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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52326560 No.52326560 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vt/ hate it when their oshi do this?

>> No.52326613

Engage in business yuri? Not really.

>> No.52326625

cute crackship

>> No.52326680

Kromei fags deserve to be hanged from every lampost in every American city.

>> No.52326800

Cumming on Kronii's jeans!

>> No.52326849

Mumei has 'the girlfriend haircut'

>> No.52326931

I literally don't feel cucked by yuri. If anything it's the opposite. The more likely she is to be a true lesbian, the less likely for me to get cucked by some faggot normalfag who wormed his way into her heart with discord groomer strategies.

>> No.52327064

>imagine your gf having so little respect for you that she cucks you with someone who couldn't even beat you up
Do /u/fags really think this is better

>> No.52327347
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Yes? You feel reassured your oshi will never be stained by another male's genital and she's gonna be pure forever

>> No.52327991

That's why, it's just impossible to see women as sexual competition. They are so fundamentally different from men it's not possible to compare yourself to them. With a men there is always a direct, inevitable implication that he is superior to you in her eyes and that's why she chose him.

>> No.52328249

No, I'm an NTR enjoyer

>> No.52328565


>> No.52328618

Yes because she only does this when she's about to do a Vesper or Mori collab. Every single time. It's like she knows people hate it so she softens them up with some Kromei pandering first.

>> No.52328675

To be fair, Kronii is such a gigantic dyke that I wouldn't be surprised if she scissored with Mumei and Fauna several times already.

>> No.52329858

Wear sneakers with a dress like that? Yeah it looks bad.

>> No.52330005

I hate that Kronii isn’t sitting on my face at this exact moment.

>> No.52330229

Not really, I think I'm even for it

>> No.52330687

You just know Fauna made Kronii shave her Korean bush

>> No.52330813

By far the worst mumei ship

>> No.52331094

Why does everyone want to get into Mumei's pants?

>> No.52331111


>> No.52335232

You dont?

>> No.52335266

This ship is retarded and only racists like it.

>> No.52335384

She's passive and receptive.

>> No.52335778

So why do people hate kronmei again? Is it because it's the clipwatcher's ship?

>> No.52338020

Other women don't threaten me.

>> No.52338141

She's actually a crazy stuck-up bitch and not in the comedy sense, if you read between the lines and do a few reps.

>> No.52338340

That's hot.

>> No.52338436

No, she's a genuinely nice girl

>> No.52338649

I honestly think more people /here/ take umbrage at the fact ESLs champion the "n" sound is in Kronii's part of the pairing name for some reason to begin with rather than the pairing themselves.

Every other pairing name has good balance in either aesthetically-sound nice (i.e. AmeSame) or letter count (i.e. TakaMori).

I recognize that part of it is probably a holdover from Kronii's art tag being "kronillust", but it sounds just plain bizzare when you say it out loud vs. something like Kromei, Krofau, etc.. The Mumei pairing just gets the most flak because it's the most popular, easy as that.

>> No.52338779

Balkanbros, we're safe

>> No.52340104

does what? get drawn? Is this post from some confused Finana fan?

>> No.52346695


>> No.52346930

mumei is attracted to broken women unfortunately

>> No.52347418

...what is this thread even about?
