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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52501647 No.52501647 [Reply] [Original]

HoloCHAD status?

>> No.52501698

Not baseball
don't care

>> No.52501761

Get graduated

>> No.52501785

What is this?

>> No.52501825

I hope she gets a song for the live action one piece so it gets shat on for being associated with a shitty adaptation.

>> No.52501829

Can she even be stopped at this point?

>> No.52501835

I don't know what this is, but anything involving Mori is most likely shit.

>> No.52501856
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What this about?
One piece?

>> No.52502107 [DELETED] 
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Losing as usual

>> No.52502166

It's One Piece

>> No.52502206

We /a/ now

>> No.52502365
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>> No.52502378

Drawchads please...

Usopp fucking Mori...

>> No.52502413
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She's gonna remake the 4kids theme song for the One Piece live action

>> No.52502482
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>kimetsu no baba
You are no different.

>> No.52502519


>> No.52502568
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>> No.52502579
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They give this to irrelevant chuubas with no views? She must suck a mean cock since Fauna and Gura get jackshit despite having 5 times her viewership.

>> No.52502649

Prime time viewers are tourists who don't spend money.

>> No.52502673


>> No.52502772

gundou died for this

>> No.52502788

Oh he mad mad

>> No.52502857

>responding to bait
you're just as bad and the reason this board is so shit

>> No.52502954

Congrats to getting the worst holoEN that im sure barely know of OP to begin with

>> No.52502958
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>> No.52503102

Haha! She already influenced Oda years before now! You can seethe more while she wins.

>> No.52503110

Nigga, that new main character of the last OP movie was literally inspired by a character Mori designed pre holo for a MV.

>> No.52503151
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ID can beat this.

>> No.52503257

source in next thread?

>> No.52503377

2nd highest subs for an EN chuuba in the world btw
relevance doko?

>> No.52503462

Oda doesnt even know Mori exists...

>> No.52503488

Dragon ball > one piece

>> No.52503501
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>> No.52503508

Is this another reason to avoid the anime, fellow manga-only chads?

>> No.52503523

Oda has directly said in interviews he was inspired by Mori.

>> No.52503538
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Imagine being this mad

>> No.52503558
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>They give this to irrelevant chuubas with no views
>no views
She has the most views in EN, retardchama, and not just in total but monthly too

>> No.52503583
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>> No.52503589

I'm very happy for my oshi

>> No.52503603

Fuck you Mori, now I have to see zoomer faggots spam that unfunny "THE ONE PIECE IS REEEEAL" shit everywhere again

>> No.52503605

>Subs cope

>> No.52503622

Maybe Gura should try doing anything, ever first

>> No.52503655

Dont watch Mori or even particularly like her but I can't deny that's a huge get. I understand why she said she wanted to lay low. One piece fans are mental

>> No.52503672


>> No.52503679

that's how you know you're getting old grandpa

>> No.52503692

>Ignore how many holos passed her
>Ignore how kobo is weeks away from passing her
Imagine getting mogged by an ID, wouldn't happen to Gura.

>> No.52503707


>> No.52503718

>Botted views cope

>> No.52503763

so do you even read what you're responding to or are you malding so hard you've lost the ability to read?

>> No.52503784

Shame that it is a shitty anime.

>> No.52503804

Anon, I'm not the one imagining a totally separate universe from reality.

>> No.52503811
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I kneel deadbeats

>> No.52503824
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>> No.52503835

>Can't bot her live views and subs anymore
>Resort to viewbotting
KEK, nobody believes she has more viewers than Pekora. Her ccv isn't even 1/20 of pekora's.

>> No.52503855


>> No.52503867

Like I said, the Mori anti is like Userbenchmark, Mori is AMD.

>> No.52503870 [DELETED] 
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This is You nijinigger?

>> No.52503878

I dont even watch hololive but i want to congratulate her and warn you deadfags that the one piece fandom is far worse than anything here in /vt/
Good fucking luck

>> No.52503897

Why is it so hard to believe she isn't botting? Most of those views come from her music.

