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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 238 KB, 1080x644, Nina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52207862 No.52207862 [Reply] [Original]

She knew

>> No.52207953

Nina followed the Sayu account for a long time, not surprising that Sayu has fond views of her.

>> No.52208149

I mean Nina WAS shunned by the same clique that cancelled Sayu. It wouldn't surprise me if they're close friends behind the scenes.

>> No.52208210

Considering Nina had been following Zaion until she was probably told by management to stop, it makes sense.

>> No.52208264

I thought it's only Pomu who is nice to her post termination?

>> No.52208267

>The Enna clique is real

>> No.52208476

Always has been.

>> No.52208538

Completely baseless, but maybe Nina was thinking about exiting or in the process of negotiating an exit (art was done 2 months in advance right?). If Sayu tied Nina to her, it could have fucked up Nina's currently amicable graduation. This would also mean that Pomu isn't exiting any time soon.

>> No.52208730

Of course she knew you fucking retard.
Do you not remember the whole thing about her document and how niji was a shithole and the management is fucking terrible and its a black company that fucks over its talents.
Not to mention 2%

>> No.52208863

Nina was team Zaion

>> No.52208959

Why couldn't Nina have just continued to be garbage like she was initially? I just want to hate her in peace but her and her coworkers kept making Nina harder to hate.

>> No.52209152

>Someone like me
ouch... my heart...

>> No.52209155

Never forget that Nina pushes that respect peoples pronouns shit

>> No.52209159

Maybe I'm imagining things, but from the tone of the message it seems like Nina didn't just graduated, but has a (much better) contract with a new agency ready to go.
If she was going indie I think she would have been more "I wish her luck" or something.

>> No.52209281

cringe. now im happy she quit.

>> No.52209354

I know, along with a bunch of other shit. Which makes it unfortunate that the rest of her group have become so garbage that Nina ended up still being one of the better ones.

>> No.52209374

Anon everyone at niji is pronoun shitters

>> No.52209442

idk of any of them except nina that have expressed such a thing under their corpo avatar.
nina is literally the only one.

>> No.52209586

plus she brought it up out of nowhere

>> No.52209727

oh no, that totally ruins the streams and my image of her, she should've been fired instead

>> No.52209819

If she is joining another company then my bet's on Vshitshow. I'd be shocked if she joins anyone else.

>> No.52209965

this but unironically.
people that push that shit are garbage

>> No.52210094

It's going to be awkward when she debuts in EN3.

>> No.52210121

hello? aia????? the one that killed her whole career immediately?

>> No.52210214

who the fuck is aia?

>> No.52210225

nina was one of the only ones still following sayu when shit was going down but i guess management caught on and made her unfollow
there were threads and posts about it

>> No.52210243


>> No.52210425

That’s honestly mild compared to what people were saying she’d do when she debuted.

>> No.52210680

is it the Enna clique or is it the Elira clique? ive heard both.

>> No.52210928

Enna is the most notable and obnoxious one, which has really dragged everyone down.
However Elira was the original source of the poison, since it was Elira's gettting her friends like Enna nepohired that lead to the branch being filled with shit.

>> No.52211077

Only retards keep saying Enna
If retards just took two seconds to look at what they did before all of them migrated to niji then they will realize it is Elira's clique
It's literally all of her friend circle
but Elira is a heckin' good girl that dindu nuffin and Enna is an easier target because of her visable shit personality from streams

>> No.52211201

She got the pretty girl outfit for ILuna. Was supposed to be one of the superstars of the new wave. She can sing, draw, do anime, seems to be almost the perfect vtuber. She started out doing a lot of femdom stuff which made the coomers happy.
But the women didn't like her voice. Whenever she joined stream with a male, there was a noticable drop in viewers along with bitter seething in the thread "when will she leave??" She mostly joined to meet her oshi Ike in the first place

The new wave failed to attract much male viewers. Aia's viewers plummeted hard post-debut, to the point she struggled to get 500 ccv. She tried changing her personality away from the femdom act to being more dorky and nerdy and copied Ami's snort, but it hasn't affected her viewers. Now she's one of the lowest-viewed people in NijiEN.

