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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52514241 No.52514241 [Reply] [Original]

>so we might have more members joining in the future...?
Rrats? Upcoming new Holotori in JP7/ID4/EN3?

>> No.52514301

Reine impregnated Kiara.

>> No.52514515

kaela/hakka/tempus vsinger anon

>> No.52514743

I do think it's strange they announced holo summer today, instead of revealing it at the end of tomorrow's concert. Almost like they'll be revealing something else then....

>> No.52514926

Would be cool if it was in a new ID wave, so that'd be 2 JP birds (Subaru and Lui), 2 ID birds (Reine and ???) and 2 EN birds (Kiara and Mumei)

>> No.52515113


>> No.52515147

rn we have duck, chicken, hawk, owl, peacock. what's next?

>> No.52515251


>> No.52515324

falcon or flamingo would be really cool

>> No.52515395


>> No.52515436

Male confirmed, do not care.

>> No.52515484

Axel and Bae are gonna shit themselves.
In fact, Sana would come back just to shit herself as well.

>> No.52515488
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Unironically, t-rex.
I want dinosaur themed holomem.

>> No.52515505

Crane (Grus) and toucan (Tucana) to complete the Southern Birds; we already have Phoenix and a peacock (Pavo)

>> No.52515636

>>52515505 (Me)
Also birds of paradise (Apus) depending on if you consider only 4 Southern Birds or 5

>> No.52515660

i unironically want to see a bald eagle chuuba, only if they are bald tho

>> No.52515830

bald chuuba not because of a meme but they are bald because of cancer

>> No.52516100

who the fuck is hakka and why is everyone talking about him

>> No.52516230

Introducing JOHN AMERICA, the AMERICAN vtuber!
His mascot is a bald eagle that causes an explosion every time he makes a noise.

>> No.52516308

kek they really want to push hakka in there to try and save his numbers

>> No.52516322

tempus gen 2

>> No.52516515

he has less subscribers than some clippers how is this even possible

>> No.52516655

birds are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs are birds

>> No.52516840

Some homo that shitposters like to use as bait

>> No.52517235
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A member of Hololive Production who happens to be a bird.

>> No.52517420

I mean it literally said Hololive Production there, so Holostars is included.

>> No.52517600

Evidently not

>> No.52517748

OOF, denied

>> No.52517788

Yeah, because Hakka has no 3D model yet.
>A unit full of bird-related members from across HOLOLIVE PRODUCTION.
If you want to complain, then complain to whoever made that.

>> No.52517844 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.52517861
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A raven would be kino, black hair, black clothes, cool beauty
Pic related its from a manhwa

>> No.52517878

Yeah, there's Altare (eagle), Bettel (goose), and Hakka (crow)

>> No.52517953

Back to /FAGS/ with you, beggar

>> No.52517959

goose funny

>> No.52518075
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american eagle

>> No.52518138

why do they have so many bird related dudes

>> No.52518210

why is he purple though, I see crows every day and not one of them is purple

>> No.52518444

I lke the current members as they are but i think the unit is dumb simply because any bird related members that may come out in the future will be pestered to join because of design instead of any real interest or compatibility

>> No.52518589

Yeah, I'm sure Cover will force Hakka into HoloTori. This will 1000% happen and there's nothing we or the current members can do about, and Cover will make him the new leader of the unit because yes. Beggars are truly pathetic.

>> No.52518651

Is it that weird? They got to use Holo summer stream to also shill EN Connect.

>> No.52518719

That implies people other than you disagree.

>> No.52518767

Honestly, I think Hakka's not a good fit for Holotori, not because he's a man, but because he doesn't do idol music, he does metal and rock, and nobody else in the unit does that at all.

>> No.52519358

I'm sure ALL the current members of HoloTori would accept him with open arms. Keep trying, beggar.

Even if he did idol music he woulds still not be a good fit because an unit of five girls and one guy would be awkward as fuck regardless of how hard beggars love to jerk off to the idea of it.

>> No.52519452

I'm sure all of them hate their coworkers & are secretly bullies, projecting schizo.

>> No.52519511
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>one of the next talents will be forced to interact with kiara

>> No.52519524

And I'm sure they all love the homos and talk with them every day. That's why there's so many coed collabs happening, right? You have to try hader, sister.

>> No.52519534


>> No.52519598
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>> No.52519642

The ESLs will hate him, but be completely obsessed and will never stop talking about him

>> No.52519691

About the same as Mumei & Subaru, yet they are still can become an idol group.
Yes, coworkers between Hololive Production, read the OP.

>> No.52519750


Those are the final significant bird left.
By significant I mean well-known birds that haven't been done by other major tubers and have cultural themes, and visuals.

>> No.52519806

>About the same as Mumei & Subaru, yet they are still can become an idol group.
English doko? Also it's hilarious how you're still obsessed with shit that happened years ago.

>> No.52519812

Listen fucktard. Lui and Subaru aren't trading their gachikoi money to make homibeggars like you happy. The JPs aren't stupid enough to lose fat stacks of money in return for nothing. Deal with it.

>> No.52520023

Subaru that used to collab with a guy when it was popular?
The JP like Korone or Botan that right now is in the middle of a collab with males arc?

>> No.52520162

>used to
Let’s see the difference between before and after.

>> No.52520173

And you are obsessed with shit that never happened. They will perform an idol group if Cover demands it, it's a hololive production idol group. Go ahead & mail Cover if you want to complain.

>> No.52520262

And she made a fraction of the money she makes now. The top earners all pander to gachikoi.
And even if it did happen. Most of JP would refuse to perform in the same concert as a unit with males in it because it's not worth losing most of their income over. Cope and seethe.

