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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5234518 No.5234518 [Reply] [Original]

>Gen 1 has Chris, Mel's management scandal, Aki's sub-begging moment, Festival's menhera meltdowns, and Haato's schizo arc + future graduation
>Gen 2 has Choco's demonetized fall from grace, Shion's constant depression breaks, Ayame's constant boyfriend breaks, and overall the worst numbers out of all gens, with the only popular girl being a massive chink magnet also going through a depression episode right now
>Gen 4 has Taiwan's male voice yab, and Coco saying Taiwan which ended up with her graduating
>Gen 5 has Aloe's graduation + Polka and Lamy's janitor yab which sent Polka into a depressive spiral which she still hasn't recovered from

>> No.5235914


>> No.5239256
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Ayame has a boyfriend?

>> No.5239325

flare will save hololive

>> No.5239350

Is there any catbox link to the Towa yab? Just how audible was this male voice?

>> No.5239396

I would keep an eye on Rushia.

>> No.5239554


>> No.5239593

Sub begging moment? Aki? Do you mean the one where she talked about coming to terms with having a lower sub count?

>> No.5239615 [DELETED] 
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>noel's roommate patreon
>pekora got raped by mikoler
>rushia is one menhera meltdown away from stalking and killing one of her gachikoi
>marine in general

>> No.5239715

Nice to meet you, please continue to support my girlfriend.

>> No.5239794
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>> No.5239846

>marine in general
nothing wrong with her

>> No.5239851

>Lamy's janitor yab which sent Polka into a depressive spiral
Can someone please spoonfeed me on this, I missed that episode

>> No.5239878

OP's dramafagging.

>> No.5239951 [DELETED] 

>noel's roommate patreon
Noel's roommate is pure SEX

>> No.5239970
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All she had to do was blame the TV

>> No.5240044

They compared getting shitty tasks in a MC construction company to being a janitor and laughed about it.
An innocent joke but it apparently offended enough Nips to cause a stir

>> No.5240068

anything twhora could have done would have been better than blaming cover

>> No.5240083 [DELETED] 

>Marine on her deathbed
>Noel can leave any day to focus on her asmr blowjob job
>Pekora menhera cause of Miko
>Rushia menhera roommate
only Flare is stable.

>> No.5240110

>An innocent joke but it apparently offended enough Nips to cause a stir
including gookmoot himself
fuck jannies btw

>> No.5240149

> Gen 0
> Gamers

>> No.5240181

What’s the whole Peko/Miko deal.

>> No.5240242

>Polka into a depressive spiral which she still hasn't recovered from

>> No.5240250
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lurk a trillion years or alternatively, check the archives

>> No.5240312

miko raped peko

>> No.5240355

Hiromoot got involved?

>> No.5240359
File: 76 KB, 302x405, A52F554E-D2D9-4993-8B39-928CC9BE8A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the world

>> No.5240513

during an off collab
with a broomstick
right up the pekosnatch

>> No.5240541

>noel's menhera outbursts
yeah right

>> No.5240765

She's a menhera HAG. Join her membership if you want to experience the soul crushing pain

>> No.5240857

Japanese internet outrage really is something else.

>> No.5241037
File: 74 KB, 901x838, elfrtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki's sub-begging moment

Aki wasn't begging for subs. She had a genuine moment of despair at her lack of subs and was addressing people who were already fans saying that she "would love them more than anybody else would love their fans". At no point during that did she beg for more - in fact she seemed to have resigned herself to her low numbers when that happened.

Savoirfags gonna savoir is all.

>> No.5241045

So why the fuck did Cover throw her under the bus for instead of just saying "yeah it was a staff member, sorry." They've never done a good job at protecting their talents.

>> No.5241095

>2nd Gen worst numbers
That's easily, by far 1st gen. Ayame and Shion get great and good numbers, respectively, when they stream. Aqua is very popular as you noted. Subaru gets high numbers, too. Only Choco gets low numbers and they're equivalent with half of Gen 1.

>> No.5241165

This thread was made by a fucking ichimi. The rest of the sankisei fanbases are cool, ichimi are cunts who like shitting on other Holos.

>> No.5241178

It didn't seem like a sub-begging even back then, but saviorfags have a fetish for sappy moments and underdog stories. This is one such story.

>> No.5241215

its the best gen they could make their own company imo

>> No.5241220

t. nousagi

>> No.5241272

Take one out of any gen and replace them with marine and that gen becomes the best, she unironcally is the reason gen 3 is the way they are today. If not for her pekora would still be a fucking loser.

>> No.5241311

>Join her membership if you want to experience the soul crushing pain
why the fuck would I want this? just fucking tell us

>> No.5241318

not true at all & cope

>> No.5241381

Because otherwise the gachikois would have jumped ship if they knew the other girls MIGHT have male managers. At least that's what I believe, Towa was dumb for lying, I don't blame her for do it though

>> No.5241475

what did she said?

>> No.5241512

All you had to do was say it was your damn brother, Towa

>> No.5241556

It was the manager, she said or something along the lines

>> No.5241709

Fuck you,Aki has never been a sub beggar.

>> No.5241809

factual and based

>> No.5241907

It was me actually, she had to stop streaming to make my tendies