>> No.52211270

Her opinion is worth less than shit

>> No.52211276

reminder that uki(elira's friend) was one of the members against a girls only discord and girls only content that nina wanted
reminder who elira invited to the "girls only collab" because they "couldn't get anyone else" for valo?

>> No.52211334

lmao iidk about all that noise about the males and the sisters. she has the personality of wet paper, that's why shes irrelevant.

>> No.52211590

I really wish we hear more stories like this, knowing who was a good co-worker, and who was a terrible person to work with. Sayu is genuinely more interesting to hear like that, and less as a streamer.

>> No.52211652

>femdom act
which streams do i watch to see this

>> No.52211719

Feminists making common cause with faggots always struck me as hilarious. The craziest, most psychotic straight incel will never hate women as much as an average fag.

>> No.52211861


>> No.52212088

"Elira's clique" means that Pomu is also part of it while retarded people like Finana and Kyo and the entirety of Xsoleil aren't. It's just Zaionists looking for confirmation bias. Zaion was a retard who got herself terminated. Nina is leaving because she probably got poached by Vshojo or Mythic.

>> No.52212229

It's just one example

>> No.52212321

She only mentioned that once. Compared to the commie filth that her PL was constantly spewing i'm grateful that her mask never fully came off.

>> No.52212357

Kyo is clearly in the clique retard

>> No.52212392

He's not PL friends with Elira

>> No.52212414

People have been bitching about Elira's clique long before Zaion was even a part of NijiEN, you idiot. Remember how Nina talked on stream about how the others in her wave were ghosting her when she attempted to talk to them, and then she discovered that they had all been talking to each other in chats without her?
The clique began as a group of people nepohired via Elira but then grew within the company as this group associated with with each other, forming a power group. People that became friends with them, like Kyo when he attached himself to Enna as a poisonous little parasite, just made the group continue to have greater influence and sway.

>> No.52212993

So you're gonna bitch about Pomu now? That's a new low Zaionist. Elira still didn't do anything herself. Ethyria is like whatever, Millie and Reimu aren't really controversial like Enna. They just distanced themselves from Nina at the beginning probably because of PL stuff of her using vtubing as a grift.

>> No.52213004

joining the clique during nijiorgan career instead of before isn't unlikely you know

>> No.52213178

>So you're gonna bitch about Pomu now?
Are you hallucinating? You mentioned her in your previous post too. Why are you being so disingenuous?

>> No.52213203

thank you my brother

>> No.52213220

Kill yourself Enna.

>> No.52213335

>doesn't want to admit that Pomu is part of le evil clique which invalidates his whole argument

>> No.52213505

You're really pushing hatred of Pomu there cliquefag.
>that's a new low

>> No.52213569

2% of nijisis our response?

>> No.52213616

And you aren't trying to push hatred of Elira? How is it her fault that Finana, Kyo and most Xsoleil shit on Zaion when they aren't even PL friends with her? She holds no responsibility for Ethyria distancing themselves from Nina either.

>> No.52213633

Its hard to follow the context, but Pomu doesn't really fit with Elira as part of a "clique". Yeah the two were great friends when they were indies, but its not like they were part of the same indie group at all. Elira was closer to fucking Shu and Uki in that regard since they were all from Hanamori, she also met up with Enna and Millie IRL.
Pomu was also closer with Rosemi and Mocca.

>> No.52213695

>mask slips off
>its a butthurt Famelira pretending to defend pomu

>> No.52213783

No one hates women more than other women. That's why they get along. They just sit together and trash other women cackling about it the whole way.

>> No.52213805

>Elira was closer to fucking Shu
Don't give him false hope.

>> No.52213816
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>> No.52213866

He seems to just be mad that people are correctly pointing out that it is more properly referred to as Elira's Clique, since she is the central figure and catalyst despite not being the most blatantly offensive one of the group.

