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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51895629 No.51895629 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it always me making these threads/crabs!/yuro hours edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self-post?
I can't recommend doing so.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:


Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>51779791

>> No.51895695

Some of my to-play games are on SNES/N64/PSX, I'd play some old niche PC games too but don't know if there'd be an audience

>> No.51895860


>> No.51895914


>> No.51896052

I'm going to stream a 2008 game and cope that it's now considered retro

>> No.51896120
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FFXVI stream was fun, a bit I was on the quiet side since I didn't wanna talk over the cutscenes. Reconnected with someone I haven't talked to for almost 5 year that showed up while streaming and got my first subscriber. Streamin' is pretty fun.

>> No.51896523

some people try to argue ps3 and 360 games are considered retro now.

I always thought retro only applied to like mame games n shit, then nes snes joined it, then ps1 and 64 and dreamcast, goddamn it sucks to age

>> No.51896557

Glad you're having fun! If you'd like, link your twitter, I'd like to follow you and possibly connect.
I've had good success with older games, each with their own levels of niche; Mega Man Legends was the most successful, but it was also the most recognizable. Bubsy 3D as a game doesn't really make for a fun stream, but it makes for really good torture porn if you have the stamina to grind yourself against it. More on the niche end, I had less success with Magic Knight Rayearth for the Saturn, but being halfway decent at talking seemed to carry it.

>> No.51896833

Since we're still on the topic, would anyone watch me play old DOS games via PCEM emulator?

>> No.51897086

people here need to understand that your content is a vehicle to showcase you, not the other way around. If you are enthusiastic about something and you can draw energy from the thing you are doing on stream then there's a high chance it's enjoyable to watch.

there is a breaking point where not being able to follow the content will make things difficult, but clio blew up like crazy on playing GSG games, but literally half of her viewers say "i have no fucking idea what's going on, but i like watching anyways" so as long as you can make it interesting the content is watchable. i sometimes get the feedback "it's fun to see you so enthusiastic about X" and sometimes that's about something i wasn't even sure anyone would want to watch.

>> No.51897674

I love what jets is doing with the CRT retro games, I'm going to blatantly copy her.

>> No.51897788

yeah i also have 3d setup with a crt, im not going through the trouble of using an actual crt despite the fact i own one but with some colors, skewing and scanline effects you can replicate some of it and make a cozy scene. it's pretty cool

>> No.51898104

Also don't make American friends if you're European.

>> No.51898357

If I take 2 sleeping pills and only sleep for like 4 hours one more night in a row I'm going to a doctor

>> No.51898510
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i cant shake the feeling that im fucking my encoders somehow weh does it look fine giv advice pleas
also if smol collab/support discords pop up and im welcome please hmu and i like asp i like tubers sob sob

>> No.51898555

>Bubsy 3D
Fuza pls
We had to fund your Alzheimer's treatment after that one

>> No.51898765

Are their any /asp/ chuubas that you think his/her voice is decent but doesn't fitting with their model?

>> No.51898898

Babis have so much potential but they're just throwing it away

>> No.51899100

Yeah, me

>> No.51899202

twitter and all that on my twitch, twitch.tv/kouyawolf

>> No.51900010
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Same, I am always (always) interested in meeting cool new people.

>> No.51900461

Me whenever I debut lmao. A German accent will NOT go with any design unless I'm using a Nazi lmao

>> No.51900844

my hands wrote this, i just want a lame american generic voice

>> No.51900855

One week until my promotion cycle announcement, if I get promoted, I can wind down for a bit and have time to explore vtubing, wish me luck anons

>> No.51900934

Preach, brother

>> No.51901196
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I'm sure you could manage something less gamer but still iconic

>> No.51901330

I for one am proud of my accent. You just need to learn to understand me.
Skill issue.

>> No.51901340

If you want to get technical, retro is just "The way things used to be done before" white tires are retro because cars having white tires used to be the norm, then it stopped for reasons I will not delve into. As to how this applies to videogames, PS3 and 360 games do have a somewhat different feel to modern games in various areas, like live service not being a thing to give an example

>> No.51901353

>You just need to learn to understand me.

>> No.51901400

east german? gross

>> No.51901444

when did PS3 become retro, my age hurts

>> No.51901512

When it grew 15 years old, that used to be the cutoff point for retro games

>> No.51901513

>then it stopped for reasons I will not delve into
I want you to delve into this, why did they stop having white tires?

>> No.51901525

Good, I only deserve the finest viewers!

>> No.51901532

Around the time Green Day became Classic Rock grandpa

>> No.51901625

German accent is nice, I like Germany accent

>> No.51901756

Top streamers:
East Germany: shylily, mid-4view
West Germany: ...TommyKay? lol? lmao?

>> No.51901858

psychic damage aaaaaaa

>> No.51901878

The rubber tires are made of is naturally white (Fun fact, this is why the Michelin man is white), however, eventually it was discovered that by mixing it with carbon it became more durable, so tire companies started making the part that touches the ground out of a rubber+carbon mix, while making the sides, which do not suffer from abrassion by virtue of not touching the ground, out of just rubber without carbon. It then became cheaper to just make the whole thing out of rubber+carbon, as it simplified the manufacturing process by reducing the amount of steps, while bulk ordering offset the extra cost of using more carbon, leading to the modern day tire

>> No.51901912

That's really cool, thanks!

