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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1019 KB, 953x881, Ironmouse 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52383581 No.52383581 [Reply] [Original]

The Heavenly King of the West.

>> No.52383828

>the west
if you have to specify, it is consolation prize.

>> No.52384080

>1 retard gifts 10000 subs

>> No.52384506

I really don't understand why VTwitchers love to piggyback on VTubers. Are they not confident to build their own brand?

>> No.52384684
File: 64 KB, 591x897, twitch subathons subs refunds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52386432

It'd be fucking hilarious if someone did that to her

>> No.52386531

>noooo only a handful of people donate a bunch of subs it's not impressive!
yet only a couple people have reached the same amount of total subs, curious

>> No.52387820

>get people to do stupid shit as sub goals
>charge back after

>> No.52388907

why is she doing another subathon

>> No.52389021


>> No.52390404

What's her appeal? I don't get it.

>> No.52390677

Will you die if you stop simping for this whore?

>> No.52392331

Immune Deficiency Foundation charity this year.

>> No.52392476

>doing subathon(begging) when you're already at the top
fucking ironlung jew, how many subs do you need? I don't understand twitch cancer

>> No.52392555


>> No.52392591
File: 167 KB, 473x557, ironmouse charity money tonari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird name to call this

>> No.52392966

She would've been able to afford that long before this subathon, nevermind Vshojo has far more money than her anyways.
You can just look up IDF and Ironmouse and see how often she shows up in reference to raising money for them, they're big fans of her.

>> No.52393216
File: 656 KB, 900x900, 1683152034502522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52395587

people just recycling threads now. we had the exact same one yesterday with the exact same picture

>> No.52396018

I mean she won best vtuber award.
She is now the best vtuber in the world.

>> No.52397147

>saviorfag bait for being “sick”
Burgers love thinking the are “the good guys” in everything they do.

>> No.52397183

100% of her profits go to charity for this subathon. Twitch is taking a cut, but she's not keeping any of the money.

>> No.52397418

Last thread it was 50%

>> No.52398074

I don't get it, this is like xqc, I have no idea who watches that trash or why, but apparently there's a lot

>> No.52399409

So, if I'm reading the headline in that image right, she smashed her own sub record? Meaning its just a personal best, not some grand thing where she's the top of the streaming site or anything like that? So they're making a big deal about something that is fairly standard for vtubers? Lots of girls see their sub numbers go up over time.

>> No.52400829

That anon was probably including the twitch cut. Twitch is taking 50% from subs.

>> No.52400898

She's the top female streamer of the streaming site by subscriber numbers atm and her own old record was the highest a female streamer has gotten on the site.
So while it is a personal best it's also the highest a woman has gotten on twitch.

>> No.52401049

>shes so nice she gave us 20k out of that 200k she promised.. but hey, at least shell keep donating i guess

>> No.52401263

>begging record
wow nice, she must be really proud of her level of shamelessness beating all the other sluts

>> No.52404271

I kneel

>> No.52404392

It's like when avatar was the highest grossing film of all time.

>> No.52404589

>holotrannies pissing and shitting themselves

>> No.52404900

If I was as bedridden as her I'd milk this gay Earth for all it's worth

>> No.52407410

I fucked her last night.

>> No.52407823

I don't care about Ironmouse but using charity money for her self-insert OVA is pretty disgusting.

>> No.52409878

She’s been here since 2017 anon she predates sora and hololive as a whole

>> No.52413605

Don't kid yourself, newfag

>> No.52413618

No holo will ever reach her

>> No.52415899


>> No.52416056

>Randomly get gifted subscription to Ironmouse even though I think the only time I have watched her was for like 10 seconds after someone raided her.
Wow twitch subscriber count really means a lot huh?

>> No.52416329

Still bedridden

>> No.52417246
File: 77 KB, 470x219, reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys just a quick reminder that Vshojo is literally irrelevant, the biggest vtuber on twitch by ccv is a korean indie (doesn't need to leech from male youtubers) and subathons are predatory by design

>> No.52417267

The Four Heavenly Kings only got that name because they were the first big names.

Mouse is unironically their equivalent in the EN scene.

>> No.52417336

She's celebrating her sixth anniversary as a vtuber on August 4th

>> No.52417427


>> No.52417603


>> No.52417626

It's common knowledge. Shitposters are just desperate.

>> No.52417758

How many shameless subathons has this "terminally ill" whore done at this point? And who the fuck even came up with this findom-tier idea for marathon in the first place?

>> No.52417952

>"terminally ill"
Chronically ill.

This one is the second subathon. And it's benefiting the Immune Deficiency Foundation.

>> No.52418002

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.52418029

We are

>> No.52419121

Everyone knows. That's why they keep making these threads.

>> No.52420849


>> No.52421408

She's part of Isegye, the most successful vtuber group in Korea.

>> No.52421616

All koreans are sub 100k followers

>> No.52423718


>> No.52423771


>> No.52423829


>> No.52428034

Long loooooong neeeeeeck

>> No.52428168

Some rando streaming VR chat would also be old vtuber and you can even argue that they are more vtuber since some of them model is original instead of using voiceroid lmao, you newfag should stop larping, unironically no one knows Ironmouse back then including (You) even the very bottom tier of old chuuba is still way more relevant than she was

>> No.52428303

And we’ll have the exact same one tomorrow

>> No.52428355

>The devil

>> No.52428390

>The first big names
Way to out yourself newfag, You could even argue that Melody is one of first big names on EN but definitely not Ironmouse lol

>> No.52428418
File: 343 KB, 1218x2048, 6b9383d483c79c1ef5bc1870f9bd7ddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least get your shitposting straight

>> No.52429448

>She's part of vshoujo, the most successful vtuber group in The West
your point?
