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52220925 No.52220925 [Reply] [Original]

And give good well thought out reasons plz, Im just curious about all the hate

>> No.52221201
File: 30 KB, 600x600, lunagun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women.

>> No.52221386 [DELETED] 

Pippa deflection thread?

>> No.52221390 [DELETED] 

>Im just curious about all the hate
Damn, when you spam so much pippa deflection thread, you have to beg to start a convo for (you) on bvtm screencap. GRIM.

>> No.52221437

Based and FPBPpilled

>> No.52221525 [DELETED] 

>Im just curious about all the hate
Damn, when you spam so much pippa deflection thread, you start begging convo for (you), for bvtm screencap. GRIM.

>> No.52221534

Its been discussed to death. Do your reps or fuck off

>> No.52221715

Because she does everything they wanted Gura, Ina, and Ame to be
Because she managed to be more social to her ID and JP senpais than anyone else beyond Kiara
Because she put her foot down on her more schizo fanbase and kicked them out or reined them in
But most of all, because she didn't leave

>> No.52221832 [DELETED] 

Innocent look on a whore blah blah Pippa is fucking a guy who cums on his cat blah blah blah

>> No.52221920

late to the party

>> No.52221932 [DELETED] 

because she fucks horse

>> No.52222122

i dont hate her, not even her music, but i like to shit on her for the laughs thats all

>> No.52222315

proof or it didnt happen. And if it did Im gonna need that vid in 4k.

>> No.52222467

Her personality reminds me too much of the kind of people who are annoying in group settings. The way she speaks is off putting too. I know she used to teach English and she might be speaking that way for Japanese viewers but it's not pleasant to listen to.

>> No.52222567

You'd get it if you were around for early 2022.

>> No.52222796 [DELETED] 

Because she's unironically the best member of Myth and that pisses off the fans of the other girls lmao, especially chumkeks and teacucks

>> No.52222909

Newfags weren't around to see the entire group warp around her

>> No.52222945

the fact that that comment is deleted should be proof enough

>> No.52223043
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early on, did trash taste /eceleb arc, which led to this.

>> No.52223115

QRD people thinks she's a cringe wigger weeb who makes shitty music and is friends with ecelebs that most people here hate and she made a song years before hololive saying she thought idols were fake but not too long after that had her mind changed by her friend. also any shit you see or hear about her fucking horses is just a forced anti meme from an AI voice that came from here

>> No.52223257

From my short time of following Hololive, from what I can see most of the hatred started around her first interview with Trash Taste. Without getting into the specifics, many people started hating her since they thought she was looking for clout and would ditch the company once she felt comfortable enough to stand on her own. This is a feeling that permeates the community to this day, where people are hating on her on the premise that she will eventually leave the company to start her own career.

>> No.52223299

I don't say hate but when she does that eigo teacher style of talking it's just really irritating. Whether it actually comes from the same place as the her past teaching days came off, "autism", whatever, it comes off as either tone deaf or condescending, completely turns me off of wanting to watch. She did it as recently as like a month or so ago last time I watched.

>> No.52223461


>> No.52223472

Ironically she has two careers now and they don't conflict with each other.

>> No.52223540
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>KFP Underground Seller

>> No.52223601 [DELETED] 

Pippagate and Nina graduation deflection thread

>> No.52223645

can she just have some fun guys

>> No.52223851 [DELETED] 

God I hate cuckbeats

>> No.52223939 [DELETED] 

That, always trying to own the haters, and a "redemption arc" that involved doing more hololive stuff but also normalizing male collabs as HoloEN tried to shove 8 homos down people's throats in a brazen and retarded manner.

>> No.52225174

somehow mori and kiara are my favorite holomyths now

>> No.52225301 [DELETED] 

I hate white women, I dont need another reason

>> No.52225372

that's her normal speaking voice, unfortunately
her mom and sister have the same dumb inflection whenever they show up on stream. mamamori has the most pleasant sounding one, at the very least

>> No.52225533

They're my first chuubas and never, EVER letting them go. From that fateful search in YT in later 2020...

>> No.52225656

I don't hate her, just her music.
She started off shaky but she seems to 'get' being in Hololive now.

>> No.52225757

>There are now people so new, they don't know why Mori is hated.
End this board already.

>> No.52225809

X to doubt desu.

Is all a rehash.

>> No.52226355

I've never hated her, just find wiggershit peak cringe but she's slowly started moving away from that too
She seems like a pretty cool chick, I'd hang out with her and impregnate her if she wanted

>> No.52226501

i think she is making better content and better decisions

>> No.52226741

I want to have SEX with Mori. I want to IMPREGNATE Mori. I want to MARRY Mori. I want to RAISE CHILDREN with Mori. I want to SEND THOSE CHILDREN TO COLLEGE with Mori. I want to CRY AS I HOLD MY FIRST GRANDCHILD with Mori. I want to GO ON LONG VACATIONS with Mori. I want to CELEBRATE A 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY with Mori. I want to BE BY HER SIDE AND DIE with Mori.
I LOVE Mori.

>> No.52226820

>die with Mori

You know what she is, right? If anything, you get personalized soul transport.

>> No.52226881

Annoying wigger who makes terrible music and is generally dumb as fuck with no redeeming qualities.

>> No.52226920

Mori got a brief respite with Gura's birthday and all the schizos that came out for that but I'm glad we're back to talking about an actual shitty Holo.

>> No.52226956 [DELETED] 

Fucking lmao kekbeat...

>> No.52227456

Also her "redemption arc" involved less stupid comments but coincided with the year of HoloEn pushing homos at the expense of everything else. Being the vanguard of the homorevolution wasn't going to endear her to CGDCT fans. Vile people who hate idol culture like Enna identified her as their oshi for a reason.

