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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52119689 No.52119689 [Reply] [Original]

Which games do You like the to watch the most?
Been thinking of starting some youtube videos mostly for myself but also so someone can watch, but im not sure about the games i should play.
Already bought audio stuff and im waiting for an artist to complete my character.
I'll be recording in Polish language :).

>> No.52119792

Yes, because vtubing def not oversaturated

Join chaturbate instead

>> No.52119904

if you're a male please don't
if you're a female do GFE
If you're neither please disappear

>> No.52119924


>> No.52119936

Nigdy nie będziesz kobietą.

>> No.52120015

Poland hasnt done anything useful since Wizna

>> No.52120046

>Which games do You like the to watch the most?
EYE Divine Cybermancy

>> No.52120085

What do you want? have a great time or sell your soul for money?

>> No.52120093

Its not saturated at all here in Poland, we have like one bigger female VTuber and one male

>> No.52120138

enough trolling. honestly play whatever you enjoy because if you're forcing yourself to enjoy something for the viewer early on you won't give off your true self.
do your social media reps as well, I'd honestly suggest making a tiktok and crossposting to youtube shorts on top of your streaming. always post when you're going live on twitter as well.

>> No.52120193

I will look at your recommendations and then play only the games that i like :)

>> No.52120209

>if you're a male please don't
if you're a male then try to be a novelty that can work all audiences. Fujobaiters are the fucking worst because women always want extremely sexualized streams.

>> No.52120329

This, you might make dosh but life becomes misserable after the novelty of making sweaty women horny wears off

>> No.52120390

Nigdy nie próbowałem i nie będę, cenię sobie swoją płeć i tradycyjne wartości :)

>> No.52120581
File: 51 KB, 592x442, 1676528375404355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every 2view is a whore and doesn't know even Hololive. They are just karynas that are too lazy to put on makeup.
If you are good at playing character, ignoring male vtubers and you won't mention boyfriend and sexual life, then with regular streams you'll easy become 3view
It is so undersaturated and with so low quality that even I'm tempted to start streaming as a male

>> No.52121344

I'm a male, but i think I have some high quality assets and good technical background, so that should not be a big problem to gain any following, I want to focus more on YouTube than Twitch tho.

>> No.52121459

From one 4chan user to another, I'll support ya anon.

Try modded Minecraft tekkit or classic XCom

>> No.52121526

I hate how muddy this piece of shit sounds
yes the isolation from background noise is nice but it destroys all the detail

>> No.52121692

dont do it , it will make you menhera becausey ou will always keep comparing yourself with girls
males do better as flesh streamers there is nothing to be won out of havign an anime avatar

>> No.52121742

I think it depends on the EQ, i chose this microphone purely cause it fits my voice and i also like the design
been thinking about minecraft but it should be more of a story telling then long gameplays right?

>> No.52121832
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, 1665446819800295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image makes me feel uneasy

>> No.52121840

BTW while the SM7b is a great mic (for that broadcaster voice or Rock/Metal) it's definitely not a beginner mic. But as others say it can be pretty muddy especially without a FET head (running on phantom power) or similar in the signal chain.

>> No.52121867

i am not ugly. but i do feel better with not showing my face to be honest, that's why i find Vtubing appearing

>> No.52121890

>It depends on the EQ
It really doesn't, it's a dynamic microphone, it's a completely different design from, say a TLM103. You can do things to help it but it won't be on the same level of clarity.

>> No.52122003

I've read that SM7B doesn't actually like phantom power, the WaveXLR powers it up with great success and I have some friends that are highly into mixmastering that can help when needed
It still has top notch quality and is better than 99% amateur creators are running, I think that for unexperienced ear its perfect (talking about viewers)

>> No.52122059

become a funny animal mascot instead of a bishie then

>> No.52122102

i dislike furry enjoyers so would like to avoid being associated with them

>> No.52122143

ok dont be an animal but be any type of mascot

>> No.52122748

Don't focus too much technical shit.
Get content out, construct a rhythm.
Evaluate if you like doing this or not before investing more time/money on it
Videos make sense, it's how the orc Randon started. Guy loved tea, so he made videos about tea.
Loved this pokemon GBC game, so made a video about it. Not a stream, a video!:
Study what works best for target audience, idk what Polish youtube users consume but you should pay attention and identify what you can provide and get into that algorithm. Not the algorithm of this board's anons.

Good luck.

>> No.52123151

>idk what Polish youtube users consume

we have no virtual youtubers, most popular people are vloggers and commentary channels, we have literally one big letsplayer and in general gaming videos are kind of dead here, it's a niche but im fine with small numbers, i would be very satisfied if i could get triple digit view numbers

>don't focus too much technical shit

makes sense, those audio purchases will in general come in handy when using my PC but other investments probably should be made after i commit to this

>guy loved tea, so he made videos about tea

thanks for this, i think i will start with some minecraft content, i need to think about the setting/story tho so i'll have an idea what to do in the minecraft world long term, also maybe pokemon games :)

>> No.52124369

>I've read that SM7B doesn't actually like phantom power
The SM7B definitely doesn't like phantom power, the FET Head does. It's a small preamp you put between it an the interface. Most interfaces have enough gain for the SM7B to work, but you drive into the regions where it isn't ideal. The FetHead will put add additional gain so that you don't have to push your interfaces preamps.
That being said try the SM7b solo first and if it's ok for you it's ok.

