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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52095403 No.52095403 [Reply] [Original]

Is it because they're so funny?

>> No.52095710

There was no good anime left to watch

>> No.52095763

I just want to see how thigns go for some of them. How far will Suisei go with her music dreams, and how will she react if she can't become an actual, mainstream idol. How will girls handle being single at 30 getting less male attention outside of vtubing, will they stream more for the validation or less as they desperately look for a man? Will Gura graduate or continue to milk her fans?

I'm in it to see who gets a successful life and who becomes the new DSP (or various other faield e celebs).

>> No.52095793

It's how I get my social interaction with cute girls

>> No.52095866

It’s because clippers were propagating like wildfire in 2021 and they only captured the times Gura was legitimately funny-retarded. Then I realized these bitches are just e-thots who think they’re big entertainers and stick around fleecing infatuated nerds because it’s good money.

>> No.52095916

She’s a VTuber because no real idol company wanted her, anon. The Suisei persona is all she has.

>> No.52096126

Same but I'm starting to question the wisdom 0iuu9liiiiiiiipippi099p999999999999999999kü90ppppppppppppppppk000000000000000000000000000liipp0009''p'üü0öllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll9999999999999mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm''üüpöök00000

>> No.52096202

No idol company wanting her doens't mean anything,they didn't give her a chance and now she's relatively well known in her niche. It's just going to be itneresting to see how far she goes, and how she will respond if she hits her limit without acheiving her dream.

>> No.52096213

>How will girls handle being single at 30 getting less male attention outside of vtubing
Like half of HoloJP are literal hags in their mid to late 30s. Most of them seem to be handling the advance of age pretty well.

>> No.52096397

because they're cute, the streams are relaxing and because, to properly enjoy them, i need to apply a suspension of disbelief so thick the real world has no way of entering my mind

>> No.52096436

I'm only here for the drama. I want to stick around to see Gura turn into a full-blown alcoholic and die at 27.

>> No.52096470
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>Fuck no more shonen airing, better watch a girl trying to act autistic who lost her virginity to a dude who was 6'6
Shondocucks are built different

>> No.52096639

>Most of them seem to be handling the advance of age pretty well.
Most but not all, and that's what makes it interesting. Will Marine every truly get over it without cope like "milfs are popular now"? Will other girls who don't care about relationships (Pekora) start to crack? Will you hear something like X graduated and is now married with kids? Etc. These streamers are in an interesting position where they can't mix their IRL with online lives and I want to see how that turns out when they talk about their entire life to the internet.

>> No.52096899

funny anime person in the corner wiggle around while be funny and play game
lookit them go haha lil funny anime person

>> No.52097201

Nobody here is going to admit it but most of the turbogoslings here are SEAs or even full-blown asians, they need to watch weird weeb shit they just can't help themselves

>> No.52097276

I need background noise while doing things that don't require a lot of focus. Any streamer usually is good enough, but chuubas usually have the most interesting personalities. Interestingly enough, I found that chuubas are the most genuine when it comes to expressing themselves. No need to hold back all those weird things about yourself when you are surrounded by weirdos and hide behind an avatar and a fake name.

>> No.52097316

Because talking to real girls is scary and they aren't going to have sex with me anyways, so I might as well just watch live2d models.

>> No.52097337

i listen to the ones with good voices (not shondo) while I do other shit. they're just boring enough to not need much attention.

>> No.52097584
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The women that are relatively the same age as me are all whores or autistic zoomers, or both. I've interacted more with women over 30. And even if they treat me like I'm 12 sometimes it's still more enjoyable than having to talk to whores and actual children.
Real life turned me into a hag lover.

>> No.52097659

Why would his height matter

>> No.52097735

/vt/ is full of azn manlets with a massive inferiority complex

>> No.52097776

And cute

>> No.52097921

Because she doesn't see anyone else as a real man anymore. She's totally closed off sexually now, even though she used to be absolutely cock crazy for him. Other men literally don't measure up in her mind.

>> No.52097970

I'm 6'7" actually

>> No.52098027

Hi Pyro. How was it? Do you still see each other?

>> No.52098131

I think I'm slowly dropping out of it. I got into them because the clips were bite-sized pieces of content that was pretty new. I had fun, I found personalities I liked listening to. Then when you stay longer it rubs more and more that almost all vtubers mislead or outright lie to their audience to get more money from vulnerable people. To be fair, those people are retards too, but those vtubers aren't good people. fleshtubers that get exposed for lying either disappear or clean up their act, vtubers that lie are supported and their communities will actively prevent others from learning about the lies. I'm autistic about shit like that, I really don't like it. There are still some vtubers I enjoy listening to, but every thread on /vt/ is another opportunity for them to be exposed too.

>> No.52098139

No, I ditched her after I found out she was pregnant. I may end up coming back soon for the granddaughter wife though

>> No.52098140


>> No.52098197

vtubers for me fill the same gap as videogames. I know they're pretending, and I'm pretending they're not pretending, but escapism can still be enjoyable at the end of the day.

>> No.52098443

this is increasingly true for me. i'm definitely spending less time on them. I've gotten annoyed with most of the en ones, and jp requires my full attention. if i'm giving it my full attention, i have a large backlog of tv and movies to catch up on instead.

>> No.52098493

Women are not funny or entertaining.
I just wanted an interactable anime waifu.

>> No.52098514

You should look for his IRL pic so you can feel better about yourself. Pyro's an awkward looking lanky cunt, not the übermensch you seem to think he is.