>> No.51902029
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I'm sorry I take it all back, please watch me despite my ESL accent, I'll even make the funny mexican noises that gringos like to hear!

>> No.51902128

No problem anon, I just enjoy memorizing random trivia and sharing it lol

>> No.51902266

would you talk to me in spanish in a hushed voice bby

>> No.51902656

anything for you señor, please dame dinero...

>> No.51903099

>>>/vr/6775606 still not retro

>> No.51903178

I will die before I trust a janny

>> No.51903332

that is the pinned post in /vr/ that the whole board agreed upon in terms of what is considered retro
not saying PS3 and its whole console gen is bad by default, but if you market yourself as someone that likes retro and then all you deliver is PS3 you are setting yourself up for disaster

>> No.51903621

>that the whole board agreed upon
that isn't how it works and you know it, there was a constant shitfit about how sixth gen shouldn't count because everyone refused to accept they're getting older.
I'm not that anon, but just for reference Minecraft came out the same year I graduated high school. There are tons of adults, probably 80-90% of this thread even, that would say they played that game as a 3 year old. Does that make it retro? I don't want to say so, because it makes me feel old, but that doesn't mean there isn't a genuine argument to be made. One post by one mod on 4chan doesn't get to be the arbiter of truth.

>> No.51903743

/asp/ - retro games general

>> No.51904067

I'm not old I'm not old shut the fuck up I'm not old

>> No.51904312

What are these new "stream labelling" things?

>> No.51904608

what is unclear about them? it's exactly what they say they are

>> No.51905534
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Reading commentary of Plato's Parmenides dialogue today!


>> No.51905933

Please leave Fortune Discord if you do find a new one. I don't like either of you.

>> No.51905984

Hera... I tried to reach out to you

>> No.51906084

>spend a long time slowly working on design
>finally get it to a point where I'm happy with how it looks
>realize I strayed so far from the original direction that it no longer fits my voice or personality
Well! It's back to the drawing board for me!

>> No.51906526

Not Hera.
If they're gonna start joining other discords and turning them also into groomer-sexual discords, then leave ours.

>> No.51906647

I went from 1 follower to 3 followers today. I'm honestly a little giddy

>> No.51906683

>doesn't have the balls to say it openly in the gencord
4tune unity everyone

>> No.51906836

4chan is probably not the best place to ask this question but it's one that I'm not comfortable asking off anon.

I'm ghost white but I usually pick characters with tan or darker skin in games because I think it's pretty, on god that's the only reason. What are everybody's thoughts on how appropriate it is to have darker skin on your model if you're not a POC? I was thinking I could potentially get around the issue by adding an unrealistic tint but I'm not liking how any of them look. I'm going for sheep, primarily animal form rather than human similar to Buffpup's start, but I plan on modeling a traditional human hybrid as well.

>> No.51906885

On the internet nobody knows you're a dog.

>> No.51906897

Because they're not actually in the Discord, stop falling for bait

>> No.51906970

How tanned are we talking? There are a couple niggers in the thread, maybe they can tell you how that makes them feel

>> No.51907020

Public shaming is better.

>> No.51907040

I don't think you're shaming anyone

>> No.51907052

Don't go black or brown.
At most, a light tan.

>> No.51907227

Thread sucks more than usual today I see

>> No.51907269

Just don't doxx your skin color, if anyone says you sound "too white" they're not worth engaging with

>> No.51907335

>chilling (read: rotting) in groomcord
>the creator of groomcord isn't there
>no one's grooming
>no one's even talking
>get excited when I see that a new message was made
>immediately realize that it's just streamcord alerts
I wish I was more interesting, I'd like to actually talk to these motherfuckers but there's no substance to me to serve as a conversational foundation.

>> No.51907353

>What are everybody's thoughts on how appropriate it is to have darker skin on your model if you're not a POC?
You're either an american or a canadian to even consider this a serious issue.

>> No.51907359

twitter's gonna cancel you if your skin tone and your character's skin tone aren't a 1:1 match so it's not worth worrying about what they think
just do whatever you want, phil lamarr isn't asian but he still plays a good samurai jack doesn't he? if it really bothers you just keep it light enough to come across as a tan. though personally I think there's strong appeal to "ghost white" in a character's skin tone. makes everything else pop out more as a result. "pitch black" could work as well but that's a bit more limiting in the kinds of character designs it works for.

>> No.51907393

Just say you're gyaru

>> No.51907459

>twitter's gonna cancel you if your skin tone and your character's skin tone aren't a 1:1 match so it's not worth worrying about what they think
Only if you are white
But the reverse, POCs using white skinned characters, is fine.

>> No.51907581

twitter might not cancel you but other POC will shame you for it

>> No.51907585

There's literally no need to tell people what your skin color is though. There's only a handful of obscure accents where the density of white people is so high being non-white is implausible.