>> No.52213872

i havent watch her but i heard people saying that she was like super woke on twitter?

>> No.52214166

People that shit on Zaion:
0 of them are friends with Elira.

People that distanced themselves from Nina at the beginning:
2 of them were friends with Elira.

So what exactly are you trying to blame Elira for here? Getting Enna and Millie hired?

>> No.52214248

what does nina toesucka have to do with zion

>> No.52214629

It's easy to shit on someone you don't know and can't fight back for easy clout, sister

>> No.52214806
File: 2.93 MB, 480x360, very angry jg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope so. There aren't enough wholesome milf tubers out there that fit the kind of vibe she has

>> No.52215250

>blame Elira for here? Getting Enna and Millie hired?
That is why it is Elira's clique. It wasn't just Enna and Millie, but the rest of the Hanamori in NijiEN too along with their own influenced hires. Are you really mad that it isn't being referred to as Enna's clique or something? Because Elira was the source of it, despite it growing from there. Elira is like the HIV you have faggot, which gives you AIDS so that other diseases can make you sick and die.
It isn't about Zaion. As was pointed out, the clique was a recognized thing before Zaion was even hired.

>> No.52215256

Reimu fucked over Vox's career for her own vanity. Unlike Enna or Nina who got outside antis for some of their shittier attitudes, Reimu actively wrecked NijiEN's image with someone else's fans. People just don't care about her so much because she's the runt of the litter.

>> No.52215389
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, Reimu google nijisanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu was always a conniving dramafag at heart. You're not going to have a /vt/ archive linked if that isn't the case.

>> No.52215833

just because elira is the source doesnt mean naming it her clique is correct, because shes clearly not exerting power over the clique the most, enna is.
you dont refer to the group of people in control of the government for this term "david from accounting's government" just because hes friends with most of the government members, you call it "the leader's government" because the leader is the one who is leading the choices.

>> No.52215866

I cannot fathom being a corpo vtuber and browsing here. Some masochistic dumbshits out there.

>> No.52215961

They all do to some extent, it isn't really a surprise. To me the warosu link is the more damning part.

>> No.52216059

Sayu Stop Leeching Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE] WILL SHE GOT MORE THAN 600 VIEWERS?!?!?! :(((((((

>> No.52216112

i still dont know why the fuck anyone wouldnt just use 4chan in a private window, i know it doesnt do much but it wouldve prevent that.

>> No.52216212

>NijiEN thread goes to archive
>Sister immediately has a meltdown because of Sayu
Not very subtle, Huang

>> No.52216234

I don't understand why vtubers don't have a separate windows profile that's just steam and obs

>> No.52216326

It was originally elira's because of all the nepotism hires but anybody who has watched even a handful of streams can see it long since spiraled off into its own thing with enna at the top making it enna's clique.
Alot of people want kurosanji to go down but personally I'd much rather it remained as containment for this group.

>> No.52216393

oh wow famelira really are bothered by pointing out that it all leads back to elira

>> No.52216412

>Nina WAS shunned by the same clique that cancelled Sayu
And rightfully so.

>> No.52216477

wow nijirrats are impenetrable

>> No.52216578

Nijiniggers in shambles.

>> No.52216660

She jew

>> No.52216681

Considering she's a good friend of ironmouse I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to get a good contract in Vshojo through that connection

>> No.52216764

Pagpag crusted fingers typed this

>> No.52216839

damn i had no idea reimu was like that

>> No.52216955

Yeah, anyone with the archive on speed dial is up to some shit.

>> No.52217116

Hadn't thought about it but yeah it can certainly be read that way. Saying you're proud of someone when they're leaving their job is kind of a strange way to put it instead of something like "I'm confident she'll move on to great things" or something along that line.

I'm adding +5 points to the "Joining VShojo" probability. Because assuming she continues to be a streamer, shes joining VShojo or she's going indie. There is no other option that remotely makes sense for her.