>> No.52125591

the isolation is just because people shove it up in their faces, which admittedly easier because it's end-address, but it's super overpriced for what it does. as you said it's a distorted mud cannon. it's a meme that needs to die.

>> No.52132328

you will only find groomers here
play ff16 is a good game

>> No.52136396

Any story-oriented single player games is a good start, stuff like God of War, Metal Gear, Zelda, etc.. competitive games like CS/Valorant/Apex if you're good at it, if your aim is shit then don't ever touch these games, 2bh. Last but not the least, FOTM games some times but don't spam it, I know minecraft is the safest bet but nobody wants to watch it for a whole week.

>> No.52142114

good luck

>> No.52142885

check out /asp/ might learn a thing or two in there

>> No.52150974

step 1: be cunny
step 2: be blue
step 3: be retarded

instant success

>> No.52157058

Also must be a girl. Doing these 3 steps as a guy will not endear you to anyone

>> No.52157482
File: 413 KB, 488x519, doommug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer, as always, is doom.

>> No.52157861

literally every other vtuber in existence does minecraft and pokemon, find a niche or you won't pull in any viewers. if you insist on minecraft playing modpacks is a good way to set yourself apart from the rest of the vtuber scene, avoid QoL shit that barely changes the game and focus on tech/magic modpacks. hell if you're really into pokemon there's pokemon mods for minecraft you could use, but unless you can make it unique don't bother with shit most streamers already do

>> No.52160442

>we have like one bigger female VTuber
Akiirie seems pretty cute, can you translate some of her clips? Would like to know what she's like

>> No.52160543

Apex and MineCraft

>> No.52160607

Poland hasn't done anything useful since it World War 2.

>> No.52161325

SM7B is the "blue yeti" of xlr mics, except it CAN sound good when someone that knows what the fuck they're doing uses it. 99.99999% of streamers are not gonna get a good sound out of it. Not even Joe Rogan. For the longest time Rogan had a bunch of noise coming from their preamps at the studio too, idk if he still has that.

Fun fact: it sounds muddy because the capsule is far back from the foam. And the foam itself also makes it sound muddier, which is why for some vocal recordings people will take it off to get a brighter sound, though the mic also has a high pass filter iirc.

>> No.52162586

World of worships.

>> No.52162722

This. Slaughter map endurance streams are a must.

>> No.52163496

stream some Noita
I might watch

>> No.52166999

What kind of XLR mic should you get at that price point? Something that works great right out of the box with no or little EQ adjustment

>> No.52167791

i could, post your discord i'll add you

>> No.52167910

>something that works great out of the box
keep dreaming, sound production is a whole industry and an expensive one at that, there's no one size fits all magic solution
goddammit I wish Kiara would learn how to EQ herself or even someone do it for her, nobody seems to realise that her sounding harsh is because she's retarded like everybody else and just bought the equipment everybody uses without knowing how it works

>> No.52168123

btw, I bought a $30 t.bone mb75 mic and a $80ish behringer umc204hd audio interface and people say I sound 'professional' lmao
kinda like when retards think headphones are good if they sound 'bass-y', people hear a mic with decent mids and think it's the shit
the thing is, most of the time the latter is true, but if you're a woman then why would you want your audience to listen to frequencies that suit the male voice (and default setups tend to favour dudes)?

>> No.52168253

>default setups tend to favour dudes
it favors what the company assumes won't expose their shit quality products and compression when it inevitably peaks outside of default settings unless the user knows what they're actually doing. .

>> No.52168638

Be yourself. Also, visit /asp/ to have some feedback.

>> No.52169808

>comes to an international shithole filled with seaniggers, homobeggars and americucks
>asks what content should he produce for the people of kurwa and kielbasa
I can see why you chose this path, you probably aren't bright enough for any other career path.
>streaming weeb shit for poles
>as a male
enjoy your 2viewers

>> No.52169830

Poland hasn't done anything useful since kubica

>> No.52173890

Play something you like, but is also popular. You can flourish in something that is more niche, but you'll have to be at least decent with it and it'll require you to have better soft-skills as a streamer.

>> No.52173981

Play mods for your favorite game.

>> No.52174324

>He thinks vtuber fans like video games

>> No.52174573

Get a generic high school boy in uniform for an avatar then.
Can't get much more generic and safer than that.

>> No.52175794

I've got the same interface, mic and arm. We're totally buddies

>> No.52176511

>Which games do You like the to watch the most?

>> No.52177191

Play Gothic while drunk and just yell out slurs whenever the game crashes

>> No.52177225

i don't mind low views, any will be good, i want it to be my hobby, i already have a decent career irl that brings me satisfying amount of money

>> No.52177631


>> No.52181657