>> No.51907595
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>virtual world
>can literally be a blue dragon, a green cat, an orange centipede
>worrying about human skin tone, shit no one cares about

>> No.51907741

it might be an issue if you plan to do handcam content but avoiding giving away any personal identifiers is why people usually wear gloves of some kind for that anyway.

>> No.51907769

>but other POC will shame you for it
They dont give a fuck.
There's a big indie that is a black dude playing a white guy.

>> No.51907770

Lots of people do care about it, though.

>> No.51907835

People don't care
Twitter isn't made of people

>> No.51908067

People are made of meat.

>> No.51908116

Timezones are a fucking BITCH

>> No.51908165

Skin color is also a financial decision if you're a female vtuber

>> No.51908399
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>> No.51908510

Yeah. A black dude playing a white dude. You know how social politics works, all the power to you and none for me, there'll be cry babies on twitter for sure.

Now the question is, should you care about the crybabies or not? Your potential fans might not care about it, it's just the loud spergs screaming into the void. You have to figure out whether this stress is worth it or not

>> No.51908538

Coco stop grooming people.

>> No.51908646

Coco should write a grooming pastebin guide

>> No.51908734

So as a male is it really better to pick a model that stands out or go the generic route?

>> No.51908778


>> No.51908795

Make a model that makes people wanna groom you.
Worked for Alva.

>> No.51908801

pick a cute model

>> No.51908933
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Take a look

>> No.51909018

I literally make the blackest nigger that has ever nigged in every game with a character editor and I haven't caught any drama from it. You'll be fine.

>> No.51909055

Pick something that doesn't offend the eyes

>> No.51909293

What was this even supposed to mean?

>> No.51909336
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I'm going to make a discord server for the future star of /asp/... ME!!! Nobody else is invited >: ) sorry nerds, but you just won't make it as far as I will... I might send you a link for a favour tho ; )

I certainly got a decent amount of engagement because people liked my rather unorthodox design. I think looking interesting will definitely garner more people around you than just looking good... Don't get me wrong, attractiveness is important, but if you're just another good-looking fish in the pond, it's gonna be hard to notice you. Be good-looking AND have a cool/interesting design. Don't just make hot boring butler/bartender Nr. 3000

>> No.51909393

>Don't just make hot boring butler/bartender Nr. 3000
Throwing shots at Albert?

>> No.51909413

Male Ina

>> No.51909461

This is just a splatoon character

>> No.51909519


He's unfortunately getting in the crossfire, but he's a cool dude and I like him so he gets a pass lol. I'll try to miss him with the strays uwu. SORRY ALBERT!!!

I'm... N-not Ina.... Take that back....

>> No.51909538

Not even good shots considering people like Albert and there's been a number of successful bartender types lately. Flavorful comes to mind.

>> No.51909570


>> No.51909677


I mean I wasn't saying that having a generic hot character is a bad thing to do, it's still very valid. People love hottie's after all. But I feel like these are the types of character one thinks of when trying to make like a hot, inviting hubbie to hang out with lol...

>> No.51909766

bitches love tentacles

>> No.51909869

Its not inspiration if its straight up a character from that.

>> No.51909872


>> No.51910225

I cannot express how much I hate that plapposting became a normie meme.

>> No.51910280


I don't know, it didn't seem that much of a copy, and nobody really called me out for it yet except you, so it's not that bad I guess? I wouldn't know what to do in order to not seem like a 1:1 copy either... I guess maybe giving it some normal hair like Ina, but then I'd be an Ina copy

>> No.51910429

They really do, yeah

You better be shootung at me with a gun or something, don't you dare imply what I think you're implying

>> No.51911013

I'm implying the sound of rain on your tent as you're left homeless through the failure of your vtubing career

>> No.51911082


>> No.51911446

actually I think I want you to do the sex joke instead, I don't wanna get depressed : (

>> No.51911775

i got the fuwacoco smash approval im gmi

>> No.51911825

Vtubing is my last chance, I quit my job for this

>> No.51911834

this is really interesting

can you put it on a more readable bg please

>> No.51911909

as a bonus you also have my smash approval but i'm seiso enough that I dont want to say that kind of thing in a lasting place like twitter

>> No.51911932

>added a face dorrito

>> No.51912028

thank you!

>> No.51912336

How does one apply for smash approval?

>> No.51912341

so is anyone gonna make a discord server for newborn baby aspies here? i would but i don't know how to manage one

>> No.51912416

she comes up to you and says "smash" and then refuses to elaborate and leaves

>> No.51912474

I would but every server I've ever made has died magically after a week and I'm convinced it's a curse this point

>> No.51912510

she walks over to you, slaps your ass and then yells "buenos dias chuuba"

>> No.51912589

>coco will never shove a maraca in your ass and get you off with a pork tamale while you suck horchata from her massive chocolate teats

why even live

>> No.51912724

let me ask you this, do you think people will care about you not being a sheep behind the avatar?
You aren't trying to pretend to be of african descend or native american etc. you are a sheep. be as brown as you want to be.