>> No.52217176

so who else is confirmed to stalk sites like this besides reimu

>> No.52217307

So true nijisister

>> No.52217591

Within NijiEN only? A few come to mind immediately.
Millie, did you not see her stream?
Pomu too, has been on 4chan for a long, long time. Actually pretty much an oldfag.

>> No.52217825

Basically all of Ethyria has spent some time on /vt/.

>> No.52217957

I have nothing to back this up, but I'd be shocked if Finana wasn't here at some point

>> No.52217958

yeah EN. im pretty newish to the community so i honestly had no clue about any of this, idk what stream ur referring to with millie, but pomu doesnt surprise me at all

>> No.52218626

The way I see it Elira hired her friends in good faith (Millie and Enna in particular were talented singers and could shine in a big corpo, after all), but some time after Kyo arrived, Enna wrestled leadership of the group and turned it into a clique. The process was silent mainly because Elira is a doormat, and it's really obvious that she isn't the ringleader nowadays.

>> No.52218746

She obviously did that because of the type retarded audience Niji garnered.

>> No.52219780

At least a dozen of them judging by the D*scord stream. Definitely Enna, Millie, Reimu, and Luca.

>> No.52220028

Enna has talked about /vt/ on stream before
>whoa, these people really don't like me

>> No.52220047
File: 223 KB, 1200x675, Krisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debuting into this mess
What are they thinking right now?

>> No.52220068

>reminder that uki(elira's friend) was one of the members against a girls only discord and girls only content that nina wanted
Was there ever a direct source for this?

>> No.52220118

This isn't as bad as the leak mess they are dealing with.

>> No.52220138

Probably still thinking about their weird names.

>> No.52221197

Why people think there's someone not aware of this board? This is the third place to come for feedback behind Twitter and Leddit. It's not a surprise if most western vtubers come here to check out their generals which have way less shitpost.

>> No.52222353

>Pomu was also closer with Rosemi and Mocca.
Faggots will come to defend elira but what her and Millie did to Mocca really showed their true color

>> No.52222542

Alright, I'll bite. Who is Mocca and what did they do?

>> No.52222827

She got a twitter mob to bully Mocca out of vtubing over an actual sensible comment about vtuber debuts that's 1000x less of a nothingburger than deez nuts.

>> No.52222925

Mocca is an OG vtuber on the same level as Natsumi and Mirai Akari

>> No.52223028

I forget what even was the comment, but it was something like "Day 1 debuts are really important, that's the most eyes you'll ever have on you in your career" and then PL Millie just jumped on him.
I guess Mocca ended up having the final laugh at the end of the day.

>> No.52223165

It's "Elira's Clique" as she was the one who got Enna, Millie, Shu, and Uki in
Fags keep calling it "Enna's Clique" because they want to shift blame

>> No.52227468

That's a retarded take though

>> No.52227687

Fire all the talents from Toronto. Problem solved.

>> No.52228584

That's the funniest thing, most of them have separate browsers for private stuff, yet they still browse 4chan from the "work" browser. Pure retardation.

>> No.52228857

Because it's an open secret that all are /here/, even if just as tourists egosearching.
It's bad when you don't know how to handle the shitposting and rrats. Yes I'm talking about you, Millie and Enna, you're /here/ and seething hard at the nepo hire memes.

>> No.52229133

In fairness, /vt/ and 4chan as a whole aren't secrets or this taboo place on the internet. They've been common knowledge for the better part of a decade, and at least here you're safe to discuss things anonymously with far less risk than you get browsing mainstream social media sites like Twitter funnily enough.
The other problem is that Youtube and Twitter are mostly yesmen hiveminds, so sometimes vtubers go here to look at criticism which can go too far in the opposite direction at times.

>> No.52229501

Literally all of them are /here/, you have to be underage or retarded to believe they aren't in one of the most popular vtuber forums on the internet

>> No.52230337

It doesn’t help that the alternatives are either too curated or are not nearly enough. Somehow, the Hungarian Ice Fishing Lounge ends up being more appealing than sanctioned discussion spots.