>> No.52503925


>> No.52503931 [DELETED] 
File: 617 KB, 2048x1907, FZpGHjDUsAciYXo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source right now. This is a interview where Oda said he was inspired by the character in the "Princess" MV by TOPHAMHAT-KYO. Mori did the MV for it pre holo. She was responsible for everything to do with the MV aside from the music of course. Meidos will delete this post though since it's from preholo stuff.

>> No.52503958


>> No.52503988

>All new originals mogged by Kiara's new originals
I'm sure people are playing her debut track on repeat for 3 years. Not bots.

>> No.52503994
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and this one too

>> No.52504060 [DELETED] 

How are Mori and this guy related?

>> No.52504066

She's singing for the live action isn't she? kek.

>> No.52504093

Anon, do you sincerely believe that I Want It That Way was bottled?

>> No.52504168

Would unironically be kino.

>> No.52504195 [DELETED] 

Nigga, I just told you. She designed and animated the MV for his song pre holo. She animated a few of his MVs and they got roughly 60m views in total. He also mixed a couple songs of her's early on in holo.

>> No.52504215 [DELETED] 

>Got the job because of the guy she fucks
Thanks for clearing that up, deadbeat.

>> No.52504228

Oh yeah, the artist made a follow up song for that, telling his audience how he felt being boosted by the simp bait drawing.

>> No.52504246

He mad his oshi don't get shit lmao the seethe. Wouldn't be surprised if it was also a 2view roastie.

>> No.52504272

>Why is it so hard to believe she isn't botting
Your talking to a schizo who really wants to push the idea she's sliding into irrelevancy despite there being hard stats that prove otherwise
I genuinely don't doubt even he "believes" any of the shit he throws at the wall

>> No.52504300

Didn't stop him from using it to boost him self to get a song on the OST for film RED.

>> No.52504322 [DELETED] 

You forgot to mention he pushes her shit in. Source: her mom.

>> No.52504326

I ask again: why do Mori antis unironically think they were passed off by Holo for Mori?

>> No.52504345

you mean ENNA?

>> No.52504387

>onepiece collab
I have no idea what going to.

>> No.52504398

If this thread is anything to go by they’re all mouth breathers

>> No.52504408

I was literally shitting on her... that despite being #2 in subs she got absolutely abysmal popularity in viewers.
Reading comprehension doko?

>> No.52504415

because mori hate SJW

>> No.52504442

Why do Mori antis always sound like jealous 2views?

>> No.52504473

>sound like

>> No.52504501

>Source: her mom.
The same person who uncritically thought she was in a lesbian relationship with Kiara btw kek

>> No.52504521

im still waiting for the source on this btw

>> No.52504551

they ARE 2view rejects. Or even worse, simps for 2views and thinking they are fighting to give their useless whore views

>> No.52504557

It was already posted

>> No.52504558

Depending on the context, they mostly are.

>> No.52504577

also the same person that doxx Mori live on fucking stream

>> No.52504584

Literally got posted >>52503931

>> No.52504589

there are a lot of 2views and vtweeters who are still mad about OWTH

>> No.52504599

>Bait doxxpost
>Idiot bites
>Report doxxpost
>Pretend that nothing was posted.
You're not really subtle.

>> No.52504618

That was her grandma, and it was funny as hell because it was literally the third word out of her mouth kek.

>> No.52504621 [DELETED] 

>Deadbeats aren't pathetic unicorns we support Mori's choice to do male collabs
Deadbeats are hilarious.

>> No.52504628
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Mori dominating on the mountaintop once again! I am happy for her and hope she knows how much of an inspiration she is.

>> No.52504634

>same person that doxx Mori live on fucking stream
No that her was her boomer as grandma, keep up retard lol

>> No.52504694
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>sound like

>> No.52504697

Less hilarious than a loser who pretends that Mori is Washed.

>> No.52504755

Why should I care about mid series

>> No.52504756

Great thanks for nothing

>Oda has directly said in interviews he was inspired by Mori.
How can it be a doxx if it was Mori who inspired Oda? It was you ppl who said she did.