>> No.51912776

If you are gonna make one, don't include Gen 4 people like Coco or Parseks.
The reason Gen 4 discord worked was because everyone was new and helped eachother. Adding already established people is gonna ruin it.
And its very likely they're gonna try to leech from you.
Make it invite only too, do not post it here. Just approach the new people's social media and send them an invite.

>> No.51912880

just tell people you're tan and to stop being a pussy. stand your ground, if there's any controversy you'll just get more viewers out of it

>> No.51912907

If you dislike them so much why don't you say it with your name attached like a big boy, instead of shitflinging in a 4chan thread like a retard?

It's because people like them more than they like you, and you'd just be ostracizing yourself like a dumbass, obviously

>> No.51913048

I can't make one because I'm a genuine sexpest and I'm only getting into vtubing to get a girlfriend

>> No.51913205

>he doesn't want to be the sexpest discord mod

>> No.51913384

I was cursed with a conscience, it's torture
deep inside I want to groom vulnerable young vtubers but the voices in my head won't allow me to do it

>> No.51913485

Why would you be this specific? Why not a middle school, anon?

>> No.51913633
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I know you're here. I don't know which one you are, but be a man and tell me if you ever ended up writing your part of the script for your own VN that I wasted months working on.

>> No.51913636

This website is supposed to be anonymous.

>> No.51913649

Ask yourself what do you want to be? If you want to be an ikemen suit guy, be an ikemen suit guy. Don't just pick a model that stands out, just for the sake of standing out

>> No.51913685

kids are too noisy

>> No.51913729

I meant in your shared spaces, not here.

>> No.51913817

I am going to content myself with it just being a shitposter, otherwise I'm really not sure what I could have done to upset people.

>> No.51913954

yeah you don't want to end up like yam or other chuubas with fuckugly models just for the sake of being different

>> No.51914603

>I'm really not sure what I could have done to upset people
You're not on my dick, that's one upsetting thing already

>> No.51914712

Maybe i should dissapear forever

>> No.51914779

that would be dumb, remember that behind every schizopost is someone that's probably a bigger loser than you. you wouldn't care about their opinion irl don't care about their opinion on 4chan either

>> No.51914848

I rarely post here. Im not one of the people talking above me.

>> No.51914876

You disgust me, heathen.

>> No.51914964
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Stream over, didn't understand a word lmao but good fun

>> No.51915002

ok then stop being menhera for no reason retard, stop if you don't feel like chuubing or hanging out, keep going if you do. you don't have to do this or that or anything else, think about what you want

>> No.51915049

You're such a Generic Sunworshipping fuckboy that it hurts. Atleast get a name thats not Sun Br*tish

>> No.51915070

Depends, who are you and what have you done. Tell me your snins, I'll take you to snurch.

>> No.51915113

Its just me being insanely paranoid for no reason.
Havent done anything wrong yet.

>> No.51915116

>Didn't understand a word
Okay but why read it then? It doesn't help learning reading shit you can't understand

t. learning ancient greek.

>> No.51915244

Thanks for streaming!

>> No.51915404

odds fanart
evens channel art
dubs fap and sexpest one of the homos
trips work on commissions (i will not do this)

>> No.51915429

I exaggerate. I understood a little. The particular book serves a dual purpose for me. It teaches me a little about Plato but it's so pretentious with it's vocabularly that it's like a 600 page tongue twister making it good enunciation practice.
Also the particular dialogue is said to be the hardest one so I don't feel bad that I didn't get all of it.

>> No.51916174

i love this a bunch! thank you! i love seeing everyone's ideas, im deff going use some of these hehe

>> No.51916435

I hate vtubers bros they either have quadruple my views so I'm not allowed to interact with them or they stare at the screen saying nothing

>> No.51916707

Oh so thats who is posting these

>> No.51916833


> staring at nothing.

Anon...they're staring at you. They know what you did to Jessica. They know. They're judging you. They're in your walls.

>> No.51917097

>Don't you hate those gen fors and their dumb discord? You know they're not gonna invite anyone else, right? They're not gonna invite you because they hate you.
>So, uh, guys, a-anyone gonna make a new discord? What about a new discord for all the brand-new newborn /asp/ies guys? A-anyone? Haha
>Also make sure to not invite anyone that I've said is in that discord. You don't want them in your brand new discord for new /asp/ies, right?
>Make one myself? Go to the "newborn /asp/ies" twitters and invite them to my new server which I do NOT want made because I am angry at any other discords? N-no, they can't know I'm the one making it, that would make me look fucking insane, it has to be one of you guys!

>> No.51917689


> I don't even know HoW tO mAkE a DiScOrd.

>> No.51918665

i really want herahera to leave, this is getting annoying

>> No.51918724

I think what Herahera needs he's not gonna get here

>> No.51918845

He takes off her dress now, let me go
'Cause I just can't look, it's killing me...

>> No.51919303


don't forget that part.

>> No.51919351 [SPOILER] 
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I'm sorry if there are moments of silence, I'm trying not to talk over the cutscenes on the game...