>> No.52230826

Like I said here >>52228857, the key is knowing how to handle criticism and shit being thrown here. Yes, we offer the closest thing to good criticism, in spite most of the times going too far. Gold nuggets in the cesspool and all that.
It's bad when you don't know how to handle the shit part, or it becomes too much. Nijis certainly let us live rent free in their heads except maybe Reimu; ironically enough I feel she handles it relatively well.

>> No.52231137

I mean Reimu is Latina, she could probably deal with the drama that comes from a spanish household and whatnot. Can't be any worse than reading criticism about herself here.

>> No.52231149

The problem is that this board is filled with too many schizos, antis and shitposters, whereas any other place to discuss vtubers is too sanitized and everyone loves each other and nothing bad ever happens.

>> No.52231289

Whatever we do or say is certainly not worse than angry barren chink leftover women. Her lowkey killing Vox's career and taking Luxiem by proxy is something I'll commend her for, even if she's part of Enna's clique.

>> No.52231310

They probably sending DMs to each other long before Zaion was kicked out.
When Nina saw saw what happened to Zaion, she knew it's over and decided to make her exit.

>> No.52231385

what worried me is this clique is far more influental than we thought. They probably meet IRL and plotted everything
And the worst rrat, they slowly changing management into their own nepohire.

>> No.52231408

I still remember when Nina debuted, I found her honey shit and mom act so annoying. But she proved to be one of the few real people there.

>> No.52231426

there's definitely a lot of schizos and shitposters, but it's not that hard to tune that shit out after a while. it's an occupational hazard of going to a place that isn't sanitized, but you'll get actual honest opinions most of the time, and that's what i'd wanna do if i were a vtuber looking for actual real discussion and not ego stroking

>> No.52231486

>Joining Vshojo
She directly saying thank you to Ironmouse and GirlDM. This Rrat might be the strongest one. She probably gonna join along with GirlDM

>> No.52231696

Unironically what did she meant by this?
Proud of what

>> No.52231714
File: 71 KB, 342x477, 1639518915726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone that disagree with me is a Zaionist!

>> No.52231826

That's why generals (most generals at least) are the only option on this site most of the time. Catalog is filled with too much of that garbage.
But you're right that at least there's actual constructive critique behind all the unironic schizophrenia.

>> No.52231865

still probably better than pikamee debuting into a company where half the streamers suddenly quit

>> No.52231956

Their debut was a mess long before this point.

>> No.52232014

All the streamers that quit were garbage anyway.
Froot needs to quit next and then Vshojo will be cleansed.

>> No.52232033

I bet they also checked the drama thread because the temptation is just too strong lol.
If that so, if they read this, hello cunts.
I fucking hate you Kyo

>> No.52232088

nah pikamee's doing better than ever, some kind of fucking sorcery happened with that going on and she's having a great time
pretty much. the trash took itself out, vshojo minus the ones who left plus pikamee unironically improved, my opinion of them is higher than before

>> No.52232150

Yeah, aside from her sudden wokeness, she's actually entertaining

>> No.52232295

Elira was OG, but she lost control and Enna clique took over.

>> No.52233330

(NTA) Except... Mocca is still vtubing? I feel like I've heard this rrat a hundred times by now and I don't understand how it survives in the face of such an obvious contradiction.
Except for the part where it's unironically true and is based entirely in observable fact rather than opinion. Try actually looking at CCV counts.

>> No.52233388

What's the W about?

>> No.52233403

They've been through the same thing. Clique is evil. Quite ridiculous for management to choose side.

>> No.52233494

Shitposter Stop Eating Pagpag Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE] WILL HE LEARNED MORE THAN 600 ENGLISH WORDS?!?!?! :(((((((

>> No.52233963

The three worst members bro
It was a bonus for me

>> No.52233979

>design on the left
>makes sense if you consider the original character meanings individually, but in Japanese it refers to a specific cold tofu dish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiyayakko
Nijizhangji strikes again.

>> No.52234067

When (You) say "curated" are you counting things like organizing discussion into generals? Because I can't think of anywhere else that would let people say the shit they say /here/. Not for long, anyway.