>> No.52098534

I don't. I just read some shit here and fap on some arts occasionally.

>> No.52098552

I can't enjoy movies or TV anymore. It's not social enough. Guess I gotta get used to the fact that real people suck.

>> No.52098567

I watched Steins gate with Pekora for the first time and it's a peak kino anime, with very few surpassing it.

>> No.52098693

I like novel content.

>> No.52098881

Yet she still flew thousands of miles multiple times to suck him dry, and only crushes on people around his height (Jason; Rory McCann)

>> No.52098930

For a long time I couldn't figure out why I couldn't treat vtubers the same as actors in a tv show, or wrestlers in WWE, or video games like you mention. For me I think the difference is that vtubing doesn't have the 100% very clear 'everything you're watching is completely fake' guarantee unlike those. A vtuber whose persona is a 3000 year old dragon saying she's 3000 years old is a lie, but it's obviously one. No one's getting tricked, it's for the entertainment of the audience, just like actors in a movie. Vtubers are much more than their character bio though, most of their content comes from the person themselves and most of what they tell is presumed to actually be true (e.g. stories about going grocery shopping or whatever). A vtuber believably lying about herself, not the character, to make herself appear good to get more (real) donations feels very different to me. To me that feels the same as a fleshtuber donation baiting by saying their dog needs treatment when they don't even have a dog, just gross behavior. It's completely a personal issue though, I know most people don't care.

I really like your way of saying it though. I think I also know they're pretending, treat as such unless proven otherwise, but I dislike that they know not everyone does that and they deliberately lie to get those people to spend more money.

>> No.52099019

Because they are cute (the female ones at least)

>> No.52100833

Talking about video game streams is not socially aceptable on 4channel unless the host is an anime girl and I'm a huge loser who wants social interaction from here, it's only natural I started watching chuubas.

>> No.52101010
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My oshi is uniting the world under her.

>> No.52101053
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Maybe you just haven't looked in the right place.

>> No.52101059

easier to consume escapism than anime

>> No.52101123

Zoomer women are fucking terrible, but maybe it's because I'm British but women over 30 aren't doing too great either, I would place them on the same level which actually makes zoomers worse considering they got to that point faster.

Oshi no Ko isn't helping them, not to mention it's kinda grating to hear about rich people who play videogames talk about how stressful their lives are. I still like a few of them, and I even know some of the girls I like have boyfriends. I just don't care because I don't see them as having a level of disdain for their fans, which is a vibe I get from a bunch of them that is especially apparent when they talk about how OnK is literally us.

>> No.52101269

isn't lying about not having a bf to get more akasupa a form of disdain too though?

>> No.52101342

so i can fill the infinite void of not having a girlfriend

>> No.52103355
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I legit don't know, I never watched a stream before hololive, even youtube I barely used, I just watched some reviews to games I have interest to play.Now I watch holo at least a hour daily and I basically part of my routine.

>> No.52103460
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I'd still be watching my oshi if she was a fleshstreamer

>> No.52103758

Because I need a girl who pretends to be my gf since I can't get one irl, the lack of female interactions in my life was getting too painful
>Is it because they're so funny?
Definitely not, I don't even find them entertaining at all, I just want to talk to a girl and have her be nice to me

>> No.52103827

Some aspect is filling a bit of the loneliness but they also need to not be a complete drag to watch so in essence yeah i watch a few because i find them entertaining or funny on top.

>> No.52104679

Occasional clips with funny interactions.
Watched a total of 3 streams, realized that
EN chuubas without autism are largely unwatchable because female brain + Western decadence = uniquely boring personality.
90% of chuubas would be worthless without an anime avatar and slutty outfits.

>> No.52104902

>the worth of women in entertainment is heavily weighted in how they look

>> No.52105277

I'm fine with a bf as long as I don't have to hear about him. The issue is when that comes up it usually goes directions I do not want to hear. Just be entertaining and don't tell me about your real life.

>> No.52105402

Pretty much this. If you have a bf, preferably don't mention it at all, but at least don't actively lie about not having one.

>> No.52105461
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I don't have a girlfriend or female friends.

>> No.52108033

I can post about them on /vt/ while watching, can't do that with flesh streamers

>> No.52110780

Yes bitch what kinda stupid quesiton is this

>> No.52111043

It's like having a friend without the commitment.

>> No.52111110

I used to listen to political commentary podcasts while I work, but I got bored of it and started listening to VTubers instead. Though I still tend to gravitate toward chuubas that lean into politics sometimes.
After watching them for a while though, I also got roped into the GFE aspect.
But it's very difficult to find chuubas that are both political/edgy and offer good GFE, so I'm still kinda on the search for that.

>> No.52111217

yessss political asmr

>> No.52111384

>>52111217 (me)
"illegal immigrants are stealing out jobs jobs jobs"
"biden stole the election tion tion tion"
alternate ears "trump" ooh

>> No.52111566

Ok, that was funny. I'll give it to ya. But what I meant was that I'm looking for a chuuba who does both types of content, but obviously not at the same time. lol

>> No.52111719

I watch vtubers when I want something funny and cute without thinking too much.

>> No.52111878

That's just women in general. Height is extremely important to them, more so than almost anything else. They can't help it, it's biological. It's like men liking liking hourglass shapes. (Yes, a few men like sticc women, there are always exceptions. But like 99.99% of women prefer tall men.)

>> No.52116374

I wanna have sex with them

>> No.52122156

>Easier to consume escapism than anime
Not if it's an western vtuber like Watson who constantly breaks it

>> No.52122290

I feel you, anon.