>> No.51919782

Be gone, skinwalker. Preferably, KYS

>> No.51919895

That doesn't make it any less real to me, and tbqh they are probably having sex

>> No.51920511
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>> No.51920605

thank you heavenly potato, i am healed and i'm not joking or being sarcastic

>> No.51920863

No a menos de que ofrezcas algo interesante, ya tenemos muchos latinos incompetentes en la industria

>> No.51920884

I hope you will have a great day!
We all need to distract from serious stuff sometimes

>> No.51920906
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>> No.51920927

>No a menos de que ofrezcas algo interesante, ya tenemos muchos latinX incompetentes en la industria

>> No.51921496

They will never find your body

>> No.51921773
File: 174 KB, 723x723, emote_headpat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would karaoke be a good debut stream idea?

also could i get some ideas for emotes or gifs that i can redraw for alerts? :)
> and one last thing, any tips for making emotes? right now mine looks a lil wonky

>> No.51921936

Big shapes, thick outlines, high contrast. Remember that your emotes are going to get massively downscaled.

>> No.51922085

onions una chica con un pene
but seriously, what's wrong with spanish vtubers? I was looking to network yesterday and I saw some of the worst follow/ccv ratios, like 2500 followers sub 20 ccv

>> No.51922401

they only get spanish speaking viewers meanwhile their viewers most likely watch both spanish and english vtubers which means they have better streamers of any size to pick.
also their communities tend to isolate and disappear over time which was what ended up happening in the speedrunning community years ago.

>> No.51922419

What gives is most of the content is bad and viewers would rather just fight their own esl and watch an EN chuuba than watch subpar content in their own language

>> No.51923688

Only if you can sing

>> No.51924079

my emotes are very well received. >>51921936
is correct. make a mockup twitch chat (literally just open up twitch chat, screenshot, paste into mspaint) and plug your emotes in at the correct resolution to see if they read okay. test dark mode and light mode. you don't have to be so extensive but since you're an artist i know how ANNOYING it would be to finish and upload them only to find they don't work or read how you want them to.

also test them as discord stickers, but that's more of an issue if you illustrate them at a low resolution than a high resolution.

>> No.51924124


>> No.51924728
File: 65 KB, 736x417, 85abea87c7af1335bb3879699ba0c2e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fuckin losing it

>> No.51925029


>> No.51925397
File: 941 KB, 1920x1080, scew3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weaverlobe.

Sorry this thing has been consuming my mind all day I must share it with you.

So tonight Digby shall be the weaverlobe. I mean playing System Shock! The remake. Never actually played the original much far as I remember so this should be all new to me.
Come watch me spaz out over ancient game design choices remade in the modern era over at the weaverlobe. I mean twitch!


>> No.51925737

Sometimes I think about just abandoning everything and wondering why I'm bothering if losing everything I've built wouldn't actually affect me

>> No.51925747

eat a snack, suck some dick. take a lap, take a nap, have a fap, dilate your gap. do something. stop being a bitch.

>> No.51925913

stop being a male

>> No.51926924

If you don't have any sort of mental resiliance and self-awareness of your goals and desires you should unironically leave now. Crying to /asp/ isn't going to help you, working out what you want in life and your strengths/weaknesses are is.

>> No.51927182


>> No.51928178

I dont care you will see me complain wether you like it or not.
I cant take it anymore.

>> No.51929382
File: 731 KB, 1000x1000, 1687101115519816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albert stay positive! the streamer life is a long game!

>> No.51929601

Please dont pretend to care about me.
And enjoy my public mental breakdown like everyone does.

>> No.51929896

NO >: ( BE HAPPY!!!!!! NOOOOOWWW!!!!!!

>> No.51929949

You always seem so confident that I assume you're not lonely.. what are you looking for Albert?

>> No.51929982
File: 117 KB, 393x339, 1687443247927009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when others are feeling down, that's my job

>> No.51930159

A real friend. Everyone always treats me like shit irl and they always have. My life fell apart completely and this is the only thing i have left.

>> No.51930397

My life fell apart... and it stayed fell apart for many years, but I found this vtubing thing and it's been a new start for me.
I don't know how long you've been streaming for, I don't know how long your life has been in pieces for, but from what I can see you debuted pretty recently and you're a new face to alot of people including me. This is a chance to leave the past and start anew.
Don't see it as "the only thing I have left"
See it as "I had nothing, and now I have this, and I can make something out of this"

>> No.51930486

Saying that you are looking for a "real" friend is implying everyone you've met so far is fake.

>> No.51930525

I don't know if it's the right place to ask but ehh. hat do you guys think about png/gif-tubers ? Me and my friend want to start v-tubing from 0 and since we don't have webcams and models yet we were curious if they get any engagement as a starter

>> No.51930585

Im a highly paranoid person because of previous life experiences. I have an unfixable permanent panic disorder that prevents me from going back to college or work. And i can barely even leave my house because of it. Ive been doing absolutely nothing for the last 3/4 years living with my parents who gaslight and abuse me. The only time i can get away from them is when i go work out.

Thats how it feels... My brain is totally fried from previous experiences.

>> No.51930624

>Thats how it feels
Well that hurts, I wanted to be your friend.

>> No.51930768

there are some successful pngtubers and a lot of aspies are pngtubers, some of whom have pretty good traction and will find success if they keep it up

>> No.51930773

Thats not what i meant but i am not in the right state of mind right now all i can think of is blowing my top off.

