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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52148655 No.52148655 [Reply] [Original]

Did the fad end for some "ironic" weebs now?

>> No.52149023

Pippafag deflection thread

>> No.52149113

At the end of the day vtubers are just e-boys and e-girls streaming vidya with an anime model. In the 2 or 3 years that vtubers have expanded into the west, I feel like I have seen all that needs to be seen.The strong gaming meta of vtubers (EN and JP) also doesnt help. I am pivoting back to anime again.

>> No.52149139

EN vtubing's decline is self-inflicted
2 corpos made it big in the west and they both self-sabotaged in their own way
Small corpos suffer from a myriad of issues like audio problems, unprofessional leadership, hiring weak talents which dilutes their generations, lack of marketing and so and so on
In the end the only part of the EN market that's growing is the indie scene which is now more popular than the western big corpos

>> No.52149354

You almost stuck the landing but you tripped yourself up with the last statement

>> No.52149396

How so?

>> No.52149434

>indie scene which is now more popular than the western big corpos

>> No.52149645

Yes that's what I said
Please tell me what the issue is

>> No.52149669

I don't think the indies have overtaken HoloEN/Vshojo. NijiEN yeah.

>> No.52149832

The problem is that most EN viewers only know HoloEN, and HoloEN became stagnant, lazy and boring.
Many have moved on to other vtubers, NijiEN took a lot of market share from HoloEN, a lot of indies small, medium and big have filled the gap and the small corpos have seen steady growth.
But HoloEN had 20k-30k-40k CCV streams and it has gone to 3k-5k-10k CCV streams and those numbers did not fully move on to other vtubers, the Gura-like vtubers might have grown a lot but none fo them is having 10k yet.
So it just seems like the HoloEN audience decided to quit.
But you can still see them asking for EN3 here and there, they haven't really quit they just don't have anything appealing to them left.
Imagine if Nintendo quit the business, do you really imagine the Nintendo fans would move on to playing xbox or playstation or pc? No, they'd just quit gaming entirely.
This is what happened to EN vtubers.

>> No.52149933

self-evident delusion

>> No.52149932

Not as individuals but the total market share of indies is bigger than that of Hololive or Vshojo

>> No.52150142
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I don't see where is the problem, EN fucked up and lost fans, JP stayed the same and the fans stayed.

>> No.52150569

>ironic weebs come in
>demand faggots
>get faggots
>stop watching
It's almost like the influencers that run their lives have some other agenda that runs everything it infects.
There was a moment in the big off collabs when bae was cooking for everyone. It almost felt like jp until fauna threw a fit over miso.

>> No.52150695

>until fauna threw a fit over miso.
What did she say?

>> No.52150736

>t almost felt like jp until fauna threw a fit over miso.
Come on that wasn't the one that was bad. If anything that was Fauna being wrong for cultural stuff.

>> No.52151063

>Novelty factor and lockdowns created a bubble
>More sources of entertainment in western market
>Casuals returned returning to other hobbies
>Ironic weebs mostly returning to other hobbies
>JP tourists stopped tuning in to major EN collabs
HoloEN is still the big fish in the EN vtuber market but the overall market is getting smaller and more spread out. Cover's own data shows the hololive overseas viewership ratio peaked 2 years ago and has been reclining even with the additions of Council and Tempus. Wouldn't quite say that it was a fad but the initial popularity of EN vtubers was a bubble due to lockdowns.

>> No.52151121

Western women are all whores, especially 2 of the councils.

>> No.52151226

>overall market getting smaller
>saying this when idol and phase making gains
It is just that both holo and niji are boring due to unnecessary restrictions.

>> No.52151342

Unicorns won. Simple as. Fauna and Gura are the top EN vtubers in terms of CCV and holoJP is as strong as ever. Whores were warned that pandering to ironic weebs isn't a good long term strategy.
Let's hope EN3 realizes this and revives EN.

>> No.52151361

Idol and Phase have lost viewership these past few months as a whole.

>> No.52152021

>It is just that both holo and niji are boring due to unnecessary restrictions.
How is it their fault when one is braindead with permissions, while the other has mediocre talents?

>> No.52152608

Thinking that EN3 will revive EN vtubing is like thinking the Dreamcast will revive Sega.
The damage is already too deep and too severe. You'll never see the excitement and explosion of 2020 again in EN vtubing.

>> No.52152729

EN3 will delay the inevitable. Unless EN3 is like sankisei, which is a hard no because Sankisei was a damn miracle gen, then EN is going to go down the shitter. Its quite ironic how EN is gonna fall down a cliff, while ID might survive in the end. Then again, ID has people who care for actual idols.

>> No.52152752

Not until a black male vtuber joins NijiEN and fucks pomu

>> No.52152850
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vtubing stopped being a fad to westerners when the lockdowns were over.
honestly? if vtubers were still mostly video based instead of stream based, they would still be hitting it off in non-japanese areas. the problem is that clip channels get most of the views because nobody wants to fucking watch a stream for 4-6+ hours when a clip video can highlight the best moments. this goes for all streamers though.
another thing is that westerners really just cant get over the "BUT WHAT IF ITS LE MAN BEHIND MODEL???" bullshit. it also doesnt help that annoying ass people keep being vtubers (see dramatubers or dumbasses like nux taku)

not like i give a shit though ill still watch who i like kek

>> No.52153066

oh, one thing i forgot, most vtubers just seem to pander to the same audience of ironic weebs that love sex jokes. so basically all of them just kinda get muddled together with the only unique ones sinking to the bottom unless they get scooped up by a corpo (which is also a huge other mess. most people just think every corpo is hololive of nijisanji)

>> No.52153148

>this goes for all streamers though
i can watch vinesauce vinny for hours on end even if I don't like what he's streaming for some reason

>> No.52153162

>Thinking that EN3 will revive EN vtubing
Getting rid of Tempus would be a bigger buff to HoloEN than releasing EN3

>> No.52153289

I never understood this misconception. Pretty much every EN vtuber I've watched only does sex jokes when... a natural human being might think of doing a dumb sex joke. Like one might do with friends, if you've ever had those. It's not supposed to give you a boner. Only exception I can think of are Shylily and Anny.

