try during Christmas, the single parents are more desperate for cash around that time. You should try buying a cup of joe and a muffin and sitting in the window. You should try and keep an eye on the spot. Most won't notice but you should keep an eye open for the slightly ragged 24 year old with her baby in one hand and her 4 year old boy In the other. You should definitely keep an eye on that young boy, who's impulse control was destroyed by covid and scrolling fortnite dances on tiktok since his birth. You should keep an ear out for his mother too, she'll let out a scream like you've never heard before as she hears the sound of a wet sack of potatoes flying 17 feet through the air.
Maybe then you'll stop being so uptight and learn to enjoy things.

>> No.52606800

There are at least 2 confirmed instances of retards from this thread ousting themselves as having payed a grand to her when she said "I would fuck anyone who bought me a new model"
This thread was also fully on her side like 2 months ago, who are you fooling?
What does any of this have to do with my post?

>> No.52607142

Dogbear and someone else that confirmed they buy content, otherwise while NTA they probably mean today was a good example of the fact she does tend to scam people and so anyone who chooses to search up ichigo/mel nekomata now will land here.

>> No.52607205

Not fooling anyone as I'm talking about now. I admit thinking she actually changed but I'd never donate to her.

>> No.52611087


>> No.52611541
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>> No.52611653

If you are going to give this retard money, at least force her to go to church for it

>> No.52612119

Redditors won't ever believe/admit that they got scammed unless there's definite proof. They won't take circumstance evidence because they believe all women. It would take someone in her to ousted her with receipts. They will 100% believe that she kept reincarnating due to "harrassment" because it would be victim blaming otherwise

>> No.52613214

did she end up getting that snake model after all or not?

>> No.52613320

been following vtubers intently since 2018 and i've literally never heard of anyone else having to do anything like this lmao. what the hell is this bitch cooking

>> No.52613908

She's emailing her biggest donors to keep them on a leash for when she reincarnates again.
She wouldn't be ichigo if she did

>> No.52614163

true she wouldn't, shame that the snake model is wasted though it would have been wasted either way lol

>> No.52615222

Yeah she would have abandoned that quickly too as seen by how fast she went down the scam rabbithole with just ONE day of no donations.
Paypal, shit no business would ever tell you to contact third parties when they can contact them for you to confirm, as they used the service to pay your "business." This is ignoring Paypal even wanting to take the time to confirm donations which they never seem to need to for any other streamer.

>> No.52615632


>> No.52615692


>> No.52615743

Her model's expression upon realizing is amazing lol

>> No.52616152

I knew someone had to archive the cancer era

>> No.52617663
File: 12 KB, 302x225, 1678376383349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52621766

It was an immediate realization too lmao

>> No.52622892

100% certain, because it's confirmed to be Mel, that she's /here/ bumping the thread pretending to be an anti. That's how fucking insane this woman is.

>> No.52624097

oh hi Mel

>> No.52624273

Hi Mel! Die in a hole you whore.

>> No.52625775

here's another old vod of hers that I forgot I had

>> No.52631862

This will be her "post surgery" voice or whatever new model she's buying with the $3.5k+

>> No.52633866

Just from what I'm understanding she upset a group of fetish retards so badly to the point they made it their mission to make her miserable. I felt bad for her at first but over the last 3 years seeing how she keeps scamming people, I'm just here to enjoy the show every time she gets caught, like today.

>> No.52633972

why dont you go complain about the gura threads anon, youll be more productive.

>> No.52637566

shes having a meltdown as a vtweeter lmao

>> No.52637997
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>> No.52638001
File: 453 KB, 1170x1117, 26361836293638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.52638243

Receiving emails =
>"I was reading the 4chan thread"
All her screenshots confirmed is people who donated likely used a trash account.