>> No.51930859

i'd prefer if you didn't, if you're gone there'd be no one left to clean up the mess

>> No.51930876

Please get off the internet. For your own sake.

>> No.51930929

Laine it's been months. Give it up

>> No.51930948

if you really wanna career suicide, go live right now and start saying a bunch of slurs and gamer words
otherwise, this is just attention baiting

>> No.51930982

The difficult thing about this is that everyone here that streams is trying to get ahead. In a sense, you're coworkers and due to silly interoffice politics more or less, it's hard to know who you can really trust. This isn't the best medium for making friends I think due to the distance you have to keep but you can find some people that do truly care about you if you don't give up.

>> No.51931010

What an odd thing to say

>> No.51931056

She's not retarded anon, it's not her

>> No.51931124
File: 63 KB, 602x666, 1687052660549489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make your mood just a little better, king.
Sometimes we all need some kind words to unwind

>> No.51931278

>Ive been doing absolutely nothing for the last 3/4 years living with my parents who gaslight and abuse me.
Stop telling strangers online this.

>> No.51931325
File: 348 KB, 600x600, 701767_vh9LadTo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are doing this for some reason other than having fun and playing games? What's that about?

>> No.51931367

I think it's completely fine to spill online, everyone has a bad day

>> No.51931371

i'm having fun and talking to people and drawing. similar vibes tho

>> No.51931454

A mental breakdown is not a good look.

>> No.51931483

I prob will, the paranoia and pressure just got to me probably. Suppose my image is completely ruined now anyway. Whatever.

>> No.51931517

It'll pass, everyone has a few issues.

We need to accept that some people have their moments and know that it is normal.
We need to normalize accepting people's downstrokes as well as their upswings.

>> No.51931550


>> No.51931593

Its ok to have moments of weakness but don't display it online, especially 4chan.
It's stuff you should talk about to your family, friends or a therapist.
Having a public meltdown doesn't help anyone.

>> No.51931670

I have a therapist and i dunno man when im losing my mind i dont really care what and where i post things.

>> No.51931739
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x1000, 1687472113222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everywan, it's time again for Cruelty Squad! We'll be starting up in about 15 minutes as per usual, this should be our last Cruelty Squad stream if I'm guesstimating right from the look of the level select screen! If we finish up, please look forward to more Mega Man Legends!

>> No.51931755

yeah bust most have VERY unique schticks (like uwu_to_owo) which makes them really stand out, I dont think two retards who wants to learn how to socialize would gain even more then one view, don't wanna make the first person to come feel like they"re 3rd wheeling

>> No.51931759

I know you don't care now but we are telling you to stop because when this moment passes, you are gonna regret it.

>> No.51931804

sex with haru

>> No.51931834

alright then don't bother

>> No.51931875
File: 573 KB, 1000x1000, 1687474082608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't post this. I'm not interested in sex.

>> No.51931878

I am stopping dont worry. Im just going to go do some grip strength training to calm down. Apologies for my very public late night mental breakdown.

>> No.51931886

Uwo's png is particular though because having real tracking wouldn't work with his sort of content. There are many very functional and successful formats to use a PNG. You lose out on some of the dynamics of a fancier rigged model but its not like you can't produce good content with one.

>> No.51931898
File: 155 KB, 449x207, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have you been doign to improve ur content today
sex with haru
(that game filtered me i liked the aesthetic but brain smol, excite to see it actually played lmo)
i am a shrimpl creature
(how happy i make a viewer) * (ccv) = (total hepi created)

>> No.51931957


>> No.51931989

I'm not asking

>> No.51932275

Leave Fortune.

>> No.51932332

hand holding with haru?

>> No.51932371
File: 86 KB, 640x707, 1660280380388709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me rn.

>> No.51932470

true, tho if used well then sometimes the png can become more dynamic then a rigged model (with toggles used at the right moment)

>> No.51932664

You first

>> No.51932900

Fuck you.

>> No.51933199

Some of the gen 4 /asp/ies feel like my spiritual successors. That's not a compliment.

At least you're a girl, right? Right?

>> No.51933228


>> No.51933260

>Some of the gen 4 /asp/ies feel like my spiritual successors. That's not a compliment.
what did he mean by this

>> No.51934091

>hey guys remember when I was infamous

>> No.51934307

I want to teach Alva the ways of anal sex

>> No.51934434

I want to teach Alva the ways of upgrading his computer

>> No.51934480

Runoxi is getting abused live

>> No.51934673

Those were the days! No, I was just a ngmi

>> No.51934834

Which gen4s are ngmi

>> No.51934887

I want to fuck Sun Albionis

>> No.51934888


>> No.51934900

How is Denpa blowing the rest of gen4 out of the water? She averages 20 ccv

>> No.51934958


>> No.51935027

she also does whack shit all the time, that definitely helps. not many people are making horrible little fetische totems, eating condoms and chalk

>> No.51935252

>friend wants to be loli chuuba
>she has an oneesan voice

>> No.51935432

If it's any consolation you're way newer than me and have completely mogged me as far as success and vtuber friends go

>> No.51935445

bueno, encourage her

>> No.51935459

have her do lolibaba, thats underrepresented

>> No.51935643

I'm gonna shove my rod in there while you're educating him.
I'm not asking. Your compliance in this is not required.