>> No.52153341

>Getting rid of Tempus would be a bigger buff to HoloEN than releasing EN3
Or just getting rid of those fans. you know the ones

>> No.52153362

I don't know what it was like in Japan before vtubing, but I suspect that livestreaming wasn't as popular in Japan, especially streaming FPS games (I'm under the impression that APEX went popular in JP at the same time as these streamer vtubers we have now)
While in the West the streaming culture is already established & Vtubers are competing with other streamers
I'm trying to find video based EN chuubas in >>52127756, but no one knows

>> No.52153424

why do these threads always say small companies are taking over when they still have no viewers just like they always did

>> No.52154376

Everyone I watch is doing fine
Maybe people are just tired of corporate shit

>> No.52154637

i dont even like vtubers, i dont have enough time in my day to watch someone else play a game or act like a cute retard for 4 hours

>> No.52154797

the one funny ENchuuba got a boyfriend and I no longer give a shit about any of them

>> No.52156213

EN vtubing will bounce back, but with AI and photorealistic models. Anime style EN vtubers will be only a very small niche compared to the former.

>> No.52156274

who would want photorealistic models when being an anime girl is the whole appeal of vtubing?

>> No.52156378

>photorealistic models

>> No.52156639

>total market share
kek, what a retard. what is next? 3000 vtubers combine having more views than 1 corpo?

>> No.52156763

I hate it too, but with the way current tech is going, that honestly doesn't feel that far-fetched. The market would dramatically bigger than just us autists, it might be a big normie hit.

>> No.52157079

It didn't have to be that way you know?
Hololive could've easily eclipsed the indie scene if they debuted EN3 and 4 instead of Tempus 1 and 2
Similarly Nijisanji could still be a bigger player if they did some basic quality control on who they hire

>> No.52157805

>that pic
Junji Ito...

>> No.52157888

it's almost like it's easier to grow from a smaller base

>> No.52159376

But Kiara is the lowest viewed and had the biggest ccv drop this past year, in spite of being against male collabs and as /vt/ assures me, very parasocial with her audience. It's almost as if the girls incline or decline based on if they're good streamers, rather than because of dastardly male collabs.

>> No.52163635

I think it's clear at this point that gaijins simply touch more grass in general. It's the only way to explain why lockdowns ending would have wildly differing effects on both markets.

>> No.52163840

>have youtube as your primary platform
>don't use its primary strength (edited and prerecorded content)
Always amazed me

>> No.52163967
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Listen, faggot OP, its not that I disagree with you, you are 100% correct, but why even make this thread? Everyone and their mother already knows this as fact, so why do you keep rubbing it in to these poor EOPs? Isn't it enough punishment that they need to watch EN "vtubers"? Do you enjoy bullying the mentally retarded?

>> No.52164011

this thread reeks of SEA

>> No.52165484

as someone who gave a fair chance to close to a hundred EN vtubers, including male and female, big corpos, small corpos and indies I can say that there are simply too few good en vtubers and its most definitely a cultural thing.
my standards are simple: be entertaining/don't be lazy, do your opsec/kayfabe, be nice to your fans.
in my search for good en vtubers i've only found 6 in total who fit these very basic standards, out of which only 1 is yab-free and by yab i don't mean schizo rrats that /vt/ made up.
western barbarians can't do vtubing and should stick to fleshstreaming

>> No.52169338

You sound like a retard.

>> No.52171041

I don't understand why Western streamers have a such a sharp trend toward irony poisoned, assholeish personas. There is also the great coombait filter for anyone female. I want someone entertaining, not that is just going to jiggle some tits. I can already get that anywhere else.

>> No.52171251
File: 17 KB, 500x500, (YOU).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did the fad end for some "ironic" weebs now?

>> No.52171595

anon pls delete that pic, don't doxx yourself

>> No.52171655

Entubers were in it for the money and the money wasn't there.

>> No.52172238

Might aswell watching bili2 vtuber, they already have those and it's ugly

>> No.52172415

>So it just seems like the HoloEN audience decided to quit.
Wait, you can do that? Has that ever happened with JP vtuber audience over the years or is this mainly an overseas phenomenon?

>> No.52172674

If Unicorns won and the audience is shrinking, how would more unicorn friendly streamers help? Is there enough unicorns to support an audience on the scale of 2021?

>> No.52172862

I would argue another reason for the collapse of the overseas market for vtubers has been the degrading standards of clipper channels. You go back to the clips that dragged us down into the rabbit hole in 2019 and 2020 and they vastly outshine the 30 second spedsubz and coomer clickbait that is prevalent these days. Another hobby ruined by greedy middlemen chasing the dollar rather than helping broaden the platform outreach of the hobby they 'love'.

>> No.52172902

>when being an anime girl is the whole appeal of vtubing
EN vtubers being the vtuber equivalent of dubbed anime does a good job of explaining why it doesn't work.

>> No.52175287

I still enjoy indies and a few small corpos but Holo and Niji are stale and boring. I don't care for idol stuff anyway