>> No.52504787

She did stuff for one piece? Ayo? Congrats deadbeats my oshi loves mori and even got to touch her tits too lol. il be cheering for her on the side

>> No.52504794

I don't know man, you're posting here

>> No.52504798

>Make a claim based on unreliable source
>Cry when someone points out that your sole source is unreliable
lol, also
Who are you quoting?

>> No.52504799

Funny. If Mori loses 40% of her viewership every year like she's been doing for the past 3 years she'll be a 2 view herself in no time.
Already close to being a 3 view.

>> No.52504827
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>if x happens
>when x happens
>x will happen
>once x happens
>eventually x will happen
>can't wait until x happens

>> No.52504828

Ollie pfp kek

>> No.52504838

This year for sure, right sis?

>> No.52504849

Ok so deadbeats are gaslighting again.

>> No.52504859

Any day now.

>> No.52504871

you never learnt algebra did you

>> No.52504877

I am here for vtubers

>> No.52504885 [DELETED] 

Nijiniggers angry about ID whole gen graduation and dying company

>> No.52504895 [DELETED] 
File: 544 KB, 720x954, 261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this image make nijisister seethe so much?

>> No.52504923

>Ollie pfp
>Watame in name
>En vtuber
Wtf am i looking at

>> No.52504987

>assuming constants
>removing context from data
You'd fail 10th grade math desu

>> No.52505026 [DELETED] 

Why do you care so much about it being fake or not if not for the fact that you care that she might be getting railed. RUMAO.

>> No.52505046
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>> No.52505082

No they aren't angry about ID graduating you think they care about there organs? Lmao they are mad that people are calling there pracious riku a slavemaster and tarnishing the companies reputation absolutely unacceptable behaviour how come there company not deserve all money in the world?

>> No.52505116

Something her roommate collabed on before she was Calli inspired One Piece's author's idea for the "villain" of the most recent movie

>> No.52505150
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Aged like milk?

>> No.52505159 [DELETED] 

>P-pe-please anon stop calling out my lies and le-let my spread rumors in peace
No lol

>> No.52505165

>Source: I made it the fuck up

>> No.52505166

A schizo autist, the most common of the Mori antis.
The second most common is the unicorn.
The third most common is the SJW.
The fourth most common is the seething 2 view.
The fifth most common is the anti-black racist.
The sixth most common is the anti-white racist.

>> No.52505168

On damage control arewe?

>> No.52505205

Oh no they are getting deleted and btfo...

>> No.52505260 [DELETED] 

Why can't cuckbeats accept people don't like Mori because she isn't a likable person instead of all the hate she gets being from some grand 2view conspiracy?

>> No.52505263 [DELETED] 

>Mori astroturfing isn't real, they're anti threads
>Look att his thread in archives
RUMAO even

>> No.52505311

There WAS an image ITT thread, but, I guess because it's roommate shit, it got deleted. I posted it in the One Piece thread on /a/

>> No.52505320

Then just don't watch her. If you enter this thread and hate Mori it's automatically your loss.

>> No.52505391

Its weird how this supposed mass of people can only post in minute intervals and keep getting mass deleted lol

>> No.52505556

You're right it's weird how even milquetoast criticism get deleted. Really makes you think.

>> No.52505620

Nah. Every once in a while I check in on bait threads just for the fact there's rarely a good, interesting post somewhere in there and you can have a decent, stimulating conversation about something. If not I just leave a simple observation and dip, maybe reply to anyone replying to me. About all you can do really.
Deadbeat janny's been a thing for ages anon
>All the people I don't like are actually just one guy
Is yet another weird deadbeat cope you guys cling to.

>> No.52505691

>one minute apart, again

>> No.52505737

Assuming a trend from N=3 and blaming one factor for it would earn you mockery in any high school class, not just math.

>> No.52505802

This is unironically hard to listen to and not because I hate Mori but because of how underused she is. She's got such a rich voice but they have her doing the same 'le superfast exdee moeshit' fluff which made Hologra such a disappointment.

>> No.52505838

Again anon, this is just actual schizophrenia from you at this point. Several people can hate the same thing.

>> No.52505878

>Deadbeat janny's been a thing for ages anon
Didn't people claim there was KFP janny as well?