>> No.52234115

Even on this board, the schizos, antis and shitposters mostly get squeezed out of generals and into the catalog. It's almost as if nobody likes people like that, except for other people like that.

>> No.52234657

Can you stop being retarded with this clique bullshit? Elira has always treated both Zaion and Nina well. So much so that Nina loves her and goes out of her own way to say nice things to her and cheer her up out of nowhere love bombing her whenever she feels like it. They even have plans to spend time together soon and its clear that they are good friends if even Kiara noted that when they met her.

>> No.52234663
File: 43 KB, 692x461, 1685261142350260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're correct
Looks tasty

>> No.52234689

But at least it's a summer food.

>> No.52234850

Yes, it's true for corpo vtubers. Not at all for indies. Shit like that is what convinces people just starting out to go all out on expensive shit that they don't need for a debut. It's the equivalent of telling first-time streamers to buy expensive equipment before they even know if they'll like the job. There's more to streaming than just corpos anon and this is an incredibly retarded take outside of the corpo setting.

>> No.52235288

They come here to steal stream ideas and #vent

>> No.52236050

Roru big if true

>> No.52239103

>Steal stream idea
>Implying containment dwellers have that kind of creativity since 2019

>> No.52241530

It’s the archives.

>> No.52241764

No, I mean that the larger (by sheer number of users) two/three areas to converse about chuubas are bottlenecked by either company oversight or extreme meido tyranny. Of course, there are a few /here/ that are also that protected by the latter, but there’s no proof that the prior takes place, meaning you have more shitposting but also a more candid delivery.

>> No.52241957
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Oy vey

>> No.52242146
File: 318 KB, 1356x1708, 1686552672193537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKA Zaion, the ex liver Nijisanji encouraged a doxxing and harassment campaign against

>> No.52242170

Did not read the entire thread and skimmed but all I know is something about a clique so that automatically means Kyo is involved and I just dropped by to say how much I hate that wigger and wish he got canadian health care'd already

>> No.52243419

Warosu, an offsite archive of 4chan posts that covers, among other boards, /vt/. You can see that the one she has been at is the /vt/ section.
Useful if you want to prove points about previous discussions, do "reps" on stuff that happened before and, perhaps most importantly, see posts that mods/janitors have deleted.

>> No.52243493

Yeah, Kyo hated her since she called him out when he was going on mute to bitch about her and others to his viewers during a stream. He was caught joining in the harassment she was getting during her suspension.

>> No.52244947

Basically. Been wandering around the boards since the late aughts. It's real easy to tell that half of the shit posed here are troll posts to rile up the actual schizos and antis.

Hell, only reason I even come here like once every two weeks is to see some comments that aren't full-on hugbox corpo bullshit.

>> No.52246514

How do they feeling knowing they were leaked by someone in management and nijisisters thought they look like AI designs(terrible insult for sisters)

>> No.52247037

sounds like simply pandering to the audience
same thing as that image of every niji tweeting "i love my niji en family <3" at the same time

>> No.52251070


>> No.52251427

Have any other “leaks” ever shown a chuuba having frequented the archives?

>> No.52251651

He didn't have to be, he's fucking Enna so he's in now.

>> No.52251712

Imagine getting so blown out by someone you tried to make fun of that the only way you can possibly continue on is if you kill them. Kyo is bitch made and always will be.

>> No.52254429

Sayu should've bowed out at her first vacation.

>> No.52255467

The only good remaining NijiEN are Shu and Pomu, the rest are obnoxious faggots ESPECIALLY Millie and Enna, fuck you both in particular

>> No.52255860

I mean, that depends on if the leaks are true.

>> No.52255930

Well I'm not talking in the present from a future time, now am I? As of the time of this post he is still in NijiEN, but good on him if he decides to leave. He's always been good in my books ever since he told fujoshits to fuck off

>> No.52259127

If it's the same person that leaked Nina's graduation, you better make the best you of the time you have left with him.