>> No.52520304

And Cover will never shove a bunch of 3views failures into a group like HoloTori but keep huffing that hopium, sister.

>> No.52520316

What point are you even making at this moment? That Cover will push the homos on everyone and commit suicide by retardation, or what?

>> No.52520315

Regarding Korone & Botan? Nothing changed.
You mean like Pekora & how she bought a 3D male during her celebration?

>> No.52520373

An australian emu girl

>> No.52520382

>dodging the question
Shuba, as in Subaru, as in before and after the fabled male collabs stopped.

>> No.52520399

>Falls for bait so easily

>> No.52520401

That from Cover's own description: A unit full of bird-related members from across Hololive Production.

>> No.52520483

>You mean like Pekora & how she bought a 3D male during her celebration?
You don't even understand JP gachikoi, EOP twitter sister. You're arguing about something you know nothing about. Just fuck off if you're going to waste everyone's time.
Pekora and most of JP will NEVER collab with stars because of money. Period.

>> No.52520509

You mean Subaru back then when she was less popular is less popular than when she is more popular? Shocking.
Now go on & compare Pekora, Aki, Korone, Choco, Roboco, & Botan.

>> No.52520510

And you'll die before Cover puts any homo into a Hololive unit, but keep holding that description as a proof of your delusion.

>> No.52520542

And you seem to believe it’ll make any difference.

>> No.52520641

Chojin Sentai Jetman but with a sixth member

>> No.52520766

Disingenuous until the end, I see. Beg harder, your fag will not get anywhere despite your protesting for such.

>> No.52520814

Hey, I'm not the one that made that description. If they don't want to put Hololive Production there, then change it.
Others don't have that despite Astel is water themed.

>> No.52520910

Opinion discarded

Hah. What were you saying? That holo"beggars" are pushing the girls around? That your ilk dindu nuffin and the lack of coed collabs is their own free will?



>> No.52521097

>water themed
The dude is a fucking alien, you fuckwad. At least get your info right, you fucking beggar.

Beggars once again proving how they're the biggest Hololive antis in existence.

>> No.52521107

plain black design would be boring so they made it just dark

>> No.52521178

If they choose to not collab with men because they want to maximize their income, they're still choosing to do so out of their own free will. Nobody is pointing a gun at their head. Gachikoi are also not forced to give them money if they collab with men.
Are you too stupid to under free will?

>> No.52521201

Kiara just said there's nothing particular in the future right now

>> No.52521211

He crashed into the ocean & his father is in Atlantis, you dumbass, watch his 3D.

>> No.52521261

two more weeks

>> No.52521358

Beggars BTFO

>> No.52521511

And that definitely makes him eligible for Umisea. Room temperature IQ is overselling you fuckers' intelligence because that shit is already well into the negatives.

>> No.52521688

No, because Cover didn't put Hololive Production in Umisea.
Holotori on the other hand, is different.

>> No.52521749

Using something that you have to pay to access for promotion would be retarded anon. You use free stuff to promote the stuff you have to pay for.

>> No.52521852

And I'm sure that means they'll force the homo into it. Once again keep huffing that hopium, sister.

>> No.52521858

Why would they announce Holosummer during EN concert?

>> No.52521956

Of course not, otherwise they will add Hololive Production into all the idol units.

>> No.52522130
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>rn we have duck, chicken, hawk, owl, peacock. what's next?

>> No.52522484

Maybe if it was Kiara, Mumei, and Reine but with Subaru and Lui in it? They went out of their way to separate all the homos from the JP girls on the Holofes poster so I doubt it.

>> No.52522613
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I don't think Astel fits Umisea but anon isn't wrong, he has always been semi-ocean themed, he'd still fit a space unit more though.

>> No.52522703

The former already said she has no interest in collabing with the homos even if she supports them and the latter acts like none of them exist after the gartic collab in early 2022. Hell, even Reine would probably not have any interest in creating an unit with any of the dudes.

>> No.52522864

I meant if management were to force it on them they probably could get away with those three but they wouldn't dare risk Subaru or Lui coming into contact with them.

>> No.52523184

Management forcing them to have an unit with the homos would be a horrible look with literally any member regardless of the branch.

>> No.52523416


>> No.52523702

Carrots and sticks.

And you lot are slapping that stick HARD.

>> No.52523765

Diverting and calling names because he's outta arguments...sad!

>> No.52524284

Why should I waste my time when you keep pushing the same delusion that even reddit is tired of hearing, oboretai?

>> No.52524381

Supporter =/ person being supported lol.

I dunno about no Reddit other than the fallout when VG released but I'mma call bull on that.

>> No.52524544

>being an oboretai supporter
That makes you even more pathetic.

>> No.52524547

holostars isnt hololive

>> No.52524733

And you being such an anti makes you so out of touch with anything outside your pc screen lol. Hey, I heard your mom, she said your dino nuggies are done lol

>> No.52524814

Reddit called. They want their PG language back.

>> No.52525121

Fuck their karma system

>> No.52525712

A pink genki flamingo girl would be cute.

>> No.52526650

Holotori is kiara unit, your homo need to dogeza first to get that validation.

>> No.52531119

kaela/hakka/tempus vsinger anon

>> No.52531235

Who are you quoting?

>> No.52535012

>tempus vsinger anon
The faggot you people tried to sell as the StarsEN vsinger ended up leaking the new Niji wave.

>> No.52535075

Raven >>52517861 or Crane >>52519750 seem more likely, raven is it's an EN, crane if it's a JP
>but what about ID
Idfk, a SEAgull or something

>> No.52538180

more boys
