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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52405111 No.52405111 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52405142

She's doing Mori numbers, nice.

>> No.52405251

As I said before, henyafags really were setting her up for grudge posts.

>> No.52405501

Final Fantasy Debuff. I've been seeing it with all streamers.

>> No.52405513

>vshojoke said she will never drop at 15k..
so that was a fucking lie?

>> No.52405615

Mori has higher averages than this.

>> No.52405720

>Mumei at 2k viewers
In case you where wondering why the numberfags are shitposting

>> No.52405885
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Uh oh. Is it already time to grudgepost?

>> No.52406216
File: 805 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_2023-06-30-09-05-59-527_tv.twitch.android.app-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 hours of ffxvi autism
When will HoloEN have an endurance streamer?

>> No.52406315

Numberfags are busy talking about Fauna's stream and Vesper's new outfit. Stop thinking everything has to do with numberfags.

>> No.52406365
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Seeing all of the desperate attempts to prop Henya up over Mousey sure was funny. But lets be honest, she was always going to play second fiddle to the queen.
She learned her place

>> No.52406385

despite being popular FF16 is a huge debuff

>> No.52406404

Is this the next level of cope? Let's check back in 6 months later. Surely there are no historical data points that point out to a predictable cliff-drop in activity.

>> No.52406580

It can be said the same for EN3 lol

>> No.52406705

The numbers of twitch is worth 4 times than that of youtube.
Her CCV equals 15k on youtube.

>> No.52406823

Next level cope

>> No.52406863

Haven't you seen hololive before?
This is a superchat reading stream.

>> No.52406919

>The numbers of twitch is worth 4 times than that of youtube.
This doesn't seems right, her youtube channel is basically dead. She would get 1-2k on youtube lol

>> No.52406951

Even if that's true, her numbers still dropped to around her previous YT numbers. Which is what any sane person would have predicted since she's not that entertaining. Just compare her to Mousey or Vei, the difference is like day and night.

>> No.52407019

This is not coping, but the true just based on market research.

>> No.52407054

>Numberfags are numberfagging but its not actually numberfags
Sounds like cope to me.

>> No.52407148

Sounds like cope to me.

>> No.52407178

FF16 is a massive flop. worst selling game in the franchise by a long way and it's strongly resented by a lot of old fans of the franchise

>> No.52407231

But...you're a numberfag too. Should I lump you in with them?

>> No.52407258

>Sounds like cope to me.
Sorry, I thought you just didn't know that.
For reference, she got 12k ccv yesterday.

>> No.52407354

>it's strongly resented by a lot of old fans of the franchise
really, why? i'm curious

>> No.52407404

Dafuck your talking about, her avarage as pikame was like 900 people, shes avaraging 3k plus now, its much better for her

>> No.52407484

It’s not turn based and fantasy enough.

>> No.52407531
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>Numberfag Vshoujo
>Get defensive when they numberfag back
I just enjoying the free entertainment. There's literally no winning when bringing up numbers, they're all fucking shitters to begin with.

>> No.52407707

According to my calculations, 900 ccv on Youtube is equivalent to 225 ccv on Twitch. Her current ccv of 3k means her ccv has increased about 13x after vsj.
This shows how powerful the vshojo/twitch brand is,

>> No.52407726

>Numberfag back
It's just a stupid deflection to begin with. Finana has 467 viewers right now. Shinri has 328. Who cares? This is a stupid thread but fighting an imaginary enemy is just as dumb, like the guy who posts YASSSS SISTER CUT 4 HEX in half the catalog bait threads

>> No.52407738

>FF16 is a massive flop
Final Fantasy 16 Is The PS5’s Fastest-Selling Exclusive So Far with over 3 million copies sold.
Vocal minority doesn't like when things change, it happens every few years when they try to innovate the franchise. Also, the game for sure lacks a few core JRPG elements.

>> No.52407819
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>> No.52408428

It's a cinematic action game made to appeal to western audiences, not a JRPG anymore

>> No.52408762

>sis who cut for Hex spotted
not him btw, but literally no one mention him or Hex and you bring them out to tell everyone you cut for Hex.

>> No.52408868

I don't watch Nijimales, I'm just posting an example of a retard poster who likes making assumptions about who's making the bait posts he's getting mad at

>> No.52408942

1 dollar donation on youtube is like 10 cent on twitch, how do i know? cuz i made it up too.

>> No.52409169

watch out, he's doing real math here and not making shit up

>> No.52409258

Nothing happened you fucking obsessed #-fag.

>> No.52409268
File: 241 KB, 1873x1208, numberfagsjuststopalready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes up and down depending on what you do and when you do.

>> No.52409524

Mouse couldn't stand someone else getting attention and started her subathon like 2 weeks after her debut. The corp then put all it's effort into promoting that. Any legitimate corp would have told her to fuck off until Henya is established, but this is VShojo and VShojo plays favorites. It's been a month of the biggest talent in the corp streaming over her.

>> No.52409788
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Dual debuffs of FF16 and Mouse's subathon. Pretty easily seen in the chart. As soon as June 1st hits her averages drop a noticeable amount, and the smallest numbers on the chart by far are the days she was marathoning FF16. They were higher directly before and directly after.

>> No.52409828 [DELETED] 

Twitchnig and their cope and this is gtom the platform that doesn't care about botting, embed and multiview. 4k should be below 1k on youtube.

>> No.52409953

she had literally one stream at 15k, nobody ever said that lmao

>> No.52409957

Twitchnig and their cope and this is from the platform that doesn't care about botting, embed and multiview. 4k twitch view should be below 1k on youtube.

>> No.52410035

It's typical numberfag shit because they can't bring up pikamee without sounding retarded. case in point above

>> No.52410053
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>> No.52411300

There were plenty who said there was no way her viewership would drop as low as it has though. Meanwhile some anons said she was eventually going to join Nazuna and Kson as a sub 4k streamer, and here we are.

>> No.52411826

>taking screenshots of the absolute lows far below the stream's average in a 50+ hour debuff rpg and calling that her new normal
that's the retardation i expect from numberkeks. at least she'll never be as low as hololive's mumei and the rrat, 2k streamers lol

>> No.52412586

>4k twitch view should be below 1k on youtube.
Yeah show those 30k casual Holostreams on Twitch then fucking retard

>> No.52412920

Why do Henya numberkeks keep deflecting to Hololive? You're just as bad as the Holo numberkeks and inviting grudgeposts.
>Debuff rpg
So you acknowledge that debuff content exists but when other people stream using debuff content it doesn't count, it only counts for Henya. You're both retarded.

>> No.52413081

i saw the /#/ poll where like 99% of people answered they only watch hololive. you're literally all holofags.

>> No.52413200

I don't visit /#/ but thank you for telling me you're literally a numbertad just like the other dumbasses. I shouldn't have bothered, go slapfight with your retarded friends.

>> No.52413271

so you agree hololive sucks then, sorry for accusing you comrade.

>> No.52413487

I don't care enough about Hololive to know if it sucks or not, I mostly watch indies and shitpost. I just think corpo vs corpo slapfights are dumb and I hate all of you.

>> No.52414104

It's a new playthrough. Click on any let's player or streamer that does long playthroughs, first stream always has more views.

>> No.52414289

Her design filters me, the eyes are creepy.

>> No.52414304

>lacks a few core JRPG elements.
it doesn't have any RPG elements you retard