>> No.52505954

They actually believe every mori "anti" is a know your meme employee who had to edit an article about the horse porn meme. They even doxed the poor guy just because know your meme had him report on a meme. Look up the archives.

>> No.52505978
File: 1.18 MB, 1536x2048, 1666591192673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the people I don't like are actually just one guy
>pretends that every reply to him comes from the same person

>> No.52506033

Don't remember it. Only thing I ever see of Kiara's get deleted is actual dox shit, so if they're screaming about that they're just morons.

>> No.52506043
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Atleast do your reps b4 you try to pull the shitty grammar card

>> No.52506065

Kek was it the idiot doxxbaiting?

>> No.52506101

Kek. I like how accurate this is and barely any change from the past

>> No.52506196


>> No.52506205

Isn't hate bit of strong word?

>> No.52506248

>Dude trust me

>> No.52506353

I don't care just do not show up in any chapter or episode of anime

>> No.52506499

she will show up in the OP/ED every episode now

>> No.52506505 [DELETED] 

not even a deadbeat by any sorts of measure but mori is the most relevant holoen, retard. bitch shits out content for her fans regularly, can't say the same for most of holoen.
NA dead hours sniper, all of her "high ccv" streams are when no one else is streaming and was previously dominated by;
now that's she's dead, that slot is uncontested and the above is taking advantage of it
they dont get shit because they don't give a shit. they're just coasting and leeching off of hololive. fauna is a talentless whore while gura was peddled and pimped for by youtube.
i know this looks like i'm a deadbeat but i haven't watched a mori stream in so long. i just respect her work ethic while i despise the whores that does nothing in their time in hololive.

>> No.52506512 [DELETED] 

fucking retard

>> No.52506568 [DELETED] 

I don't think fauna is a whore, she works hard. But gura is a fucking leech that deserves death and hate for the way she treats fans

>> No.52506620

>Not a deadbeat but FUCK THE REST OF HOLOLIVE
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.52506717

>Le falseflag
Again, you're not being coy. Just take your L and move on

>> No.52506720

>numbers don't matter
>until they make me look good, then they do

>> No.52506738

Is she getting like one obscure cameo in an episode?

>> No.52506760

Numbers don't matter without context. It's been that way since the beginning of time.

>> No.52506999

They get grudgeposted about her subs, ccv, recent originals views and superchat income after spending the last 2 years using those numbers when they were good to shit on the rest of hololive. They're just setting themselves up to get grudgeposted abiut the only good number she has left once it inevitably goes to shit too.

>> No.52507103

No she didn’t you retards. The design was partially inspired and even that’s an exaggeration if you actually pay attention to one piece

>> No.52507105

>They get grudgeposted about her subs, ccv, recent originals views and superchat income
She's doing in fine in all those metrics lol

>> No.52507167

And no response

>> No.52507253

Why would they use a big ass billboard to advertise a cameo?
All we know is it's not an *anime OP or ED*, and the sponsorship comes with a new Live2D outfit.

>> No.52507315

You have to be huffing some major copium to claim her ccv is good. Table in this thread proves she's losing viewers at twice the rate the second fastest person losing views is.

>> No.52507342

Go support your irrelevant vtuber kek

>> No.52507399

>Seething so hard he couldn't quote the right post

>> No.52507484

>Recent originals have done shit and as it stands music on youtube is already a money sink
>CCV doesn’t matter but that’s dropped hard same with vods
>Superchat income is down
Subs are fine but I think he meant sub growth which overall is also fine

>> No.52507554


>> No.52507661

they fume so hard that they breath through their mouths as they find the nearest possible post to reply to. Pink woman must lose.

>> No.52507884

>some faggot is deleting comments

>> No.52508408


>> No.52508534
File: 1010 KB, 977x858, 1681401937435788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antis are once again attempting to shit on mori
>even now after the Universal Signing, the solo concert, all the albums and now a fucking One Piece collaboration

>> No.52508696

Fat chicks give the best blowjobs

>> No.52508801

>mori tries to announce something
>she ends up announcing and hyping up another announcement
I might've cared before, but I can't bring myself to care now

>> No.52508938

It makes me wonder if Marine will also have something to do with that, seeing that she's a pirate.