>> No.51935692


>> No.51936090

Sorry I meant Coco, who makes Laine uncomfortable.

>> No.51938431

Sorry I meant Parseks, who wants to fuck Coco

>> No.51938457

charlie and nana collab out after like 3 months of blueballing

>> No.51938508

Who the fuck doesn't want to fuck Coco

>> No.51938722

3/10, lacking descriptive language, not explicit enough

>> No.51938747

i want coco to fuck me

but i also want to fuck coco so i still dont count

>> No.51939048

I don't

>> No.51939334

I can think of one person.

>> No.51939619

this space really does attracts nothing but parasocials doesn’t it? despite having a discord I’ll eventually get viewers who try to DM me instead of… using the chat that’s right there to use. I’ve considered closing my DMs because having to keep up with multiple individual conversations is so dumb and exhausting

>> No.51939769

uwu is the last person you should be looking up to as a PNG or vtuber. His content’s main appeal is neither of those if you just take one look at what happens in his streams. If you want a good PNG example you can look at Little S instead (assuming he has VODs anywhere)

>> No.51939955

my favorite vtuber was a PNGtuber that got to 60 viewers with barely any consistency. people don’t seem to understand that a PNG is not a “downgrade” and has its own advantages over a traditional rigged model

>> No.51940069

i actually get into arguments about this, a good pngtube avatar is better than an average live2d or 3d avatar, and a great 2d puppeteer who manually controls emotes is better than 90% of live2ds and 3ds

>> No.51940453
File: 186 KB, 220x221, meme-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're talking about their teen abortions in a discord that's unrelated to /asp/ or 4chan right now
those people live in a different world, or maybe I'm the alien

>> No.51940774

Buddy you're in the wrong place if you're looking for friends.
Go download a social app for that.

>> No.51940844

Anyone have a link to the tier list?
I got an idea.

>> No.51940923

Does anyone have a link to the discord? My friend wants to join

>> No.51941107

dm lance maverick on twitter.

>> No.51941301

That's actually very inspiring ! Thank you anons (thank god and I thougt there was almost 0 demand for pngtubers besides those weird mincraft ones like jellybean)

>> No.51941610

Alva, apparently

>> No.51942381

I say this as a concerned father stand in, seek a good counselor or help group. Wanna see you grow strong boy, rooting for you

>> No.51943271

>not running your tweets through ChatGPT before posting them

>> No.51943811

Shes unemployed and is approaching streaming like a job. Honestly good for her. I hope she can actually get big enough to really make it her job.

>> No.51944740
File: 61 KB, 766x776, pack a lip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill never make it as aa god fearin' hard workin' combine driver
Hoggin' up the road on my p-p-p-p-plower
chuggaluggaluggin 5 miles an hour chuuba

>> No.51944970

If I am still pre-debut
But I am making media content like art and song covers, does that still make me a vtweeter?

>> No.51945052

No, you're making content.

>> No.51946855

even making basic content like reaction videos can be good before debuting, anything to grow you audience before you debut is good, hoping your debut will grow your audience it's ridiculous if no one know you exist

>> No.51949448

im trans

>> No.51949494 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 850x542, 1662697565176818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm finally starting to wrap my mind around how to be entertaining, I'm gonna make it!

>> No.51950348


>> No.51950566

I ain't that anon, just for clarification.
but the very nice and kind people in /wvt/ said that's what this place is all about.

>> No.51950573

patting haru's chest while he holds in his pee

>> No.51950687

I want to see more aspee...

>> No.51950933
File: 2.24 MB, 1748x2600, 1681158742694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaahhhhh menhera monday can't get here fast enough!!!!!

>> No.51951743

Russian bots my ccv peaked never again

>> No.51951896

Did they post about Ukraine in your chat too?

>> No.51951942

Zelensky just flew over my stream

>> No.51952789

Nobody cares
Create content

>> No.51953153

No seggs, no touching my private parts.
This one is okay as long as we're good enough friends first.

>> No.51953214

cockblocking coco

>> No.51953383

whose cock are you blocking her from?

>> No.51954615


>> No.51954665

Every single one but mine. She WILL remain monogamous until she's pregnant with my child, the rest of you can have her afterwards.

>> No.51955497

Alva wtf

>> No.51956411


Who cares about image man, so long as you're feeling well again. Sure, I might think you're mentally in a bad spot at times, but so what? At least you're still here man

>> No.51956552

Good, it's less grating this way. FGO Hans is awesome, and he had the seiyuu of Dio as a voice while being a shota

>> No.51956563

Ngl if Alva could muster the courage, I'd kneel and let him take the spot, little guy deserves it.

>> No.51956618

Bro milk those fuckers. Make a patreon with entrance to your DMs as a reward

>> No.51956687


I checked out Genome's stream the other day and maaaaaaaaaaaaaan...