>> No.52259256

He never recovered from that golf it stream
That caused some next level damage

>> No.52259499

>fucks over a male
>fucks over chinks
mega based

>> No.52260211

every time I want to watch a Aia stream, there's something Male related, so I just stopped trying

>> No.52265406

Our shared hatred on Kyo is one of the only few things I like about /vt/

>> No.52265408

Of course she did, Nina was probably one of the few within Niji that supported her

>> No.52265543

I think it's because Kyo have self esteem issues and when someone go against him he will seethe and then lash out.
If you check the heights of all NijiEN males, he's the shortest one. I think that's the reason. That manlet can't deal getting clowned at.

>> No.52266439

Have you looked at youtube comments lately? (or even worse, chat.) Nobody dares voice any real criticism, so this is the only option if you actually want to know what your audience is thinking.

>> No.52266882

It's not like you can can't say criticism on youtube. It's just that any critiques will be dogpiled by fanatic fans who refuse to hear that their beloved corpo treat their employees badly.

>> No.52268704

fake news, already debunked

>> No.52268707

I keep seeing all this shit about froot, but her actual streams seems pretty relaxed and devoid of drama other than the mermaid tweet
Not saying what she did makes her any more than a whore, but vtubers like pippa and kiara both have really bad PL controversies, why are they excused?

>> No.52268751

Show us the debunks anon.

>> No.52268859

I don't know about Pippa, but Kiara's things are more embarrassing than bad. The version of the froot's story that gets parroted is pretty bad, but if you get the full context it's not really all that bad, just unfortunate.

>> No.52268935

I can't answer why other people excuse them but what I can tell you is that I hate both of them for reasons outside of their PLs. So learning about that would make no difference to me.
Froot was someone I liked until I learned about what she did

>> No.52269026

Are you implying that Froot's past drama is in any way equivalent to what happened in Kiara's and Pippa's PL? Is this a serious question?

Here's a quick answer for you: there is one specific thing Froot did in the past that is pretty much universally loathed by anyone but NTR enjoyers. Very few things can even remotely come close to this in people's eyes.

>> No.52269733
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All three have very large PL yabs from unreliable sources, Pippas from kiwifarms, kiara from /clg/, and froot from some /k/ discord and some 2view's video respectively. Yet still all three from the little i've seen from all 3 has just been fun, cute vtubers. Froot doesn't bring any of her drama onto her streams like the other 2 dont, yet anons are going as far as to containment break to incite shit with a rrat thats not even 100% confirmed?

I thought the whole point of vtubers were to enjoy them as a persona, Froot is one of the best of vshojo in my eyes and anons are just picking and choosing who they want to attack.

>> No.52269798

Literally who fucking cares about this dead weight whore

>> No.52269840

Clearly you because you bumped the thread about her, you dumb bastard

>> No.52269899

I don't give a flying fuck about your stupid mentally ill hag who is trying to stay relevant. This bitch should literally quit forever and get a real job or marry a husband instead of being a mentally ill stuck up shotacon bitch pedophile

>> No.52269931

>froot simp outta nowhere

>> No.52269955

The person in this picture is a known pedophile pls delete the thread thank you

>> No.52270021

Please be joking

>> No.52270595

Ah the NDF lowlifes are back again

>> No.52270679

What the fuck is an NDF I'm a random shitposter get your facts right dumb fuck, anyone that attacks my princess is a person from an organization like fuck off holy shit

>> No.52270729

Froot literally cheating on her hubby. That's pretty unforgiveable for most people anon.

>> No.52270910

Yeah but he made her do it by being unavailable on account of being deployed in the military overseas.

>> No.52271505

Who is your princess
You type like a 5 year old

>> No.52273549

Grifting attention-seeking whore who panders to /vt/ chuds. Funny how her fans astroturfed her here and acted like she did nothing wrong and in the end they didn't even care about her enough to watch her. Bye bye, no one misses you.

>> No.52274590

No one likes you, Enna

>> No.52274667

Of course that would bother the virgin losers and not speaking Russian. No wonder she wasn't in the "clique", this stupid dinosaur can't read the room.