>> No.52509061

>proceeds to comment anyway

>> No.52509602

If we could convert the seething into electricity it would be enough to power LA,Paris and Tokyo continuously for 20 years

>> No.52509769

Okay actually no matter how you put it it's big AF. REALLY hope it have nothing to do with the incoming catastrophe incoming with the netfix adaptation though...

>> No.52510410

It's going to be funny when a mixture of alcohol and antidepressants causes Mori to become the first holo to audibly shart herself live on stream

>> No.52510505
File: 544 KB, 720x954, 261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really mori "antis " or seething nijinigger or disguise?

>> No.52510620

Two sides of the same subhuman

>> No.52510696

why would nijikeks seethe over mori?

>> No.52511287


>> No.52511594

Good to know but that was not the main point of my post.

>> No.52514291

I don't really get how people can continue this shit for so long. I can get not liking her, but people tend to just ignore stuff they dislike. These guys though, they hold onto the only metric they can point at to show she is "declining", her CCV when it seems to mean absolutely nothing since she keeps getting more and bigger opportunities every other month it seems. At some point they should get that streaming hasn't been her primary job since she signed onto UMJ and it is something she enjoys doing regardless of viewership since she is consistently on the higher end of hours streamed. You would think by now they would just start ignoring her like a normal person instead of spending hours and hours seething

>> No.52514394
File: 52 KB, 858x425, 1683880947197958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52514425

Unimaginably based

>> No.52514824

/nijieEN/ here, we do not care about your Mori drama. I'm only in this thread because I saw the One Piece logo. You're dealing with your own homegrown schizos. Also, can you please get your schizos to stop spamming beggar posts about Selen and Nina joining EN3? It is very embarrassing to witness them doing this.

>> No.52514856

outstanding move

>> No.52515555

it's because they get (You)s from (You)

>> No.52515948

Rent free isn’t just a meme

>> No.52516410 [DELETED] 

How do I get to be as productive as Mori? I am tired of this life of trying to learn Japanese for almost two years while working boring office jobs I don't give a shit about. I want to draw and find something I actually enjoy but I just never do it or not enough of it. How the fuck do I find a passion like Mori has, bro? Do have to start taking drugs? I'll fucking do it. I already ordered some shrooms

>> No.52516630

seething vtweeter that is really going to make their debut soon guys, promise, you gotta believe them

>> No.52517091

Contract autism and ADHD

>> No.52517583

Sure is shilling deadbeats around here.

>> No.52518335

>sure is seething 2views around here.

>> No.52518344


>> No.52518952
File: 359 KB, 1200x1200, 15407379041604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they not color in her little sweater vest thing? It just looks weird all plain.

>> No.52519116

it's a mori thread

>> No.52519163

sorry but Vwhorejo or niji can have her, thank good she wasn't in holosummer

>> No.52519386

Kek. Based retard. Thanks for the neat sweater.

>> No.52519485

>my alma mater's campus

>> No.52520056


>> No.52520077


>> No.52520094

hopefully I'm a bit closer to having that AdoMori dork collab
I don't even watch Mori that much but that would be really funny

>> No.52520526

fuck you retard for making me see what your retard brain saw, retard.

>> No.52521192

>announcing an announcement
never change Mori, never change

>> No.52521268

Welcome to Japanese entertainment.

>> No.52521293

you fucking idiot kek, thanks for making me smile on a bad day

>> No.52521360

Mori antis just continually getting blown out. Feels great

>> No.52521399

Oh no English dub OP cover when Mori?

>> No.52521617

Hope it's not live-action related (unless it miraculously turns out to be good), but I'll take it either way. Being officially involved with One Piece in any way is a huge deal.

>> No.52521783


>> No.52521968

Can confirm, Mori's bjs are the best

>> No.52522343

Don't talk shit to my oshi, you fag

>> No.52522568

>Fauna and Gura get jackshit despite having 5 times her viewership.
Total channel views
Mori Calliope: 456,539,808
Ceres Fauna: 80,356,952
Gawr Gura: 348,254,037

>> No.52522751

She's singing the 4kids pirate rap for the Netflix adaptation.