I really like his use use PNGs and GIFs. I feel like if you're going for something similar thematically you'd be in a very good spot

>> No.51957969
File: 1.16 MB, 1327x3527, matchacat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super late here, but I couldn't sleep and decided to redraw parts of your VTuber.

Here are my tips:

Shrink the head. You currently have it very large which is fine depending on the art style, but it does make the body look disproportionate.

Try to avoid using straight black. It limits your choice of colors when shading. If you really want to use black, use a dark blue/purple/brown instead and shade it in a way that it looks dark.

Choose a theme for your color palette to more diversity. I went with a matcha theme and expanded my colors from there.

Less is more when it comes to accent hair colors. You currently have a lot going on with the pink and black which makes it look messy. Pick a main hair color, and then a few small spots as the accent.

Don't draw the tail between the legs like that. It just looks strange and distracts from the legs. Draw it a bit off to the side. I didn't include it in my redraw since I suck at tails.

I hope this was somewhat helpful. Feel free to use my version of your drawing as a base if you'd like.

>> No.51958350

i didnt notice in the original that she had little kitty paws.... i love her even more now

>> No.51959414

wow do you take comms anon? i'm not ayrt but the redraw looks great

>> No.51959463

You are playing a character and are anonymous. Nobody will care unless you do a face reveal and say you just like fetishizing black skin (I assume this isn’t the case). If anyone finds out just reassure them you’re just playing a character. Anybody that’s the type to care about that kind of stuff isn’t the type of person you’d wanna be around with so don’t worry about it too much.

>> No.51959474

I'm not sure how well known this is (I just started my channel) but I'm using Honk and it seems like a pretty good medium between PNGtubers and a fully rigged Live2D model, especially if you overlay gifs on top of your chuba. It captures the mouth sounds pretty well and iirc the dev mentioned potential gif support in the future so that'll really take it to the next level then

>> No.51959960

I really wanna try vtubing, but i have a terrible voice. I cant really do much other than art either. Is it still worth giving a shot? Where should i start?

>> No.51960107

you sure you got a terrible voice?
most people are hypercritical of their own voice, if people can enjoy my whiny bullshit voice they can enjoy yours too anon.

Art streams are chill, the most important thing I can tell you without any foresight is that audio balancing is important, people want to hear what you're listening to and they don't want to fuck with their audio to hear you better.

As long as your music sound fine, and isn't drowning you out and the stream volume slider doesn't have to be turned all the way up to hear your ass, you can easily do art streams!

It can be slow for people to tune into art streams, you may have to rely on networking and self-advertising on the bird site.
But eventually they'll start showing up regularly, doesn't hurt to give it a go dude.

>> No.51960171

Adding to that other anon, art's a good kind of content to network with. You can draw for other vtubers and get mentioned by them on top of getting comms money. Probably.

>> No.51960172
File: 20 KB, 620x508, 1652065771576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obtain png
obtain obs
obtain microphone

Use reactive.fugi.tech to get your PNG in OBS.

Set up your stream space in OBS, connect OBS to your YT or Twitch.

Find a game you enjoy and hit "Start Streaming" and prepare to be your only viewer for most of the stream. Get used to talking to yourself, nothing will turn a potential viewer away faster than entering a channel and it's dead silent.

>> No.51960185
File: 415 KB, 1394x1080, debut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


omg this is GOREGOUS thank you so much!!
im definitely gonna use these tips you gave me, wow you made her design so pretty :D

i cant thank you enough haha, im sure after this redesign after using these tips shes gonna look perfect! im so glad i saw this :)

>> No.51960477

Yeah, i used to be a chainsmoker so i sound like 20 years older than i really am
I want to try and network with artists who i like but is just hard for me to talk with people, call it anxiety or something.

Either way I might just say fuck it and give it a shot, maybe start out with a casual drawing stream, Thanks anons!

>> No.51960510

drop link if you do anon, i also just recently started and would love to try networking and supporting

>> No.51960559

Don't worry, others are anxious too, the worst is you get ignored.

>> No.51960580

if your voice is raspy or rough I wouldn't sweat it dude.
People like me eat that shit up.
There's always an interegtvvpst!

>> No.51960616

interest* the goddamn captcha got into my message somehow lol

>> No.51960708

Thanks. I normally do semi realism so this cute style was fun to try out.

I rarely do commissions since I really don't really like drawing for other people. I have 2 PNGTuber sons regardless of that, but they don't stream anymore which kinda sucks. I already had low motivation to do commissions before, but that really killed it for me.

I'm glad you liked it! Feel free to use it however you'd like (avatar, PNGTuber, etc). I hope your model will turn out well :)

>> No.51960918

Thanks for the positive words anons, ill try and drop a link this weekend!

>> No.51961652

you're all gonna make it. give yourselves some time.

>> No.51961813

How much time, though? I know everyone goes at their own pace, but I always feel like I should be further than I am, given how long I've been doing this for. Maybe I'm impatient

>> No.51962021

I've slowly been going up in viewers, followers and subscribers... I think it's normal to slowly grow the longer you do this, but it still makes me feel really good. I'm reaching more people and I might be able to make a community of people I can spend time with soon!