>> No.52227846

She gives off the impression that she only joined Hololive to springboard her roommates career. Tons of influences did collaborations with her were it was really apparent that they wanted to use her to get to other Hololive members. Now that none of the other stuff really worked out she is changing for the better and trying to fix bridges she burnt down aka crying about being a bad gen mate/friend to Kiara but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.52227853

Becuase people still bring up her past and her early debut streams/dramas.

I personally stopped hating on her ever since the start of 2023, because you can easily tell how much she changed compared to her like 2020/2021 self.

>> No.52227894

I don't like pink.

>> No.52227961

She has moments of being a bitch. Which, being a grown and well adjusted adult, I can understand. Nobody is perfect afterall. But not everyone can accept that entertainers they like are still people and have bad moments or bad days. So they get pissy and hate.

>> No.52227989

Fuck your Calli anti circlejerk you'll never get rid of her lol even if you cry blood to Yagoo and investors and UMJ on three separate occasions in person hahahaha

>> No.52228365

This. It's hilarious how she treated Kiara like shit at the height of her popularity, then came crawling back when she wasn't hot shit anymore.
Now that her views are shit and e-celebs dumped her ass, she suddenly went all in on hololive. She'd go right back to treating her genmates like shit if e-celebs tried using her to get to other Hololive members again.

>> No.52229627

>crying about being a bad gen mate/friend to Kiara
i bet they were crocodile tears

>> No.52230291
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The hatred even predated that. Just around debut she had this habit of thanking Superchats too much even during collabs. There was this infamous minecraft collab where she was just mostly thanking superchats instead of talking to her collab partner.
There was also her Tiered membership content that alienated "more casual" fans and gave her a "money-grubbing" label. I don't think any other holo channel had tiered content except for her and recently, the hololive main channel.
Her early dynamic with Kiara also kinda sucked.

I still watched her back then and was willing to overlook those flaws but I'm sure it genuinely pissed off other fans.

>> No.52230486

I don’t like her for several reasons, but her being a leech is probably the biggest.

>> No.52230582

She deserves about only a 1/3 of the hate she gets, but god her voice is annoying

>> No.52230671

I was a genuine deadbeat up until
this fucking debacle. Now, I don't and never will hate her, but it dropped my respect for her down to absolute nil, and I can definitely see why someone would have felt spurned enough to hate her from it.

>> No.52230722

The King cover thing just makes me so sad for Kiara. Her closest genmate lied to her, then lied about lying to her. On stream, live, in front of both of their audiences. Just really depressing. Way to imply you hate your genmate's singing, you can't take a joke, and you're a liar all in one fell sweep.

>> No.52230779

I don't hate her but she's one of those streamers who will be consistent for a long time and then suddenly do a lot of retarded shit all at once so I'm kind of done with her timeloop.

>> No.52230856

they cant keep getting away with it!

>> No.52230860

This. The Mori Cycle of "fuck up -> get backlash -> apologize -> do better -> fuck up" is endless. She's not a bad person, but she's a genuinely unintelligent one who is incapable of permanently learning from her mistakes. She tries to make do by bashing her head against a wall through sheer work ethic, but there are things that you can't outwork stupid in.

>> No.52231069

That crying about her relationship with Kiara happened before her huge drop off though.
You can say all you want but she did go and fixed her frienship with Kiara.

>> No.52231124

>Way to imply you hate your genmate's singing
Woah lets not go that far.

>> No.52231321

Why wouldn't she have clicked on the link Kiara sent, otherwise?

>> No.52231584
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>> No.52231608


>> No.52232530

She hates my oshi, she brought her to the rape party

>> No.52232573

Cringe rapper aesthetic. Disgusting fat white bitch voice.

>> No.52233334


>> No.52233365

OMFG why lol. I even forgot the 3 dots...

>> No.52234883

She is a cancer to the Hololive fanbase. She talked a lot of shit when she was first hired by Cover without the skill or talent to back it up. She was toxic/hostile towards portions of the fanbase that had a more traditional idol expectation. Could have handled it professionally but had to 'own the haters' so pitted fans against fans which created a toxic community rather than the usual comfy, inclusive community of Hololive talents. This toxicity has spread to the other talent's fanbase as well.
Funny thing is now she relies on cgdct and idol fans and heavily caters her content accordingly. She is a selfish hypocrite that is only interested in her well-being. As the music oriented talent, I expected her to spread her passion for music with the rest of the talents and do self-motivated music collabs. But I only got ME ME ME music content from her. And the worst part, her music is still dogshit to this day. She may have improved as a vocalist but she does not do any of her songs justice. Very sad really.

>> No.52235093

>She was toxic/hostile towards portions of the fanbase that had a more traditional idol expectation. Could have handled it professionally but had to 'own the haters' so pitted fans against fans which created a toxic community rather than the usual comfy, inclusive community of Hololive talents.
Literally never happened. This isn't even a rrat. It's just a straight-up fucking lie. Mori definitely leaned (lmao) FAR away from idol/cute shit in her early years (aside from a few exceptions like her first ASMR), but she never "pitted fans against fans." You are either a purposefully dishonest nigger or a threadreading dramasister.

>> No.52235182

She couldn't handle simple criticism from some of her fans and snapped back through stupid yabs. This is absolutely what happened if you were actually there. You're either new or a delusional deadbeat.

>> No.52235209

do you get paid to do this? like seriously paid? is it one of those things where a few american dollars go a long way in your country?

>> No.52235416

It's SEA hours. So, yeah, probably.

>> No.52235613

But how is that pitting fans against fans?

>> No.52238633

She is a Twitch simp.
She should be seriously ashamed that she believes it is cool to be in TT circle.

>> No.52239039

We've timelooped back to the most basic Mori bait threads on the catalog. Things really never change, do they?