>> No.52638356

I can stomach a top vtuber getting shit on the catalogue, that's normal
but gimme a break
these threads seem more about you sorry losers having a moment for yourselves than anything else

>> No.52638493

Anons were right once again, she's about to cut this persona and run to the next now that she has enough money to get a new model.

>> No.52638557

shes a fucking scammer bro, how do you feel about her scamming some poor college students? she literally got a $10 donation from a college student saying "yeah im a broke college student but I want to help out" she's a fucking scammer bro she needs to be murdered

>> No.52638703

Hi Mel

>> No.52638721

I'm not allowed to shit on a Vuber I used to regularly watch after once again and again she proves to be a complete scammer raking in thousands?

>> No.52638749

Fuck off no one wants her dead. I just want people to know about her history of scamming

>> No.52638751

I can only imagine what you send her from a burner email account.

>> No.52639030

I want her dead and I've sent the police to her house before hoping they would be trigger happy and kill her entire family and her cat.

>> No.52640004

It is fucked up what she's doing because anyone who's been /here/ even a few months caught onto her play.
She needs to leave the scene, not die. You sound almost like one of the main simps she probably scammed a model out of.

>> No.52640140

Never gave a single penny to this whore, never will. I'm tired of people scamming those less fortunate.

>> No.52640361

Having been in the Ames fan discord when she turned into Narumi, there are lots of people that were threatening death and deleting shit. Then moving right on to the successor discord and threatening death again

>> No.52640585 [DELETED] 

yeah because we all know she deserves it, this whore needs to kill herself or get killed, i have her address and she knows we have her address.

>> No.52640873
File: 229 KB, 1170x588, 74376117363926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just scammed 3.5k and she’s the one suffering? I wish I could fake a sob story and get lonely simps to donate thousands to me

>> No.52641456

>"I don't have any friends or support"
Maybe because you keep scamming anyone who vaguely breathes in your direction.
It's probably more than that since we know she sells content based on the cancer arc.

>> No.52642076

i miss those threads. why did mel have to leave us again we had something special after that meltdown stream that turned into erp

>> No.52642428

you seem more of a problem that a girl scamming a stupid boy 10 bucks

>> No.52643684

surely paypal can use better spelling than that

>> No.52643954

not defending mel but sometimes when i talk to paypal i get some nigger who cant spell correctly.

>> No.52644089

i kind of expected that

>> No.52644507

Can I ask why you guys constantly follow this whore? Not defending her and not giving you guys shit but I don't see the appeal of watching a boring menhera. I never thought it was possible to be this boring of a streamer...

>> No.52646173
File: 33 KB, 450x331, shrekrispies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two years ago, I watched because I felt bad for her. At this point, I'm too invested to leave.

>> No.52646213
File: 247 KB, 720x764, 1624739480468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here that was supposed to be a trusted person is really obsessed to the point they leaked a screenshot of her reincarnation.

>> No.52646850

No wonder she can't trust people and think everyone is out to get her so she scams as a defensive mechanism. Nah she's just a scammer

>> No.52647454

anyone defending her needs to do their reps or trust the others when we tell you how she is. she has literally been completely open about being a scammer before during one of her menhera episodes. just fucking stop already.

>> No.52648147

I was a Mel gosling a year ago. Whenever she was the blue rabbit.

>> No.52648391

Kek fr because she's doing it as ichigo now, she's vanishing soon

>> No.52648489
File: 1.33 MB, 1294x735, 2022-06-23 01_26_00-(1) Exciting announcement! - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was going to be in a corporate group and they made this for me. Seriously then I got doxxed

>> No.52648619

my favorite model of hers

>> No.52648629

wait, you mean you CAN'T behave however you want and get away with it? EVEN IF YOU'RE A GIRL? wow, life sure is unfair

>> No.52649204

has anyone contacted ant hime yet? i want my mel documentary

>> No.52653302

I'm seeing a lot of oldfags in this thread, you guys wouldn't happen to have any vods from the Mel Nekomata days would you

>> No.52656868