>> No.52522769

Literally the only thing she has left. Can't wait for it to nosedive like her subs, ccv and supers.
Cuckbeats kept saying it wouldn't happen.

>> No.52522814

Keep the vwhores to yourself falseflagging faggot

>> No.52523111

Bullshit you even are into One Piece. You're just a lowly anti.

>> No.52523157

My oshi.
My woman.
Calli Maji Saiko.

>> No.52523353


>> No.52523545


>> No.52523696

I would unironically kneel

>> No.52523855
File: 84 KB, 1297x476, mindbroken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek unicorns cut out Mumei and Ina because they reclined more than Kronii

>> No.52523886

Unironically peak kino if true

>> No.52523888

>Can't wait for it to nosedive like her subs
View counts don't go down anon. And her subscriber count has not decreased at all.

>> No.52523962

>Fauna and Gura get jackshit
they get jackshit because they dont give a shit. mori has produced more content than those 2 combined.

>> No.52524022

I bet Mori thinks that Sanji is stronger than Zoro

>> No.52524056

i'm glad we all know shit stick together
One piece Netflix 99% is pure shit
She's part of shit
what a win.
at least they get paid to go faggot and woke.

>> No.52524201

In all fairness after the Lean Purge is probable that some of her subs that were retards no longer watch but forgot to remove the sub

But yeah, people here focus on Mori as an streamer only but Mori's real forte is her music releases, many subs got there because of music but they don't give a shit about streaming so they only stay as views on the MVs (not to mention that her music breached the Holo walls and reached far beyond the intended audience, I've seen people who don't know nor care about Hololive talking about her music, wheter for good or bad, but mostly bad...)

For Mori streaming is just a hobbie to make her feel better, this girl is always doing something as she recently got into voice acting too while still doing all her Jobs and stuff

>> No.52524295

nijikeks on suicide watch

>> No.52524382

>holofan care about reject
Who the fuck want those reject other than nijinig that want to jump ship.

>> No.52524453
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>> No.52524535
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>> No.52524778

It's One Piece in Japan and Universal Music is involved so it's not just a one-off sponsor stream. It's a big deal no matter if you love her or hate her and it's stupid to think otherwise. It's also stupid to use it as shitty tribalism bait.

>> No.52525057

almost would have tried to watch it just cause it's One Piece just to see.
now i don't even want to give a shit.
not wasting worthless hours to watch or hear garbage

>> No.52525170

>faggot thinks his time is worth shit
you're in this board for a reason, retard. just like the rest of us.

>> No.52525299

This whole thread went into a fucking dumpster fire war about views, vtweeters, doxxing and other shit, but almost no one talked about what the hell is Mori supposed to do in this collab

I think she mentioned is not OP nor ED, so it could be a random song, or a cameo, or maybe just the outfit

>> No.52525493


>> No.52525646

I don't get it...

>> No.52526035

the only positive outcome of the live action.

>> No.52526436

imagine if this works and in the future she gets to sing the pokerap

>> No.52526500
File: 241 KB, 473x443, 1679047027679299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this make it clearer for you?

>> No.52526706

did they ever find the one piece yet

>> No.52526730

Uh, fucking based??

>> No.52526793

Yeah. Its a slice of life manga now.

>> No.52527011

>her subscriber count has not decreased at all
Dude, nobody ever unsubs. You should be looking at sub growth if anything, but honestly subs are kind of pointless by themselves as a metric.

>> No.52527106

Good lord! Put some pants on!

>> No.52527232

This. And that story is beyond GRIM.

>> No.52527447

Still believing in that copium, I guess. For example, Gamers Nexus has less subs than Mori, but yet is the second most relevant tech tuber. LTT dwarfs his Sub count, yet actual people in the know rely more on GN's reviews over LTT.

>> No.52527508

You really sound like a bitter, decripit, 2view who can't move on over delusions of grandeur that Cover picked Mori over you.

>> No.52531326


>> No.52531438

dead lol