>> No.52274728

She's the most popular Niji girl

>> No.52274890
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Ah yes, excuses excuses
>Gee anon, he's deployed overseas so it's her right to be railed by the whole battalion!
>She's not a cheater and a slut, she's just cock depraved!
>Always trust women, they're right on everything!

>> No.52275019

why's no one talking about how the husband wasn't even good to her and that if you check his channel he's literally obsessed about bringing her up like it's his whole career

>> No.52275430

kys Enna, Selen exist

>> No.52275549

Not after the past few months when dragoons found out what Selen was doing in her free time. Ironic that in the end Enna lied less than Selen did

>> No.52275788

doesn't matter what they think
management threw them out there as literal penis distraction

>> No.52276233

>Not after the past few months when dragoons found out what Selen was doing in her free time

>> No.52277030

>fired whore
>"clapped" back
>quickly became irrelevant
>niji graduation
>better tweet about it in hopes of getting some relevance again

>> No.52277682

To be honest you've got to be a cuck to join the army.

>> No.52279015

>her husband is awful! So she's in the right to cheat!
If he's awful, why doesn't she ask for divorce?
Oh right, she's a fuckind dependa!

>> No.52279118

This is the type who said armed forces and police need to be disbanded but immediately call 911 when they lost an argument.

>> No.52280222

t. army cuck

>> No.52280618


>> No.52283113

All shall bow before Zaion!

>> No.52283263

That's her career now, people really thought she had moved on but as soon as the numbers dropped she decided that her personality would be "ex-nijisanji member"

>> No.52289687


>> No.52293802


>> No.52293902

The Nijisister seethe never stops I see

>> No.52293953

This schizo really keeps bumping the thread to embarrass himself

>> No.52294160

Can you say that without crying though, sister?

>> No.52294171

>as soon as the numbers dropped
She's getting almost the exact same numbers as she did before before Nijisanji
But keep defending your black company until your oshi is next.

>> No.52296174
File: 233 KB, 946x2048, betterbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more room for talents from Best Province
pic related

>> No.52296651

Putin, please nuke Toronto while you're at it

>> No.52297848

>She knew
good for her

>> No.52298024

Remember that Uki is a transman, that's why she is so bitter against women.

>> No.52298124

>onions sauce on top of a tofu dish
It's true, IWNBJ

>> No.52298152

Ah, I get it. Fair point.

>> No.52298764

You absolutely can criticize Nijisanji in Youtube comments without getting dogpiled if it's a Nijisanji drama video from one of the dramawhores.

>> No.52298844

>pippa yab
>she doesn't measure up to the standards of insane unicorns who aren't even her target audience
>kiara yab
>she doesn't measure up to the standards of some irrelevant catty bitches, and also unfortunate things happened that actually make her sympathetic
>froot yab
>she doesn't measure up to the standards of normies
(You) cannot possibly generalize these all as "very large PL yab", act like you're trying to have an honest discussion, and also have an IQ 70 or above.

>> No.52301045

telepathic sayu

>> No.52301105

Zaion is dead and sayu is deadweight no one watches that stupid whore she's so fucking boring

>> No.52301234

watch as this fucking twink becomes the nijisanji's version of vesper

>> No.52301451

>Millie and Enna
I set my fucking computer cursor to millie's and supported enna and I still fucking despise them both

>> No.52302791

Collabs soon

>> No.52303525

>got poached by Vshojo or Mythic.
its like when Schumacher got poach back to f1 for merc. like why tho.

>> No.52304460

Yay /f1/ references!

>> No.52304623

Elira streams good
Enna streams bad
Simple as

>> No.52304880

Nijisisters are subhuman honestly.
I will never understand what went wrong in your life to make you such disgusting tweetniggers that can only talk about retarded shit and constantly search for "clout". And that if someone's not the talk of the town constantly (media presence and news) that they are irrelevant and as such bad. It's just such a retarded mentality to have.
